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1st set

Branches of Subclavian
"VITamin C and D"
-Internal thoracic
-Thyrocervical trunk
-Costocervical trunk
Note: Thyrocervical trunk further branches out into inferior thyroid, transverse, and suprascapular;
costocervical branches out to deep cervical and supreme intercostal

Axillary artery branches "Screw The Lawyer

Save A Patient":
Superior thoracic
Lateral thoracic
Anterior circumflex humeral
Posterior circumflex humeral
Alternatively: "Some Times Life Seems A Pain".

Branches of the Facial

"Proceed to Zanzibar By Motor Car"
-Posterior auricular (only sensory one), -Temporal
-Marginal mandibular
Cubital fossa contents "Really Need Booze
To Be At My Nicest":
From lateral to medial:
Radial Nerve
Biceps Tendon
Brachial Artery

Median Nerve

Branches of Trigeminal
-External Nasal (part of nasociliary)

Bronchopulmonary Segments of Right Lung (Superior Lobe)


Buttock Quadrant safest for Needle Insertion

"Shut up and butt out"
The Upper Outer quadrant of the Buttock safely avoids hitting sciatic nerve.

Carotid Sheath Contents

"I C 10 CC's in the IV"
-I See (I.C.) = Internal Carotid artery
-10 = CN 10 (Vagus nerve)
-CC = Common Carotid artery
-IV = Internal Jugular Vein

Cavernous Sinus Drainage

"Only Date Freaky Escorts"

-Ophthalmic vein
-Facial vein
-Emissary vein

Cervical Plexus
"Let's Go To Sleep"
-Lesser Occipital
-Great Auricular
-Transverse Cervical

External Carotid Artery Branches

"Seven Angry Ladies Fighting Over PMS"
-Superior thyroid
-Ascending pharyngeal
-Posterior auricular
-Superficial Temporal

External Jugular Vein Tributaries

-Posterior external jugular vein
-Anterior jugular vein
-Suprascapular vein
-Transverse cervical vein

Eye Rotation by Obliques

"I Love S&M"
Inferior oblique: Lateral eye rotation. Superior oblique: Medial eye rotation.
Action of the obliques is opposite to their names. Action of the rectii is rightly fitting to their names. Both
superiors cause intorsion and both inferiors cause extorsion.

Facial Bones
"Virgil Can Not Make My Pet Zebra Laugh!"


Femoral Artery Branches

"Put My Leg Down Please"
-Profundus femoris (deep femoral artery)
-Medial circumflex femoral artery
-Lateral circumflex femoral artery
-Descending genicular artery
-Perforating Artery
Elbow: muscles that flex it Three B's Bend the

Murphy's point organ [for Irish] "Murphy was an Irishman

(and Murphy is a classic Irish surname), and Ireland=green":
Green organ in body is gallbladder, so Murphy's point is the gall bladder.

Anteflexed vs. anteverted: what bodypart each describes "Anteflexed

and Anteverted both bend toward Anterior".
The "V" words go together: Verted is for the cerVix (therefore
flexed must be uterus).

Foramen spinosum: location on base of skull Foramen spinosum

is adjacent to the spine of sphenoid.

Pterygoid muscles: function of lateral vs. medial "Look at

how your jaw ends up when saying first syllable of 'Lateral' or 'Medial'
"La": your jaw is now open, so Lateral opens mouth.

"Me": your jaw is still closed, so medial closes the


Face muscles: large muscle groups' cranial innervation Mandibular

nerve: Mastication.
Facial nerve: Facial expression.

Meckel's diverticulum details 2 inches long.

2 feet from end of ileum.
2 times more common in men.
2% occurrence in population.
2 types of tissues may be present.
Note: "di-" means "two", so diverticulum is the thing
with all the twos

Grey vs. White Rami Communicantes

WhIte = On the Way In to the sympathetic trunk
GrEy = Exiting the sympathetic trunk

Horner's Syndrome
-Ptosis (eyelid drooping)
-Anhidrosis (no sweating)
-Miosis (pupil constriction)

How to remember Cricoarytenoids: Abductor vs. Adductor

When aliens abduct you, they Probe you, so posterior cricoarytenoids abduct.
Lateral therefore is adduct by default.

