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Byjus Classes:9873643487

Read the following passage and answer the 4 (four)

item sthat follow:
A (sanctuary piay he. defined as a place where Man is
the fe s t o f Nature active/ Till quite recently
Nature had her own^anCtnaries,^were man either did
not go at all or only as a tool-using animal in
comparatively small numbers. But now, in this
machinery age, there is no place left where man cannot
go with overwhelming forces at his command. He can
strangle to death all the nobler wild life in the world to
day. To-morrow he certainly will have done so, unless he
exercises foresight and self-control in the mean time.
There is not the slightest doubt that birds and mammals
are now being killed off much faster than they can breed.
And it is always the largest and noblest forms of life that
suffer most. The whales and elephants, lions and eagles,
go. The rats and flies, and all mean parasites, remain.
This is inevitable in certain cases. But it is wanton
killing off that I am speaking of tonight. Civilized man
begins by destroying the very forms of wild life he learns
to appreciate most when he becomes still more civilized.
The obvious remedy is to begin conservation at an earlier
stage, when it is easier and better in every way, by
enforcing laws for close seasons, game preserves, the
selective protection of certain species, and sanctuaries.
I have just defined a sanctuary as a place where man is
passive and the rest of Nature active. But this general
definition is too absolute for any special case. The mere
fact that man has to protect a sanctuary does away with
his purely passive attitude. Then, he can be beneficially
active by destroying pests and parasites, like bot-flies or
mosquitoes, and by finding antidotes for diseases like
the epidemic which periodically"rills off tKeTabbits and
death. But.,
But, I H A
thus starves many of the carnivores To deaThi
except in cases where experiment has proved' his
intervention to be beneficial, the less he upsets the
balance of Nature the better, even when he tries to be an
earthly Providence.
Q l) The author implies that his first definition of a
sanctuary is
a) totally wrong
b) somewhat idealistic
d) indefensible
2 j The..authors argument that destroying (bot-flies and
mosquitoes \would be a beneficial action_
\veakened by all of the following exceipt
s nave
have an important role to play in the
regulation of populations
3 ^:
of any
unpredictable effects on the balance of nature
c) the pests themselves are part of the food chain t""
d) these Insects have been introduced to the area by
human activities

It can be inferred that the passage is_

aart of an article in a scientific journal
extracted from the minutes of a nature club
part of a speech delivered to an educated audience
a speech delivered in a court of law


Q4) The purpose of the final paragraph is

a) to sum up the main points of the authors argument
b) to urge a solution to an increasingly pressing
c) to qualify the authors definition of an important
to propose a program
Read the following passage and answer the 4 (four)
items that follow:
Comparing designs in music with visual designs raises
interesting questions. We are familiar with the easy
transfers of terms denoting qualities from one field to
another. The basic problem can be put this way: can
music soun3\the way a Resign looks?! The elements of
rnusic are not the same asthose 01 painting. They may
be analogous, but to be analogous is~hot to be identical.
Is it possible, then, for thc^sarhe broad characteristics to
emerge from different, perceptual conditions!
characteristics of a work and their perceptual conditions
must be kept distinct. First, the global characteristics, of
a visual or auditory complex are determined by the
discernible parts and their relationships. Thus, any
notable change in the parts or their relationships
produces a change in some of the global characteristics.
Second, a change m tne parts or their relationships may
leayg_other global characteristics unchanged.
Q5) In the first__paragraph, the author is primarily
concerned with establishing the fact_that
a) comparisons are not equations
J s f ' auditory phenomena are not visual phenomena
c) frequently used comparisons are usually inaccurate Sa
d) careless perceptions result from careless thought
Q6S In the passage, the author is primarily concerned
a) distinguishing mutually exclusive categories
clarifying an apparent contradiction
c) supporting new ideas
d) analyzing a problem
Q7) Thd"second\>aragraph is primarily concerned with
establishing the idea that'
a) different global characteristics of a work result from
the same discernible parts
b) the parts of a work of art influence the total
VisualNand ^uditory^characteristics can be combined
changes in the parts of a work remain isolated from
the worlTas a whole
Q8) Which of the following statements is most likely_ a
continuation of the passage?
a) -The search foibiuad similarities thus begins by
understanding and distinguishing these two facts.'-
b) The search for musical-visual analogies thus
depends on the complexity of the works being
- r
c) The search fo^ music and a rto^ th e highest quality
thus depends sn very diitereht assumptions.
Byjus Classes:9873643487


