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TEST AP101-1

Genetics & Inheritance


90 Multiple-Choice Questions

Test Duration:

110 minutes

Reading Time:

10 minutes

Only Bilingual Dictionaries allowed, NO NOTES. This test consists of one part, ninety (90) multiple choice
questions (numbers 1 to 90) to be answered on the computer answer sheet (90 marks). Write your name and
student number in the spaces provided on the computer answer sheet. Carefully fill in the shapes on the
computer-marked answer sheet under your name and ID number with a 2B pencil. You must only use a 2B
pencil on the computer answer sheet. Please read the instructions on the answer sheet carefully and follow
them precisely. Select the best answer to questions. If you are unsure of an answer, eliminate the alternatives
that you know to be incorrect and select answer from the remaining alternatives. To indicate your selection,
use a 2B pencil to blacken the corresponding oval on the computer answer sheet, AP101-1. No marks are
deducted for wrong answers. So students are advised to move on quickly without wasting too much time on
one question. - Advanced questions; require further reading or online research.


Genetics & Inheritance

1. The way genes are expressed is considered:
A. the genome
B. the genotype
C. the phenotype
D. independent assortment
2. If two genes are located on the same chromosome, then the traits are often inherited together and the
genes considered
A. carried
B. linked
C. lost
D. inserted
3. Genetic variation in the offspring results from all but one of the following.
A. random fertilization
B. meiosis
C. mitosis
D. crossing over
4. The genetic information may change due to environment insults resulting in
A. mutations
B. crossing over
C. dominant expression
D. independent assortment
5. Healthy heterozygous individuals that pass on recessive, abnormal conditions to their offspring are called:
A. silent alleles
B. random offspring
C. carriers
D. latent parents
6. Blood type AB has alleles that are:
A. dominant-recessive
B. recessive
C. polygenic
D. co-dominant
7. A person's genetic makeup for individual traits is called his/her:
A. phenotype
B. genome
C. genotype
D. randomization

Genetics & Inheritance

8. Two identical alleles for a gene are considered
A. heterozygous
B. homozygous
C. polygenic
D. co-dominant
9. If both parents are heterozygous for a recessive trait responsible for a genetic condition, what is the
chance the offspring will have the condition?
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 0%
D. 100%
10. A child whose mother has type AB blood and father O could have
A. type A or type B or type O
B. type A only
C. type A or type B
D. type B only
11. If one parent is heterozygous for Huntington's disease, what is the child's chance for having the disease?
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 100%
D. 0%
12. A sperm cell contains:
A. 23 unpaired chromosomes
B. 44 chromosomes
C. 22 chromosomes
D. 46 chromosomes
13. Females inherit fewer sex-linked conditions than males because
A. their chromosomes contain less dominant traits
B. they inherit these traits from their father
C. they do not have a corresponding allele on their Y chromosome
D. they have two X chromosomes
14. Which of the following is not true of genetics?
A. genes entirely control most traits in humans
B. nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA are organic molecules
C. DNA replication prior to mitosis ensures genetic continuity
D. a gene is a physical unit of inheritance

Genetics & Inheritance

15. Amniocentesis ():

A. is performed around the eighth week of pregnancy
B. is a form of gene therapy
C. takes cells from the trophoblast of the fetus
D. measures chemicals and looks at chromosomes in the fetus
16. If a male inherits a sex-linked gene for hemophilia,
A. it will be expressed only if 2 copies are present
B. it will not be expressed
C. it could be passed on to his son
D. it will always be expressed
17. Which of the following is not true of genetics?
A. a person's genetic makeup is referred to as his or her genotype
B. the larger the number of offspring, the greater the likelihood that the ratios predicted by a Punnett
square will conform to the predicted values
C. the X and Y sex chromosomes are homologous
D. many genetic disorders, such as albinism, cystic fibrosis, and Tay-Sachs disease, are inherited as
simple recessive traits
18. The SRY gene can be found ():
A. only on the X chromosome
B. only on an autosome
C. on any of the chromosomes
D. only on the Y chromosome
19. What type of inheritance pattern is skin color?
A. dominant-recessive
B. polygenic
C. multiple allele
D. sex-linked
20. Sunlight is an environmental factor that may influence the expression of some genes.
A. this statement is false
B. this would only happen in males
C. this would only in females
D. this statement is true
21. Height and intelligence have the ________ pattern of inheritance.
A. dominant-recessive
B. polygenic
C. multiple allele
D. sex-linked

