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STOAT Tutorials

WRc Ref: UC8616.04

July 2013

STOAT Tutorials

Report No.:



March 2013


J. Dudley, L. Poinel

Project Manager:

L. Poinel

Project No.:


Client Manager:

J Dudley

WRc Ref: UC8616.04

July 2013


INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1


GETTING STARTED................................................................................................... 2


CREATING A NEW SEWAGE WORKS ..................................................................... 2


RE-USING AN EXISTING SEWAGE WORKS ........................................................... 4


CREATING A NEW RUN ............................................................................................ 5


SELECTING REPORTING OPTIONS ........................................................................ 7


COMPLETING A RUN ................................................................................................ 9


TUTORIAL 1: A SIMPLE WORKS ............................................................................ 10


BUILDING A SIMPLE ACTIVATED SLUDGE WORKS ............................................ 10


RUNNING THE SIMULATION .................................................................................. 12


LOOKING AT YOUR RESULTS ............................................................................... 23


SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER SIMULATIONS ................................................... 24


TUTORIAL 2: NUTRIENT REMOVAL....................................................................... 26


BUILDING THE WORKS .......................................................................................... 26


ADDING MIXED LIQUOR RECYCLES..................................................................... 27


RUNNING THE SIMULATION .................................................................................. 30


SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER SIMULATIONS ................................................... 38



SLUDGE AND TRICKLING FILTER ......................................................................... 40


BUILDING THE WORKS .......................................................................................... 40


CONSTRUCTING A STORM .................................................................................... 42


RUNNING THE SIMULATION .................................................................................. 43


SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER WORK ................................................................. 46


TUTORIAL 4: A MORE COMPLEX WORKS ............................................................ 47


BUILDING THE WORKS .......................................................................................... 47


PROGRAMMING A CHANGE .................................................................................. 48


RUNNING THE SIMULATION .................................................................................. 52


SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER SIMULATIONS ................................................... 52



CONSTANT WETTING RATE ON A TRICKLING FILTER...................................... 54


BUILDING THE WORKS .......................................................................................... 54

WRc Ref: UC8616.04

July 2013


RUNNING THE SIMULATION .................................................................................. 55



STOAT ...................................................................................................................... 63




CARRYING OUT THE SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS..................................................... 65



TRICKLING FILTER .................................................................................................. 69


BUILDING TRICKLING FILTER WORKS ................................................................. 69


GENERATING INFLUENT FILE ............................................................................... 71






SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER WORK ................................................................. 82


TUTORIAL 8 - SEQUENCING BATCH REACTOR .................................................. 83


BUILDING SBR WORKS .......................................................................................... 83


GENERATING THE INFLUENT FILE ....................................................................... 84


RUNNING SIMULATIONS AND LOOKING AT THE RESULTS .............................. 85

WRc Ref: UC8616.04

July 2013

List of Tables
No table of figures entries found.
List of Figures
No table of figures entries found.

WRc Ref: UC8616.04

July 2013

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WRc Ref: UC8616.04

July 2013

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Tutorials Guide

This guide is intended to take you through using STOAT, by building and running a
series of example sewage works. If you have a specific requirement for STOAT, and
would like to see this covered by the tutorials for other users, please contact us and
we will prepare one.
The structure of this guide is:
Section 2 covers common material on using STOAT.
The subsequent sections present a range of worked examples:
Section 3 covers the modelling of a simple activated sludge works.
Section 4 extends this works to model nutrient removal.
Section 5 removes the nutrient removal option and extends the works to use a
tertiary biological filter for nitrification.
Section 6 extends the simple sewage works of Section 4 to multiple parallel trains
and describes the effect of losing 2 aeration lanes for maintenance purposes.
Section 7 uses a PID controller to continuously adjust the flowrate to a filter to
achieve a constant wetting rate on the filter.
Section 8 describes the use of the Sensitivity Analysis algorithm within STOAT to
assess the effect of varying the settling velocity in a primary tank.
Section 9 covers the use of the BOD semi-dynamic model for trickling filters and
compares these results with the new biofilm growth model (COD) within STOAT.
Section 10 gives a tutorial showing how to set up and run an SBR model.

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Tutorials Guide

Start STOAT by double-clicking the STOAT icon from the Windows Program
When STOAT has loaded you are presented with a blank screen with five menu
options, 'File', Edit, Options, Tools and Help. Select 'File.' If you are starting a
tutorial for the first time select 'New Works'; if you are continuing a tutorial from
where you left, select 'Open Works.'

The 'New Works' option asks you to give a name for the works. We suggest that you
use the names 'Tutorial 1', 'Tutorial 2' and so on. When you wish to use a tutorial
again it will then be easier to select the right tutorial.



'New Works' presents you with a blank drawing board, on which you can build up
the description of your sewage works. From the Process Toolbox you can select
which process you want to add to the drawing board. Having selected the process,
right click on it you will see the small icon of a process, move the icon onto the
drawing board and position it where you want. Press any mouse button it will
'drop' the selected process onto the drawing board. You can repeat this for all the
processes that you want.

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Tutorials Guide

Every process has some stub lines marking influent and effluent connections,
generally with influents on the left of the icon and effluents on the right.
You connect the processes by placing the mouse pointer over the OUTPUT stub,
when the pointer will change to a cross-hair symbol. Depending on the resolution of
your screen, and the choice of mouse pointer colour, the cross-hair may appear as
a cross-hair or as a fat cross; the fat cross may be coloured black or white. Pressing
the left mouse button down, move the mouse to the INPUT stub on the process that
you want to connect. When you are over the connection the pointer will change from
a cross-hair to a 'chain-link'. Release the mouse button. The connection ('stream')
between the two processes has now been established. To ensure that a connection
has been made to each required stub, RIGHT click on the process and choose
Input data/Connectivity from the menu which appears.

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Each stream must have a stream number assigned as in the screen shot above.

If any stream name is blank at this point you must reconnect the stream to the
process. This is shown in the above screen shot.
If you have made a mistake you can select and then delete the stream by rightclicking on the stream; you can also delete processes in the same way. You do not
have to complete putting all the processes in place before connecting processes;
you can add processes and streams at any time.
Having created your sewage works you will need to save the configuration before
you can proceed any further. Select 'Save Works' from the 'File' menu.



Selecting 'File' and then 'Open Works' will present you with a list of existing works.
(If nothing appears on the screen, then you have no works to choose from.) Select
the works that you wish to use.
On the screen will first appear the drawing board, and then the works layout will be
drawn. If this is the works that you wish to model you can now select from the 'File'

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Tutorials Guide

menu either to start a new run, or to complete an existing run. If you select 'Open
run' you are presented with a list of all the runs that you have saved for that works. If
a run has been completed you are not able to run it again, but you can view any of
the data that was saved as part of the run.
You can use this works as the base for a new works, deleting processes that you do
not wish to study, and adding new processes. You must then save the results as
a new works. There will now be no runs associated with the works all the runs
having been associated with a works of different geometry. If you limit your changes
to dimensions, keeping geometry the same, this is still treated as a new works. You
will be asked to save the works before you can create any new runs, and you will
have lost the initial conditions associated with the previous works.
To keep the initial conditions of a previous run when you have only changed the
dimensions of a works and had to save it as a New Works complete the following
series of commands:
Open Works -

Select the works you wish to change

New Run Make the changes to the dimensions (not the geometry)
Save Works As - Assign new name to the modified works
Save Run As -

Assign run name

You will now have the new works with the modified dimensions but with the initial
conditions from the previous Works.



From the 'File' menu select 'New run'. If you have not correctly built the Works and
are missing some streams you will be presented with the following error message
depending on which process the fault is at. You should check the connectivity for
the process and re-connect the streams as described in Section 2.1.

Assuming the works has been correctly built, you will then be prompted for a name
for the run, and what you want to use for initial conditions.

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There are four types of initial conditions that can be used in any run:

Specified by you (the cold start).