Thusymusic and painting exist in mutually exclusive

Read the following passage and answer the 5 (five)
items that follow:
Although the twentieth century saw tpe rise qf women as
professional musicians, the majority of "composers and
performers were, anc^ still are)mem\The music industry
in the U.S. and BrttSn- overwhelmingly reflects the
values of a patriarchal society; the success(or\ailure of a
female artist is based largely on her physical appearance
-andgendered"peribrmahce style- Blues, rock, and pop
began~as~genres dominated by~men, and thus included
styles of dress, lyrics, and sound born of a male
perspective. The history of these genres, then, is also a
history of women seeking to locate their space within a
predominately masculine musical environment.
Women are always judged, in part, on their image, and it
is through the manipulation of this image that some
women artists have been able to push the boundaries of
gender identity. Women have been able to enter popular
genres of music either by playing with the aesthetics-of
masculinity, or by playing into a male expectation of
femininity. Sexuality, therefore, is a tool women continue
to use to shape and reshape their place within popular


mtering the music world is not easy for women but

they are making progress. ' Tj/1*
Parody and irony are the only ways in which women
can hope to achieve success in music.
Women in popular music cannot escape being
judged on their appearance.
Women assume stereotypicaHy female appearances
in order to attract audiences!

Q12) The puthor is likely to have which of the following

attitudes when advising_women about the mu sic
Persuasive ^
y&r Ambivalence
d) discouraging^4
Q13) From which of the following sources was the
passage most likely excerpted?
J t f f A newspaper editorial
b) An American history textbook
c) A book on gender studies
d) A teaching manual
14) Travelling pt 3/4th\of the original speed a train is
late) FinaThe usual time taken hv- t.he Tram to
'complete'the journey?
b) 50 min
a) 4u mm "
d) none of these
c) 30 min

_ 10
t min
Pushing boundaries is a balancing act, however, and a
contradictory process. In order to gain access^to the
world of popular music, a female artist must at once be
at the same~tirrre, leniOTT
true to herself as a woman. A desire to be too much one
of the guys can lead to identity problems-andr-aftiqiately
to self-destruction. An artist's use oflrony^or parod^may
run the risk of being mistaken for genuineness, causing
heTTcThtrohjectified. Working withinthe limits of popular
music tigspny^TETlTfficult and dangerous for women.
But due to ^TlTe pi ofessionalism and inventiveness of
many female performers, the space for women in popular
music is being expanded and redefined.
Q9) According to the passage, successful women
popular music
I) parody their gender
II) are under constant scrutiny bvaudience
III) usd scxualitvTo t'Relr advaih11age >o
a) Ilf only
b) I and.III f
c) II and Ul^fc.
fTlI, and III xP

Q15) There are 4 letters and 4 corresponding envelopes.

In how many ways you can put the letters into the
covers such that none of letters are going to the right
a) 9
b) 16
c) 24
d) 12
Q16) If South-East becomes North, North-East becomes
West and so on. What will West become?
a) North-East
b) North-West
c) South-East
d) South-West
Read the following and answer the 5 (five! items_that
'he following line graph gives the ratio of the amounts of
imports by a company to the amount of exports from
that company over the period from 1995 to 2001.
J j ^ Ratio of Value of Im p o r ts to Exnort.sNbv a Company Over
the Years:-

QXO) The passage suggestsjvhich of the following about

the 20th century? '
V a) Female musicians were tolerated because of their
physical appearance, u s
b) Professional male musicians did not respect women^c
c) Song lyrics changed over time to fit the most current
female perspective.
Women1s niusicai progress happened slowly and
with much struggle.
Q l l ) Which of the following best describes the main idea
of the last paragraph?
Byjus Classes:9873643487

P5.C C

0, c , P


Q17) If the imports in 1998 were Rs. 250 crores and the
total exports in the years 1998 and 1999 together was
Rs. 500 crores, then the imports in 1999 was?
250 crore
b) 300 crore
d) 420 crore
c) 357 crore

Q28) If S + P means S is the brother of P; S - P means S

is the sister of P and S x P means S is the father of P.
Which of the following means that J is the son of A?
a)A-KxJ + D
b)D-J + KxA
c) K + A - D x J
d)AxK-J + D

Q18) The imports were minimum proportionate to the

exports of the company intFTe^year?
ah--- 1995
b) 1996
Sc) 1997
d) 2000

Read the following and answer the 2 (two) items that

a village, there are 600 children who know Maths, 400
tLxJchildren who know Science and 150 children who know
both. Out of those who know Maths, 300 know Algebra,
400 know Geometry and 200 know both.

