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I want all women who want a solid relationship and do not know how to achieve it, and
those already in a relationship, but do not know how to improve it, to forget everything
you have learned about men. Forget the myths, heresy, what your mother told you,
what your friends have told you, the advice in magazines and television. Forget it all, so
you can learn my secret on how to dominate a man.
Men believe that women are taking the advice of other women who know how men think
and feel.
Believe it or not, there are "ways" in this world, to have any man doing what you want.
Maybe you do not understand this, or you may not believe me and I can understand
your skepticism, but it's true. The fact that you do not believe in something does not
make it not true.
I'll say it again. Read it carefully:
"To have any man doing what you want.
Any ... man ... doing what you ... want.
If you are married and want to regain control and strengthen ties, this book is for you. If
you want to get your man back, this book is for you. If you are in a committed and
serious relationship, this book is for you. If you are tired of getting played, you must use
this powerful spell.
No matter how good you're for him, or how beneficial you are for him, until you can
understand how this spell works, you will still be an easy prey to mens deceptions or
To wait for a man to behave as a woman wants, or as you expect him to behave, is
simply impossible; men do not act like women do much less in the field of love.
The love of men is different, much simpler and more direct than that of a woman, but
more difficult to achieve; I'll tell you this: a man, although being in love with you, it is
very unlikely that he will call every half hour and tell you how much he loves you.
There's always a woman willing to cheat with him
And this is a truth that no woman wants to face and most women who sleep with a
married man KNOW !.

Yes, women with no rules or limits and who have very low self-esteem and are willing to
deceive and be deceived.
But still, there are many reasons why a man wants this kind of woman, but a man
always wants to justify what he does wrong, and his excuses will vary according to the
type of man or woman you are. The important thing to understand here is that
regardless of all the reasons (and this gives you power), is that he is aware that it is
wrong to deceive. He knows he is wrong, he knows it's not okay to commit to being loyal
and then fail, especially if he needs you to be loyal to him.
Women ask themselves too much what they did wrong, seeking all sorts of questions
or weaknesses in themselves; "I did not do this or that"; "I was not good enough; I did
not love as I should have "; "That slut came and stole him because she was better than
me". But the fact is that he did not have to be unfaithful.
Women are not to blame for the infidelity of their men, or carry that guilt, which can
block you, really hurt you or prevent you to act naturally. You cannot move forward if
youre only guided by the rearview mirror.
What I can say is that many times, a man needs to lose what he has, to appreciate what
he had. Some men cheat because they do not suffer the consequences, but if he has
been unfaithful to you, and is about to lose you, he will be vulnerable and willing to
All this sounds very easy, and could become a tip over any psychologist or magazine
article, but somehow, it prepares you for what I am about to reveal.

Believe it or not you are about to enter a world of unlimited power. Understanding these
words that are now before you, the information found in this book, is not something to
be taken lightly.
This is not a parlor game. The magic here is not a game of teenagers having fun
with Ouija boards or Tarot cards that no longer appeal to them. This is a guide to
unimaginable power. Take a moment to understand these words.
An Unimaginable Power
You're playing with human lives. You're talking about manipulating, the forces beyond
the imagination of most people to seduce and have sex.

Such things have consequences. This is something you've never tried in your life. I do
not care what kind of dangers you have faced in your life. No matter if you ran into
burning buildings to save people, if you have been the victim of a shooting, if you've
climbed mountains, driven through demolition sites, or fought against grizzly bears in
their own caves, it does not matter. Nothing you have ever done in your life is the same
or close to what you're about to start for a very simple reason.
In the past, you've only used your flesh. Now, you're putting your soul on the line.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Your soul.
This spell you are about to learn, is among the oldest human written records and
sentences that nobody knows.
You must follow what it tells you exactly as written here. Say the words out loud. This is
not crazy; this is an order from someone who knows a thousand times more than you
do. Repeat these words:
"I will follow the spell of this book as it is written"
This will be the last warning I give you. Now, do not give a sigh of relief as a silly
cartoon caricature grateful to have a teacher behind you. In no time you think this is a
game. These are not instructions on how to repair a car, or connect your stereo system.
This is not a gardening book. What you're about to embark on is the transformation of
human consciousness.
You're asking dark powers beyond your senses to get what you want. Are you so
special that higher entities are required to fulfill your desires?
How many times have you snapped your fingers in the past and the gods and geniuses
have worshiped you, giving you all your wishes? I think never, I'm sure.
Think about it. Nobody expects you to be available to assemble the engine of a car
before you try to drive. However, you are expected to obey the instruction manual that
comes with the car. Not using the brakes correctly, accelerating into traffic coming
towards you, not wearing a seat belt at high speed when it rains. You would not do
any of these things right? Why not?
Because you do not want to die
Following the rules here is important.
If all this seems like a game for you, you better never try the spell that is in these pages.
Of course, if everything is just kind of a game, chances are you do not really believe that

this spell will work, and then it would be better to leave it alone. Rarely, powers are
interested in those who have no faith.
Still, the best thing is that you understand that the spell you're going to treat is as simple
and effective as it had been in ancient history. These spells preceded ancient books,
scrolls and even alphabets. Its simplicity makes it seem harmless, which makes it very
dangerous. Do not be fooled by the simplicity. The ancients worked with faith. If you
really think this spell will give you boundless energy, it will. And the unlimited power is
not something to be taken lightly. If you think you cannot handle something, its for sure
that it wont work. So be careful.
You dont need to become a witch, or have special powers. Spells and witchcraft
formulas have always been, and most formulas have also always been laws and laws
do not need faith, because they will work whether believe it or not. You do not need faith
to believe that if you fall off a plane or a ladder, you go straight to the floor and hit the
ground. Uou go straight to the floor, because it obeys the law of gravity. This spell in
particular is a LAW and it works, because it works; but you must follow the instructions.
Nor you need to read two hundred pages of complicated potions, go to a pharmacy
drugstore to find strange ingredients or anything like that. Youre going to learn a
powerful spell that can be performed at any time of day with an extraordinary power.
You will see results almost immediately, in some cases, we need a little time, but still,
you will see positive results in your life. Thats guaranteed.
I have a friend who has been dating a guy for the last 5 years.
He is a jerk and not worth the time to write about.
I do not know why my friend still dating that guy, but still does. He is married and just
looking for my friend when it suits him. Obviously, for when he wants to sleep with her.
He never has told my friend that he loves her, that he needs her, he has not even taken
care of her. She wanted him to change.
After 5 years, without much hope of some kind of change in this guy, because he
thought everything should continue in the same way.
It has been five years in which he has treated her like crap, then what are the
expectations for change? He has trained her to do what he wants her to do and he does
not give or do anything to change. He's got her exactly where he wants, without any
appeal. No threat or broken plates and cups have made such changes, believe me, she
has tried to make him change.
I taught her the technique and I'll tell you what we talked about on the phone.
This technique seems the simplest thing in the world, but it also seemed that this guy
had dominated it forever.

She kept asking "are you sure that's all I have to do?" Yes, I'm sure. Just do what I tell
you to do and you're just going to use a few minutes a day doing it.
She wanted instant results, so I told her to do this 3 times a day, using about a minute
each time and see what would happen. Longer is not necessarily better.
She used the technique for a few days and had a call from the idiot, saying he could not
live without her, he loved her, he just wanted to have her and live with her.
He chased her like crazy until she decided to see him.
The guy had tears in his eyes when he told her how much he loved her. Is there any
doubt that this technique worked on him? This technique will work, no matter how bad
your relationship is, or was, how long youve been separated or how long youve been
together or how well you know the person or do not know much about that person It
If I was not convinced by my own experience, then I would have to convince me about
the results of this friend or the results of others who have used it. After I learned the
spell, I was showing it to everyone who had any interest in learning. They listened to my
stories and also had amazing results.

Chapter 1
This is the most important chapter of my book. Without understanding this chapter, you
will not be able to do absolutely anything, not with this spell, nor with any other spell
cast upon you or that did you cast upon yourself. Its for that reason that you must read
this chapter carefully.
Remember that you have committed yourself to follow the instructions in this book to the
letter; on the contrary, I am not responsible if you achieve the results you are looking for
or not. Are we clear?
A witch or a wizard needs to have certain conditions, and although its not my intention
that you do become a witch or a wizard, what I do hope is that you can at least learn to
apply these conditions in your favor and you can achieve what you set out to achieve
with your partner. Are we on the same page?