Taken as the same initial conditions as used in a previous run (allowing you to carry out
sensitivity or comparability studies).


Use the end conditions from a previous run (allowing you to continue the simulation with
calculated, rather than estimated, initial conditions).


Continue old run (retain operational data).

Following this you will be asked for details about the duration of the run.

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When specifying the simulation time the start time is fixed if you have chosen to use
the initial conditions from a previous run. You can change the simulation length,
specifying your required end time in DD/MM/YY HH:MM format. You will be warned
if you have typed in an illegal date or time.
The other piece of information you must supply is how frequently you want output.
STOAT has no restrictions on the maximum output frequency but the default is 1
You can also set other simulation parameters, such as the average sewage
temperature (used by the activated sludge and biological filter models); the BOD
equivalent of 1 g of biomass solids and volatile (but non-biomass) solids; and then
numerical controls, such as the choice of integration method and accuracy. We
recommend that you leave these as the default values, changing only the
You can now set up the sewage works conditions for the run. You can do this for
each process by right-clicking with the mouse on the process, where you will be
offered a menu of the conditions that you can change. Changing any of the process
data under 'Name and dimensions' defines a new sewage works. You can change
any of the other data at the start of the run, and you can change any of the
'Operational' data during the course of the run, or program STOAT to have the
changes made automatically for you.



By right-clicking on a STREAM you can select what you would like displayed.

Select Reporting Options and the following screen is displayed:

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Tutorials Guide

You can decide if you want data for the stream stored (Save Results) for future
use, and if you want to look at the results as they are calculated ('In-simulation
reporting'). If you want in-simulation reporting you can then select what components
you would like to have displayed from the two options 'Simple determinands' and
'Advanced determinands'.
Simple determinands are the common sewage components, while advanced gives
you access to all the stream components in STOAT. You can select determinands
from both the simple and advanced options, and they will all be displayed on the
same graph. We recommend you do not choose to look at every determinand for
every stream, as the result is more information than you can use during the
simulation. Select a subset that represents where you expect to be interested.
Because you can save the data for all the streams you can carry out a full postmortem at the end of the run.
You can also select how you want the results displayed from 'Report View. The
default is as a graph, but you also have the option to have the results as a table, or
as summary statistics (mean, maximum, minimum over the course of the simulation)
or various combinations of these. Generally the most useful is the simple graphical
display. You can change the report type during the simulation by selecting the report
you want to change, then from the 'Window' menu selecting 'Display results as',
which presents you with the same set of reporting types. Changing the display type
during the simulation may corrupt the display. (Whether you get a corrupted display
will depend primarily on the number of profiles that you have chosen to display.)
You can easily fix this by minimising then restoring the display select the required
window, double-click on the 'minimise' symbol (the down-arrow in the top right-hand
corner); then double-click on the minimised icon that will appear at the base of the
STOAT window to restore the window, and clear any corruption of the display.

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Tutorials Guide

When you have entered all your data save the run. Then run the simulation. This
ensures that should you have any problems during the run that you can start again.
You start the run by selecting the 'Run' button symbol. You can pause the simulation
with the 'Pause' button to make changes to the operational parameters, and then
continue the simulation with 'Run. Selecting 'Stop' will stop the simulation you will
not be able to continue afterwards with 'Run.

When the run is finished, and assuming you are happy with the outcome, then again
save the run. This preserves the results for you to examine later. If you are not
happy with the outcome, or if STOAT encountered errors during the simulation,
close the run from the 'File' menu and then open the run. Because you
remembered to save the run before beginning the numerical calculations you
can retrieve your starting point. Having done this you make whatever changes
you feel are required, save the result, and then again begin to run the simulation.
You can repeat this cycle until you are satisfied with the results, when you can then
save the run. Once a completed run has been saved you can no longer make any
changes to it. You can create a new run that will take either its initial conditions from
either the initial or final conditions of previously completed runs.

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Tutorials Guide


This tutorial covers the modelling of a simple works comprising a sewage influent,
primary tank and an activated sludge tank.



Start by creating a new works. From the 'File' menu select 'New works.

You will be asked for a name for the works. Enter 'Tutorial 1.

The drawing board and process toolbox will now appear on the screen. For this
tutorial, select the influent, primary tank, activated sludge aeration basin and
activated sludge settling tanks, one effluent, two sludge and one no-entry icon.
Select each and drag the icon from the toolbox to the drawing board.
Close the process toolbox, to remove the clutter on the screen.

When you have all the processes on the drawing board connect them together to
create the flowsheet shown below.

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Tutorials Guide

Having completed the works geometry we now define the physical dimensions. For
each process primary sedimentation, aeration basin and settling tank right-click
on the process, select 'Input data' and then select 'Name and dimensions. Set the
processes dimensions as:
Primary sedimentation:
Name: Primary Tank 1
Process Model: BOD
Number of stages: 3
Volume: 1,200 m2
Surface area: 400 m2
Aeration basin:
Name: Activated Sludge Tank 1
Process Model: ASAL1
Volume: 800 m3
Number of stages: 1
Number of MLSS Recycles: 0
Wastage Method:
None (Note: This setting is only used if you wish to waste
sludge from the aeration tank - set to None if you are wasting from
the settlement tank.)


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Settling tank:
Name: Secondary Tank 1
Process Model: SSED1
Number of vertical layers: 8 [this is the default]
Surface area: 400 m2
Depth of Tank: 3 m
Depth of Feed: 2 m
RAS flow: Rate
Wastage Method:
Constant rate [you will find this by selecting the 'More' button
at the bottom of the form].
Control Aeration Tank : Activated Sludge Tank 1
Control aeration stage: 1
Having entered these you have now defined the works geometry and physical sizes.
Save the result, using 'File/Save works.



Now that the works has been defined and saved we can begin to carry out
simulations for the works. Select 'File/New run.

You will be asked first for a name to identify the run accept the default of Run 1.


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Tutorials Guide

Now you are asked for details about the run.

Take the default values, which set that the simulation will last for two days at 15C.
Simulating only two days with the activated sludge model means that the results
from the model will be heavily dependent on the initial conditions that we use. We
will specify a suitable set of values, but we suggest that when you are using STOAT
your first simulation should be set for 20-40 days and should be treated as primarily
a sighting run to evaluate a reasonable set of values for the initial conditions. (The
required simulation time is set by the largest retention time in the sewage works. For
activated sludge systems this is normally the sludge age, and you should simulate
three sludge ages to be confident that you are looking at a dynamic steady state,


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Tutorials Guide

rather than the effect of the initial conditions. There will be other occasions when
you have a good starting point and are interested not in the dynamic steady state
but the effect of short-term changes from your defined initial conditions.)
Having specified the base simulation parameters you can now set the process
conditions for this run.
Begin by defining the sewage stream.
STOAT allows you to use any influent process icon to create a new influent data set
(e.g. a repeating diurnal profile) but does not automatically associate this influent
data set with the selected influent process icon. You therefore normally have a twostep process first define the influent data set, then associate it with the influent
process icon. You can subsequently edit the influent data set to modify the sewage
profile to include storms or other periods of high or low flow or variations in sewage
strength from the 'normal.
Right-click on the influent and select Generate profile/Advanced.

Select 'Sinusoidal' and click on Edit formulae.


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Accept the default values this is an average flow of 100 m3/h, so that the settling
tanks have average upflow velocities of 0.25 m/h and the aeration basin a sewage
retention time of 8 h. If you do wish to change the values you can do so by saving
the resulting pattern as a new name. Now click Close and select 'reate data file'
and accept the defaults.

Note that since the data file ends after 48 hours then attempting to use this file later
for a simulation to model more than 48 hours will produce an error after the 48th
hour has been modelled. Enter as the file name 'tut1.inf.


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You have now created a data file. You will be asked if you want to use this file with
the influent.

Select Yes.
You will then be asked if you wish to view or edit the file.


