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Ex tensiones Smarter Scrolling

por Tiecheng Wu

Flick your finger quickly up or down to scroll right to the top or bottom of the page
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Smarter Scrolling 0.2.1

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Conoce al desarrollador: Tiecheng Wu

Descubre por qu se cre Smarter Scrolling y cul es el futuro de este complemento.

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It's frustrating to flick dozens of times to get to the top or bottom of a v ery long page. This addon might sweeten the
bitter ex perience a little bit. It prov ides a fast and conv enient way to scroll straight to the top or bottom of any
webpage, and it can also bring y ou back to where y ou were before, if a glimpse is all y ou need.

Versin 0.2 .1 Inform acin

January 2 5, 2 01 5

Flick y our finger quickly up or down Click the notification button Done
Instead of sticking on the top, the button will show up only if the page is long enough (default setting: page length
>4pages ) and y ou flick quick enough (default setting: v ertical trav el distance due to flicking >1 page).
Clicking the button will bring y ou to the top or bottom of the page. The button will fade away , when y ou tap
somewhere else outside the notification area, or just let it ride for a while.
Finally an "Undo Scrolling" button will show up and it can bring y ou back to where y ou were, the position when y ou
touched the screen and started flicking, or when y ou clicked the "To XXX" button.
Custom ization
Although this addon works out of the box , if y ou take a while in the tuning mode, y ou will be rewarded with a more
pleasing user ex perience. It depends on the screen size, y our habit and of course the thickness of y our finger. Y ou
might find the addon too intrusiv e, i.e. the notification shows up ev en though y ou don't need it, then y ou might
ex tend the v alue of Minimum distance trav eled or Minimum page height, v ice v ersa for the case that it is too
cautious. Find the parameters suited for y ou in the tuning mode, and hav e fun!
The best user ex perience is possible, only after Bug 1 01 97 35 was fix ed. Therefore y ou need Firefox v 32 or later. It
somehow works under Firefox v 27 -31 , and y ou should definitely av oid installing this addon to Firefox prior to v 27 .
Please check the Dev elopers Comments section for known issues.

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por Ynok el July 25, 2015 enlace permanente traducir


Perfect! Thanks :)

por I lgaz el July 12, 2015 enlace permanente traducir

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Clev er one.
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por redcreature el December 18, 2014 enlace permanente traducir

Amazingly good.
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