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Praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God who gave grace to his people. Thanks to
theabundance of His mercy, this paper can be completed on time. We thank the parties - parties who
have supported, either in the form of guidance,prayer and material provided to assist in the completion
of this paper. Do not forget, wethank the authors whose writings cited as reference material in this
Paper entitled "BRONCHITIS". We realize that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore, we
welcome with open suggestions and constructive criticism to make this paper better in the future.
Finally, we say thank you and congratulations to read.

Denpasar, 30 September 2011



Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchioles, bronkulus, and trachea by various causes.

Bronchitis usually more often caused by viruses such as rhinovirus, respiratory syincitial virus (RSV),
influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, and coxsackie viruses. Acute bronchitis can also be found in
children who are suffering morbili, pertussis, mycoplasma pneumonia and infection. Other causes of
bronchitis can also by bacteria like staphyloccus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, influenza
haemophylus. In addition, bronchitis can also be caused by parasites such as fungi askariasisdan.
Chronic bronchitis is a condition associated with excessive tracheobronchial mucu s
production so that sufficient to cause cough with expectorated for at least three months a
year for more than two years in a row. some subklasifikasi have been
proposed. simplex chronic bronchitis describe a condition characterized by the formation
of mucoid sputum. mukopurulen chronicbronchitis is characterized by a persistent purulent
sputum and recurrent finding in a state of local suppurative diseases such as bronchiectasis. because
there may or may not be found obstruction is assessed by the use of forced expiratory vital
capacity maneuver, chronic bronchitis with obstruction requiring separateclassification.

1. There are 3 types of causes of acute brinkitis, is as follows :
a. infections, such as Staphylococcus, Sterphylococcus, Pneumococcus, Haemophilus
b. allergy
c. stimuli, such as smoke emanating from factories, motor vehicles, cigarettes, and others.
2. Chronic bronchitis can be a complication of pathological abnormalities that affect several organs, is
as follows :
a. Chronic heart disease, both the valves and myocardium. chronic congestion in the bronchial
wall weaken their resistance, so that a bacterial infection began to occur.
b. Paranasalis sinus infection and oral cavity, is a source of bacteria that can invade the bronchial
c. Dilatation of the bronchi (bronchiectasis), causing disruption to the structure and function of
bacterial infection of the bronchial wall so easily happen.

d. Cigarettes, can cause paralysis of the bronchial mucus membranes vibrating bristles so that the
drainage of mucus disturbed. collection of mucus is a good media for bacterial growth.


acute bronchitis symptom.
generally attentive people of symptom will from acute bronchitis. Oftentimes typical picture from flu,
or upper exhalation channel infection emerge the mula-mula,dan arise to sneeze, snotty, ill red lane,
drawn feeling and languidly.Feel the pain and pain in bone of at big muscle at organ and back represent
the common/ public symptom. Body temperature usually will go up. Sweaty, unable to think quietly and
husk become sensitive, usually partake to accompany.
Later;Then arise to cough dissolve. Originally cough accompanied by the phlegm do not how a lot
of at this phase. After few days of mucus and phlegm become a lot of. Even phlegm which kentald and
a lot of will go out at the same time with coughedly. Often this followed alleviatedly it[him] cough
sudden, gathered again readily other phlegm to be coughed by exit from windpipe.
Frequently this take place during few days later;then alleviate. Can walk in a few just day but can
also until some week. Cough which membandel o a more regular happened by if adequate therapy is
not given. This circumstance is inveterate also at damp and cool the rains.damp and foggy weather
cannot dry the clothes drier so that clothes remain to in a state of damp and chilled, the core important
underwear, bothering healing which quickly. Work or sit prolonging in a damp column or less heat also
make the infection non-stoped to take place. may even exist that acute attack possibility continue to
become the acute bronchitis, Which will be studied at shares of following.

symptom of bronchitis kronik.

attack of Bronchitis kronik very dangerous. Mostly patient which have experienced of this
matter confess have agakbebas from this disease. A lot confess often clean the phlegm from their red
lane, and a lot swallow to return the phlegm which emerge. Often arise to cough light and thereby germ
Originally that secretory mucus is transparent. But more and moreing its amount llama more
and more a lot of, and tend to to contain the rust colored phlegm and greenness. This show the
storey;level from hard of disease. Often arise the additional infection, and patient feel drawn possible is
also felt by a heat and chilled. By growing its his hard is possibility disease also arise the asphyxia.
Patient feel difficult to release the atmosphere, and few for the shake of a few/little mounting to become
hard. Cough and phlegm mekin of a lot of, later;then often sneeze which acap multiply accompanied by
the voice breathe abnormal.
This circumstance is downhill always step by step. Even if among all heavy smoker this matter
a lot of met, most of they refuse to kick a habit that though they realize that the symptom and

progressively their health obsolence is direct effect of from that cigarette habit. Its circumstance more
and more hard. Symptom becoming from month to month. Sneeze, out of breath, difficult do the normal
activity, pallor, showing oxygen less in blood, is inveterate circumstance from this disease, besides also
cough and sneeze endless and do not be overcome the. Life become the grievous something that.
Finally heart in forcing to work abundant, and often all this patient die the effect of fail the heart
or because poisoned effect from exhalation trouble which they experience of