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Select No.
Finally Close the Generate profile menu.
If you now wish to alter the data you can do so by again right-clicking on the influent
and selecting 'Input data/Edit profile. Next to the 'Edit profile' part of the sub-menu
will be the filename of the associated file.
We will leave most of the other processes at their default values. You can see the
default values by right-clicking on each process and looking through the menus
under each processes' 'Input data. For this tutorial we will only change the default
values for the settling tank and the initial conditions for all the processes.
Right-click on the activated sludge settling tank and select 'Input data/Operation'
Change the return RAS flow from 0 m3/h to 150 m3/h, the sludge wastage flow from
0 m3/h to 5 m3/h, and the wastage pumping time and interval from 0 and 0 h to 24
and 24 h respectively.

Now we change the initial conditions. The default values are 0 for all determinands
we start with all the tanks filled with water. Right-click on the primary tank, select
'Input data/Initial conditions. Change the initial conditions to the following values:
Soluble BOD: 150 mg/l
Ammonia: 40 mg/l
Settleable particulate BOD: 70 mg/l
Nonsettleable particulate BOD: 30 mg/l
Settleable volatile solids: 140 mg/l
Nonsettleable volatile solids: 40 mg/l
Settleable nonvolatile solids: 40 mg/l
Nonsettleable nonvolatile solids: 20 mg/l
Temperature: 15C


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Enter these for the first stage only. Then go to the top of the first stage input column
and select the first cell; keeping the left mouse button held down move the mouse
pointer down to the base of the column. You should see the cells being highlighted.
Keeping the mouse pointer within the highlighted region right-click on the mouse
button and select 'Copy' from the menu that will appear. Now use the mouse to
highlight the data cells for the stage 2 column. Right-click on the highlighted cells,
and select 'Paste. You should now see the contents of stage 1 also appear in stage
2. Highlight the data cells in stage 3 and again right-click and select 'Paste. Now
select 'OK', so that you have defined the initial conditions for the primary tank.

Repeat this process for the activated sludge aeration basin. Use as the initial
condition the following values:
Soluble BOD: 5 mg/l
Ammonia: 40 mg/l
Dissolved oxygen: 2 mg/l
MLSS: 3000 mg/l
Viable autotrophs: 100 mg/l
Nonviable autotrophs: 0 mg/l
Viable heterotrophs: 1000 mg/l
Nonviable heterotrophs: 0 mg/l


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The activated sludge settling tank cannot be treated using this copy and paste
approach. The primary settling tank is concerned with the longitudinal (rectangular
tanks) and radial (circular tanks) variation in sewage concentration, not the vertical
distribution. The activated sludge settling tank reverses this, being concerned with
the vertical distribution and ignoring the radial/longitudinal variations. This difference
in emphasis requires that solids profiles in the final settling tank differ from stage to
stage, increasing with increasing depth. Therefore, first enter the concentrations of
the soluble components for stage 1 and copy these into stages 2 - 8, using the
column copy method described above. Use as the initial condition the following
Soluble BOD: 5 mg/l
Ammonia: 40 mg/l
Dissolved oxygen: 2 mg/l
For the solids settling we can idealise the solids profile as clarification above the
feed point, a 'solids waterfall' from the feed point to the base of the tank, and then a
sludge blanket at the base of the tank.



Sludge 'waterfall'

Sludge blanket

Schematic representation of sludge settling

Because we specified 8 stages and the feed to the settling tank at mid-depth we
have the following relationship:
Clarifier stages: 1 - 3
Waterfall stages: 4 - 7 (the feed stage is stage 4)
Sludge blanket stage: 8
Use the following initial conditions for each part of the final tank:


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Viable heterotrophs: 0
Viable autotrophs







We are now ready to begin the simulation.

First save the run, using 'File/Save run. This ensures that you will not have to reenter the initial conditions, and any other data that you have specified, if for any
reason the simulation fails (e.g. power failures, you forgot to specify part of the initial
data imagine what would happen if we had left the return sludge rate at zero
flowrate or had not defined the influent sewage.)
Select 'Run' from the run buttons on the top menu. The simulation will now begin.
The only signs you have of progress are that the progress indicator bar slowly
moves along, and the 'Current simulation time' indicator shows the simulation
progressing. When the simulation is over you can view the results by selecting a
process or stream and selecting 'Results' from the menu that will appear.
But you can also see the progress of the simulation as it happens. First select
'File/Close run', then 'File/New run', 'Start of old run (repeat run)' and select 'Run 1'
from the list. You are now back at the start of the simulation that we have just run.
Right-click on the final effluent stream and select 'Report options. Now select 'Insimulation reporting. You can choose what you want to have displayed from three
menus, 'Simple' 'Advanced' and 'ADM1' by first selecting which menu you want to
look at and then selecting 'Determinands. You can mix determinands from the
'Simple', 'Advanced' and 'ADM1' options. You should also select 'Report type' to
select the reporting method you want normally only the graph and the scale
factor to be applied to the sewage flowrate. Finally select 'Close. You may see a
graph open on the screen before you, or a small icon appear at the bottom of the
STOAT window. If a small icon does appear then select the icon and select either
'Restore' or 'Maximise' to bring the graph up. If you now select 'Run' as the
simulation proceeds you will see the calculated results for the final effluent stream
being displayed on the graph. The default scale is 0 - 100; you can change this by
selecting 'Pause', then from the top menu 'Window/Graph/Scale.


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Tutorials Guide

The final results from this simulation are shown below. You can see that ammonia
started at 40 mg/l and was gradually removed, so that the works is nitrifying. Total
BOD started at 5 mg/l and dropped slightly while effluent solids rose to about 5 mg/l.


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Tutorials Guide


Now that the simulation is finished you can look at the results at any point. As an
example, select the streams connecting the influent to the primary tank (the crude
sewage), the primary tank to the aeration basin (the settled sewage) and the final
effluent. You will have to change the default scales from the crude and settled
sewage, from 0-100 to 0-350 for the crude sewage and 0-300 for the settled
sewage. You can change the scales by placing the mouse over the graph and rightclicking, when you will be offered a menu with 'Title', 'Scale', Pattern' and 'Font.
If you now select 'Window/Tile/Vertical' you should see the following screen:


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Tutorials Guide

The order of the graphs may differ on your computer here the first graph is settled
sewage, the second crude sewage and the final graph final effluent. You can see
the removal of BOD, solids and ammonia as the sewage progresses through the
primary tank and the activated sludge unit. You can also choose to look at the data
as a timeseries or summary statistics select the graph, then from 'Window/View'
select your preferred output. Graphs may be copied onto the Windows clipboard
and inserted into word processor documents, while tables can be copied into tables
in word processors or into spreadsheets.



This simulation, like those that follow, concentrates on modelling only a few days of
data. In practise you should normally choose to look at longer periods, covering at
least three sludge ages to attain a representative dynamic equilibrium state. Our
rule of thumb has been to carry out a simulation for 40 days and then look at the last
two days of diurnal results. If they are the same, we are at dynamic equilibrium. If
not, then we repeat the simulation for a further 40 days. With STOAT you can also
choose to monitor the effluent and take dynamic equilibrium as being reached when


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Tutorials Guide

the effluent appears to have the same shape from day to day. You can then stop the
simulation. We also suggest that:

you start with a dynamic equilibrium before modelling storms.


you do not attempt to get a close match between data and predictions when what you are
comparing is a predicted dynamic equilibrium and a set of measurements that are not a dynamic
Aside from looking at how the solution progresses over periods longer than two
days, you could also look at:


the effect of different initial conditions these should not affect the dynamic equilibrium, but
will have a marked effect on the short-term behaviour of the effluent quality,


changing the sewage characteristics or the sludge settleability for either the primary tank or the
final settling tank,


changing the DO control in the aeration tank,


changing the wastage control methods and rates, and comparing the effect of wasting from the
aeration basin with wasting from the return sludge line,


examining the effect of plug flow on treatment performance vary the number of stages in the
aeration basin using values of 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12.