As I was saying, a witch or a wizard needs to have certain conditions, and one of them
is to be at peace with oneself.
Absolute and permanent peace is almost impossible to obtain; because thoughts come
and go, and life is constantly in movement, sometimes it takes us high as though above
a great wave, just like a surfer riding its crest. At other times it drags and almost drowns
us. And so it is, that peace, painfully, does not last long, or it is taken from us by some
situation, thought or emotion that we may have. Thats why the greatest mystics,
witches or wizards lived in isolation, far from the madding crowd.
But because you cant become a hermit, in other words, remove yourself from
civilization and go and live in a hidden forest somewhere where you can dedicate
yourself completely to the contemplation of nature and live free and wild, what you can
do, is achieve absolute peace, although not permanent (although I wish you could), to
be able to complete this spell.
We have many emotions and feelings inside that have great power. Some go in one
direction and some in the other direction, hence why we do not get what we want. Its
like wanting something and not wanting it at the same time. Its like tug of war, where
there are two teams, one at either end of a rope, each pulling their own way, but
eventually one team will end up dragging the other team and win. The same happens
with our thoughts and feelings, some will be stronger than others, and in the end, the
strongest ones win.
Hence why I told you that this was the most important chapter of the book. You see?
Cleanliness is important, emotional cleanliness above all else. Where abandonment is
involved, a situation that you may find yourself in at this moment, emotions play an
important role and thats why they need to be cleaned, clarified and guided.
Thinking is one thing, but to feel is something very different, and in your case this is
called a mixed feeling. Some are stronger than others, and without a doubt, the stronger
ones will win. I will explain this to you with a story:
There was a man who had two dogs, a white one and a black one. Each week he went
to town with his two dogs.
Each week, the owner of these dogs took them to town, where he entered them in a dog
fight and people were able to bet on them hoping to win some cash.
So, this man set his two dogs to fight against one another.

But curiously, sometimes the white dog would win, and other times the black dog would
win. The owner always knew which one would win and which one would lose, therefore
he never lost any money.
All the while, a young boy was observing this, and so when one of these fights ended
and the owner proceeded to leave the town with his two dogs, the boy caught up to him
and asked:
-How do you know when the white dog will win and when the black dog will win?
Smiling, the man said:
-Easily boy, when I want the white dog to win I feed him well and I dont feed the black
dog, but when I want the black dog to win I feed him well and I dont feed the white dog.
In the end, one dog will be stronger than the other and win the fight.
See? The same happens with what you think. If you feed a certain thought, it becomes
stronger, wins over others and becomes a reality in your life.
Thats why emotional cleanliness is important.
The book of Job, one of the oldest books in the Bible, tells of a good and powerful man,
a very rich one, who was blessed by those that came by his home. But the story tells
that this man Job lost everything, so much that he ended up on the streets, inflicted with
an awful disease. His wife abandoned him and those that once blessed him, now spat
at him as they walked by. But most interesting is what Job says to all that has befallen
Job 3:25, 26 New International Version

What I feared has come upon me;

what I dreaded has happened to me.
I have no peace, no quietness;
I have no rest, but only turmoil.

Notice that he says, What I feared has come upon me, (or actually happened), its like
faith in reverse. Deep inside, we have fears, and although theyre not very obvious
theyre still there, and even though you rarely feel them theyre powerful and many
times, more powerful than what you are conscious of. Because the power of those
hidden fears move on a different wavelength to that of your conscious thoughts.
I dont need to, nor wish to go into more detail on this point for what we want to achieve.

Therefore, to make it easier for you, without having to read a two-hundred page book or
turn into a professional witch, you can perform this spell in a practical and efficient way
with real results!
We cant avoid birds flying over our head, but we sure can avoid them landing on our
head, let alone building a nest on our head.
In the same way, we cant avoid thoughts, but we can avoid them dwelling in our head
and allowing them to reproduce. Its like pain and suffering. Pain exists, but not
suffering. It lasts a moment, like when you bang your knee or your father gives you a
spanking, but suffering appears when you continue thinking about the same thing, and
continue thinkingand again, thats called suffering and its created by none other than
yourself. Nothing will come of this way; on the contrary, things will only get
worsemuch worse.
What this does is to put up a barrier, it doesnt allow you to move forward; its the same
as living in the past, or as though you were driving a car and looking through the rearview mirror the whole time. Its living in the present, thinking in the past. Its crying today
for the spanking that you received the week before. Thats stupid, not very intelligent.
And what you need right now is to be as intelligent as possible, and thats what Im here
for, to guide you with this book and the powerful spell of the Vagina.
If you really want to achieve what you set out to, you must do this; on the other hand,
you will not achieve anything.
If youre not willing, its because you want things done the easy way. If thats what you
want, hire a charlatan, give him some money, and in the end you will have lost money
and time. Or perhaps, what you really want is for things to continue as they are, you,
abandoned and alone.
But if you really want to get results, you will echo that famous phrase:
My kingdom for a horse
This phrase rounds up the life of the English King, Richard III, killed in the battle of
Bosworth on 22 of August, 1495, at the early age of 32 years.
After the clash between the armies, the king, finding himself in the thick of battle,
notices that his men are retreating due to the pressure from their enemies. He then
urges his horse on across the battlefield, his purpose to inspire courage into his fellow
It was in that moment when his horse lost his horseshoe, which had been fitted wrong,
and tripped, as the king fell to the ground. Frightened, the horse fled from Richard, who
remained exposed to his enemies as his soldiers backed away from the battle in panic.
It was then when Richard, while waving his sword around, shouted: A horse! My
kingdom for a horse!


But there was no horse for him. It was too late. Henry Tudors men quickly took care of
Richard, who died demanding something as simple as a horse in return for his most
valuable possession: his kingdom.
The morale of the story can be summarized in these four lines:
Due to a nail a horseshoe was lost.
Due to a horseshoe, a horse was lost.
Due to a horse, a battle was lost.
Due to a battle, a kingdom was lost.
But this short story can help us see the importance of small details, the error in rushing
into things, and the great importance of gathering all the information before taking on
something of magnitude.
So, just as our anxiety, pride and greed can boost that of our subordinates, just as our
future may depend on a simple nail andin the end, when everything comes
crashing down and we desperately offer up our most precious possession in exchange
for something of less value but more necessary at that moment
So, my question is:
What are you willing to do or give for what you want in this moment?
Are you willing to make him return, to love you, to treat you better, to give you what you
want, even transform him?
Therefore, you see how important the nail in the horseshoe is?
This chapter is just that, a nail in a horseshoe. If the horseshoe is not fitted on well, you
will lose the horse. If you dont pay attention to this chapter, in the end, you will lose

There are complications when a man is involved with another, i.e.: there is a third
person; its not that simple, there were many things involved, from machismo,
education, the example he grew up with, even a homosexual that resists his condition
and denies himself, or like he who seeks revenge on women for some reason; or simply
for pleasure.


Manuel, my childhood friend, slept with all the women he could, no matter if they were
young, old, fat, skinny o short; even if they were pregnant. Housekeepers were an
especially easy prey for him.
It was never easy with any woman, he could never maintain a lasting relationship.
Today, hes 54 and hasnt changed. There is no rest for his soul.
Where does all this lack of satisfaction come from? Where does all this madness
come from?
Painfully, Manuels mother was one of those women that disappeared from the house
every now and then, having gone with other men. Manuel would then see his father
suffering and forgive her time after time. Manuel knew that was wrong, he understood
his father and felt that his mother should be punished. His father never lifted a finger
against her, but continued to suffer, and go out in search of her to bring her back home
and beg her to never leave him.
Without realizing, from a young age Manuel started developing feelings of retribution
against women. His mother needed to be punished, but he could not do this.
In the end, his mother abandoned his father for good. She went off with another man of
a higher social status, but dragged Manuel along with her, without ever realizing what
was in store for her.
Manuel was not only a problematic child at school and anywhere else he went.
Everything he did was an unconscious punishment for this foolish woman who was his
Every relationship Manuel had with any woman was tempestuous. His thirst for
vengeance was reflected in each relationship. In his wake, Manuel would leave a trail of
psychological pain.
You see? Its not very easy, but instead complicated. We also have the story of the guy
who is homosexual but in order to reclaim his manhood and resist coming out of the
closet, he sleeps with any woman that crosses his path.
Once I was older, I asked my father how many women he had slept with in his
lifeThere was no easy answer for such a difficult question, but he told me, that if his
memory didnt fail him, it was one hundred and twenty women.
My second question was: With how many of those did you actually enjoy it? ... After
hesitating, he answered it was only two.
I still remember the scene of my mother lying on the floor, a kitchen knife in her hand,
trying to bury it in her stomach, while my father, my brother Carlos and me watched on,
at a time when Dad was getting ready to take us to a house in the country, where he
would be with his lover, who, after falling pregnant, left him and went to live in the
United States. My father never heard of them again. I was five or six years old around
that time.


