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The Timeline of
Supima Fabrics
For the past many years, the fabric known as supima has
been the talk of the town. It is not that it is popular only in
the U.S. It has gathered an equal amount of popularity in
virtually all the countries across the globe.
Let us have a look at the timeline of the particular fabric.
Way back in 6000 B.C.E, for the first time, ancestors of the
Incas cultivated luxurious and extra-long cotton and at that
time, they were not aware that this little initiative taken by
them would change the way our globe gets dressed up.

By 5000 B.C.E, the same cultivation was inaugurated by the

people of the Indus valley civilization. Though the
cultivation was not as soft as it was there in the America,
but it was good enough to make the Indian subcontinent
emerge as the hub of luxury fabrics and textile production.
Then, in 327 B.C.E, Alexander III of Macedonia, after
failing to conquer the world, introduced a cotton plant "the
trees upon which wool grows".
Then, in 1493, Columbus discovered America and found a
completely amazing fabric growing in this new world. In
1825, the Egyptians came to know about the softness and
robustness of the supima fabrics and imported it to
crossbreed with their cotton and as a result, Egyptian cotton
took its shape.

It was also counted in the list of luxurious fabrics, but it

was also not as impressive as the supima. Till this time, this
fabric had not got this name until 1911 when a U.S.D.A.
Experimental farm in Sacaton, Arizona isolated a
particularly strong and soft type of extra-long staple cotton.
This was named PIMA and with this, this fabric got its
name. The 1912 saw the first commercially grown crop of
this fabric. In 1920, the pest by the name of Boll Weevil
wiped the entire crop in Arizona and in the subsequent
years, the production was comparatively low because of
several issues.
In 1927, an agriculturist by the name of Charles Lindbergh
introduced Pima to the European Union and the buyers
readily accepted it for the softness and robustness it had.

In 1954, the demand had raised so much that to cope with

it; Supima is founded by adding two words "SU" from
Superior and "PIMA" from Pima. Thus came into this
world a fabric that was going to change the entire hot fabric
trends every new season. In 1964, some of the biggest stars
from the US modeling industry joined in promoting the
fabric and then, in 1984, Supima fabrics launched its very
first export promotion program.
With this, it became the first choice of Swiss and Italian
high-end spinners and shirting mills. The ending of the
decade of the eighties saw Supima jumping into the
licensing program for the brand and retailers and the first
retailer to receive the license was the Brook Brothers.

Come 2002 and the entire globe had accepted the

toughness that supima fabrics had and it was in demand for
making denims. Currently after 61 years of the formation,
Supima has 200 licenses in 41 different countries and
millions and millions of lovers from across the globe.

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