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Tutorials Guide


The sewage works developed in Tutorial 1 is adapted to nutrient removal by
choosing a different activated sludge model. Different P-removal schemes are then



We start by looking at nitrogen removal only. The sewage works geometry is the
same as in Tutorial 1, but without the primary tank. You can create this sewage
works in two ways, either by starting anew, or by re-using the works layout in
Tutorial 1.


Modifying the Tutorial 1 Sewage Works

Select 'File/Open works. From the menu select the works 'Tutorial 1' (or whatever
you chose to save the tutorial works as). The works will now appear on the screen.
Right-click with the mouse on the primary tank and select 'Delete. The primary tank
and all its connections should be removed. You must re-connect the influent to the
activated sludge tank. Save the sewage works as 'Tutorial 2' using 'File/Save works


Starting with a Blank Drawing Board

Select 'File/New works. Name the sewage works as 'Tutorial 2. The blank drawing
board will appear, along with the processes toolbox. From the toolbox select and
place on the drawing board the influent, activated sludge aeration basin and
activated sludge settling tank. Connect the influent and settling tank return sludge to
the aeration basin, and the aeration basin effluent to the settling tank influent. Finally
connect streams to the two wastage points on the aeration basin and the settling
tank. Only one of these will be used but STOAT requires that both must be

Now define the physical sizes of the processes. For the aeration tank enter the

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Tutorials Guide

Volume: 800 m3
Number of stages: 2
Number of MLSS recycles: 1
Wastage method: None
For the settling tank enter the following:
Surface area: 400 m2
Depth of tank: 3 m
Depth of feed: 2 m
Number of vertical layers: 8 [this is the default]
Wastage method: Constant rate
RAS flow: Rate
Save the works, using 'File/Save works'.



The most common nutrient removal configurations use mixed liquor recycles to
promote the conversion of ammonia through nitrate to nitrogen gas. You can select
between nutrient removal schemes that are concerned with nitrogen removal only
(select activated sludge models 1A) or nitrogen and phosphorus removal (select
model 5A). The common configurations for the AO (Anoxic-Oxic nitrogen
removal), A2O (Anaerobic-Anoxic-Oxic nitrogen and phosphate removal),
Bardenpho (nitrogen and phosphate removal), UCT (University of Cape Town
nitrogen and phosphate removal) and MUCT (Modified UCT) are shown below, with
the choice of model, number of stages and mixed liquor recycles, and the STOAT
definitions for the connection of the recycles. STOAT assumes that fixed-flow
pumps are used, and the recycle flowrate used is therefore constant.


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Number of stages = 2
No mixed liquor recycles
Use Model #1A



Aerobic (Oxic)

Return activated sludge

The AO Process
Number of stages = 3
One mixed liquor recycle, from stage 3 to stage 2
Use Model #5A

Mixed liquor recycle




Aerobic (Oxic)

Return activated sludge

The A O Process


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Number of stages = 5
One mixed liquor recycle, from stage 3 to stage 1
Use Model #5A
Mixed liquor recycle



Return activated sludge

The Bardenpho Process

Number of stages = 3
Two mixed liquor recycles
MLSS recycle 1 from stage 3 to stage 2
MLSS recycle 2 from stage 2 to stage 1
RAS distribution: 0.0 to stage 1, 1.0 to stage 2, 0.0 to stage
Use Model #5A

Mixed liquor recycle



Return activated sludge

The UCT Process


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Number of stages = 4
Two mixed liquor recycles
MLSS recycle 1 from stage 4 to stage 3
MLSS recycle 2 from stage 2 to stage 1
Use Model #5A

Mixed liquor recycle





Return activated sludge

The modified UCT Process

Notice that you must define the model type and the number of mixed liquor recycles
under 'Name and dimensions' and that this therefore defines the sewage works.
Changing these parameters will require that you save the works under a new name.
The actual values for the mixed liquor flowrates, and the stages that they connect,
are specified under 'MLSS recycles' and is a run parameter you cannot set these
until you first define a run.
For this simulation we will restrict the model to a modified AO-type process. The
activated sludge model should be model ASAL 1A and the settling tank model
should also be model SSED1. There are two stages in series with one mixed liquor
recycle, taking sludge from the second stage to the first. The first stage is anoxic
and denitrifies, converting nitrate to nitrogen. The second stage is aerobic,
converting ammonia to nitrate. This nitrate is then taken back to the first stage for



Save the works, then create a new run.
Define the mixed liquor recycle as <From> stage 2 <To> stage 1, with a flowrate of
400 m3/h (assuming that you have left the average sewage flowrate as 100 m3/h).


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Under Stage Data set the minimum and maximum KLa values for stage 1 to zero,
and the dissolved oxygen setpoint also to zero this ensures that this stage is
anoxic. Leave the volume fractions as a 50:50 split.

Set the 'Operation' conditions for the settling tank to a return sludge flow of 150
m3/h, a wastage rate of 5 m3/h and the operating times for wastage pumps and
wastage intervals to 24 hours.


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For the influent select the same flowstream as you used in tutorial 1, 'tut1.inf. Rightclick on the influent icon, to bring up the following menu. Choose Select profile and
from the resulting menu choose tut1.inf.


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Because you have defined a new works your first run must be a 'cold start' and you
should enter the same initial conditions as used in Tutorial 1.
For the activated sludge aeration basin you must specify that the dissolved
oxygen concentration in the first stage is zero this is because this stage is
anoxic. All anoxic stages must be defined with the KLa values, dissolved
oxygen values and dissolved oxygen setpoints as zero.


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Now define the initial conditions for the settling tank. The activated sludge settling
tank is concerned with the vertical distribution of solids and ignores the
radial/longitudinal variations. This requires that the solids profile in the final settling
tank differs from stage to stage, increasing with increasing depth. Therefore, first
enter the concentrations of the soluble components for stage 1 and copy these into
stages 2 - 8, using the column copy method described in Tutorial 1. Use as the
initial condition the following values:
Soluble BOD: 5 mg/l
Ammonia: 40 mg/l
Dissolved oxygen: 2 mg/l
For the solids settling we can idealise the solids profile as clarification above the
feed point, a 'solids waterfall' from the feed point to the base of the tank, and then a
sludge blanket at the base of the tank.


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Sludge 'waterfall'

Sludge blanket

Schematic representation of sludge settling

Because we specified 8 stages and the feed to the settling tank at mid-depth we
have the following relationship:
Clarifier stages: 1 - 3
Waterfall stages: 4 - 7 (the feed stage is stage 4)
Sludge blanket stage: 8
Use the following initial conditions for each part of the final tank:







Viable heterotrophs: 0
Viable autotrophs



Finally, select the final effluent stream to monitor during the simulation. The results
should look like the following figure:


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There is a high BOD peak at the start of the simulation, caused by the high influent
BOD. The biomass responds to this by growing, so that the BOD is taken up and the
concentration eventually comes down. The effect of the mixed liquor recycle can be
seen in that the nitrate is less than the comparable plot for Tutorial 1. If the
simulation had been left to run for longer which would require specifying an
influent profile that lasted longer than 48 hours then full nitrification would be seen,
followed by denitrification.
You can see this by selecting 'File/New Run. If the 'New Run' option is greyed out
then you must first select the drawing board because you currently have one of the
graphs active. You can tell the active graph by looking to see which one has its top
title bar highlighted. Having selected 'File/New Run' you will be asked if you want to
save the results of the previous run. Answer 'Yes. When the run menu appears on
the screen select to continue from a previous simulation:


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You will be asked which run you want to start from. Assuming that you called your
first run 'Run 1', then select 'Run 1. If you saved Run 1 with reporting graphs open
then these graphs should also be opened as the new run is set up. If Run 1 was not
saved with these graphs open then you will need to open up a reporting graph to
look at the final effluent quality. At the end of the simulation you should see an
effluent quality that looks like:


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The effluent profile is now beginning to repeat itself, showing that we are reaching
the dynamic equilibrium conditions. The effluent quality is worse than in Tutorial 1
because the aerated volume of the tank is only 400 m3, compared to 800 m3 in
Tutorial 1.