Contrary to everything Ive told you, in the thirty years weve been married, my husband
has never slept with another woman besides me. Hes a rare specimen, but I know a
few men just like him.
Many of you may think this impossible, but with the spell of the vagina that I have for
you, time or distance is of no importance. Furthermore, you dont need to have sexual
intercourse for this to work. Dont think that this book or this spell is some sort of Kama
Sutra, where you will learn sex positions or some sort of childish flirting techniques.
Forget that!
With what Im about to reveal, you will have everything you need to control a man,
change his thoughts and actions. As I mentioned before, you will not need to turn into a
witch nor read a two hundred page book filled with potions.
Its worth mentioning that my eternal boyfriend, as I call my husband, is nine years
younger than me! Yes, nine years younger than me!
My daughter would tell her grandfather: My dad treats my mum like a queen
What I will teach you, actually works. Sometimes it will take longer, other times the
result will be immediate, but you cant throw in the towel, you cant give up, you cant
leave the horseshoe lose, because you can lose the battle and die in the process.
I guarantee you and so do hundreds of other testimonies that your relationship will get
much better, but it all depends on you and individual situations.
There are men who believe that manhood is carried between the legs. They think that
the more women they have, the manlier they are.what a stupidity!
My friend, do you see what Im trying to tell you? Do you see that its not that simple?
Some women are so desperate that they believe that any spell will solve a huge
problem. They attribute value and power to something that in reality doesnt have it. And
the only thing that happens is that time continues to pass, they lose more money and
they dont solve anything.everything was in vain.
Like in my mothers case, crying, begging and scenes of jealousy dont amount to
anything. In most cases, all that only serves to aggravate things.
What you must do is learn the spell of the vagina, dominate it, put all your effort into it
and then, things will change.


Go slow and pay attention now; I will go through some simple steps to make your
partner think about you, fall in love with you, for him to bring you gifts, to be faithful, to
do things for you in other words, how to tie down your partner without him noticing,
and without using your body.
I will take my time with this, because even though they may seem simple, I need to
point them out time and time again.
Believe it or not, there are many ways in this world to make any man do what you want.
Perhaps you may not understand this right now, perhaps you believe it to be a simple
fantasy, and perhaps you dont believe me at all, and, I understand your skepticism, but,
it still happens to be true.
I will say these words again:
Read them carefully:
There are many ways in this world to make any man do what you want.
Any man do what you want.
Its true, no matter who or what you are, doesnt matter if youre ugly or pretty, tall or
skinny, fat or blonde, young or old, not even if your breasts are big or small, or how
toned your legs are or if you have a nice smile. Forget all that, thats no longer
important. Understand?
None of that matters now. Never again!
Those things belong in the material world, dresses, appearances, etc. Those things are
just toys that girls use to attract a man, to call his attention. Nor does the femme fatale
charm matter. These are ways in which animals use their feathers and stripes to attract
their mate.
Beauty and figure, youth and money, are the shiny toys that girls who are still
submerged in this world use, but they are limited by three minor dimensions.
I will explain:


These women, of whom I speak, live like cavewomen, like the primitive woman, doing
things as they were done at the beginning. Theyve come to appreciate the first
dimension. Theyve gotten to the point where they understand tangible things such as
trees, cars, houses and even a carton of milk. Theyve learnt just like any other animal
in search of sex, a mate or security; how to move amongst the crowd, how to walk in the
male world, showing off their female finery, showing off their colored feathers. They can
leave their caves and still find their way home at night. Theyve conquered this kingdom.
Many of them have matured to the point of understanding the second dimension, the
intangible world of electricity and gravity. Such things we do not see but which still affect
us one way or another.
In fact, many have even come to understand the third dimension. This dimension
includes abstracts such as money and love; things, that even though we think they are
real, really only exist on a mental level.
Foolishly, they think theyve come a long way; that theyre able to dominate everything
that surrounds us. Having learnt how to walk, how to drive a car and write a check, they
believe themselves masters of the universe, in complete control of things, knowing all
there is to know.
Theyre mistaken, theyre very foolish.
As Shakespeare wrote, There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are
dreamt of in your philosophy.
To believe that the physical world, this fraction of the world, taught and defined in school
books, is all that there is in the universe, is the frightened and rational thought of an
There is so much more in the reality that surrounds us, things I will go revealing page
by page.
Our world is full of magic, it has surrounded you all your life, and it has influenced you,
manipulated, guided and punished you. We have personal magic that we sometimes
use without realizing it and there is an internal magic that has been used by others to
help you and talk to you. This has been happening all your life with or without your
When I was still at home and around fourteen years of age, I had already read an
encyclopedia; I had already read "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka, Thus Spoke
Zarathustra: A Book for All and None by Nietzsche. Ive lost count of all that Ive read,
in how many weird things Ive gotten myself into, from Rosicrucianism to spiritism, even


different religions, until I studied psychology and then left that after reading the great
Krishnamurti always searching, with many unanswered questions.
But the most disturbing thing of all, and on which I want to rely to share this powerful
spell, which Ive called the Spell of the Vagina, is to see how things become reality. I
dont know if this has ever happened to you, but to me its happened many times.
I remember that I always wanted to leave home, and go far, far away. I no longer
wanted to see my mum suffering, crying and worst of all, face a hostile world, in a
South-American country, where in that period of time (and still today), women were
considered inferior, like objects of pleasure, and that hasnt changed much, just look at
advertisements and the ideal woman they try and sell us.
I wanted to be a writer, I dreamt of writing things that could help people better their
lives I remember that my school friends would come looking for me to write them love
letters for their girlfriends or girls they liked; letters, that they would then say they wrote
That dream became reality, youre reading me today, and I thank the universe that this
is so and that my story and my spell are helping you my friend.
Another of my dreams was to study medicine, but there was no money at home to fund
that career, mum had separated from dad and had taken three children into her care,
where I am the oldest and then my two brothers, Carlos and Francisco.
Mum was the opposite of dad, she never finished elementary school, her writing and
grammar are terrible, but she has a great intuition, one with great foresight. Even then,
she managed to get ahead with us three until we turned eighteen (at least in my case).
When I finished high school my dream was still to study medicine, but as I mentioned,
there was no money.
I imagined, and lived in the illusion of walking the halls of the hospital, visiting my
Mum came home, she was so excited. She told me she had spoken with Juan Pablo
he was the rich and influential husband of my cousin Sarai she said: Juan Pablo
asked about you. I told him you had already finished high school, and he asked me
what career you would pursue at university. I told him your dream was to study
medicine but that we didnt have the money
Juan Pablo said my mum, all emotional that we didnt need to worry, as he would
pay your medicine degree anywhere in the world. You just need to figure out where and
when you want to start!


Wow! I leaped with emotion, I had a knot in my throat, my chest blew up like it was
about to explode.
Juan Pablo got me a scholarship to study medicine in Europe, at one of the best
universities in the world but as youve probably noticed I never went, but thats
another story.
The important thing here is that after many years of searching for answers and not
finding them, I dedicated myself to observing the things that had happened to me, the
things I had seen in my life and Ive seen all sorts of things, from a medium transform
herself, to objects moving on their own. Ive studied quantum physics and lastly,
quantum psychology. Ive invented things, and came to have, and still have as a
memento, a provisional patent from one of my inventions in the United States.
If I look at my past, I can see that many things that I dreamt of, or thought about
intensely, later became reality. I think its happened to many people. Has it happened to
you? Surely it has.
Its from here on that the Spell of the Vagina is born, which I am sharing with you.
Youve heard of magic spells found in secret books, in prayers and chants. Spells to
gain more money, to change the course of battles, to destroy the enemy, to change the
weather and make it rain, to predict the future and of course, to make all things possible
in love and sex.
This is the spell I will teach you:
If there is a man that you have always desired, you will make him yours.
If there is a man that you want to dominate, or want to change his thoughts and actions,
this spell will make that possible.
If he has abandoned you for someone else, you will destroy the bond that joins them.
Too good to be true? Well, let me tell you a personal anecdote when I discovered this:
When I was an employee, my boss and I had an argument and from that moment on he
began giving me the worst assignments he could think of. But every day on the way to
work while driving, I would practice this technique, which in those days I didnt
understand very well or was even conscious of the ability I was developing. It was
surprising when it began to work, to the point where my boss changed completely,
rather radically, and started giving me less work, and on top of that, the easiest work,
until he stopped giving me work altogether although I was still earning my salary. Other
employees were surprised, because they were working hard and I wasnt. My boss
began treating me as though I was his superior, it was incredibly fantastic. Can you


imagine how this would work with someone whom you have an intimate relationship
with? The connection is much better and more intense.
Im about to tell you specifically how and why my spell of the vagina works, such that
you can practice it until it works perfectly for you obviously. Im not talking about hours
and hours until you turn into some kind of witch or wizard; but I will give you precise
instructions that will change your life as they changed mine, in an easy, effortless and
quick way that you can carry out at any moment.
You can use this spell on any person not only on your partner, your lover or your ex.
This will be something that you will do every day of your life if you want to create a
marvelous life.
Why not continue practicing or performing this spell when you see the results it
produces? It would be foolish not to, true? Yes, this spell is truly amazing and it
changes lives for good.
I found this spell in search of solutions; I found some here and some there, until I put all
pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together. I brought it up to date, and made it even better, so
that a woman like you can put it into practice in this modern age.
First, I tried it myself; I then taught it to a few girlfriends to see if it worked or if it was
missing something. But to my surprise, every one of them gave me testimony of their
results. For some it took a little longer than others, but in the end, many would say that it
was something magical. To this day, I still receive testimonies from all parts of the
globe, that it really works, and this brings me much happiness and encourages me to
continue helping all the women I can.
Although Ive studied psychology, spiritualism and religion, its not about sexual or
psychological exercises, or meditation exercises, to force your partner to do what you
want them to and when you want them to, or that this spell works absolutely perfectly.
You dont have to be in a perfect mental or physical state for this spell to work. In fact,
this spell not only works on your partner, but works on ABSOLUTELY THE WHOLE
Yes, above all else, that person that you wish to control in your life no matter if its the
person youve lost, you have or the person you want, but still dont have. Friends,
family, acquaintances, strangers, partners, children, people you love or people you
hate. It works on anyone you concentrate on, they will change and they will do what you
want them to and in the way you want them to.
With this spell you will be able to change the thoughts and actions of other people,
including your partner. You only have to follow a few simple steps. I will explain those


steps in detail. Its so amazingly simple, that you will be surprised with the results you
Ive read many books, many of those are boring and an illusion of ways to get or keep
your partner, but when youre done, they dont work and youre bored with the lack of