Cigarette have to be prohibited in all faction, and if/when enabling patient have to be removed from
very dusty or impure environment. What if/when all smoker desist the cigarette, cough and their phlegm
usually of hilanng and they become more put up with the chest infection. At all young smoker of lung
function can swiftly return normal. At all patient do not be hard how, desisting cigarette can very easing
of breath of effect of have year of cigarette duration
But if bronchitis or emifisema continue the, damage of at irremediable lung, so that desist the
scanty cigarette of its influence at asphyxia, though a lot of healing is result from reduction cough and
phlegmIs suggested by so that/ to be constantly within in house of weather moment mist and cold
weather. Efforts to prevent the infection flu must be done. This time, vaccine to this have been made
available. This will assist to look after the chest free from the infection of during winter. Nick of time to
get the this vaccine injection is at months of during autumn. Nations of vaccine West for the disease of
influenza non-stoped to be developed, and every year there is that new. Usually given by doctor
subscribe the family
Therapy with the drug antibiotic is usually given by if patient experience of the acute bronchi
infection growing hard [of] its condition is of kronik. This drug is available in a lot of type. That have to
be given by according to doctor recipe and adapted for by its disease circumstance at that moment.
Penicillin type specially this time which is the in form of semisintesis , tetrasiklin, combination
medicines sulfa by trimetoprim and many more is nowadays used
A lot of doctor which long-range member recipe antibiotic, because getting that way of is is often
proven to help. Frequently if phlegm amount of so many his/its and difficult to be released, will be
done/conducted by one action of is so-called postural drainage, where patient lain down with the lower
head from body later;then part of chest knocked. Usually this action help to release the phlegm so that
ease respiration
If existence of voice fizz and bronchi stricture represent the uppermost circumstance, hence doctor
will give one of dai medicinize the breath of is so-called bronkodilator aerosol. This drug is in form of
sprayer to bronchi, for example like salbutamol. This have been proven to help in most cases. But, wise
usage needed and have to be used by pursuant to doctor guide. Though medicinize this
entered/included by into body of through/ passing this bland but sprayer represent the efficacious

During a decay 1960-an when aerosol start introduced, the core important for the treatment of
asthma disease, mount the keen death. A lot of doctor expressing that matter because of abundant
aerosol usage by patient. When announced to hit the patient care to risk which is possible happened
the, downhill mortality by drastic. Become, if you is given by a drug spray this, looking carefully its
operating guide. Tesfilin, old drug in the form of pill, a lot of re-used and very helping for many people.
mixture And preparat cough expressed can eliminate the phlegm, its result in general disappoint.
There no satisfying product to this, so also with the mixture which can be direct release the phlegm
from wall branch the gullet or assist the escade. Some pregnant mixture of iodide could probably help
the Drug with the trademark which relative still newly, like bisolvons, possible a[n exemption and can
be of benefit to some of patient. If there are content having the character of alergis, aerosol
berklometoson can is also given

Intervention plan
Nurses plan interventions in clients with bronchitis aims to:
1. Back effective clean the airway
2. The body temperature returned to normal limits
3. To fulfill the needs of daily activities
4. Fulfillment of nutritional intake is adequate
5. The reduced level of client anxiety
6. Fulfillment of the information the client needs
Planning problems and conditions tailored to the client at the time of analysis performed.
Nursing interventions almost the same as the client with pneumonia and pulmonary
tuberculosis with a few modifications to suit the client's condition with bronchitis. For the
problem of nursing increased body temperature, interventions are wont to do:
Hipertermi associated with increased metabolic rate secondary to bacteremia / viremia
Evaluation criteria: body temperature and blood pressure within normal limits, pulse, and
respiration within normal limits.
Plan of action
Monitor body temperature status periodically.
Give a cold compress on his head and folding
underarm area

Identify progress or penyimpangandari expected

Provide mouth care every 4jam if malodorous

Maintain freshness of the room.

Unpleasant odors can affect appetite.

Refer to the dietitian to help choose foods that

meet nutritional needs during the fever.

Dietitian specializing in nutrition is to help clients

meet the caloric needs and nutritional
requirements in accordance with the state of

illness, age, height, and weight.

Encourage clients to eat foods high in calories
and high in protein

Increased body temperature increases

metabolism, intake of protein, vitamins, minerals,
and adequate calories are essential for the activity
of anabolic and sntesis antibody.

Give small portions of food with frequent and

easy to chew, but if there is severe shortness of

Food portions a little but often requires less



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Edisi 2. Jakarta : Salemba Medika.

Harrison . 2000 Prinsip-prinsip Ilmu penyakit Dalam Volume 3 Edisi 13. Jakarta : Buku Kedokteran

Arif Muttaqin. 2008. Asuhan Keperawatan Klien dengan Gangguan Sistem Pernapasan. Jakarta :
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Dr.John F. Knight. 2006. Jantung Kuat Bernafas Lega. Bandung : Indonesia Publishing House.

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