Mixed liquor recycles impose a large pumping requirement on the sewage works.
Try comparing the performance of the modified AO plant with a four-stage aeration
basin where the sewage is fed into stages 1 and 3 at a ratio of 70:30. Stages 1 and
3 should be anoxic and stages 2 and 3 aerobic. Experiment with the relative
volumes of the four stages start with stages 1 and 3 at 10% of the total volume
and stages 2 and 4 at 40%.
Also try running the Bardenpho and Modified UCT configurations to see the STOAT
predictions for phosphorus removal. Unlike nitrogen, where the ammonia is
ultimately converted to nitrogen gas and lost from the system, phosphate is
accumulated in the biomass it is transferred from soluble phosphate in the sewage
into a particulate form in the waste biomass. The waste sludge must therefore be


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handled in such a way to prevent the release of phosphorus from the biomass back
into the soluble form.


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One of the strengths of STOAT over many other wastewater modelling programs is
that it allows you to include a variety of processes in series or parallel. This example
presents a sewage works with a high-rate activated sludge plant followed by a
tertiary nitrifying filter.



Create a new works and call this 'Tutorial 3. Place on the drawing board an influent,
storm tank, primary tank, aeration basin, activated sludge settling tank, trickling
filter, humus tank, two two-way mixers, one three-way mixer and an overflow
divider. Connect the processes to give you the layout shown below.

Name the sewage flowstream connecting the overflow divider to the primary tank
'After overflow. This will help identify this stream later.


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For each process specify the following dimensions:

Storm tank
Volume: 300 m3
Surface area: 100 m2
Control stream: After overflow
The storm tanks have deliberately been undersized so that we get a spill in this
Primary tank
Number of stages: 2 [this is the default]
Volume: 600 m3
Surface area: 200 m2
Aeration basin
Process model: ASAL2A
Number of stages: 1
Volume: 400 m3
Wastage method: None
Settling tank
Model: SSED2. The model used in the aeration basin and the settling tank must
match up to ensure that the determinands used by the two are the same.
Number of vertical layers: 8
Surface area: 200 m2
Depth of tank: 3 m
Depth of feed: 1.5 m
RAS flow: Ratio
Wastage method: Variable rate over fixed time
Control aeration tank: Activated sludge 1
Control aeration stage: 1
Trickling filter
Model: BOD semi-dynamic
Number of stages: 5 [this is the default]
Surface area: 1,000 m2
Depth: 1.834 m
Humus tank


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Surface area: 500 m2

Save the works.


Create a new run. We want to model the effect of a storm on the sewage works.
Storm sewage data is difficult to obtain so for this simulation we will continue to use
the file 'tut1.inf. We simulate the storm by setting tank sizes and overflow settings
so that flows above 100 m3/h imitate the effect of high storm flows.
For each process change the following parameters:
Influent (Select Profile)
Select the profile as the file tut1.inf.
Overflow (Operation)
Overflow: 100 m3/h
Storm tank (Operation)
Return pump rate: 30 m3/h
Control stream flow: 70 m3/h
When the flow past the overflow point drops below 70 m3/h then the tank contents
will be pumped back at 30 m3/h, so that the total flow to the works will not exceed
100 m3/h.
Primary tank
Nothing here to change.
Aeration tank
Nothing here to change.
Settling tank (Operation)
Sludge wastage flow: 30 m3/h
Wastage pump run time: 24 hours
Wastage cycle time: 24 hours
RAS ratio: 1
Trickling filter (Input data/Process caliration)

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Characteristic dimension of media: 0.025 m

Packing superficial specific surface area: 223 m2/m3
Packing effective specific surface area: 223 m2/m3
Specify the following initial conditions:
Storm tank:
Leave this empty all values zero.
Primary tank
Leave all the values as zero.
Aeration basin
MLSS: 3000 mg/l
Viable autotrophs: 100 mg/l
Nonviable autotrophs: 0 mg/l
Viable heterotrophs: 1000 mg/l
Nonviable heterotrophs: 0 mg/l
Activated sludge settling tank

Viable autotrophs

Viable heterotrophs

Stages 1-3

Stages 4-7
Stage 8




Trickling filter
Heterotrophs: 100 mg/l on each stage
Autotrophs: 2 mg/l on each stage



Select the effluent from the activated sludge settling tank and the humus tank to
monitor during the simulation. Then run the simulation. The completed profiles
should look like the following figures:


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You can see that the activated sludge plant is operating to remove BOD only and
that it is overloaded during the storm. The filter removes ammonia, but during the
storm it also removes additional BOD, protecting the receiving water.
You can also follow the progress of the sewage during treatment. The following
graphs show the influent and effluent from the storm and primary tanks. Stream 20
is the influent to the storm tank 1, Stream 19 the pumped sewage returned from the
storm tank, Stream 4 the primary tank effluent and Stream 17 the storm tank
overflow. The nature of the storm tank operation can easily be seen here.

The numbering of streams depends on the order in which you choose to connect them.
Do not worry if your streams have different numbers, as long as they are connecting the
processes described.


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Experiment with the overflow setting and its impact on effluent quality.


Place the overflow after the primary tank.


Increase the number of stages in the aeration tank this shows the difference in behaviour
between completely-mixed and plug-flow aeration basins.


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Tutorials Guide




This tutorial takes you through building up a sewage works with several parallel
processes, including sludge treatment, and programming changes in operational



Select 'File/Create new works. Place the following processes on the drawing board:
1 x influent
2 x primary tanks
2 x activated sludge aeration tanks
2 x activated sludge settling tanks
1 x mesophilic anaerobic digester use model MAD1
2 x two-way divider
5 x two-way mixers
Connect the processes as shown in the following flowsheet:

Now enter names and dimensions for the processes as follows:

Primary tanks:
Surface area: 100 m2
Volume: 300 m3
Number of stages: 2


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Aeration basins:
Process model: ASAL1A
Volume: 400 m3
Number of stages: 1
Wastage method: None
Activated sludge settling tanks:
Number of vertical layers: 8 [this is the default value]
Surface area: 200 m2
Depth of tank h: 3 m
Depth of feed: 1.5 m
RAS flow: Ratio
Wastage method: Constant rate
Aeration basin: Connect the aeration basin name to the corresponding settling tank.
If you have connected aeration tank 1 to settling tank 1, 2 to 2, then in settling tank 1
specify that the aeration basin should be 'Aeration tank 1', for settling tank 2
'Aeration tank 2' and so on.
Control aeration stage: 1 [there is only one stage specified for each tank]
Sludge digester
Sludge volume: 6000 m3
Save the works.


Now create a new run. For this simulation we will investigate the effect if two of the
aeration lanes are taken out of service for maintenance.
Start by defining the following operating conditions:
Activated sludge
Initial conditions: In each aeration basin set the viable heterotrophs to 1,000 mg/l,
the viable autotrophs to 100 mg/l, and MLSS 3,000 mg/l.
Activated sludge settling tanks:
Operation: Set the RAS flow to 50 m3/h, the sludge wastage flow to 2.5 m3/h, the
wastage pump run time to 24 hours, wastage cycle time to 24 hours.


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Initial conditions: Set the following:

Total solids
Stages 1-3 0
Stages 4-7300
Stage 86000

Viable autotrophs

Viable heterotrophs





Before you can run the simulation you must set the influent sewage data. Select the
influent and right-click with the mouse. Then select 'Generate profile/Advanced.
Now select 'Sinusoidal' and 'Create data file. Specify that the simulation length
should be 96 hours, and that the file name should be 'tut4.inf.


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At this stage run the simulation and save the results. All we want this first simulation
to do is to give us a reasonable starting point. Having saved the run select 'File/New
run' and select 'End of old run. At the next menu increase the simulation time from
the default of two days to four days.