Careful with your emotions
Previously, I told you that an emotional cleanup was needed and how to do it; I hope
youve attempted it.
Ive written about this spell before but I decided to do an extended version, more
Thanks to all the women who wrote to me explaining their concerns, Ive looked for the
easiest and best way to explain this. Because its not possible to believe in something
that you dont know, faith is something practical, same as spirituality.
Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, of what you cannot see, says the
Bible in Hebrews chapter 11, verse 1. But the fact that you dont see it or dont believe it
doesnt mean its not there. You dont see the air, but its there; its possible even
though there is no breeze, and you cant feel it, but its still there.
The law of gravity exists, even though you dont see it. Its a LAW and it works even if
you dont see it. Let me explain myself. The law of gravity says that everything will fall; it
wont float like in space, where there is no gravity. If you fall, you fall straight to the
ground. If you jump out of a window, where will you end up? Why, on the ground. And
the same with this spell, its a LAW, thats why you dont need to believe that it will work,
for it to work. But, obviously, its better if you add some faith.
Why? You may ask. Well, because emotions are what drive everything else, absolutely
everything and not our thoughts no, not our thoughts.
When you feel, your whole being vibrates; love, is not only felt in the head, but with your
whole body, your soul and heart, your whole mind.


Ah! I mentioned the mind Where do you think the mind is? In the brain, in the head?
And, what does this have to do with magic, with the spell of the vagina? Well,
When you get emotional, you have faith and when you have faith, you get emotional.
Emotion is nourished by hope, and hope moves you to do something; emotions are the
fuel, the gasoline that moves you to do something. Without faith, without hope without
emotions, youd be the same as a rock.
Each of the cells in your body has intelligence; when you have a fever, thats not bad;
its just your body fighting an infection.
Fear for example, is a very strong emotion that can paralyze you. Hate is another strong
emotion. Its been proven that certain types of arthritis are brought on by resentment or
suppressed hates, but you can get rid of them with therapies, by forgiving, by putting
things behind you at an emotional level. Can you imagine? An emotion is able to twist
the bones in the body, and by letting go of it, these bones can fix themselves, the body
heals itself and returns to its original state.
A few years ago I treated a young woman called Lourdes, who suffered vitiligo, a
discoloration of the skin. This poor woman started showing these discolorations at the
age of nine.
I treated Lourdes with hypnosis, a technique to anaesthetize her mind, so to speak, and
be able to delve deeper into her memories. Under hypnotic suggestion, Lourdes
discovered the cause of her vitiligo. She was playing with a friend (same age as her)
and before they knew it, they were exploring themselves sexually; it was just a game,
nothing morbid; I think that something similar has happened to all of us at one time or
another. Suddenly, Lourdes mum came into the room and became aggressive, hitting
Lourdes and throwing out the other girl while continuing to throw insults at young
Lourdes. It was from then on that Lourdes started noticing these patches on her skin
until she developed a complex.
With my help, Lourdes managed to understand the incident. She forgave and
understood her ignorant mothers reaction, who had never known love in her life.
A few days later, Lourdes was emotional and happy; the patches on her legs had
started to disappear.
See what an emotion can do? Well you need them for this spell. You need the emotions
that will help you and also be able to leave behind the ones that harm you. Remember
the story of the man with the two dogs? One black and the other white? Well, again, I


need to repeat time and time again, like hammering your head, so that this spell of the
vagina works for you.
As we will see further on in this book, I will show you how to fill yourself with and use the
emotions that you need to make this spell work wonderfully. You will be surprised, thats
a promise!

Chapter 5
Bring out your witch power and use it now!
I have already talked to you about the power of emotions. Now I am going to explain it,
as clear as possible, how to bring out all your power; a power that will move the forces
of the universe, beyond anything you can imagine.
This is the power that has given victories to the great wizards, witches and sorceress.
This is the power that has let them win battles; the power that has allowed them to
conquer kingdoms; the power that made us discover fire.
It is the power that makes us humans. It is the power that let us be "the greatest
miracle" that there is. It is the power that has led us into conquering things in your life...
and to lose them too.
This is the power and the value that emotions have; the desire that burns inside of us. It
is a force that you have to awake, that you have to use, and I am going to tell you how.
Once you have awaken it, that you have tested it, felt it, you won't let it scape from you
ever again.
In this moment, I am very excited for these words that I am writing to you, my dear
friend. I vibrate with all my soul, with all my being, so these words can touch the
deepest part of your entrails, and you can bring out all your power, to achieve what you
aim for. I am going to recur to all my readings, to all my knowledge in order to write this
chapter, a message that definitely is the heart of this entire spell: The power of the witch
you have inside yourself.
In the first place, I want you to use your imagination. And when I say imagination, I am
talking about your capability to see things as if they were a movie.
Our mind works with images, not with words. When you think, in your mind you see
images, not words. When you remember, images start appearing in your mind. Do you
see it?
Let's do a little exercise in order to prove you this:


If I tell you to think of a tiger, what appears in your mind? The world "tiger" or the image
of a beautiful tiger with black stripes? (Close your eyes and think about the world tiger
now) Do you see it? And it's the same with everything else. If you think or remember
something, if it's mom, dad, your significant other, or any other moment or place, there's
always an image, a movie, the scenario.

If you think of your husband's infidelity... obviously you imagine it. They're not a bunch
of words that appear in your mind like a computer screen where you write a letter.
You can also imagine him, doing to the "slut" that is his lover the thing he used to do to
you, or even better. That makes you feel, brings out all your emotions, the power inside
you, but it's bad for you because imagining your husband being happy with that slut has
only one outcome: it makes them closer because you're giving your force to it, and
weakening your wish of having him back. You see? Can you grasp it?
Be really careful with what you think, because that brings out, that easily, your witch
power; your inner power.
In order to succeed in anything, you need to bring out that incredibly power. Watch this,
the best interpreters of songs, are those that can live the moment, live the lyrics, the
melody of what they are singing. They forget about the audience that surrounds them,
as if they were alone. There is nobody else there, it's just them and the story, the
woman or man that they are singing to. Then, add another thing, which is living the
moment. (About that, I will tell you in the next chapter)
When artists, he might be singer, a painter, a dancer, an sculpturist, or an actor are in
his "inspiring moment", it is not them anymore, they are what they're doing, what they
sing, what they paint or what they act.
An actor lives the character, they transform into that person, they play that role, and the
better they do it, the better they live that moment and the better their acting quality will
be. Their voice transforms, the way they move, walk, everything changes. They're now
another person, they transform into what they do with all their emotions. There must be
that desire that burns inside, and this appears when one has the desire of expressing
yourself and search for that freedom to do it.
That is why you have to live with all your force to be the lover, the love, the irresistible
woman that you had been for your man some time before, not in what you think you are
now. A woman that has failed, an abandoned victim, someone that blames herself for
the abandonment... anything of that, that does not work; that has the opposite effect.
Bring out all the power you have inversely, it brings it out to make them closer...!!


Think of this:
Do you remember when you met him? Do you remember when you'd make love to him?
Do you remember how irresistible you were for him? Well, that is still there, in his mind,
in his brain, in his soul; and if you bring out your power now, you will be able to touch
what is still in his heart with so much strength, and with even more time than the slut
that wants to have your place.

He is looking for that; that thing that you put in him. Obviously time has passed, but do
you remember what I said to you at the beginning? It doesn't matter who you are, what
you look like; it doesn't matter if you're old or young, nor if you have wrinkles or
whatever. I told you that there are ways in this world to make a man do whatever you
want him to do. No need of seducing him, or becoming an expert in sex, even more, no
need to sleep with him.
I also told you that you would be utilizing a power beyond imagination, and even if you
don't believe it exist, that doesn't deny its existence.
I hope you're able to see it more clearly.
Well, the time has come; live that memory; delete any opposed thought; transform
yourself into that irresistible woman that you have been for him, and even though you
don't believe it, is still inside him. Live it now, act like her, delete everything else. Just
like the actor or the singer, where there's no audience. Do you remember how you used
to sing in the shower? You would transform... you know how to do it, you don't need
more explanations... Bring out the witch power that is inside you for once and for all!!