Q19) What was the percentage increase in imports from

1997 to 1998?
-=a) 72
b) 56
c) 28
d) data inadequate
Q20) If the imports of the company in 1996 were Rs. 272
crores, the exports from the company in 1996 was?
a) 370 crore
-d?f320 crore
c) 280 crore
d 275 crore
k .. X
Q21> In how many of the given years were the exports
more than the imports?
a) 1
b) 2
4 7 3^ c) 3
d) 4
Q22) Satya Prakash gains 20% on his cost price. If in
week, his sale was of Rs. 384, what was his profit?
a) Rs. 18.20
b) Rs. 70
c) Rs. 64
d) Rs 88.25
Q23) Abhishek has 1000 kg of sugar, part of which he
sells at 8% profit and the rest at 18% profit. He gains
14% on the whole. The quantity sold at 18% profit is:
a) 400kg
b) 560kg
c) 600kg
d) 640kg
Q24) Six bells commence tolling together and toll at
intervals of 2, 4, 6, 8 10 and 12 seconds respectively. In
30 minutes, how many times do they toll together?
a) 4
b) 10 "
c) 15
d) 16
Q25) If 1st February 2015 is Sunday, then 1st April
2016 will be?
a) Thursday
b) Friday
c) Saturday
d) Sunday
Q26) A father said to his son, "I was as old as you are at
the present at the time of your birth1. If the father's age
is 38 years now, the son's age five years back was:
a) 14
b) 19
c) 33
d) 38
Q27) The price of sugar has increased by 20%. The
percentage of reduction that a family should effect in the
use of sugar so as not to increase the expenditure on
this account is
a) 25%
b) 30%
c) 16.7%
d) 15%


Q29) How many children know Science and Algebra?

a) 100
b) 150
c) 50
d) cannot be determined
Q30) How many children know neither Algebra nor
Geometry? (Assume that all children in the village know
at least one of the subjects Maths and Science)
a) 250
b) 350
c) 400
d) cannot be determined
Read the following passage and answer the 6 (six)
items that follow:
d shark-fin soup) has
A growing taste for shark steaks
for the first time in 400 million ye, r put the secfttrge of
the sea at the wrong end of the food chain. Commercial
landings of this toothsome fish have doubled every year
since 1986, and shark populations are plunging?- It is
hardly a case of good riddance. Sharks do for gentler fish
what lionS "do for the wildebeest: they checkoonulations
hv feeding on the weak. Alsqflsharks apparently do notj
therefore harbour clues t o m e
. . . and
___ may
ature ol tiiat disease^---there is thef issue of motherhood. ^Sharks are
viviparousN That is, urey bear their young alive after
trtTrrvm g ( n n t A p p ie r ! i n e g g s ) alter gestation periods
lasting from nine months to two years. Shark mothers
generally pi ve birth to litters of from eight'to twelve pups
and hparnnlv one_litter everv~~dth eT~veatu-JlEis is why
Sharks have one of the lowest fecundity rates^ in the
and lays a few million eggs at a time.
thercgcTwere tobe fished this year, they cottlcTbe backHh
full force in a few years. But if,
bite out of the sharks,]the population would riot recover
for 15 years. So, late ffils summer, if all goes according '
TtTplan, tne shark will join the bald eagle and the buffalo of managed species. The federaf government
rntfcapT^TeThS. commercial catch at 5)800 metric tons,
about half of the 1989 level, and limit sportsmen to two
sharks per boat. Another provision discourages finning,
the harvesting of shark fins alone, by limiting the weight
of fins to 7 percent of that of all the carcasses. Finning
got under the skin of environmentalists, and the
resulting anger helped to mobilize support for the new

Finning itself is a fairly recent innovation. Shark fins

contain noodle-like cartilaginous tissues that Chinese
rave traditionally used to thicken and flavour
Jjoujx Over the past few years rising demand in Hong
Kong has made the. fins as valua~ble_as the rest of the
Byjus Classes:9873643487