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Now we are set up the changes in the flow split. We assume that the lower aeration
lane on the flowsheet is to be taken out of service, and therefore after 48 hours set
the flow split for 'AS Splitter' from 50:50 to 100:0. We then allow the tank to be back
in service after a further 24 hours, and set the flow split for 'AS Splitter' from 100:0
back to 50:50. The simulation will then reflect the effects of the tanks being taken
out of service and the subsequent re-establishment of performance when the tanks
are returned to service.

Save the run.


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Select the final effluent to view during the simulation, and then run the model. You
should see a graph develop that will look like this:

You can see that the effluent quality deteriorated greatly during the period that all
the flow had to go through only half the activated sludge capacity. Nitrification was
temporarily lost but recovered quickly, while effluent BOD rose to high levels.
Looking at the suspended solids reveals that the settling tanks were not
hydraulically overloaded, so that the constraint on performance was most likely to
be oxygen limitation. A possible conclusion from this simulation is that increasing
the oxygen capacity in the operational lane during maintenance, possibly by a
VITOX boost unit, would improve plant performance.



You could look at the following:


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What would happen to the effluent quality if all aeration in one lane failed? Because you cannot
program a change in the aeration conditions at the start of a simulation you will have to decide
when you would like to pause the simulation and set the maximum and minimum KLa values to
zero in your chosen aeration lane.


What would happen if return sludge from one lane failed?


Re-design the works so that the two aeration lanes mix their effluent and the result is then split
between the four settling tanks, with the RAS from the two tanks being combined before being
split between the two aeration tanks. Then look at the effects of taking out a single aeration lane,
or a single settling tank.


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This tutorial takes you through building a trickling filter and using the PID controller
within STOAT to continuously adjust the influent flowrate to the filter to achieve a
constant wetting rate.



Select File/New Works. Place the following processes on the drawing board:
1 x Influent
1 x Overflow
1 x two-way mixer
1 x filter
1 x humus tank
1 x sludge
1 x effluent
1 x PID controller - Note that this is not physically connected to any of the other processes
because no
flow actually passes through it. It is placed near the recycle stream upon
which it


Connect the processes as shown in the following flowsheet:

The overflow symbol must be rotated four times to be drawn in the manner shown
above. This is done by right-clicking on the symbol and choosing Rotate.


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Rename the stream entering the trickling filter to be CONTROLLED STREAM. This
is done by right-clicking on the stream and choosing Input Data/Name.
Notice that the effluent leaves through the overflow. The recycle is connected
through the normal main flow.
Now enter the names and dimensions for the processes as follows:
Trickling Filter:
Name: Default
Model: BOD semi-dynamic
Number of Stages: 5
Number of layers: N/A
Depth: 1.83
Surface Area: 4000
Humus Tank
Name: default
Surface Area: 200
Name: Default
PID Controller
Name: Default
Model: Continuous 1
Save the works.



Create a new run. For this simulation we will operate the works with the PID
controller set up but switched off.
Start by defining the following operating conditions:
Name of Run: Run 1
Length of simulation: 48 hours
Average Sewage Temperature: 15oC
Trickling Filter


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Nothing to change.
Humus Tank
Nothing to change.
Overflow (Operation)
Overflow: 0
PID Controller
We are programming the PID controller to measure the flowrate in the controlled
stream and vary the overflow rate of Overflow 1 to keep a constant flow of 100
m3/hr going onto the filter.
Input Stream or Process: Stream
Name: Controlled Stream (This is the stream entering the trickling Filter)
Stage: N/A
Determinand: Flow
Output Stream or Process: Process
Name: Overflow 1
Stage: N/A
Parameter: Overflow rate
Set Point: 100
(Initial Conditions)
Nothing to change.
(Input data/Process calibration)
Mode: Disable - This turns the PID controller off for the first simulation
Action: Positive
Sampling Interval: Default
Proportional Gain: 0.3
Integral Time: 0.25
Derivative Time: 0.1


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Maximum Output: 300 - This allows flow to be returned at a maximum rate of 300
Minimum Output: 0
Before you can run the simulation you must set the influent sewage data. Select the
influent and right-click with the mouse. Then select Generate profile/Advanced.
Now select 'Sinusoidal' and 'Create data file. Specify that the simulation length
should be 48 hours, and that the file name should be 'tut5.inf.

Select 'Sinusoidal' and click on Edit Pattern


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Accept the default values this is an average flow of 100 m3/h,. Now click Close
and select 'Create profile' and accept the defaults.

At this stage run the simulation and save the results. When you click Start the
following warning message will appear:


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This is telling you that the overflow has been set to 0 m3/hr and all the flow is
therefore spilling. Normally this is a mistake - you do not want everything to flow into
the overflow channel. However, because our effluent leaves via the overflow for this
simulation you should choose No and continue with the simulation.
At the end of the simulation you should save the results and look at the stream
entering the filter (Controlled Stream), the effluent and the recycle streams. The
following results graphs will appear.

From the above results you can see that there is no recycle and the flow onto the
filter is a sine curve with a large variation of flow and load. We will now attempt to
use the PID controller to smooth the flow curve onto the filter.
Choose File/New Run and select to use a warm start as follows:

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This will allow you to keep all the previous settings use for Run 1.
Right-click on the PI controller and select Input Data / Process Calibration. Select
the mode to be PI control. This will activate the controller to act as a ProportionalIntegral controller.
Save the New Run and then Start the simulation.
When the run has been completed, look at the results profiles for the controlled
stream, the effluent and the recycle streams. The results screens below show the
effect of the PI controller.


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These results show that the flow onto the filter has been added to where necessary
to attempt to keep it at approximately 100 m3/hr.
Experiment with different values for the proportional gain and the integral time to
assess what effect they have on the stability and speed of response of the control
action. Below is a set of results with the Proportional gain set to 0.8.


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Tutorials Guide


This tutorial demonstrates how you use the sensitivity analysis function within
STOAT to assess the effect of varying the constant k in the settling equation

V = kC h on the settled sewage suspended solids concentration from a primary tank.



Construct the works as shown in the following screen shot.

Now enter the names and dimensions for the process as follows:
Primary Tanks:
Name: Primary Tank 1
Model: BOD
Number of stages: 2
Volume: 300 m3
Surface Area: 100 m2
Save the Works and Create a New Run.
Accept the default values for the Run so that we are carrying out the run for 48
hours at a sewage temperature of 15oC.
Generate an influent file by using a sinusoidal pattern and accept the default values
given by STOAT. Call this file Tut6.inf.
To begin with we will run the simulation using the default settling co-efficient values
k = 7.2


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These are located under Sewage calibration data as shown in the screen shot

When the run is completed, Save the run and view the results profile for suspended
solids in the settled sewage. It should look like the following results screen.


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As you can see the average suspended solids in the effluent is 173 mg/l with a
sinusoidal variation about this mean. We will now look at the effect of varying the
settling parameter k on the effluent suspended solids.



Begin a New Run and Select a warm start from Run 1. Call this New Run
Sensitivity Analysis and again select the default setting from the run menu so the
run will last for 48 hours and be carried out at a sewage temperature of 15oC.
From the Top Menu, Select Tools/Sensitivity. as shown.

You will now see the sensitivity analysis screen shown below.


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This allows you to select the required inputs and select what output you wish to see
the effect on. You can select two parameters to vary and these are called 1 and 2.
These parameters can either be from a stream or a process as required.
Select Parameter 1 and Process.
In the Element box Primary Tank 1 will appear since this is the only process in the
works. Now select parameter and a list of parameters that can be varied will appear.
Select Settling coeff K.
We must now specify the values of K that we want to select to assess the effect on
the effluent suspended solids. The default value is 7.2. For this exercise we will vary
K between 3 and 11 in steps of 2. This will allow us to assess the effect on the
effluent of values of K of 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11.
Enter Start = 3
Step = 2
Stop = 11
We must now set the output to be the element upon which we wish to see the effect
of varying K.
Select the variable to be a stream.
Select the display to be time-series - this will show the effect as the run progresses.
Select the name of the stream to be the effluent stream.