Chapter 6
Thoughts are a thing... they are energy.
Thoughts are powerful things that can be felt, even if you dont know how this matter
Imagine what you would do if you learn to guide your thoughts, in such an intentional
way. You don't need to be a witch or a wizard in order to guide your thoughts towards
someone (your husband or wife, girlfriend or boyfriend, lover, your ex, etc.), and to
affect their behavior.
All you need to do is to follow this spell with some easy and simples steps, and you will
be able to master it in minutes. I am not exaggerating the effect or the quickness with
what you can retain your significant other. For all those who now are nodding their head
or don't believe it; those who need to open their minds to this concept, and try to see
that is possible; once you continue reading my book, I am telling you emphatically that
this spell can change and will change your life if you can open your mind enough to try.
Have you ever felt in a room full people, that someone is looking at you? Even, feeling
that someone is talking close to you, even if they are not looking at your directly? Or
have you thought in someone before the phone ring? Or suddenly, someone crosses
your mind, and that person was talking about you in that exact moment? Even more,
knowing that someone was thinking or feeling without saying a word?
If your answer is yes to most of these questions, it's because this happens to most
Thoughts are things, even when they can't be directed; they can be caught in an
intuitive way. Now imagine if you could direct your thoughts! Imagine the power of
directing thoughts at your will and with emotion! This is the most powerful weapon you
can have, and nobody knows how to use it. We walk with our head held high instead of
using the power that is in between our two ears.
All the premises already mentioned are true, but you may not be able to realize why
coincidences happen. The reason is, when you are thinking of someone else, or
someone is talking about you; that is felt by the other person. When you feel that other
person is thinking of you, that person will appear immediately in your mind.
You can think sometimes that something bad is happening to them; or you forgot to call
them; or you need to contact them. Whatever it is in your mind is because accidentally
they have put those thoughts in your mind.
Did you know that can feel physically the "good" and "bad" thoughts about your own
self, and that they can manifest themselves in different ways?


Thoughts that are directed towards you can and will affect your well-being. The only
reason that they cannot affect your behavior, is because the person that is sending
those thoughts, doesn't know how to do it. They don't know how to use it for their own
Yes, the thoughts are real and the results are impressive. They can affect you both
positively and negatively, but believe me when I tell you that they can affect you.
"They affect you each minute of every day at some degree"
If you don't want something for your life, then STOP thinking about it; focus on
something more and involve your emotions in that.
Thoughts are scenes of mental images that have weight (though its little), smell, color,
sound and all the other perceptions; besides the conclusions or your expectative.
In reality, those scenes of mental images are composed by energy. They have mass;
they exist in space, and they follow some behavior invariable routines well defined.
Their most interesting characteristic is the fact that they can show up when you think on
something: think of your husband and his lover, and you get your husband and his
If you want to change the future with your significant other, you have to change your
thoughts; change the way you feel, and it will change the way you feel... and when the
way you feel changes, it will bring positive results to your life.
All this sounds great, and it's true... the only thing that you still don't have to make this a
reality in you, are the steps I am about to give to you!
During the 90s, Dr. Masaru Emoto developed a series of experiments watching the
physical effect of words, thoughts, prayers, music and environment on the crystallized
structure of water. Dr. Emoto hired professional photographers to take pictures of the
water before it was exposed to the different variables, and then he'd freeze it so it'd take
the form of the crystal's structure. The results were more than notorious.
If you haven't read his book or saw his photographs about the water, you need to buy
the book immediately. "The hidden message in the water" is one of the most fascinating
studies made about the thinking that I have read.
You can watch some of his work in the following link:
The photographers took pictures of the water that was contaminated before and after a
prayer. Before the prayer, the water was dirty, in bad shape, it looked contaminated.


After the prayer, the drops looked like snowflakes, and each one different one from the
other, but all were perfect. Thoughts are things that can change the essence of what we
are thinking.
Our bodies are made at least by a 57 - 60% of water. Then, do you imagine what our
thoughts can do to our bodies? Thinking that we are fat, old, ugly, and not useful, not
loved nor desired, etc. It will transform us into a "contaminated lake". The negativity
wrapped around our thoughts affects us physically and emotionally. Concentrating in
negative things that we don't want for our lives will make them come true.
Thinking we are special, unique, and well taken-care-of, blessed, gifted, intelligent and
beautiful, will make the water in our bodies be special and sacred. We will convert into
what we think we are. Literally, focusing in positive things for our lives will make them
manifest themselves. That is a universal law. Then, it is a fact that we can impact
someone else when we direct our thoughts towards them.
The National Institute for Cancer in the United States has been working in a series of
studies about faith and the power of prayers in the cancerous cells, and recognize the
impact that this have in the patient's recovery. Studies on quantic physics have shown
incredible results about cells, especially vegetable's cells
You can find these studies in the website of the National Institute for Cancer in The
United States by following this link:
Well, it is more logical once you know it. Thinking of something brings us an image,
because we are creating it. We are visualizing it, seeing it, experiencing it in our minds
and MAKING IT HAPPEN in our lives. This doesn't happen to us... it happens because
of us. Our thoughts are directed towards something that we can see, feel and
experiment in such a way that we are a magnet to make them manifest them. How
could this fail?
Well, now that you are thinking on all the things that you don't want to happen to you,
they happen anyways, right? I have a friend that was arguing about the fact that he was
a positive person, but that negative things happen to him anyways.
Well, I cannot get in her head to know what she was thinking, but what she was saying
was an indication of her thoughts, that were something like:
I can see that couple, and I want what they have. I want to have a relationship, and I
dont have one. Why can't I have a good relationship? Why my relationships always end
with someone leaving me? What is wrong with me? Why nobody loves me? I hate
myself because nobody can love me. That's it, I will never find someone that loves me
and wants me as his partner.


If you are making a mental list of all the things that you are missing in life, you will never
have them
Realizing that something is missing wont make it happen. This precisely reinforces
what is missing. Saying "I wish" will leave you wishing something. That comes from a
place in your life that you don't desire o don't have, meaning it is the image of what you
are missing and surely you dont want to end up like that.
If you are not following so far, please go back and re-read everything about this chapter.
You need to understand that "wishing" something; it is not to get it. Wishing something
that is yours and "feeling" it will give you what you want... even if it's your ex, a new
partner, a new car, house, and job... anything!
People aren't successful in life because they visualize failure or the few possibilities they
have. People that achieve what they want in life, do it because they visualize just what
they want to materialize. It is not about just thinking "positively" what assures success...
it is feeling that you're already living in your life what you wish right now, and not as
something from the future.
Then, if thoughts are things, what are you going to do with yours? Are you just going to
sit around, visualizing your ex-partner being happy without you? Or are you going to
visualize him or her being happy with you? Are you going to focus in what you don't
want about your currently partner? Or are you going to focus in what you want him or
her to do or say?
Yes, now you have a more clear idea, but that is just the tip of an iceberg. Thinking that
you can have and be anything, prepares your mind and thinking for that, and it is
important, but it's not all. It is the truth and wisdom. Now we need to talk about how to
use that power.

Chapter 7
One of my cases.

It is important that you understand this:

Before I tell you how to do it, I want to share with you my experience. If I don't tell you
about the "FIST TIME" I tried and the results from it, maybe you won't find out how to do
it yourself.


My ex-boyfriend Juan and I have been dating for quite some time, but things were not
working really well between us.
We were arguing about something before I went to bed, and we barely talked to each
other. I don't know why I was staying that night with him; I should have left instead of
being with him and feeling miserable.
However, there was a good reason for me to stay there that night, because I had to
practice this spell.
If I had been alone, I wouldnt have had the instant gratification of seeing how this would
work in matter of seconds. That could keep working, but I wouldn't have had realized it
until Juan said it. Then, I didn't know it worked that quickly.
I think that all this things, of big or small relevance, happen for a reason.
My staying in Juan's apartment wasn't a coincidence. It was one of those lives changing
moment that happen for a reason that I won't forget.
Juan is really closed-minded, and getting inside it is a feat. That's why I couldn't believe
for a second that what I did was magical, and that nothing could work on that atheist,
not spiritual and agnostic man.
You don't have to believe in anything religious or spiritual in order to make this
technique work. As a matter of fact, you could be an atheist, and this will work for you.
However, I am not.
This spell isn't some kind of special prayer. It's a universal law.
I didn't feel anything, nor did I see anything; I didn't hear a voice that would talk to me
while I was doing the spell. Rather, it was a pretty simple and easy exercise that I did,
and I didn't expect any big result.
You can imagine my reaction when Juan sat down on the right side of the bed. I was
shocked at first. I thought that he was sick, because a few minutes before he looked
deeply asleep, completely exhausted.
Honestly, I think that he was pretending to be dead, because he was really upset and
didn't want any kind of interaction.
Anyways, he was sitting and said "the right words" when I visualized him saying them.
Without any variation. They were the exact words that I visualized him saying. I nearly
burst in laughter after he pronounced those words: "Now I am going to sleep without
any other discussion."