Genetics & Inheritance

22. Which of the following correctly matches each of the types of inheritance with the phenotype ()?
A. polygenic; height
B. sex-linked; Tay-Sachs disease
C. dominant-recessive; hemophilia
D. both B and C
23. Which of the following genetic diseases are not inherited as simple autosomal recessive traits ()?
A. cystic fibrosis
B. albinism
C. hemophilia
D. Tay-Sachs
24. Two identical alleles for a gene are considered:
A. heterozygous
B. polygenic
C. homozygous
D. co-dominant
25. Which of the following is not true of genetics?
A. a gene is a segment of a DNA molecule
B. each chromosome contains one or more molecules of DNA
C. DNA is tightly packaged into nucleosomes which are wrapped around histone
D. transcription is important because DNA is too large to leave the nucleus
26. The following alleles give the following characteristics:
Black hair (B) red hair (b)
Brown eyes (Br) blue eyes (br)
Unaffected sickle cell allele (Si) Affected sickle cell allele (si),
Your genes are: B/b, br/br, Si/si
Which of the following matches the physical appearance of the above combination?

black Hair, brown eyes, sickle cell carrier

red hair, brown eyes, sickle cell affected
black hair, blue eyes, sickle cell carrier
red hair, blue eyes, sickle cell affected

27. A normally pigmented female (Pp) and albino man (pp) are planning on having children. What is the %
chance of them having another albino child?
A. 50%
B. 25%
C. 0%
D. 100%

Genetics & Inheritance

28. A end of chromosome which indicates the age or state of each cell is ():
A. centromere
B. telomere
C. intron
D. exon
29. A man has been diagnosed with Huntingtons disease, an autosomal dominant trait. Assuming that his
wife is normal, what is the likelihood his son will develop Huntingtons later in life.
A. 50%
B. 25%
C. 0%
D. 100%
30. The term recessive in genetics refers to a trait
A. that is never expressed in any genotype
B. that is expressed to a lesser extent than the dominant trait
C. that is expressed only in the homozygous allele pairing
D. that is expressed only in the heterozygous allele pairing
31. An individuals genetic profile is referred to as their:
A. phenotype
B. genotype
C. karyotype
D. chromosomal number
32. Which of the following is not true of Huntingtons disease (HD)?
A. is progressive neurodegenerative disease
B. the mode of inheritance is autosomal dominant
C. the symptoms of Huntingtons disease mostly appear in early 20s
D. both males and females are equally susceptible to HD
33. Which of the following is not true of genetics?
A. a cell from a person with trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) contains abnormal chromosome number
B. a sperm cell is produced by meiosis
C. a blastocyst is produced by mitosis
D. an ovum contains 23 pairs of chromosomes
34. A couple, both of whom are healthy, have a child with cystic fibrosis. How is this best explained:
A. cystic fibrosis is a dominant disorder and both parents are normal
B. cystic fibrosis is a recessive disorder and both parents are carriers
C. cystic fibrosis is a dominant disorder and both parents are carriers
D. cystic fibrosis is not a genetic disorder and the parents were unlucky

Genetics & Inheritance

35. Transcription is:
A. the copying of DNA during the S phase of cell division
B. the conversion of mRNA to protein
C. the conversion of DNA to mRNA
D. the conversion of DNA to protein
36. Which of the following would you expect to see in an autosomal dominant pedigree?
A. the trait appearing in every generation
B. the trait appearing in only males
C. the trait skipping generations
D. the trait appearing to follow a knights move pattern
37. Junk DNA which does not code for proteins is ():
A. exon
B. telomere
C. intron
D. centromere
38. A father has type O blood and the mothers genotype is AO. What percentage of their offspring will have
type A blood?
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 100%
39. Which of the following incorrectly matches the mode of genetic expression with the correct
A. polygenic inheritance; traits depend on several different chromosomes
B. dominant-recessive inheritance; one allele can mask the other allele
C. incomplete dominance; heterozygote has a phenotype that is intermediate between the homozygous
dominant and recessive phenotypes
D. sex-linked inheritance; one form is Y-linked, and the other is X-linked
40. Which of the following incorrectly match each genetic term with its correct characteristic?
A. genome; the set of all genes
B. homozygous; two identical alleles for a gene
C. allele; an alternative gene form
D. none of the above
41. Which of the following correctly matches the chance the offspring will possess these traits or diseases?
A. albinism; if both parents are heterozygous for the albino gene , the chance will be 25%
B. Huntington's; if one parent is heterozygous for the Huntington's gene, the chance will be 50%
C. sickle-cell anemia; if one parent is heterozygous for the sickle-cell gene, the chance will be 0%
D. all of the above

