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Solved with Comsol Multiphysics 5.

Simulation of the Convective Heat Transfer and

Working Temperature Field of a Photovoltaic Module
Using COMSOL Multiphysics
E. Ruiz-Reina and M. Sidrach-de-Cardona
Departamento de Fsica Aplicada II, Universidad de Mlaga.
Corresponding author: Escuela de Ingenieras, Campus de Teatinos, s/n, 29071, Mlaga,
Spain, cruizr@uma.cs
Abstract: The aim of the authors work is the numerical study, by finite element analysis
using COMSOL Multiphysics, of the convective heat transfer and working temperature field of
a photovoltaic module under different wind conditions.
Keywords: Photovoltaic Modules, Temperature, Heat Flux, Convection Cooling.

1. Introduction
It is well-known that a great portion of the solar radiation absorbed by a photovoltaic
module (typically 85% of the incident radiation) is not converted into electrical energy, but it is
wasted by the increase of the modules temperature, reducing its efficiency by heat transfer
with the surrounding medium [2, 3]. In this contribution the authors performed a numerical
study, using COMSOL Multiphysics, of the convective heat transfer and working temperature
field of a photovoltaic module under different wind conditions.
The working temperature of photovoltaic modules depends on different environmental
factors as the ambient temperature, the solar irradiation, the relative humidity, the direction
and speed of the wind; and physical factors as the construction materials and the particular
installation of the module [2]. For ease, the authors have chosen a very simple module with a
unique Silicon cell. A schematic of the simulation system is shown in Figure 1. It is supposed
that the module is installed forming 3O with the horizontal axis. All the thermal and fluid
parameters of the materials involved have been found in the literature [4].
This model is intended to replicate the results of the authors and as a first introduction to
simulations of fluid flow and conjugate heat transfer. It also shows the following important

How to draw an air box around a device in order to model convective cooling in this box.
How to set a total heat flux on a boundary using automatic area computation.
How to display results in an efficient way using selections in data sets.

The model is also described in detail in the book Introduction to the Heat Transfer Module.
An extension of the model that takes surface-to-surface radiation into account is also available;
see Heat Sink with Surface-to-Surface Radiation.

2. Using COMSOL Multiphysics

2.1 Model Definition
The modeled system consists of a single silicon cell photovoltaic module mounted inside a


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