Hyoid Bone: Muscle Attachments

"Christ, He Didn't Screw Girls Much. That's Obvious, Stupid!"
Note: The first sentence is for 6 muscles attaching superiorly, the second sentence is for 3 muscles
attaching inferiorly. Both sentences are in order from lateral to medial
-Constricter (middle)


Inferior Vena Cava Tributaries

"I Like To Rise So High"
-Iliac vein (common)
-Lumbar vein
-Testicular vein (or Ovarian)
-Renal vein
-Suprarenal vein
-Hepatic vein

Internal Iliac Artery Anterior Branches

"Internal medicine - ouch! It's infinitely underappreciated, underpaid, destitute."
-Inferior gluteal
-Middle rectal
-Inferior vesical artery
-Internal pudendal artery
-U/D=Uterine artery (female)/ Deferential artery (male)

Internal Iliac Artery Posterior Branches

-Posterior branch:
-Lateral sacral
-Superior gluteal

Internal Jugular Vein Tributaries

"Medical Schools Let Confident People In"
-Middle thyroid
-Superior thyroid
-Common facial
-Inferior petrosal sinus

Internal Pudendal Branches
"I Pee Pee But Don't Dump!"
-Inferior rectal
-Posterior scrotal (or labial)
-Deep artery
-Dorsal artery

Cardiac valves: order in circuit "TRI berore you

Tricuspid valve is located in left heart and Bicuspid valve is
located in right heart. Blood flows through the tricuspid before

Diaphragm apertures: spinal levels Aortic hiatus =

12 letters = T12
Oesophagus = 10 letters = T10
Vena cava = 8 letters = T8

Heart valves: order in circuit "First learn a Tricycle,

then learn a Bicycle":
Flow through Tricuspid first, then Bicuspid.

Lung lobes: one having lingula, lobe numbers Lingula

is on Left.
The lingula is like an atrophied lobe, so the left lung must have 2 "other"
lobes, and therefore right lung has 3 lobes.
Intrinsic Palmar Muscles of Hand
"All For One And One For All"
-Abductor pollicis longus
-Flexor pollicis brevis
-Opponens pollicis
-Adductor pollicis (transverse and oblique heads)
-Opponens digiti minimi
-Flexor digiti minimi
-Abductor digiti minimi

Inversion vs. Eversion Muscles in Leg
2nd letter rule
Eversion muscles (3 looks like "E" backwards)
-pEroneus longus
-pEroneus brevis
-pEroneus tertius
Inversion muscles (1 looks like "I")
-tIbialis anterior

Landmarks for Head/Neck

"Hot Tits, Chase Chicks"
-Hyoid bone: C3
-Thyroid cartilage: C4, C5
-Cricoid cartilage: C6
-Carotid Bifurcation (palpable at thyrohyoid interval)

Lateral Rotators of Hip

"Patched Goods Often Go On Quilts"
-Gemellus (superior)
-Obturator Internus
-Gemellus (inferior)
-Obturator externus
-Quadratus femoris

Layers of Scalp
-Close connective Tissue
-Loose connective Tissue ("Danger Zone")
-Pericranium (periostium)

Lower Limb Periph. Nerve Injury

"I DROP when I see Johnny DEP, but when I see Brad PIT, I just SHUFFLE away"
Foot Drop:
-Dorsiflexors impairment
-Evertors impairment

-Peroneal nerve damage

Shuffling Gait:
-Plantarflexion impairment
-Inversion impairment
-Tibial nerve lesion