o o

V "
fish. Long strands are prized, so unu&uMy large fins can
be worth considerably more to the fisherman than the
average price of about $10 a pound.
But can U.S. quotas save shark species that wander the
whole Atlantic? The blue shark, for example, migrates
into the waters of something like 23 countries, John G.
Casey;a biologist with the National Marine Fisheries
Service Research Center in Narragansett, R.I., admits
that international co-ordination will eventually be
necessary. But he supports U.S. quotas as a first stepjn
mobilizing other nations. Meanwhile the commercial
fishermen are not waiting for the new rules to take effect.
Theres a pre-quota rush on sharks, Casey
its going on as we speak.
Q31) According to the passage, shark populations are_at
greater risk than cod population's because
a) Sharks are now being eaten more than cod.
The shark reproduction rate fis lower than that of the
cl Sharks are quickly becoming fewer in number, y-yd) Sharks are now as scarce as bald eagles and buffalo. Q32) According to the passage, a decrease in shark
Might cause some fish populations to go uncheckgcLIII .Would hamper cancer research.
g k rT o on e-q u a rter the current levbl would take over a
decade to recover from.
a) II only
b) III only
and III only
d) 1 and II only
0331 If the species Homo logicus was determined to be
viviparous_and~T5HravrmifT^mely low lecundityjrgtgg on
land, we might expect that
"apTdomo logicus could overpopulate_its niche_ and
should be controlled.
b) Homo logicus might be* declared an endangered
Homo logicus would pose no danger to other species
and would itselt be m no~danger.
d ^ N o n e of these


0 3 4 L3 fhich-pne of the following best describes the_

toward the effort^fo-p rotect i h ^ k.

strong advocate
impartial observer

It1 CcUl
can be
from the
>1 1
UC inferred ...........
___ Research efforts on cancer will ^be hindered
are threat2rrI~
> > populations
U.S. quotas qn_ shark J ishing will have
effectiveness in protecting certain species.
Lome practices of Chinese^ chefs have
(a) I only
(b) II only
(c) I and II only

if shark
.. ,

and III only

Q36) An irony resulting from the announcement that
QharVs will he Placed on the managed list is
We will now find out less about cancer, so^in effggl.
by savingthe sharks. w ea re hurting ourselves.___ry ^
b) ~STiafgs~aFe far~more dangerous to other tish than we
are to them.
c) More chefs are now using the cartil^m ous-tissues
/ fo u n d in shark tins. being killed now than before the
Read the following passage and answer the 2 (two)
items that follow:
Opera refers to a dramatic art form, originating in
u rope\n vwhich
the cmouuncu
emotional m
vhicn tne
uiciii is
ia conveyed to
Z tKe mTTnehr.el as much-tHT5ugh musid, both vocal and
irvctriimentatas it i slthrough the lyrics. By contrast, in
rr.ngirgi theater an_
a n c e 's
r m-imarv^andthe Ausic plays ajesser rol$. The drama in
cjnera is presented using the primary' elements ol theater
such"~as scenery, costumes, and acting. However, the
words of the fopera! or libretto, V re sung_ja th e r than
spoken. The singers are accompanied by a musical^
ensemble ran^rmiram- a j mall instrumental^ensem bleto
g^full symphonic orchestra;
d 'T ' Q37) It is pointed out in the reading that_opia
V . O a)
a) h
has developed under the influence of musical theater
is a drama sung with the accompaniment of an
is not a hiph-budget production,
djy is When performed in Europe
Q38) We can understand from the reading_that
a) people are captivated more by opera^jMrL-nmsical^
. ^erf^ drama in opera is more important than the music_
nrrhest>asTn~operas can vary considerahlvun siz/?. v/
d) musical theater relies above all on music
Lead the following passage and answer the 3 (three)
[terns that follow:
TraHiHf^ally-man.v linguists stre ssecLtfle_impognngg=gL.
ammarV. ---- -------- . ^ \
mastering prammarTstructuresI
- w'hile
recentvears, the maionty
educators have
ni iti-i-iii
become" more aware of the fallacy of this approach and
other approaches promoting vocabulary_development^
have gaoned^poptdarity. It has been found outlydthputj
vo'cabularj\ to~put~on top of the grammar system, the
If^rffers' can actually sayjyery little/despite Being able to
manipulate complex grafnmaticm structures in exercise
drills It is obvious that to learn English, one needs to
learn many words. Native speakers have a vocabulary o l .
gbciu bOTTOff words but foreign learners of Englishjiegd
need only about"a.OOOwofd^T ob e quite
competent in speaking and listening. The reason for this
seemingly smah number is the nature of words and the
frequency with which they appear in a language,
seems clear that frequent words should be among the
first words to learn because they will bejrnet most often
and will be needed in speech or writing.