Incredible! This was the most amazing trick that I had seen. Thanks to the universe for
letting me stay that night with that annoying man, because I could see how quickly this
secret spell works.
I practiced this spell that first time, I focused in other two messages that I wanted to
send to some people that I haven't heard of in a long time.
I visualized one them telling me that she'd like to grab lunch with me. I visualized
another person calling me on the phone to ask me how I was doing.
I focused in the people that I haven't heard of in a long time. I wanted to make it a little
more difficult; that way I would know for sure that the technique actually worked. Then, I
focused in each one of them for about a minute. Do you think that is too much time to
achieve the live or what you want in life?
Next morning I was still laughing under my breath every time I'd remember Juan, sitting
on the bed saying what I thought mentally he would say. One of the people that I sent a
mental message sent me an e-mail, saying that she would like to meet me for lunch. My
other friend, left a voice mail saying that he felt like he should know how I was doing,
because I showed up in his mind in a very strong way. He was worried, thinking
something bad had happened to me, because he couldn't get me out of his mind. Very
powerful, huh?
I have a lot of similar stories, since that first time I started using this technique some
years ago. But I wanted you to know some about the first time when I decided to
practice it, and the successful result I had. I won't guarantee you that you will have a
result as dramatic as mine the first time you use it. What I can tell you though, is that if
you use it every day, this technique is going to work without a doubt. IT HAS NEVER
The lesson here is that it doesn't matter what you know, if you don't practice. I can teach
you, but if you dont take the time - which is just a few minutes a day - you will see
yourself again in the same situation you had at the beginning. It takes only 30 days to
change something into a habit.
Whatever it is the amount of days that it takes, you have to make this technique a habit,
a custom. Don't do it only when you remember. I won't be there to ask you if you did it
or didn't do what is going to improve and create your life. At first, I used three alarms on
my phone that would remind me the time on when I had to practice the technique until it
became a habit. Today I live my life around it, because it is what creates my life; not the
circumstances that surround me. My life doesn't depend on the exterior. I remember the
words of the great Krishnamurti "my exterior world is a reflection of my interior world"
Use a post-it on the mirror, or in your car, any place that can remind you of it, if you
need to be reminded.
You will practice this technique every day and night for the rest of your life; so you may
want to stick a post-it on the head of the bed. Do everything you can to remember that


you are CREATING YOUR LIFE. If you have worked hard to have a nice figure, I am
sure you won't go after cakes and candy that make you lose what you have achieved,
would you? Well, when you start getting the results, don't start abandoning your
When the evil person that left you stars to come slowly back to you, don't forget that you
have to keep doing the exercise daily. Visualize your partner always doing what you
want them to do, visualize the house that you want to share, the kids, the fidelity, a
great job you want... Visualize the life you only thought would be a dream. You don't
have to teach the technique to your partner, for they could use it against you. You can
share with your partner other techniques so they manifest themselves.
It's like if it was something just for your eyes and nobody else. You can share the spell
with your friends. It's better if you tell them to buy the book, that way they will be able to
have it as guide and consult it when they want and need it. But DO NOT SHARE THIS
SPELL WITH A BAD PERSON. I want that you mentally tell yourself that for no reason,
under no circumstance will you share this technique with someone that doesn't deserve
it. Promise!
It's so great and powerful, that we can only share it maybe only with ourselves. I will
suggest you to better keep this technique as a secret for yourself.
Do you ask yourself about the spells that people put on other people?
Well, let me ask you that in a different way: Do you ask yourself if spells are real? They
are. They are real because they are made out of "thoughts." They are facts with
powerful directed thought. That is exactly how you make them, and truly, the make
anyone explode.
I have used it to do something bad too. It embarrasses me to admit it, but I did it and I
didn't realize of the impact and the consequences that this brought back then. I used it
once, because I was angry with that person.
That person called me minutes later of my visualization, telling me that they were about
to have a heart attack. She described me exactly the symptoms that I had visualized.
Yes, I had focused on her heart minutes earlier. It scared me enough that I have never
tried to do it again. Well, not with the heart... smile.


Chapter 8
With all that we have reviewed so far you may think that this chapter is too easy to be
I assure you right off the bat that it is effective, very effective. Not only is it effective if
you master its steps, but it also works quickly and effortlessly.
In the tale I was previously telling, when I used this technique with Juan, I observed that
the results could be produced immediately. This happened because it engulfed our
subconscious minds or spirit, which is extremely powerful.
Your conscious mind is like the user of computer while the subconscious is like the
software. You must be able to use the software if you wish to operate your computer in
an effective manner. Our subconscious is also known as our spirit, which is infinite and
will never die.
Your subconscious mind is the force that drives your reality. You can use it consciously
when in a meditative state. My spell works by using my conscious mind to enter into a
state where my subconscious mind can influence other peoples behavior. I know this
may sound a bit strange, but it works all the time!
So lets say that as the user of a computer (conscious mind) I want to use the software
(subconscious mind) to connect with another persons subconscious mind. In our
computer example, this would be like sharing your screen, where we can both see the
same thing at the same time. This is analogous to sharing the same reality. However,
just like computer software, the subconscious mind can connect to the subconscious of
another person without that person knowing or being able to control the situation. This is
why I want you to understand that you must have only good intentions before using this
Technically, you can affect the other persons behavior in a negative manner. I dont
condemn this behavior, but if you believe in karma then you wont want to do something
negative that can come back to you. For this reason you should not act badly in a selfserving manner just for the pleasure of it.
I have never explained the process in written form, so please be patient with me as your
read through my explanation.
I can keep my subconscious or spirit connected with your subconscious or spirit without
your permission to do so. In fact, I can affect your behavior and you can affect someone
elses behavior when you use this spell.


In the case of my friend, who was sleeping with a married man for a few years (whom
never did nor said nice things), she was capable of connecting with his spirit using her
subconscious mind to change his behavior.
This is how you will manage to make your significant other return to you. This is how
you will have that person thinking about you every day until he/she can no longer live
without you. This is how you will have your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife or lover
do what you want them to do. This is how you can obtain what you want from your


I have taught this technique to some good friends who endured a bad marriage for 3 or
4 years before separating.
While they lived together, he treated her like garbage. He ignored her and literally ran
her from their home. He thought this was how she should be treated. After she left him,
she decided he should be paid back in kind.
Suddenly, he believed he just couldnt live without her and chased after her for 2 years.
He begged, pleaded, cried and lost a lot of weight because he was suffering for her
loss. This wasnt coincidental or unplanned. I taught my friend this spell to make him
feel he couldnt live without her.
She had been emotionally abused during that relationship and she wanted to make sure
he felt the pain and suffering to which he had subjected her. The man that mistreated
her when they levied together was now suffering and believing he could not live without
her. That went on for 2 years!
Before teaching her this spell, he was leaving her for another woman. After she worked
on him, with my help of course, she almost drove him mad.
She wasnt there in person while doing this. Several times per day and every day she
would use this spell for 1 or 2 minutes at a time. He never knew why he felt so
desperate to have her back, and he will never know because we didnt share our secret
with anybody.
I know you are wondering how it works and why I am going into so much detail. I need
you to understand that your conscious mind or the user of the computer is who casts
the spell. The conscious mind just recognizes the appropriate time simply recognizes
when to switch to the subconscious mind (the software) to be effective. When is the
appropriate time? Any time you think about it! Instead of dwelling on the thought of how


helpless you are, you need to flip the switch and control that evildoer. You will never feel
helpless again if you use my spell. Never!
Have you ever experienced that sensation of being in a trance while driving? Or while
riding the bus? Or anywhere really and suddenly you are mentally absent for a few
minutes? That is when you can notice that your conscious mind was not in control, you
were on autopilot.
Thinking that you can skid of the road or miss your bus stop can suddenly bring you
back to reality.
Of course, your subconscious mind is completely functional even if you werent aware of
it. That is the mental state you will find yourself in when using this spell.
You must be in that mental state where you have slipped out of your external world and
into your internal world.
All right, now you are ready for your first exercise.
Dont use your conscious mind to try and direct your thoughts or feelings during this
exercise! That would be a huge effort, like lifting dead weights, and it is not necessary.
It is so simple that you may feel you arent doing anything. Despite that I am 100%
positive that it works and know plenty more people beyond myself who have proven it!
You dont need to work hard at any time. This exercise requires you to believe that its
working and a good puff. I do it several times during the day for different people. I dont
need to enter an altered mental state and neither will you once you get the hang of it
with a little time. I can be chatting with someone and doing my spell. Its that easy!
For now, lets practice it in order until you master it. You do not need to think about
where your conscious and subconscious begin or end, or even if it is one or the other.
Just follow my instructions. Im assuming you will use this technique on someone. Just
believe it works, because it does.