Carpal Bones "Sally Likes To Play

The Tiny Chrome Harmonica":
Proximal row lateral to medial:
Distal row, lateral to medial:
Thoracoacromial artery branches ABCD:
Breast (pectoral)

Scrotum layers "Some Days Eddie Can

Irritate People Very Thourougly":
Dartos layer
External spermatic fascia
Cremaster muscle
Internal spermatic fascia
Parietal tunica vaginalis
Visceral tunica vaginalis
Tunica albuginea

External carotid artery branches "Sally Ate

Lots Of Fresh Produce March Through September":
Superior thyroid
Ascending laryngeal
Occipital (O before F is an extremely common variation)
Posterior auricular

Transverse facial
Superficial temporal

Ankle: anterior compartment of leg contents "The Hamptons

Are Never Dull Parties":
From medial malleolus:
Tibialis anterior tendon
(Extensor) Hallacus longus
Artery (anterior tibial)
Nerve (deep peroneal)
(Extensor) Digitorum
Peroneus tertius

Cricoarytenoids: abductor vs. adductor When aliens abduct

you, they Probe you.
Posterior cricoarytenoids abduct. Lateral therefore is adduct by

Ansa cervicalis nerves "GHost THought SOmeone

STupid SHot Irene":
Superior Omohyoid
Inferior omohyoid

Bronchopulmonary segments of right lung "A PALM Seed

Makes Another Little Palm":
In order from superior to inferior:
Medial basal
Anterior basal

Lateral basal
Posterior basal

Lower limb: muscles between upper legs "There's a GAP

between upper legs when you sit without closing your knees":

Broad ligament: contents BROAD:

Bundle (ovarian neurovascular bundle)
Round ligament
Ovarian ligament
Artefacts (vestigial structures)
Duct (oviduct)

External jugular vein: tributaries PAST:

Posterior external jugular vein
Anterior jugular vein
Suprascapular vein
Transverse cervical vein

Diaphragm apertures: spinal levels "Voice Of

In order from smallest to highest spinal number:
Vena cava: T8
Oesophagus: T10
Aorta: T12
Note: Voice Of America (VOA) is a radio broadcast station.

Elbow joint: radius vs. ulna ends CRAzy TULips:

Capitalum = RAdius
Trochlear = ULnar

Serratus Anterior: nerve vs. blood LoNg thoracic:

LAteral thoracic: Artery

Elbow joint: capitulum vs. trochlea CUTER:

Capitulum: Ulnar
Trochlea: Radial
Sperm: path through male reproductive system "My boyfriend's
name is STEVE":
Seminiferous Tubules
Vas deferens
Ejaculatory duct

Popliteal fossa: medial to lateral arrangment "Serve

And Volley Next Ball":
Semimembranosus/ Semitendonosus
Biceps femoris
Lateral and medial heads of Gastrocnemius are inferior borders.

Lumbar Plexus
"Interested In Getting Laid On Fridays?"
-Iliohypogastric [L1]
-Ilioinguinal [L1]
-Genitofemoral [L1, L2]
-Lateral femoral cutaneous [L2, L3]
-Obturator [L2, L3, L4]
-Femoral [L2, L3, L4]
1 squared, 12, 23, 234 squared

Maxillary Artery Branches

"DAM I AM Piss Drunk But Stupid Drunk I Prefer, Must Phone Alcoholics Anonymous"
-Deep auricular
-Anterior tympanic
-Middle meningeal
-Inferior alveolar

-Accessory meningeal
-Deep temporal
-Buccal, Sphenopalatine
-Descending palatine
-Posterior superior alveolar
-Middle superior alveolar
-Anterior superior alveolar
-Artery of the pterygoid canal

Median Supply to Hand

"Median nerve innervates the LOAF muscles"
-Opponens Pollicis
-Abductor Pollicis Brevis
-Flexor Pollicis Brevis

Middle Meatus Structures

-Hiatus semilunaris
-Maxillary sinus
-Frontal sinus
-Anterior Ethmoidal sinus
-Middle Ethmoidal sinus
-Ethmoidal bulla

Middle Meningeal Anastomoses

"I Only Read Mysteries"
-Internal Carotid
-Recurrent Meningeal
-Middle Meningeal

Misc. Innervations
L2, 3, 4
Makes the psoas get sore!

