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Slavery in the chocolate industry

1) What is the chocolate industry acused of ?

The chocolate industry acused of covering trafacking and use
of child labour in plantation
2) Where do most of chocolate manufacturing acquire their
supply of cocoa beans
The supply cocoa mostly from south Africa and ivory coast
3) What is the response of the chocolate manufacturing about
the rumors of child labour in the cocoa plantations?
They do not believe in rumors about child labour
4) According to idrissa kanate how many child be found being
trafficked in
2006 and 2007 ?
2006 97 boys, 35 girls =132
2007 99 boys, 41 girls =140
5) The trafficked children come from?
6) Who is Mariam merico ? why did she went to go the ivory
coast? What
will happens to her?
She was from segou and was transported by a female
trafficked to ivory coast. She prefer to went there because
she want to make money. They handed to social service to
took her back
7) Why the local helper cry?
He was crying because the situation in their place are very
bad and his life full of this situation
8) According to diamoutene bakery, how many children had left
the village
to ivory coast ? what will happens if they meet a driver in the
road? Do they parents know?
130 people, they will take them to the plantation, their
parents duno know about this.
9) What happens to the children once they get on the bus?
They will be countinue their journey with motorcycle taxi
quickly. To avoid from police

Why is it to difficult to pin the trafficking?

Because they are many which was one person take to boader,
another take them to across and third person receive them
because its not one person.
1kg of cocoa beans transformed into --- cocoa
powder , chocolate bar
Saf cocoa, the 3thrd largest cocoa exporter make a
profit 135 million euro a year
According to ali lakis, are there any children working in
te coco
Tohe adam maclick explain that the children are in
the ivory coast for a
During the visit to several plantations, what did
the researches and his
team has find - 4 little boy which age around 10-12
230 euro

How much does it coast to bring child labourer in?

Do the children get paid?
Never get paid
How did yya konate become a child slave in the
ivory coast? How did he
manage to get home?
The trafficked tricked them , a man found them and helped
them to go
What happen to children who work slow or refuse
to work?
They will beat you
Why couldnt Interpol save large number of
children during their
operation? How many were they able to rescue?
They unable to save large number because they had hidden
and lock them in a house so that the police couldnt save. 65
children they able to rescue when the police arrive
When the researcher returned to saf cocoa, what
respond the ceo and
owner give?

It was disaster for the ivory coast, 1 children was found, 5

children and t
those responsible should went to jail. So the government is
fighting child labour plantation. I admit it they is a problem

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