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The sound is a mechanical or compression waves traveling through a medium that

is a combination of various signals. But the pure sound could theoretically be explained
by the speed or frequency is measured in hertz (hz) and the amplitude or sound pressure.

The benefits of voice and speaking, specifically to teachers if the teaching use a
loud voice allows students to hear, understand what is taught so that students receive a
lesson smoothly.



A. The Things to Look For A Speaker In Public Home

1. Approach and the beginning

If you are invited to speak, leave the seat without looking back or muttered,
walking confidently to the pulpit. The use of time standing very still for a moment
(moment of silence) is a good time to put your notes and get the first sentence
may be pronounced.

2. Overcoming nervousness and stage fright

Build a positive attitude about yourself, your conversation, and your audience. So
you must be confident. Stand up straight and feel good, calm and always look to
the listener. Avoid leaning on the podium or bow seat in the chair. Do not let your
sense of fear enveloped. The nervousness is a normal thing. Make the nervousness
as a source of energy that can push you have a vitality and enthusiasm as a

3. Make a listener's interest

Listeners are always interested in new things and will even listen to every speaker
who tedious and tiring to wait for hours. They will be very impressed and give
credit to the speaker because of his words. For example, the story of Martin
Luther King as a child. "When the school, Martin Luther was often hit on the
buttocks until fifteen times a day, instead of you saying Martin Luther was a very
naughty boy because it felt the sentence was too dry.

4. Expand Vocabulary

Mastery of many words and the right choice of words would be able to improve
the smoothness and accuracy speaking. In addition, thinking ability will also be
easy to develop with the illustrations that refreshing. The content of the
conversation will be increased and varied, so as not boring. Reading books,
newspapers, magazines, and often follow discussions or seminars will greatly
expand vocabulary.

B. Improving Your Voice and Vocal Variety

1. Your Voice Transmit Energy
The excitement and the enthusiasm you feel should be directly conveyed by the
sound of your voice. We quickly get in vocal habit patterns that are difficult to
change. They can however be changed or relearned. Record your voice to become
aware about how much, or how little, energy you transmit to others.

2. Your Vocal Tone and Quality Can Count for 84 % of “Your Message”
Professor Mehtabian’s research shows that tour vocal tone-intonation, resonance
and delivery-accounts for 94% of the believability you have when people can’t
see you. For example, when you talk on the telephone.

3. The Sounds of One Word

Subtleties of voice are far greater than we think. We can read an enormous
amount into the vocal tone of people on the telephone during the first few
seconds. Call someone you know well and listen as they say, “hello.” You can
almost tell their exact mod by that single word.

4. The Four Aspect of Voice

The four components that make up your vocal expression are relaxation,
breathing, projection and resonance. Each can be altered thought exercises to
expand your vocal effectives. All work together to give you voice its unique

5. Use Vocal Variety

Vocal variety is a great way to keep people interested and involved. Use a “roller
coaster” where you consciously lift your voice and then let it plummet. This will
make you aware of a monotone and get you in the habit of putting variety into
your voice.

6. Don’t Read Speeches

One of the greatest culprits of a monotone delivery is in reading aloud. Writing,
reading, and speaking are different communication mediums. Use notes and
outlines of main ideas when you speak. This will allow you to be active,
animated, and natural because your continuously thinking adapting and altering
your content.

C. Exercise in Awareness and Skill Development\

1. Emphasize The Right World
Take the sentence “Now is the time for change.” Read it emphasizing a different
word each time. Notice the difference in the meaning, depending on which word
you emphasize. Emphasis is critically important. Experiment emphasizing the
appropriate world in your everyday conversations.

2. The Voice of The Company

Call five companies at random from the phone book and rate them by the vocal
tone and quality of the way they answer the phone. How does your organization
rate on initial image? And how do you personally rate when you answer your

3. Good and Bad Voice
List five people you know with attractive, pleasant vocal deliveries. List five
people you know who have poor vocal deliveries. Analyze why they are good or

4. Record Yourself
The best to develop your vocal is to record yourself. Do it as often as possible.
Record a telephone conversation, record a business meeting, record a conversation
with friend, etc. Even record casual conversation using a Dictaphone. The most
important improvement mechanism for your vocal delivery is getting audio

D. Voice Exercise
For each of the following exercise, stand learning forward in the ready position and
maintain a deep, easy breathing pattern throughout.
1. For Improved Breathing, Breathe From the Diaphragm
a. Place your hands on your lower rib cage.
b. Inhale deeply through your nose. The expansion you feel in your lower rib
cage is caused by your diaphragm muscle expanding and dropping as the air
pushes against it. Your shoulders should not move.
c. Repeat steps 1 – 3 several times until you find your rhythm where breathing
is effortless. There should be a sensation of being calm yet full of energy.
d. Do the one exercise one more time, moving one hand from the side of your
lower rib cage. When you inhale, your breath should push your hand away
from abdominal area. If this does not happen, you are not breathing deeply
enough for the diaphragm to do its job.
Remember: while inhaling the abdominal area should fill up first and more
fully than your chest.

2. Learn to Tone and Relax Head and Neck
a. Relax your jaw so your mouth is slightly open.
b. Slowly drop (don’t push) your head to your chest-bring it back to the center-
drop it to your right shoulder, the back to center drop it to your left shoulder,
then back to center drop it to your right shoulder, then back to center drop it
to your left shoulder, then back to center-drop it to your left shoulder, then
back to center-drop it to the back, return to the center.
c. Monitor your breathing throughout, make sure you are not holding your
breath. Keep your jaw loose.

3. Tone and Relax Your Shoulders

a. With your hands at your sides, clench your fists.
b. Lift your shoulders to your ears.
c. Drop out your shoulders and release your first with a thrust, sighing as you

4. Tone and Relax Using Shoulder Rolls

a. Do six shoulder rolls to the back, keeping your jaw loose. Feel your chest
expand, sigh as you exhale.
b. Do six slow shoulder rolls to the front. Sigh as you exhale.



From the above statements, knowing sound is that by using a loud voice, loud and
can help preserve the maximum information, the purpose, the intended destination.


• Decker, Bert. Decker, Bert. 1996. The Art of Communicating 1996. The Art of
• MS, Hidajat. 2006. Public Speaking and Technique Presentation MS, Hidajat.
2006. Public Speaking and Presentation Technique

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