C3, 4, 5
Keeps the diaphragm (phrenic) alive!
S2, 3, 4
Keep the sh*t from hitting the floor!

Muscles Innervated by Radial Nerve

"Try A Big Chocolate Chip Sundae, Double Dip Cherries And Peanuts Preferably Included"
-(Ext.) Carpi radialis longus
-(Ext.) Carpi radialis brevis
-(Ext.) Digitorum
-(Ext.) Digiti minimi
-(Ext.) Carpi ulnaris
-Abductor poll. longus
-(Ext.) Poll. brevis
-(Ext.) Poll. longus
-(Ext.) Indicis
*For the neighboring words that start with the same letter (eg: chocolate and chip), notice that the longer
word in the mnemonic, corresponds to the longer of the two muscle names (ex: ext. carpi radialis longus
and ext. carpi radialis brevis)

Nasal Cavity Components

"Never Call Me Needle Nose!"
-Nares [external]
-Nares [internal]

Nerves endangered by Parotid Gland Surgery

-Retromandibular vein
-External carotid artery

Nervous Innervation of Cranial Nerves

"Some say money matters, but my brother says big boobs matter more"

Orbit: Bones of Medial Wall

"My Little Eye Sits in the orbit"
-Maxilla (frontal process)
-Sphenoid (body)
2nd set

Perineal Body
-Levator ani
-External anal sphincter
-Superficial transverse perinei
-Sphincter urethra
-Deep transverse perinei

Muscles of the POSTERIOR compartment of LEG

"Go Pee Sam - Till Fanny Hurts Long, Fanny Drops
Long & POPs"
Tibialis posterior
Flexor Hallucis Longus
Flexor Digitorum Longus

Pterygoid Muscles
your jaw is now open, so lateral opens mouth
your jaw is still closed, so medial closes the mouth

Relationship of Thoracic Duct to Esophagous and Azygous

"The duck is between two gooses."
AzyGOUS (right) and EsophaGUS (left)

Retroperitoneal Structures in Abdomen

-Suprarenal glands
-Aorta & IVC
-Duodenum (2nd and 3rd segments)
-Colon (ascending & descending)
-Esophagus (anterior & left covered)
112 212 111
(Primarily or secondarily)

Rinne Test
"NO BS!!!"
Nerve = opposite side damage
Bone = same side damage

Scalp Nerve Supply


-Greater occipital
-Greater auricular
-Lesser occipital

Sciatic Foramen Structures

-Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
-Inferior gluteal vessels and nerves
-Nerve to quadratus femoris
-Pudendal nerve
-Internal pudendal vessels
-Nerve to obturator internus
-Sciatic nerve

Scrotum Layers
"Some Days Eddie Can Irritate People Very Thoroughly"
-Dartos layer
-External spermatic fascia
-Cremaster muscle
-Internal spermatic fascia
-Parietal tunica vaginalis
-Visceral tunica vaginalis
-Tunica albuginea

Spermatic Cord Contents

"Players Don't Contribute To A Good Sex Life"
-Pampiniform Plexus
-Ductus Deferens
-Cremasteric Artery
-Testicular Artery

-Artery of the Ductus Deferens

-Genitofemoral Nerve
-Sympathetic Nerve Fibers
-Lymphatic vessels

Suprascapular Artery and Nerve

Army over Navy
Artery goes over the nerve

Tarsal Bones
"Come try nice mozzarella in Lake Como."
(clockwise if left foot)
-Medial cuneiform
-Intermediate cuneiform
-Lateral cuneiform
(Not included: metatarsals, phalanges - toes)