Byjus Classjs:9873643487


a (o

2 .0

4 s* .B o c

2 3 0



Q48) A train passes a station platform in 36 seconds,

and, a man, named Abhishek, standing on the platform
in 20 seconds. If the speed of the train is 54km/hr, what
is the length of the platform?
b) 240 m
a) 120 m
d) none of these
c) 300 m
Directions for the following 5 (five) items:
Each of these questions is based on the information
given below:
1. 8 persons E, F, G, H, I, J, K and L are seated around
a square table - two on each side.
2 . There are 3 ladies who are not seated next to each
J is between L and F.
G is between I and F. r
Hj_a lady member is second to the left of J .
F, a male member is seated opposite to E, a lady
There is a ladv m e m b e r b e t w e e n F and L_ -r
Q49)Who among the following is to the immediate left of
% g
.x r i
c) J
x i) H
__Q50) What is true about J and K?
,&) J is male._K is female
MaJWls female, K is male
both are females
/d) both are males
r Q51) How many persons are seabed between _K and F ?
a) 1
c) 3
d) 4
Q52) Who among the following are three ladv members?
b) JL-Ejand G_~
a) E, H and J
d) L,^H and J
H and G

"politically Mfictoilised and/ demand their rights. The

upsurge of the peasants and tribals, the movements for
environmental movements, and the women's movements
in the Hevelnping_-^W4xtrip<3 are
nf emergence of
creative society in contemporary tim esAThe forms of
social moveme s _and their intensity may vary Irom
dSuritry to country and place to place within a country.
Sub the 75ry presence of movements for social
transformation in v a r io u s spheres-^a-a-^riH-f4y indicates
the emergence o^a creative society in a country)
Q56) What does the author imply by "creative society"?
1. A society where diverse art dorms- and literary
writings seek incentive.
2 . A society where social inequalities are accepted as
the norm.
3. A society where a large number of contradictions are
A society whdre' the exploited and the oppressed
groups grow conscious'of their human rights and
uplift men:. c X
"Select the correct answer using the codes given
1, 2 and 3
3 and 4
d) 2 and 4
manifestations of social movements?
r Aggressiveness and being incendiary.
Instigation by external forces.
Quest for social equality and individual freedom,

Urge for granting privileges and self-respect to

disparaged sbctions of the society!
Select the -carreer answer using the codes given
a) 1 and 3 only
b) 2 and 4 only
j Ci hSand 4 only
d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Q53) Who among the following is seated between E and

c^ k

b] I
M'cannot be determined

Q54) If half of the students learning only one language

other than Santhali, decide to switch over to learning-Nf
Santhali, what is the percent increase over the present
number of students learning Santhali?
a) 100%
b) 50%
c) 75%
d) cannot be determined
Q55) A sum of money is sufficient to pay Satya
Prakashs wage for 21 days and Abhisheks wage for 28
days. The same money is sufficient to pay wages of both
of them for:
a) 12 days
b) 14 days
c) 7 days
d) 49 days
Read the following passage and answer the 3 (three)
items that follow:
The concept of 'creative society' refers to a phase of
development of a Xoclety in which a large number of
potential contradictions become articulate and active.
This is most evident when oppressed social groups get

Q58)With reference to the passage, consider the

following statements:
J ] / T o b f a creative society, it is essential to have a
variety of social movements.

To b_a 'creative society, it is imperative to have

Sfential contradictions and conflicts]
Which of the statements given'abovels/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
u^-hoth 1 and 2
d) neither 1 nor 2
Q59) Consider the following three statements:
1. Only students can participate in the race.
2. Some participants in the race are girls.
L r) )
3. All girl 'participants I n the race are invited for
Which one of the following conclusions can be dra1'
from the above statements?
a) All participants in the race are invited for
Ms) Ad-students are invited for coaching.
' cU^AH participants in the race are students,
d) None oT the~~statements (a), (b) and (c) given
above is correct.




Byjus Classes:9873643487






Ans:b)Expl: The author says in sentence two that his

previous definition was too absolute. Yet he admits
that the less man upsets the balance of Nature the
better. Hence his definition is not entirely right
(because it is too idealistic) but it is not entirely
wrong either. It is now easy to eliminate answers A,
C, D, and because they are strongly negative.
Ans:d)Expl:In except questions find the true
statements first. In this case find four statements
that weaken the idea that destroying pests is
beneficial. That means finding statements that show
that it is not a good idea to destroy the pests.
Answers A, B, C, and give reasons why destroying
these insects might be a mistake. D, however, is the
right answer because it suggests that eliminating
these insects might not be wrong, since they are not
even natural inhabitants of the area.
Ans:c)Expl:From the words I am speaking of
tonight we can infer that the words were delivered
orally, and not during the day time. The only
possible answer is C.


