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So is your breath violent in that it is not silent.

So forget ideas of sound b

eing violent and silence being holy and good, for your being rings to the univer
se as sound, as brilliant notes, as tones, and (word lost).
Your consciousness is as mobile as
full and wild wind. Therefore, hearing
own inner self echoing about the walls
he joy of your own being and the notes

the leaf that dangles on its stem in the

these sounds, feel the resonance of your
of your ego; and hear within the sounds t
that are yourselves.

The inside world is the outside world. And the outside world is the inside world
. So there is no place for you to go! It simply is! And in his (Ruburt's) is-nes
s he allows my is-ness, and so, in the reality of your own being, inside and out
side are at once. He is not as tired as you are, and I am not as tired as any of
you. And none of you need be tired at all, any more than his (Rich) toe is tire
d from its constant spontaneous wiggling! It stirs the air about him and I try t
o stir your experience and your thoughts.
Knowing me, you know yourselves."
Your inner attitude could slow you down. There must be an inner security, a quie
t ... No agitation. Allow the door to open, do not kick it. You will be given a
full reincarnational reading, whether now or later. It will be yours to follow.
Your enthusiasm is excellent. However, your enthusiasm can cause waves that can
go up and down. You want a quiet surface. It would help you if before bed you im
agine your mind like an ocean upon which you could walk. All feelings are on the
waters, you are above. Then imagine yourself walking on the water, listening wi
th your inner ear and using inner eyes. You should hear voices and see a figure
on the horizon... let the figure come closer... Do not run. Relax and let the fi
gure come to you
When the figure comes closer let him speak first. You are then using your own en
thusiasm and are in control of it. If you develop properly you will understand w
hen the figure speaks. The figure is a person you have known who will help you i
n your endeavors... It will not appear until you are ready... Your own abilities
must be developed enough so that the meeting takes place
When this meeting takes place you will know how to proceed, and the figure will
indeed be three-dimensional in this mind image of which I am speaking. Now this
person is an old friend - and I mean old - of mine... He will help you
Follow the exercise... each night. It need not be lengthy... just before sleep.
Do not strain if for a while you see a dark figure and the horizon... This is a
symbolic exercise... but there is truth in the symbolism
Personally your healing abilities are stronger in early evening, as opposed to t
he rest of the day. You should practice using them daily... even when passing so
meone on the street. This opens new channels... Helps you learn to handle them
Do not concentrate on symptoms, but on feeling of health... Do not get caught up
in sympathy... abilities won't be as effective. Before sleep direct your though
ts to those who need help... The healing abilities will automatically teach cont
rol in other areas... To help others also helps maintain your own control, and w
ill inspire others
Each identity possesses an integrity that will not allow any affiliation of whic
h it does not approve. Using an analogy, psychological antibodies are far more p
otent than physical ones. The self or identity quite literally closes its bounda
ries to any forces that do not follow its own purposes and intents. There are no
This integrity allows the identity always to maintain its own pattern or mark, p

ermitting within its peripheries only those affiliations that serve its unique p
urposes. In those terms, the self or identity cannot be defiled. Here I would li
ke to add a brief side note having to do with cases of apparent "brainwashing,"
in terms of war, for example
We will be treating this same topic in our own sessions... imagine the ill plant
as being able to use sunlight more effectively during the day and continuing to
make use at night of that energy which has been absorbed. (Picturing the image
of a healthy plant is) something that the plant will be able to use in its own f
ashion... The plant will give you a kind of "thank you" in the form of energy...
You ought to try to work with plants also in the early hours of the evening
suggestions should always be given before sleep, that the subconscious will main
tain the organic integrity of the physical organism. This is basic. Suggestions
should also be given so that a harmonious relationship be maintained among all l
evels of the personality structure. Suggestions given that constructive tendenci
es are given free reign. Perhaps more important, suggestions should be given tha
t only constructive suggestions will be reacted to

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