Tendons, Medial Malleolus (Ant to Post)

"Tom, Dick, And Very Nervous Harry"
-Tibian tendon
-(Flexor) Digitorum
-Artery (Posterior Tibial)
-Vein (Posterior Tibial)
-Nerve (Tibial)
-(Flexor) Hallucis
"Tiny Dogs Are Not Hunters"

-Tibialis posterior muscle

-(Flexor) Digitorum longus muscle
-Artery (Posterior Tibial)
-Nerve (Tibial)
-(Flexor) Hallucis longus muscle

Thoracoacromial Artery Branches

"CA Police Department"

Tibia: Muscles of Pes Anserinus (Medial Side)

"A Girl between Two Sargeants"
Gracilus is between Sartorius and Semitendonosus

Trigeminal Nerve: where Branches exit Skull

"Standing Room Only"
-Superior Orbital Fissure
-Foramen Rotundum
-Foramen Ovale

Types of Tonsils
People have different types:

Ulnar Palsy

"BCDEF of Music"
-Book test
-Card test
-ADductor pollicis paralysed
-Egawa test
-Froment's sign
-Musicians nerve

V3 innervated Muscles
"My A$$ Temporarily Meets The Toilet"
-Anterior digastric
-Tensor veli palatini (also opens Eust. tube)
-Tensor tympani

V3: Sensory Branches

-Buccal (long)
-Auriculotemporal=formed by 2 roots surrounding middle meningeal that's approaching foramen spinosum
-Inf. alveolar=branches into nerve to mylohyoid(going to floor of mouth) and mental out of mental foramen
-Lingual=chorda tympani from CNVII joins lingual in infratemporal fossa carrying preganglionic
parasympathetics to submandibular ganglion where postganglionic fibers travel via terminal branches of
the lingual nerve to the SUBMANDIBULAR and SUBLINGUAL salivary glands

Vasculature on the Back of Neck

From either direction, occipital Artery, greater occipital Nerve, greater occipital Nerve, occipital Artery"

Which is bigger- Tib or Fib?

"Little fib"
Fibula is smaller

Femoral artery: Branches

"Put My Leg Down Please"

Profunda femoris
Medial circumferential femoral artery
Lateral circumferential femoral artery
Descending genicular artery
Perforating artery

Tarsal tunnel: Structures passing through

"Tiny Dogs Are Not Hunters"

Tibialis posterior
flexor Digitorum longus
Posterior tibial artery
Tibial nerve
flexor Hallucis longus

4 Ab Muscles
-Internal oblique
-Rectus abdominus
-External oblique

Abdominal Aorta Branches (Descending)

"Prostitutes Cause Sagging Swollen Red Testicles [in men] Living In Sin"
-Phrenic [inferior]

-Superior mesenteric
-Suprarenal [middle]
-Testicular ["in men" only]
-Inferior mesenteric

Abductors vs. Adductors in Hand

"Dab the Pad"
Dorsal = abduct
Palmar = adduct

Adductor Magnus Innervation

"AM SO!"
Adductor Magnus innervated by Sciatic and Obturator nerves

Adductor Muscles of the Hip

"AAA, Pretty Good!"
-Adductor magnus
-Adductor longus
-Adductor brevis

Anterior Comp't Leg

-Tibialis anterior
-Extensor hallucis longus
-Anterior tibial artery
-Deep peroneal nerve
-Extensor digitorum longus
-Peroneus tertius

Anterior Forearm Muscles: Superficial
"Pass/Fail, Pass/Fail.... Fail"
-Pronator teres
-Flexor carpi radialis
-Palmaris longus
-Flexor carpi ulnaris
-Flexor digitorum superficialis

Aortic Arch Branch Order

Just know your "ABC'S"
-Aortic arch
-Brachiocephalic trunk
-Common carotid

Atrioventricular valves
Left atrium - bicuspid
Right atrium - tricuspid

Axillary Artery Branches

"Screw The Lawyer, Save A Patient"
-Superior thoracic
-Lateral thoracic
-Anterior circumflex humeral
-Posterior circumflex humeral