Genetics & Inheritance

42. Which of the following will result in the chance of them having offspring(s) with blood type A, B or AB?
A. mother is type O, and father is type A
B. mother is type B, and father is type AB
C. mother is type AB, and father is type O
D. mother is type O, and father is type O
43. Alternative forms of genes are called:
A. synonyms
B. alleles
C. autosomes
D. telomeres
44. Which of the following is true of meiosis?
A. is referred to as non-reduction division
B. in females, one of four gametes degenerate
C. in males, all four gametes are produced
D. all of the above
45. Humans have ____ pairs of chromosomes.
A. 22
B. 46
C. 23
D. 47
46. What type of allele will be expressed if both dominant and recessive alleles are present for a given trait?
A. dominant
B. recessive
C. autosomal
D. co-dominant
47. Which process listed below separates linked genes during meiosis?
A. allelic differentiation
B. genomic restructuring
C. chiasma, or crossing over
D. phenotypic plasticity
48. The form of inheritance in which the heterozygous state is expressed as an intermediate is ():
A. incomplete dominance
B. dominant-recessive inheritance
C. polygenic inheritance
D. multiple-allele inheritance

Genetics & Inheritance

49. A person who inherits the A and the O blood type alleles will possess which blood type?
A. O
C. A
D. B
50. Which of the following incorrectly matches the number of chromosomes with the cell type?
A. gametes, 2n
B. haploid cells, n
C. diploid cells, 2n
D. both B and C
51. Males tend to inherit more sex-linked conditions because:
A. they have more chromosomes than females
B. there is no corresponding alleles on their X chromosomes
C. they have two X chromosomes
D. there is no corresponding allele on their Y chromosomes
52. A change in the genetic structure of a gene is called:
A. deletion
B. translocation
C. inversion
D. mutation
53. Abnormal colour vision is 20 times more common in men than women because most cases are caused by
an abnormal ()
A. dominant gene on the Y chromosome
B. recessive gene on the Y chromosome
C. dominant gene on the X chromosome
D. recessive gene on the X chromosome
54. Extrachromosomal inheritance involves genes passed on by the mother's ():
A. Golgi bodies
B. chromosomes
C. mitochondria
D. cytoplasm
55. The most common form of fetal testing is ():
A. teratogenic sampling
B. amniocentesis
C. somatic visualization
D. chorionic villi sampling

Genetics & Inheritance

56. The expression of genes is called the:
A. genotype
B. autotype
C. phenotype
D. pedigree
57. There are 64 possible codons for 20 amino acids which helps protect against any error in protein
synthesis. This is called ():
A. redundancy in genetic codes
B. complementary genetic codes
C. chiasma in genetic codes
D. independent assortment of genetic codes
58. Traits that display continuous phenotypic variation are usually determined by this form of inheritance.
A. polygenic inheritance
B. sex-linked inheritance
C. dominant-recessive inheritance
D. incomplete dominance
59. What is the probability of having a child with a recessive trait if both parents are heterozygous for the
A. 75%
B. 50%
C. 100%
D. 25%
60. A type of treatment useful in correcting single-gene disorders is ():
A. gene therapy
B. somatic recombination
C. genetic dysplasia
D. amniocentesis
61. Heterozygous individuals that can pass on recessive, abnormal conditions are referred to as:
A. recessively compromised
B. zygotic
C. phenotypically challenged
D. carriers
62. Genes that are located on the same chromosome are said to be:
A. syncopated
B. linked
C. crossed
D. tied


Genetics & Inheritance

63. In the human blood type AB, the alleles are:
A. dominant
B. sex-linked
C. polygenic
D. codominant
64. Knights move pedigree pattern is a characteristic of:
A. autosomal dominant inheritance
B. autosomal recessive inheritance
C. X-linked recessive inheritance
D. X-linked dominant inheritance
65. If a male inherits a sex-linked gene for colour blindness:
A. it will never be expressed
B. it will only be expressed 25% of the time
C. it will always be expressed
D. it will be expressed only if two copies are present
66. The appearance of freckles is considered:
A. the genotype
B. the genome
C. sex linked
D. the phenotype
67. A person with a missing Y chromosome (i.e., 45, X) will
, and this disorder is called
A. show female characteristics; Turner syndrome
B. be sterile, but show male characteristics; Klinefelter syndrome
C. show both male and female characteristics; Down syndrome
D. show male characteristics; Klinefelter syndrome