The FIRST STEP is lying down on your bed face up with your arms stretched out
beside your body and your head slightly lifted (with a pillow). Find a comfortable position
and dont cross your legs. Feel how the bed supports your body perfectly, even before
you start the spell.
Take a deep breath without exerting (about 5 times) and allow yourself to relax
completely. If you feel you arent in a comfortable position for any part of your body be
sure to remove that which discomfort or distracts you until you are in a completely
comfortable position. You mustnt be distracted by any physical discomfort.


The SECOND STEP is getting your body and mind into a relaxed state. If you are
familiar with meditation, place yourself in that mental state.
Dont worry if you have never practiced or heard about meditation, there will be no need
to master it. All you need is to relax and enter into a quiet mental state where you can
repeat to yourself I am sleepy... I am sleepy I am sleepy or I sleep I sleep.
This will release your consciousness and connect you to your subconscious. As you
read through this book and repeat this mantra you can feel that change into your
subconscious mind.
Your subconscious mind is around 30,000 times more powerful than your conscious
Imagine the power that lies in your head which you rarely take advantage of. Imagine all
that power focused onto your partner he will have no chance against that secret
weapon. Hell be in your hands.
The THIRD STEP is to focus on the person and visualize what happens clearly
within your minds eye. This eye is a few centimeters above the space between your
eyebrows, at the center of your brow and acts like a TV screen. It is where we visualize
the things in our past, present and future. If I were to ask you visualize your front door,
your pet or something you have experienced in the past, this would be where you would
see it.
When you are thinking about someone or making a mental image you will see it on this
screen. See your partner (or the intended person) as clearly as possible in your minds
eye or on this TV screen.
See this person standing up about 50 feet away from you and your imagination. This is
about the size of a small parking lot, but even so, you can see him clearly. You may not
yet have the ability to see figures with your minds eye but that doesnt matter in this
exercise. See the person as clearly as possible. Feel or notice what you are looking at.
Dont worry about doing it right or wrong, there is no way to do it wrong.
The FOURTH STEP is to call out to that person in your mind. In my case, that
would be Juan! Juan! Juan! You are relaxed, comfortable and within your
subconscious mind at this time. Call to him with your thoughts until you see him turn to
face you. What you are doing is connecting with his spirit to have it come to you. That
person will be slightly under your control. He will feel you when you do this.
You are calling him and in a subconscious manner that person will feel and hear you. It
can take a few attempts before you see or feel a reaction to your call. Usually I will do
this 3 times, but on occasion it is fewer than that. It depends on how I feel connected.
It is possible to have no physical sensation of being connected and that is normal.
Sometimes I feel absolutely nothing, sometimes I feel cold and other times I yawn when
the energy connects. Whichever your reaction, dont worry about the results. You have


called and is subconscious mind hears you and answers. Remember that thoughts are
things and are felt and acted upon immediately. Believe it!
The FIFTH STEP is to see that person walking towards you finding you standing
in your visualization. Visualize yourself as clearly as possible while you are there,
standing, looking at him. If you dont visualize it perfectly that doesnt matter I get the
same results and so will you. Look into his eyes and notice that you have connected
spiritually, mentally and emotionally with that person and you are now in absolute
The SIXTH STEP consists in hearing that person say what you want them to say
as you look at them, not what you think they are currently saying. Hear them saying
whatever you want them to say, there is no right or wrong here.
That person will say what you want them to say. That person can tell you that you are
garbage or that they can never love another as he loves you. Stay positive, because I
want you to focus on positive feelings. That person could say things like: I love you. I
cant live without you. Im sorry. Ill never love another like I love you. Ill do anything to
have you back. I miss you. Ill leave my lover. Ill change my mind. Ill take you to Paris
or wherever you want. Ill give you my credit card. Ill follow you like a lapdog the rest of
your days. Ill feel sick if I ever look at another with desire. Ill never feel pleasure or
have an erection if I try to cheat on you.
Whatever you DESIRE that person to say! I want you to hear the words that you are
placing in his mouth and feel the emotion, or the rest and ecstasy of hearing them.
FEEL THE EMOTION!!! Feel the joy and happiness of having that person want you
back under your own terms.
Feel the ecstasy and notice him coming back to you. Feel how happy it makes you feel
that he will never leave you and will do anything to keep you. Feel the pleasure of being
treated like a princess and having your hearts desires come true.
The SEVENTH STEP is hearing you answer him with the same words he has
told you. I want you to feel the joy, rest, love, gratitude I want you to mentally
answer to that person. You can say something like I love you too. Im very happy that
you are back. Ill never let you go. You will be happy only with me. We will have a
marvelous life together. Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for your adoration.
Use any positive decree for that person and BELIEVE those will be your answers.
Take a moment to allow the feel the sensation of peace, love and gratitude, all the while
knowing that it is a truth that floods you. You have finished the spell. When I finish, I
leave the person lovingly and continue my day knowing that I will hear the words or
receive a positive reaction from that person.
You have sent out a powerful message and it is impossible for that person not to
answer physically or mentally. If the person is very stubborn it may take some time for a


response, but you will hear those words from their lips. But take rest at least in the
thought that you have placed those thoughts in his head.
Dont be discouraged if this doesnt happen immediately.
This is why I tell you to give it a time limit, no more than 30 minutes per day so you
wont pressure yourself. All you have to KNOW is that it is working and dont WORRY
about when it will come to be. The most important part of the process is to accompany
the spell with positive emotions.
The subconscious mind works with emotions, so if you feel negative emotions you will
attract negative emotions.
Your subconscious mind doesnt know the difference between right and wrong, good or
bad, reality or fictions, truth or lies.
EVERYTHNIG it does is what YOU have visualized, created and directed it to do
through your thoughts and feelings.
You can practice this spell at any time during the day. You dont have to lay down for it
to work. Eventually, you will be able to take advantage of your subconscious mind
easily. As you read through this book you can repeat to yourself Sleep, Sleep, Sleep
and feel the change of consciousness.
You can visualize the person with your eyes open, though I close them for better clarity.
The point here is not to forget the emotion, ecstasy and gratitude knowing that the
person will say or do what you want at any given time.
WHENEVER you think about the person you want to change, do these two things
1) NEVER think about the things you dont like which you wish to change such
as his bad behavior or any other thing you dont want to reinforce. Dont start
thinking how stupid that person is, if he cheats, how he mistreats you or how
much you miss him and that you would do anything to get him back. NEVER
think about the things you dont like. NEVER!
2) ALWAYS think ONLY about that person saying and doing what you want. It
doesnt matter if the person is currently doing those things or not. Use your
visualization and imagination in the present time for the things you want. At
any time you think about that person during the day, think about that person
missing you, asking you to come back, telling you how much he wants to be
back and how much he loves you. I want you to feel how happy that makes
you. Get it?

Read the next chapters to further understand the subconscious mind and create your
future through the power of visualization. Your live doesnt stop when you get the


partner you want. Actually, it barely begins. Now you need to read about how to achieve
the life of your dreams, the one you always dreamed of having.
I want to share with you that, the time I made the person feel like he was having a heart
attack I followed exactly the steps I previously explained.
Instead of hearing what I wanted in my visualization, I saw myself placing my hands
around his heart and squeezing it until he could hardly breathe. I was furious, so my
emotion was very intense. I dont recommend you use this spell for things like that. Im
telling you about this to illustrate that I received a call from that person a few minutes
later telling me he felt a heart attack. In his own words he told me he felt as if someone
squeezed his heart.
Once you start performing this spell and seeing results, you will be enthralled with it.
I confess to you that I used this spell with a man that cheated on me and he suffered
from pain in his testicles for about 6 to 9 months. After several doctors appointments
and medical tests, they could never find anything physically wrong. Of course, I know
exactly what was happening with him, because I was giving him that pain with the
power of my visualization and thoughts.
Dont mess with someone who has the knowledge and power to turn your life upside
down (bitterly) Literally speaking!
I know some of you dont believe, and I understand. You wont know the absolute power
of this spell until you use it for a few weeks. You may say it is some sort of coincidence
instead of crediting the spell. I really dont care. I dont need or want recognition for
teaching this spell to you. I am not sharing it with you for the financial gain of selling this
book. It wouldnt make me rich and famous any way. All I desire is for you to have
access to it and I would like you to have an open enough mind as to try it out.
If you think it doesnt work, dont try it, or if you want your money back just know this, it
will never work for you even if you try it at another time. The spell will be null and void.
It is Karma. You cannot take something for nothing (in this case knowledge) and try to
use it to your advantage cheating the system. If you use it and know it works, you must
recommend this book. Its worth reminding you that this spell will become a habit for
you. Eventually, this spell will be the first thing you do to change your circumstance.
I wrote this book with the intention of letting it be a thing to remember or consult if
necessary. ALL the knowledge is here Use it!
I desire to spread this message all over the world, to all people, but in an honest
manner. I wrote at the end of this book a note from a woman who sent me an email.
She had some questions that I answered. She said the technique had not worked for
her, so I gave her some tips and tricks. I was amazed because the spell always works. I


instinctively asked her if she wanted her money back. Timidly and bashfully she said
Hey, this is the type of book that people think what the hell, Ill return it, because I
already memorized and learned the technique. Believe it or not there are those who try
to scam you for a few dollars! I took no offense. I know nothing about her financial
situation and dont want to judge the reasons for wanting her money back. But I was
honest with her and told her to stop trying to use the technique because it simply would
not work for her.
Its not about money, its about an exchange of energy, and money is energy.
If the spell and it secret are not appreciated and valued, then you will be wasting your
time trying to make it work. I dont care what else you may try to get what you want; you
will never find something more powerful than the 2 or 3 minutes you will use on