Ans:c)Expl: The author is modifying or qualifying his

earlier definition of a sanctuary. Examiners are fond
of the word qualify as many students do not know
this meaning of the word.


Ans:A)Expl: Statements C and D are irrelevant

according to the first paragraph. B is an example of
the theme of 1st paragraph. So, the correct option is


Ans:D)Expl:The passage clearly states that the

author is trying to analyze facts regarding a problem.
So option D is correct.


Ans:B)Expl:Statements C and D are incorrect as the

passage does not deal with these statements. The
passage is not primarily concerned with statement
A. Hence, B is the correct option.


Ans:A)Expl:If we take a look at the last two lines of

the second paragraph, the author is talking about
two different facts related to local changes affecting
global characteristics. So if a line has to continue
from there it has to stick to the same idea. But
Options B, C and D are taking examples of the idea
and not discussing the idea itself. Thus, the correct
option is option A.9


Ans:c)Expl:The passage states "In order to gain

access to the world of popular music, a female artist
must at once be pleasing her audience, and, at the
same time, remain true to herself as a woman,"
indicating that audience opinion is central to a
woman's success in music, so II is correct. Ill is also
correct because the passage states: "Sexuality,
therefore, is a tool women continue to use to shape


and reshape their place within popular music."

However, I is not stated in the passage. The passage
states that parody can often lead to objectification.
While it can be useful at times, it does not guarantee
success and therefore is incorrect.
10) Ans:d)Expl:Only (d) is an inference based on actual
information contained in the passage, (a) is partly
true but the passage doesn't really mention
tolerance; its focus is on acceptance of women in the
music world. (B), (c) and (d) are never mentioned in
the passage, (d) gets to the author's main point, and
is backed up by several parts of the passage, which
discuss the role of women in music and how it has
changed over the century, with much trouble.
11) Ans:a)Expl:Options(c) brings up an idea from the
first paragraph and therefore missed the main idea
of the last, (b) misconstrues an issue in the last
paragraph, while (d) brings up a detail from the last
paragraph but misses the main idea.
12) Ans:b)Expl: The author states in the last paragraph
that popular music careers for women are "a
balancing act" and that "Working within the limits of
popular music has proven difficult and dangerous
for women." Clearly the author does not view
popular music as welcoming towards women. The
author is also not particularly positive in his or her
description of the music world. Therefore the author
is unlikely to be "persuasive" toward women seeking
entrance into a music career. The author's
knowledge of the subject and subsequent remarks
about women show him or her to have a real
opinion, and not be ambivalent. Hostile is too
extreme for this author; just take a look at her
subdued descriptions. If this essay were hostile, it
would be very different in its writing style. Though
the authors somewhat negative assessment of the
music industry may cause you to think the answer
is "discouraging," the author does however, explain
that some women have been able to make real
progress when he or she says "But due to the
professionalism and inventiveness of many female
performers, the space for women in popular music is
being expanded and redefined." Therefore the closest
attitude would be "cautionary." The author believes
some women can be successful, but would likely
warn any she met to be careful in the business.
13) Ans:c)Expl:The passage is most likely to come from a
book on gender studies because it describes the
challenges women face in a particular arena. It is
not likely to be a newspaper editorial (it contains
historical information and has little to do with events
in the news) nor is it likely to come from a teaching
manual (it does not contain directions or lessons)
nor an American history textbook (the passage
contains British, as well as U.S. history).

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14) Ans:C)Expl:A decrease in speed by 1/x will result in

decrease in time taken by 1/(x-1)
Thus, when speed decreases by 'A, time will increase
by 1/3. This 1/3 corresponds to 10 mins. Thus the
total delay will be 30 mins.
15) Ans:A)Expl:This
Derangement for 4 quantities is 9.
16) Ans:c)Expl:It is clear from the diagrams that West
will become South-East.

22) Ans:C)Expl:
C.P = (384/120) X 100 = 320
Profit = Rs. (384 - 320) = Rs. 64.
23) Ans:C)Expl : \ By the rule of allegation, we have:
Profit on 1st part

Profit on 2ndpart

Ratio of 1st and 2nd parts = 4 : 6 = 2 : 3

17) AnsD)Expl:The ratio of imports to exports for the
years 1998 and 1999 are 1.25 and 1.40 respectively.
Let the exports in the year 1998 = Rs. x crores.
Then, the exports in the year 1999 = Rs. (500 - x)

[Using ratio forl998]

Thus, the exports in the year 1999 = Rs. (500 - 200)
crores = Rs. 300 crores.
Let the imports in the year 1999 = Rs. y crores.
Then, 1 .4 0 =


y = (300 x 1.40) = 420.