68. The 46 chromosomes of a zygote come from:

A. the egg
B. the sperm
C. the mother and the father
D. a mother contributes to the DNA content more than a father
69. A karyotype is a complete ():
A. diploid complement display of homologous chromosome pairs
B. display of sex hormones
C. display of autosomes
D. haploid complement display of chromosomes


Genetics & Inheritance

70. Any two matched genes that are __________ called alleles.
A. at the same locus on homologous chromosomes
B. at the same position on the sex chromosomes
C. found only in the mother
D. found only on autosomes
71. If the allele for brown hair was represented as "B": would mean that:
A. brown hair was a recessive trait
B. the gene for brown hair is carried on the paternal chromosome
C. brown hair was a dominant trait
D. the gene for brown hair is carried on the maternal chromosome
72. The number of different gametes that can be produced in a male, based on independent assortment
alone, equals ():
A. 223
B. 26
C. 23
D. 246
73. Most human traits are determined by:
A. nutrition during infancy
B. a single pair of genes
C. a single allele
D. multiple alleles
74. Heterozygous parents who have had one child with a recessive disease will have a ___ chance of having
their second child being born with the same recessive disease.
A. 12.5%
B. 75%
C. 25%
D. 50%
75. Which of the following is true?
A. it is possible to detect heterozygous carriers of Tay-Sachs, cystic fibrosis, and sickle cell anaemia
B. females inherit more sex-linked traits than males
C. continuous phenotypic variation is characteristic of incomplete dominance or intermediate
D. the two sex chromosomes are considered autosomes
76. Which of the following is not true?
A. all traits are either dominant or recessive
B. genetic information is carried on DNA
C. a person with blood type A (AO genotype) will be considered heterozygous for the trait of blood type
D. environmental factors may influence the expression of the genotype

Genetics & Inheritance

77. When the two alleles controlling a trait are different, the individual is _____ for the trait.
A. recessive
B. heterozygous
C. homozygous
D. dominant
78. An allele that is able to mask the expression of its partner allele is said to be:
A. homozygous
B. recessive
C. heterozygous
D. dominant
79. Which of the following is not an example of aneuploidy ()?
A. Tay-sachs disease
B. Klinefelter syndrome
C. Turner syndrome
D. Downs syndrome
80. An organism with one pair of homologous chromosomes could produce _______ different gametes on the
basis of independent assortment alone ().
A. 6
B. 8
C. 4
D. 2
81. Codominant alleles are present in ():
A. dominant-recessive inheritance
B. multiple-allele inheritance
C. polygene inheritance
D. sex-linked inheritance
82. Which of the following is not one of the three basic levels of gene controls?
A. mutations
B. protein-coding genes
C. epigenetic marks
D. small RNAs
83. In an individual human, all body cells (except sex cells) divide into identical daughter cells by mitosis.
Which of the following statement best described the reason why body cells are different in structure and
functions even though they have the same DNA?
A. because a different cell is located in a different location
B. because different chemicals are present in each body regions
C. because different types of cells turn on or off specific genes
D. because different types of cells have different mutations on specific genes

Genetics & Inheritance

84. Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling are both examples of ():
A. genomic imprinting
B. carrier recognition
C. human gene therapy
D. fetal testing
85. How many chromosomes are in a normal haploid human cell ()?
A. 23
B. 46
C. 22
D. 47
86. Linked genes:
A. are usually recessive
B. are usually on the same chromosome
C. are usually dominant
D. are usually on different chromosomes
87. Use the following information to solve the problem using a Punnett square.
Assume that the dominant "B" allele encodes brown eyes and the recessive "b" allele encodes blue eyes.
An individual with the genotype bb has children with an individual of the genotype Bb.
What is the percent chance that they would have children with blue eyes?
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 0%
D. 100%
88. Red-green color blindness exhibits _____ inheritance ().
A. dominant-recessive
B. multiple-allele
C. polygene
D. sex-linked
89. Which of the following is false of mutations?
A. mutation can be resulted from inaccurate DNA replication or transcription
B. only multiple mutations can lead to a significant consequence
C. mutation occurs at low rate, but can be increased by exposure to environmental factors
D. rarely advantage (e.g. lactose tolerance)
90. Which of the following exhibits vertical pedigree pattern?
A. red-green color blindness
B. albinism
C. Tay-sachs disease
D. Huntingtons disease

For personal use only, last update:

1st August 2015 by Incognitus
16th February 2014 by RD


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