This chapter may seem hard to believe, but try to read through it and understand it
because it is important for the manifestation of your future. I understand that the Law of
Attraction works through the universal subconscious mind. Let's assume that your
conscious mind has thought or made the following decree:
Your subconscious will accept it as fact, weather it is or isnt
Those thoughts resonate within the universal subconscious mind where all thoughts
(positive or negative) are kept.
If you have a negative thought such as I WANT, it will be held in the universal
subconscious along with those of everybody else.
You may not recognize that I WANT is a negative decree, but wanting something is
declaring you dont have it! I AM is the decree that yields positive results.
Lets review the example decree I WANT TO BE RICH, because we all desire wealth.
When you make this declaration or have thoughts stating I WANT, your subconscious
mind resonates with the negative thought of your lack of money.
Those thoughts are kept in the universal subconscious mind and you will attract those
types of thoughts. All the negative thoughts in the universe will resonate with your
decree of I WANT as: I do not have a privileged education, or I am never at the right
place and time, or I am unlucky, or I will always be poor every reason that every
person has to believe why they are broke. Simply put, it will attract negative thoughts.
Can you see how truly devastating this can be for your finances? I hope you do,
because if you understand this you will be motivated to change it.


On the other hand, if you send out positive thoughts like I AM RICH, and then all
thoughts of success held in the universal subconscious will be attracted to you and your
You will find yourself attracting money; means to obtain it, inheritances, and gifts from a
wealthy acquaintance the possibilities are limitless. Did you know that the riches
people visualize their wealth growing right before going to sleep? That could be the
reason why they wake up with creative ways to make money. They attract the positive
thoughts of success and all the power of the universal subconscious and their
subconscious comes into play to make it happen. Any decree you make regarding
something you want/need must begin with I AM. I am rich, I am healthy, I am loved, I
am desired, I am beautiful, I am lucky, I am slender. Got the idea? Never ever should a
thought begin with I WANT. Your subconscious will believe what you believe. If you
believe that you want something you do not have you will condemn yourself to failure.
Wanting something creates more want.
Desiring something is different. We all desire things and that force drives our lives by
desiring things with the knowledge that you will have them. If I see something I currently
do not have, I see it and I desire. I see it and think to myself I desire it and it is mine
and then feel the emotions of having and enjoying what I desire.
Trying to change your circumstances before changing yourself is going against the
nature of things. There can be no external change without internal change.
Besides, I did not understand the importance of visualizing something as if it were
happening now and not in the future. ASKING, BELIEVEING and RECEIVING was
something very vague in the book The Secret.
In reality, you dont ASK, you VISUALIZE yourself living and having what you desire.
You BELIEVE that it is already real.
You RECEIVE what you have visualized ONLY when you can FEEL the emotion of
having what you desire.
It should be stated as VISUALIZE, FEEL, RECEIVE.
Visualize as if you were living it here and now, not as a future event. Feel the emotion,
happiness and gratitude for receiving what you desire. Receive what you have
Live your life in gratitude for your Good fortune.


When you are performing your visualization, DONT VISUALIZE as a future event,
visualize as if you were living it right now, today, at this very moment. If you visualize as
a future event you are only daydreaming. If you visualize something in the past you
are just remembering If you visualize something NOW, you are creating your life!
Dont dream of having your significant other back in your arms.
Call to their subconscious and give her your message about what you want them to say
or do. Visualize yourself here and now and know that it will be. I can find no better way
to emphasize or otherwise exhaust this important matter!
Acknowledge that your subconscious mind creates your reality as well as all you do
every day of your life. Weather you acknowledge it or not, you are creating your reality
moment to moment throughout your day. You have been doing it in a passive manner.
Now you will engulf yourself with the consciousness of that creation and that will create
the life you want instead of the life created by default.
You may not recognize yourself as the creator of your circumstances. Maybe you have
not woken up to the fact that you create your own reality. Any dream you desire can be
lived out by you and created by you.
I am not talking about silly or offbeat things based on just hope or a promise. I am
talking about what you can do instantly to create the life you want for you. A life filled
with health, wealth, happiness and a partner that loves and adores you. Forever!
This spell is unique because you will control your partners thoughts. From this point
forward you will have the ability, through this simple exercise, to get into their head
(subconscious mind) and have them respond to your desires. Its like having a genie in
a bottle granting your wishes. If I have been able to do it with closed-minded suborn
people like Juan, who immediately responded to my subconscious call if I can do it,
you can do it!
This is not a hopeful wish or prayer. This is the ability to control another person and
your own destiny. Creating your own destiny is part of this spell which I share with you,
sister. You can create the life of your dreams.


The results vary from one person to the next, but it works because there is one
universal constant, one law.
Perhaps what is important is to know that you won't be who does this, you will set in
motion something that is already there. It is like the law of gravity: you don't need to
believe in it to be stuck to the ground or fall down instead of up if you jump out a
And as with all laws, it hinges on certain principles which I will try to explain to you. It is
neither the thoughts nor the mental concentration what will move your significant other
or ward you against any evil, it's the emotions. The mind is not in the brain, the brain
simply interprets the information from your senses. When you feel, you feel with your
whole body. Your cells vibrate and your brain interprets that according to the information
and education it contains.
When a stone falls into the water it causes vibrations and waves. Sound makes
everything around vibrate.
When you have intense emotions you make everything around you vibrate. Imagine that
you are inside a deep pool of water and you begin to shake. Your vibration makes the
water vibrate and that vibration travels outward, moving all the molecules of water.
When you use intense emotion in your visualization, that emotion is stronger than any
thought. Your thoughts in that visualization direct all that energy onto an objective. Now,
in the water example, the universe is the water in the pool. Your emotions travel and
make it vibrate. But the universe is intelligent, it is the UNIVERSAL MIND that contains
all within and is contained within all.
When you feel you put emotion into your visualization and everything begins to move.
That is why it is important to see your visualization as a present event instead of as
something that you wait for in the future or something you simply want to happen.
To achieve this, visualize what you want in the present. Visualize what you want your
partner to do or say now.
The second most important or maybe even simply the most important thing is to have a
feeling of deep gratitude. Be thankful because it is a fact.
Thank the universe, the universal mind, because doing so blesses you, the world and
the universe itself... Lots and lots of gratitude...
Once you are done... let it go, relax, rest, forget... let the universe do the work...


Let me give you a MANTRA: always repeat It is so good to have him/her back (or to
have whatever you want from your partner) and feel it!!!
I assure you that you will get a marvelous reaction. Never feel victimized or pity for the
result you get, which would weaken and counter it. It would be like taking one step
forward and two steps back.
You must change your ache into enjoyment...!!! Into victory...!!!
It is a marvelous thing. You will see changes in your life and in fact, the change has
already begun... I'm sending you a blessing at this very moment... Look right now over
your shoulder behind you and feel the protecting presence of an enormous Angel
beside you...
There it is... right... now...
If I were to tell you about the testimonials from the girls that write to me... they say it is
something magical...
Receive an affectionate kiss... I'll know of your victories...
Don't waste your time and energy controlling someone that will never be what
you want or need in life.
Juan is my example regarding how to control someone effectively, but it wasn't an effort
worthwhile. Think what it would be like to cast this spell constantly, but with short lasting
If you want to be SOMEONE different than who you are now, all you need to do is
visualize it happening that happening now. Feel the joy and happiness for your blessing
and know it to be true. Unless you want to be someone in need, visualize yourself as
self-sufficient. If you have money problems, visualize yourself completely ecstatic or
depositing a check into your account. If you desire a man, visualize yourself with his
arms around you and feel the love you have for each other.
Pay close attention to the emotions and what you say to and about others. If you are
constantly complaining then you will need to do this exercise several times a day.
Don't let a day go by without performing this spell.

Remember: We have accepted many things throughout our lives that are in our
subconscious without distinction between good or bad, correct or incorrect... it simply
accepts. It is through the lens of this this psychological content that we view our lives,
the world, other people and this is how we relate with our entire external world.
The only way to change is to change what we have accepted. In one way or another, all
we need is a fraction of a second for our subconscious to connect with both our
conscious mind and the universal mind. It is there, and only there, that a miracle has the
chance to manifest.


And it all begins when you realize and acknowledge what I'm sharing with you.
To win the lottery you need only do one thing: BUY A TICKET! Only those who buy in
have a chance to win, even if it is only one in twenty-four thousand chance. If you seek
the connection it will come to you like a thief in the night... when you least expect it and
without your notice...

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