.Muscles of MEDIAL compartment of the THIGH

" G.P. ADDs a Bloody Lot of Margarine " - make their

inner thighs flabby
ADDUCTORS - Brevis, Longus, Magnus
Origin: All arise from Pubis, except Pectineus = Pubic
Insertion: All are inserted to Femur, except Gracilis =

Muscles of the LATERAL compartment of LEG

" Fly Long Superficial Fly Boy"

Fibularis Longus
Superficial fibular nerve = innervation for both
Fibularis Brevis
6.Femoral triangle: Boundaries
"Femoral triangle is shaped like a SAIL":
Aductor longus
Inguinal Ligament

Tarsal bones
"Tall Californian Navy Medcial Interns Lay Cuties" or
"Tiger Cubs Need MILC"
In order (right foot, superior to inferior, medial to
Medial cuneiform
Intermediate cuneiform
Lateral cuneifrom
Alternatively "Tiger Cubs Need MILC":

.Inversion and Eversion muscles of leg

Think: Inversion and Eversion muscles of leg follow

the "Second letter rule".
Eversion muscles:
pEroneus longus
pEroneus brevis
pEroneus terius
Inversion muscles:
tIbialis anterior
tIbialis posterior

Anterior compartment of leg: Structures

" TEA DEPt. "

Tibialis anterior
Extensor hallucis longus
Anterior tibial artery
Deep peroneal nerve
Extensor digitorum longus
Peroneus tertius

Popliteal fossa: medial to lateral arrangement

"Serve And Volley Next Ball":

Semimembranosus/ Semitendonosus
Biceps femoris
Lateral and medial heads of Gastrocnemius are
inferior borders

Carpal bones "Some Lovers Try Positions

That They Can't Handle":
Proximal row then distal row, both lateral-to-medial:

Alternatively: "Scared Lovers..."
Alternatively: "Senior Lecturers...".

Extrinsic muscles of tongue [for pro soccer fans] "Paris

St. Germain's Hour":
PSG is a French soccer team (foreign), hence extrinsic comes to mind.

Autonomics to the gut "The PARAsympathetics follow a

rule of TWO" [pair = two]:
The vagus does the top, the sacral splanchnics the outflow tract.
"The sympathetics follow a rule of threes":
Greater, lesser, least splanchnic nerves go to the celiac,superior and
inferior mesenteric ganglion.

External carotid artery branches "Some Angry

Lady Figured Out PMS":
Superior thyroid
Ascending pharyngeal
Posterior auricular

Superificial temporal

Descending abdominal aorta: seven divisions "Sometimes

Intestines Get Really Stretched Causing Leakage":
Suprarenals [paired]
Inferior mesenteric
Gonadal [paired]
Renals [paired]
Superior mesenteric
Lumbar [paired]

Vagus nerve: path into thorax "I Left my Aunt

in Vegas":
Left Vagus nerve goes Anterior descending into the thorax.

Carpal bones "Happy Cat Tom Took

Pie To Little Sister":

Brachial plexus: branches of posterior cord STAR:

Subscapular [upper and lower]

Saphenous veins: path of great vs. small at malleolus "MAGdelaine

has varicose veins" [The saphenous veins are important for varicose veins]:
Medial maleolus, Anterior to maleolus, and Great saphenous
go together.
Then the opposites of these go together: Small saphenous is posterior
to the lateral maleolus.

Menisci attachments in knee "Each meniscus has something

attached to it":
The medial meniscus has the medial collateral ligament.
The lateral meniscus is attached to the popliteal muscle.

Spermatic cord contents "3 arteries, 3 nerves,

3 other things":
3 arteries: testicular, ductus deferens, cremasteric.
3 nerves: genital branch of the genitofemoral, cremasteric, autonomics.
3 other things: ductus deferens, pampiniform plexus, lymphatics.
Note some argument about this: Moore doesn't put in cremasteric nerve, Lumley
puts in inguinal...