Imports in the year 1999 = Rs. 420 crores.

18) Ans:C)Expl:The imports are minimum proportionate
to the exports implies that the ratio of the value of
imports to exports has the minimum value.
Now, this ratio has a minimum value 0.35 in 1997,
i.e., the imports are minimum proportionate to the
exports in 1997.
19) Ans:D)Expl:The graph gives only the ratio of imports
to exports for different years. To find the percentage
increase in imports from 1997 to 1998, we require
more details such as the value of imports or exports
during these years.
Hence, the data is inadequate to answer this
20) Ans:B)Expl;Ratio of imports to exports in the year
1996 = 0.85.
Let the exports in 1996 = Rs. x crores.
Then,---- =0.85

x = = 320.

Exports in 1996 = Rs. 320 crores.

21) Ans:D)Expl:From the graph, wherever the number is
less than 1, it means that the export is more than
the import.

2 j AIPTS-l

Quantity of 2nd kind =

1000 jx g = 600 kg.

24) Ans:D)Expl: L.C.M. of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 is 120.

So, the bells will toll together after every 120
seconds (2 minutes).
In 30 minutes, they will toll together ^ + 1 = 16 times.
25) Ans:B)Expl:Keeping in mind that 2016 is a leap year,
we arrive at the above answer
26) Ans:AExpl:Let the sons present age be x years.
Then, (38 - x) = x
=4>2x = 38.
=>x = 19.
Son's age 5 years back (19 - 5) = 14 years
27) Ans:C)Expl:An increase in a quantity by 1/5 will
lead to a decrease in the other quantity by 1/6 =
28) Ans:D)Expl
A K >A is the father of K
K - J K is the sister of J
And J + D >J is the brother of D.
Hence, A is the father of J or J is the son of A.
29) Ans:D:Expl:There are 150 children who know both
Maths and Science. But the number of children who
know Algebra and Science cannot be determined as
it is not mentioned if the number of children
knowing Science knows algebra.
30) Ans:B)Expl:There are 400 children who know
Science and 150 children know both Maths and
Science. So the number of children who know only
Science is 250.
Among the children who know Maths, 300 know
Algebra, 400 know Geometry and 200 know both. So
the number of children knowing Algebra and
Geometry alone is 100 and 200 respectively.
200 children know both algebra and geometry.
Byjus Classes:9873643487

So the number of children who know Maths but do

not know either algebra or geometry is 100.

Dividing the figure into 12 equal parts inside the

hexagon, we see that there are 4 shaded parts out of
the total 12 divisions.
The ratio between the shaded parts to the total
number of parts is thus 4/12= 1/3.

Total number of children in the village who neither

know Algebra or Geometry is 250+100 = 350.
31) Ans:b)Expl:The comparison between sharks and cod
is done in the second paragraph. From there it is
clear that Option B is correct. C is a true statement
as well, but it is not the point of comparison.

44) Ans:D)Expl:The difference between any two terms is

(n2-l), where n is 1,2,3,4..... in sequence.
45) Ans:D)Expl:

32) Ans:c)Expl:The author talks about the 1st statement

in paragraph 1. He talks about the 3rd statement
also in the 2nd paragraph.
33) Ans:D)Expl:Though Homo logicus is similar to
sharks but we do not know whether it would also be
hunted as sharks are. Thus none of the statements
given are true.
34) Ans:B)Expl:ln the last paragraph the author is giving
a positive as well as a negative statement. Thus B is
the correct option.
At 9.15 P.M., the minute hand will point towards west.
35) Ans:B)Expl:Last paragraph supports statement 2, in
the 3rd paragraph we see that finning is done by
fishermen, not by chefs. Thus the environmentalists
are angered by fishermen, not chefs.
36) Ans:d)Expl:The answer to this question can be found
in the last line of the last paragraph.


42) Ans:B)Expl:Let the class strength be x and the new

strength will be 1.12 x. Let the number of chocolates
on offer be y and the new number will be 1.4y.
The ratio of number of chocolates to each student is
The new ratio of number of chocolates to each
student is 1.4y/1.12x i.e 1.25y/x.
So there has been a 25% increase in the number of
chocolates to each student.

