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Seventeenth Senate

Sunday, July 29 , 2007

Meeting Called to Order: 10:30 am by V.P. Peter Sterr

Additions or Corrections: Forgone

Agenda approved

Exec. Reports:
President- Put together Senatorial Training Retreat
Researching Rec. Center and set a goal for the end of the year for a student vote for fee
increases for a new Rec. Center
The New Firstenburg building and moving student government office
Budget approval and monitoring
Getting set for the year

Working with Pullman DLA for “Coug Day at the Capital.”

AD- Back to school BBQ, Oktoberfest, Winter Ball, back to school Dance Party to be
held on campus.

V.P. Templates and binders, contact information, networking for prize donations to put
into a 17-a account to give the senate more freedom financially, preparation for retreat
and by-law preparation.

**concludes Executive Reports****

Committee Reports

Committees have been created with chairs. Please refer to recorded roll for the names
of committee members and positions.

New Business-

Bill 17.001
Sponsored by Jason Wiggins and Chelsea Gaya

Hildebrant moves to Moves to Second Reading

Wiggins Second

All in favor * none opposed

(Wiggins speaks in favor of the bill.)

Seventeenth Senate
(Whitling Calls to Question)
(Hildebrandt seconds)

Bill Passes Unanimously

V.P. informs requirements and Job description of P.T.

V.P. calls for nominations for P.T.

Hildebrant nominates Emily Brown and takes a moment to speak in favor

Whitling nominates Jason Wiggins, speaks in favor of said nominee.

V.P. opens the floor to nominees to speak or decline

Brown speaks in favor of her own nomination
Wiggins speaks in favor of his own nomination

Whitling moves to vote in favor of Brown for P.T.- Fuller Seconds motion.

Vote taken, three in favor, two not in favor, and the rest abstained from voting

Whitling moves to vote on Wiggins for P.T.

Fuller Seconds

Five in favor, one against the rest abstained

Wiggins is voted in as P.T.

Motion finished

V.P. discusses scheduling for the next meeting and meeting times

Whitling moves to approve senate schedule for Fridays, at 11 am- beginning first week
of school, Friday the 24th. Meetings will be every two weeks and posted as a public
forum. Conference room of Firstenburg student commons.

Bill passes unanimously

**Concludes New Business**

V.P. Holds floor for announcements

Club funding idea presented by Darren is passed onto the Programming committee.
Next Senate meeting is expected for plan presentation and Bill to pass through
Seventeenth Senate
Michelle Announces the move from old Student Government office to new office in
Firstenburg, August 8th at 3 pm. Presents expectations of professionalism and reminds
the senate and executive staff that this space is a shared space and a public space.

V.P. yields floor to Darren, President, to announce times for moving and details.

V.P. Opens floor up for announcements.

Sen. Wiggins speaks, mentions that we are getting new furniture in the new

Hildebrandt speaks to the fact that Sen. Whitling proposed a Resolution speaking firmly
against the parking pass fee increase. V.P. Clarified it is to be done after the president
meets with Lt. Dave Stephenson.

Sen. Xavier speaks on the X Box idea, proposing a Nintendo Wii instead of an X Box.
Reasons include that Wii promotes activity in winter and allows more players.

Sen. Whitling proposes we form a committee to decide and facilitate the decision on X
Box/ Nintendo Wii to be provided in the Student Recreational center.

V.P. suspends discussion on the topic until after the senate meeting.

V.P. Adjourns the meeting at 11:12 am.

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