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Select the determinand to be total suspended Solids (mg/l).

Once the setup has been completed you will be asked if you wish to Save the Run.
If you Click on OK the first run of the sensitivity analysis will begin.
After each run has been completed, the next run will automatically start until the
entire sensitivity analysis is completed, when you will see the following message:

Click on OK to view the results graph.

For each variation of the parameter you will have a run with P=the number of the
chosen parameter for that run i.e. P=3 is the run where the settling coefficient K was
set to a value of 3.
You can see that increasing K from 3 to 11 has the effect of reducing the peak
effluent suspended solids from approximately 290 mg/l at a K value of 3 to


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approximately 220 mg/l at a K value of 11. This demonstrates how sensitive the
effluent suspended solids is to variation in the settling parameter k.
The next time you wish to open a run you will see a screen something like the one
shown below:

The extra runs are those carried out at the various values of K from 3 to 11. It is
recommended that users who wish to regularly carry out sensitivity analysis on
various parameters make notes on run details otherwise it can be difficult to
differentiate one run from the other.


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This tutorial covers the use of models to simulate conventional biological filters. It
includes an example of using the BOD semi-dynamic model (BOD) which requires
calibration of heterotroph and autotroph concentrations and also the IAWQ model
(COD) which includes biofilm growth kinetics. The new WRc model (BOD) which
also includes biofilm kinetics is not covered in this tutorial.



The BOD semi-dynamic and IAWQ works models may both be conveniently
generated at this stage and saved for subsequent use.
Choose File/New works. Call the works a suitable title e.g. Tutorial 7A or BOD
semi-dynamic model. Lift and drop the following processes on to the drawing board:
1 x influent
1 x primary sedimentation tank
1 x trickling filter
1 x humus tank
1 x effluent
2 x sludge
Connect up the processes to generate the flowsheet shown below:

The next step is to enter the names and sizes of plant in each process as follows:
Primary sedimentation tank:
Name: Primary Tank 1
Model: BOD

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Number of stages: 2
Volume: 500 m3
Surface area: 200 m2
Trickling filter:
Name: Biofilter 1
Model: BOD semi-dynamic
Number of stages: 5 (This model does not divide the biofilm into layers, so use the
default value.)
Depth: 2 m
Surface (plan) area: 2000 m2
Humus Tank:
Name: Humus Tank 1
Surface area: 200 m2
At this stage select Save Works to retain an up-to-date version of the model.
To generate this model select Save Works As and choose a new name, e.g. Tutorial
7B or IAWQ model. Then input new values where required to give the following:
Primary sedimentation tank:
Name: Primary Tank 1
Model: COD
Number of stages: 2
Volume: 500 m3
Surface area: 200 m2
Trickling filter:
Name: Biofilter 1
Model: IAWQ #1
Number of stages: 2
Number of layers: 3
Depth: 2 m
Surface (plan) area: 2000 m2
Note: Selection of two stages is sufficient to model the growth of heterotrophs in the
upper part of the filter bed to remove BOD (carbonaceous oxidation) and growth of
autotrophs in the lower part of the bed to oxidise ammonia (nitrification).


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Humus Tank:
Name: Humus Tank 1
Surface area: 200 m2
At this stage select Save Works and then select Close Works.



A new influent file is required that contains suitable flows and BOD/COD values for
use with the BOD semi-dynamic and IAWQ filter models. Open each Works in turn
to set up the following influent profile:



Select File/Open works and left-click on Tutorial 7A Works to open works.
Select File/New Run. Select Default (cold start) and choose OK. Input the values
given below for a 2 day run and a time step of 1 hour. Choose OK to initialise Run 1.

Right-click over influent icon, choose Generate profile/Advanced/Sinusoidal/Default/

Edit formulae, and input the following values (each with a Phase of 0 hours,
Amplitude of 50%, and Frequency of 0.26):
Flow of 100 m3/h ,
Temperature (of wastewater): 15C

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Tutorials Guide

Soluble BOD: 75 mg BOD/l

Soluble inert COD: 30 mg COD/l
Particulate BOD: 50 mg BOD/l
Particulate inert COD: 0
Volatile solids: 90 mg SS/l
Non-volatile solids: 30 mg SS/l
Soluble ammonia: 30 mg N/l
Close and save as Influent Pattern Tut7.
Right-click on Influent Icon, choose Generate profile/ Advanced/Sinusoidal/Influent
Pattern Tut7/Create data file and input a Time step of 1 hour and End time of 240
Save As: Tut7.inf and make it the current influent file. At this stage select File/Save
Works. To calibrate Works, keep Works open and proceed to next Section on
Running Simulations. Otherwise Select File/Close Works.



Select File/Open works and left-click on Tutorial 7B Works to open Works.
Select File/New Run. Select Default (cold start), input the values given for Tutorial
7A and choose Okay to initialise Run 1.
To set influent file for this Works, Right-click over influent icon, choose Select profile
and left-click on Tut7.inf. Close Works.
Both works should now be set up with influent files.



Select File/Open Works and choose Tutorial 7A works to obtain Works simulation
using BOD semi-dynamic Model.
The first step in calibrating the model is to insert the correct details for the filter
medium. Right-click on the Filter Icon. Select Input data/Process calibration. This
tutorial uses the default values given below.


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Tutorials Guide

The next step is to check the details given for humus solids settlement. Right-click
on the humus tank icon. Select Input data/Sewage calibration data. This tutorial
uses the default settings for settlement of humus solids. Namely at an upflow
velocity of 0.72 m/h, the proportion of humus solids which settle out of the effluent is

With the initial values set for the filter and humus tank, initiate Run 1. On completion
Save run. Then right-click over effluent icon, select Results and choose OK to
present effluent output given below.


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Tutorials Guide

The output chart indicates that current default settings cause model to predict high
values for effluent SS, BOD and ammonia. Calibration entails increasing the
autotrophs (from 2 to 10 mg/l) to reduce effluent ammonia and increasing the
absorption coefficient (from 0.0001 to 0.0003) to reduce effluent SS.


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Tutorials Guide

Undertake Run 2 as a Repeat run of Run 1 with the autotroph concentrations set at
10 mg/l to calibrate effluent ammonia and the absorption coefficient set at 0.0003 for
SS calibration (note that the heterotroph concentration is not adjusted until SS are
calibrated). The output from Run 2 given below indicates that the effluent BOD, SS
and ammonia have all improved. Remember to save run.


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Tutorials Guide

With effluent SS calibrated, further runs are required to adjust the initial
concentration of heterotrophs and hence calibrate effluent BOD. This usually
involves further adjustments to the concentration of autotrophs. The output given
below for run 3 uses a heterotroph concentration of 200 mg/l and an autotroph
concentration of 20 mg/l.



Select File/Open Works and choose Tutorial 7B works to obtain Works simulation
using IAWQ Filter Model. Select Edit and move to second screen of Maths options.
Choose integration method MEDBF - full Jacobian with the values of relative
tolerance (0.005), absolute tolerance (0.5), and minimum step length (2.7E-20) as
shown below:


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Tutorials Guide

Initiate Run 1 (2 days duration at hourly time steps), using the default values. The
Output Chart below from Run 1 presents flow and quality data for humus tank
effluent. Again it indicates high effluent SS.


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Tutorials Guide

For calibration (Run 2), select Biofilter/Input data/Process calibration and increase
the value of the attachment coefficient from 0.0001 to 0.0003 m/h.

For calibration (Run 2), select Biofilter/Input data/Sewage calibration data and
increase the value of the hydrolysis rate from 0.07 to 0.3 1/h.


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Tutorials Guide

Predicted final effluent qualities for Run 2 (shown below) indicate that increasing the
attachment coefficient has significantly improved effluent SS and hence effluent
biodegradable COD. Effluent ammonia is unchanged.