Adductor magnus innervation "AM SO!":

Adductor Magnus innervated by Sciatic and Obturator.

Scalp layers SCALP:

From superficial to deep:
Connective tissue

Loose areolar tissue


Lumbar plexus roots "2 from 1, 2 from 2, 2

from 3":
2 nerves from 1 root: Ilioinguinal (L1), Iliohypogastric (L1).
2 nerves from 2 roots: Genitofemoral (L1,L2), Lateral Femoral
2 nerves from 3 roots: Obturator (L2,L3,L4), Femoral (L2,L3,L4).

Female pelvic organs' blood supply "3 organs, each

get 2 blood supplies":
Uterus: uterine, vaginal.
Rectum: middle rectal, inferior rectal [inferior rectal is the end of pudendal].
Bladder: superior vesical, inferior vesical.

Cervical plexus: arrangement of the important nerves "GLAST":

4 compass points: clockwise from north on the right side of neck:
Great auricular
Lesser occipital
Accessory nerve pops out between L and S
Transverse cervical

Liver: side with ligamentum venosum/ caudate lobe vs. side with
quadrate lobe/ ligamentum teres "VC goes with VC":
The Venosum and Caudate is on same side as Vena Cava
[posterior]. Therefore, quadrate and teres must be on anterior by default.

Joints in the midline "SC":

In medial line, below Second Cervical, joints are Secondary

Cartilaginous and usually have a diSC.

Notes: secondary cartilaginous is also known as symphysis. The one that
doesn't have a disc is xiphi-sternal.

Anterior forearm muscles: superficial group There are five,

like five digits of your hand.
Place your thumb into your palm, then lay that hand palm down on your other arm,
as shown in diagram.
Your 4 fingers now show distribution: spells PFPF [pass/fail, pass/fail]:
Pronator teres
Flexor carpi radialis
Palmaris longus
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Your thumb below your 4 fingers shows the muscle which is deep to the other
four: Flexor digitorum superficialis.

Median and ulnar nerves: common features Each supply 1/2 of

flexor digitorum profundus.
Each supplies 2 lumbricals.
Each has a palmar cutaneous nerve that pops off prematurely.
Each supplies an eminence group of muscles [ulnar: hypothenar. median: thenar].
Each enters forearm through two heads [ulnar: heads of flexor carpi ulnaris.
median: heads of pronator teres].
Each has no branches in upper arm.
Each makes two fingers claw when cut at wrist.
Each supplies a palmaris [median: palmaris longus. ulnar: palmaris brevis].

Thyroids: relative sizes Thyroid looks like a bra (see

Breasts are bigger in women, so thyroid bigger in women.
Pregnant women have biggest breasts of all, so they have the biggest thyroids.

Superior thyroid artery branches "May I Softly

Squeeze Charlie's Girl?":
Superior laryngeal

Abdominal muscles "Spare TIRE around their abdomen":

Transversus abdominis
Internal abdominal oblique
Rectus abdominis
External abdominal oblique
Perineal vs. peroneal Perineal is in between
the legs.
Peroneal is on the leg.

Cranial bones "PEST OF 6":

The 6 just reminds that there's 6 of them to remember.

Deep tendon reflexes: root supply "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8":

S1-2: ankle
L3-4: knee
C5-6: biceps, supinator
C7-8: triceps

L4 landmark: 2 items "B4U" [before you]:

Bifurcation of aorta

Bowel components "Dow Jones Industrial

Average Closing Stock Report":
From proximal to distal:
Alternatively: to include the cecum, "Dow Jones Industrial
Climbing Average Closing Stock Report".

Lung lobes: segments of right middle lobe "ML=ML":

Segments of Middle Lobe are Medial & Lateral.

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