46) Ans:D)Expl:The popularity of Ayurvedic or allopathic

medicines in India is not being talked about in the
statement. So, neither I nor II follows.
47) Ans:B)Expl:The population per household and not
the population per unit area is being talked about in
the statement. So, only II follows while I does not.
48) Ans:B)Expl:
Speed= 54*(5/18) = 15 m/sec
Length of the train = (15 x 20)m = 300 m.
Let the length of the platform be x metres.
Then, (x+300)/36 = 15
x + 300 = 540
x = 240 m.

Answers for (49-53):




F = female

43) Ans:C)Expl:




Here M = male


Ans:D)Expl:The number of students learning the
other language currently is not given in the question.
So the number of people transferring to Santhali
cannot be calculated.
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Hence, the percentage increase in the number of
people learning Santhali cannot be determined.
55) Ans:A)Expl: Shamim earns X amount in 21 days and
Shivesh earns the same in 28 days.
Using the unitary method for 1 day work,
1/21 + 1/28 = (4+3)/84 = 7/84 = 1/12
Hence, working together the amount is enough to
pay them wages for 12 days.

56) Expl:C)Expl:Statements 1 and 2 are inappropriate

and contradict the intent of the author using
creative society.
Only statements 3 and 4 are correct according to the
57) Ans:C)Expl: Statement 1 is incorrect as social
movements need not be aggressive. Statement 2
contradicts the passage as social groups demand
their rights internally and not externally. Statements
3 and 4 are supported by the passage. Hence C is
the correct option.

64) Ans:D)Expl:The third column consists of figures

which are added to the figures in the second column
65) Ans:A)
66) Ans:A)Expl:The hour and minute hands in a clock
start the day coinciding at 00:00 hours. Next they
coincide around 1:05, 2:10, 3:15, 4:20, 5:25, 6:30,
7:35, 8:40, 9:45, 10:50 approximately and they
coincide next not at 11:55 but at 12:00. So the total
number of times they coincide in 12 hours is 11
Hence in a day, they coincide .22 times.

67) Ans:B)Expl:Abhishek earns Re. 1 on the first day. On

the second day, he earns Rs/2 i.e 2
1. On the third
day he earns Rs.4 i.e 2 2. In this pattern, on nth
day, he earns 2n_1. Hence on the 10th day, he earns
210' 1= 2:9,
68) Ans:A)Expl:The four numbers in the corners of the
square, and the four numbers in the middle of each
side of the square add up to 21.
69) Ans:B)Expl:The figure may be labelled as shown.

58) Ans:D)Statements 1 and 2 invert the argument in

the passage. Hence, option D is correct.
59) Ans:C:Expl:The statements can be represented by
this diagram. Considering this diagram, it can be
concluded that option C is correct.

60) Ans:A)Expl:Of these four statements, two cannot

both be true, but both can be false.
From the above statements, it can be seen that both
1 and 3 statements cannot be true at the same time
but they can be false. So option A is correct.
61) Ans:C)Expl:Option (C) is correct as only statements
1 and 3 satisfy the requirement that these
statements cannot both be true, but both can be
62) Ans:C)Expl: is correct as the passage clearly states
that managers will have to interact with people more
than with machines. So, it is implied that
interpersonal skills will become more important in
the future work place.
63) Ans:d)Expl:The last sentence of the passage throws
light on the fact on mercy is the noblest form of
revenge. Thus option D is correct.

^ | AIPTS-1




The horizontal lines are IK, AB, HG and DC i.e. 4 in

The vertical lines are AD, EH, JM, FG and BC i.e. 5
in number.
The slanting lines are IE, JE, JF, KF, DE, DH, FC
and GC i.e. 8 in number.
Thus, there are 4 + 5 + 8 = 17 straight lines in the
Ans:C)Expl: In November there are 5 Sundays. There
are 30 days in total in this month, so there are 25
other days. 5(510)+25(240)= 8550.
Average = 8550/30 = 285.
Ans:c)Expl:If there are 2 people there will be 1 hand
shake involved. For 3 persons, there will be 2+1
Similarly, for 4 persons there will be 3+2+1
So, for n persons there will be 1+2+3+4+5...... +(n-l)
For a total of 190 handshakes, n*(n-l)/2 = 190.
Therefore, n=20.
Ans:Both Option B and C are correct.
Ans:Both Option A and C are correct.
Ans:Both Option C and D are correct.

Byjus Classes:9873643487

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