Since this model includes biofilm growth kinetics, the concentrations of heterotrophs
and autotrophs grow in response to the influent conditions. There is no need for

WRc plc

Tutorials Guide

manual adjustment of biomass concentrations. The default values are set for typical
nitrifying conditions.
The effect of biofilm growth on performance is best demonstrated by reducing the
autotroph concentration at start up. Create Run 3 (7 days at 1 hour time steps) as a
repeat of Run 2. Select Biofilter/Input data /Initial conditions/Biofilm stage 1 and
reduce the autotrophs from 0.1 to 0.01 mg/l. Repeat concentration reduction for
Biofilm stage 2.

The output from Run 3 shown below indicates that after a period of 1 week the initial
high effluent ammonias (10 to 30 mg N/l) have reduced to significantly lower values
(0 to 20 mg N/l). The cause is growth of autotrophs within the biofilm model.


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Right-click over filter and select Results/Time series data. The output presented
below for the first and last hours shows that for the upper/lower halves of the filter
(stages 1 and 2), the autotroph concentration has increased from 0,12/0,21 to
0,73/1,49 mg/l and the film thickness has grown from 69/53 microns to 84/63
microns. These results demonstrate the commonly-held view that nitrification occurs
in the bottom of the filter and film growth is highest in the top of the filter.


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Tutorials Guide


Compare the simulation run times of the Original model and the IAWQ model to note the extra
run time required for simulation of biofilm growth kinetics.


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Tutorials Guide


This tutorial is intended to demonstrate the use of the sequencing batch reactor
model (SBR).



Choose File/New works. Call the works a suitable title e.g. Tutorial 8. Lift and drop
the following processes onto the drawing board.
1x influent
1 x 2-way flow mixer
1 x balancing tank
1 x SBR tank
1 x blanked off.
1 x effluent
1 x sludge
Connect up the processes to generate the flow sheet shown below:

The next step is to choose the models and enter the names and sizes of each item
of plant as follows:
Balancing tank:
Name: Balancing Tank 1
Model : Version 2
Sequencing batch reactor:
Name: SBR tank 1
Model: WRcBOD

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Tutorials Guide

Number of layers: 8
Maximum volume (m3): 2000
Minimum volume (m3): 1400
Area (m2): 450
Wastage layer: 8
At this stage select Save works to save the works setup.



It is necessary to generate a new influent file for use with this tutorial. Select
File/New Run. Select Default (cold start) and choose okay. Input the values given
below for a 14 days run and time steps of 0.25 hours. Other parameters should be
left at the default values.

Choose okay to initialise Run 1.










Advanced/Sinusoidal/Default/ Edit formulae. Input the following value.

Flow: 100 m3/h
Temperature (of wastewater): 15oC
Soluble BOD: 150 mg/l
Particulate BOD: 100 mg/l
Volatile solids: 180 mg/l
Non-volatile solids: 60 mg/l


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Tutorials Guide

Soluble ammonia: 30 mg/l

All other parameters may be left at default values. The phase, amplitude (%) and
Frequency should be left at 0, 50% and 0.26 respectively with the exception of the
temperature where the amplitude should be 0. The SBR model is based on the
activated sludge model ASAL3. This model reads the temperature from the input file
rather than using the temperature given on the initial run menu above. If the user
wishes to run the model with a different ambient wastewater temperature then a
new influent profile must be generated with the new temperature.
Close and save as Influent Pattern Tut10.
Right click on Influent icon and choose Generate profile/Advanced/Sinusoidal/
Influent Pattern Tut10/Create data file and input a Time set of 1 hours and End
time of 336 hours (14 days). Save as Tut10.inf and make it the current influent file.
At this stage save the works by selecting File/Save works.



A works has now been assembled and an input file has been created and selected.
The next step is to insert the necessary operational values and calibration
The type of balancing tank and its operation must be specified. Right click on the
balance tank and select Input data/ Process calibration. Choose infinite volume and
set the minimum volume to 1m3 and select okay. Next, select Input data/Initial
conditions and change the tank volume to 1m3, select okay. Finally, select Input
data/Operation and change the pump rate to 600 m3/hr, select okay.
The SBR must now to set up. Right click on the SBR tank and select Input
data/Process calibration. The process times listed should be set up as follows:


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Tutorials Guide

The SBR cycle will be as follows:


Fill/aerate for 1 hour;


React (i.e. aerate only) for 2.5 hours;


Settle for 1.5 hours;


Decant for 1 hour (N.B. The wastage of activated sludge will also occur at this part of the
Select the more button and choose At all times for the growth equations as
indicated below:


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Tutorials Guide

Right-click on the SBR tank and select Input data/Operation. Change decant flow 1
and wastage flow 1 to the values indicated overleaf.


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Tutorials Guide

Right-click on the SBR tank and select Input data/Initial conditions. Change the
MLSS to 4400 mg/l in all eight stages. All other parameters should be left at their
default values as indicated below:


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Tutorials Guide

Select File/Save Run. Initial Run 1 - Cold Start. Start the run using the play button.
Once Run 1 is completed, select File/Save Run. Now carry out a second run as a
warm start from the end of Run 1. Select File/New Run and choose end of old run
(warm start), then choose Run 1 - Cold Start, select okay. Choose start and finish
dates to give a 408 run. Select File/Save Run and start to initiate the new run. On
completion of the run, select File/Save run.
Right-click over the effluent icon, select Results and Flow only then choose okay.
The resulting window should look like the one given below.


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Tutorials Guide

The graph shows the nature of the flow from the SBR unit. The total cycle time for
the SBR is 6 hours. Treated effluent will be pumped from the SBR during the decant
cycle. Pumping of effluent is at a constant rate, in this case 600 m3/h, and will
continue for one hour or until the minimum volume has been reached. It should be
noted that the statistics shown below the graph are for the entire run and not just for
the decant part of the cycle. The flow from the SBR is either 0 or 600 m3/hr.
To obtain data regarding sanitary parameters, right-click over the effluent icon,
select Results and choose BOD and SS only, then choose okay. The resulting
window should look the one given below.


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Tutorials Guide

Again, the statistics are given for the whole of the run and not just for the period
when effluent is leaving the SBR. To obtain the mean BOD and SS results for the
run, it is necessary to carry out a simple mass balance calculation. This is done
using the flow data and the total mass figures given in the results window above.
For longer STOAT runs on SBR systems using less regular input profiles, the
calculation of mean BOD and SS results using mass balances is more complex and
time consuming. An alternative approach is to connect the effluent line from the
SBR unit to a balance tank which has been set up with an infinite volume and a zero
discharge flowrate. At the end of the each run, the balance tank will contain all the
effluent discharged during the run and the results output will provide the mean
sanitary parameters. The profiles from the SBR unit can still be monitored by looking
at the results output for the line leading to the balance tank. The same technique
can be used to examine the surplus activated sludge results.
It is possible to string more than one SBR unit together and have them operating in
a sequence. For example, to operate two units together would need a system laid
out as follows:


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Tutorials Guide

In this example, the effluent from the two SBR units is being pumped to a balance
tank to make interpretation of the effluent results easier.
It is important that when a works containing more two SBRs being used that the
phase times are set correctly. The phase time is set on the Process calibration
window. If it is set at zero the cycle for that SBR unit will begin at the start of the run
but if it is set at, for example, 3 then the start of the SBR cycle will be delayed by 3
hours. Care must be exercised when setting up several SBR units. The phase times
must be set to avoid different SBR units trying to fill at the same time.
Running SBR models over long periods at output step of 0.25 hour will generate
large quantities of output data. This can use up considerable amounts of disc space.
Users should examine the importance of the results from each line and process and
consider turning off the generation of results for those which are less important. This
will cut down on the disc storage space required for each run. This is achieved by
right-clicking on the line or process in question and then selecting Reporting options.
The user should then click on Save results and final choose okay. During the run no
results files will then be generated for this line or process.


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