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Evils of Innovation


Linguistically bid'ah (innovation) means 'a newly invented matter'. The Sharee'ah definition of bid'ah is:
"A newly invented way in the religion, in imitation of the Sharee'ah (prescribed Law), by which nearness
to Allaah is sought, not being supported by any authentic proof - neither in its foundations, nor in the
manner in which it is performed." Al-I'tisaam of ash-Shaatibee (1/37).

The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said: "Every innovation is misguidance and going
astray" Reported by Abu Daawood (no. 4607), at-Tirmidhee (no. 2676) and it is saheeh. Ibn Hajr
authenticated it Takhreej Ahaadeeth Ibn ul-Haajib (1/137).

And he (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) also said: "… and every innovation is misguidance and all
misguidance is in the Hellfire." Reported by an-Nasaa'ee (1/224) from Jaabir bin Abdullaah and it is
saheeh as declared by Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmoo' ul-Fataawaa (3/58).

The Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) also warned against the People of Innovation, from
befriending, supporting or taking from them saying: "Whoever innovates or accommodates an innovator
then upon him is the curse of Allaah, His Angels and the whole of mankind." Reported by Bukhaaree
(12/41) and Muslim (9/140)

And in his footsteps, we find the Noble Companions and the Taabi'een after them warning from the
danger of innovations upon the Ummah, its people and their unity, since it is innovations which have
divided the Ummah and split it asunder.

Ibn Abbaas (d. 68H) said: "Indeed the most detestable of things to Allaah are the innovations."
Reported by al-Bayhaqee in as-Sunan al-Kubraa (4/316)

Ibn Umar (d. 84H) said: "Every innovation is misguidance, even if the people see it as something good."
Reported by Abu Shaamah (no. 39)

The Deen is complete:

Allaah says,

"This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed my favour upon you, and have chosen for
you Islaam as your religion" (5:4)

This verse embodies a clear statement that the religion has been completed and so has no need of
addition and deletion, and our noble Messenger () said, "there is nothing that Allaah ordered you with
except that I have ordered you with it, and there is nothing that Allaah forbade you from except that I
have forbidden you from it" (al-Bayhaqee and others)

And he () said, "there is nothing that will take you closer to paradise but that I have enjoined it upon
you, and there is nothing that will take you closer to hell but that I have warned you from it" (Musnad
ash-Shaafi'ee and others).

So the Prophet Muhammad () fulfilled the trust placed upon him by Allaah completely, explaining the
religion to the people in it's inward and outward form, making clear the lawful from the prohibited, the
encouraged from the discouraged, even to the extent that he taught us the manners of going to the
toilet, the manners of having sex with our partners etc.

Allaah says in His Book,

"And We have revealed to you a Book explaining everything" (16:89),

and He says,

"We have neglected nothing in the Book" (6:37).

So in the Qur'aan is explained the principles of the religion, tawheed in all it's various categories, even
to the extent that it teaches us the manners of sitting in circles, visiting other peoples houses, the
correct clothing etc.

[b]The Importance of Sticking to the Sunnah:

Allaah says,

"Indeed you have in the Messenger of Allaah an excellent example for the one who hopes in Allaah and
looks to the Last Day." (33:21), He also says, "so if you obey him (i.e. Muhammad), then you will be
guided" (25:54)

The Messenger of Allaah said, "I have left behind me two things, if you cling to them you will never go
astray. They are the Book of Allaah and my Sunnah" (al-Haakim)

And he () also said, "and you will live to see great difference, so cling to my sunnah and the sunnah of
the rightly guided caliphs after me, even if it be with your teeth" (Bukhaaree)

The Taabi'ee, the Imaam, az-Zuhree commented, "clinging to the sunnah is to be saved, as Imaam
Maalik said, 'like the Ark of Noah', he who embarked upon it was saved, and he who did not was
destroyed." (ad-Daarimee)

In these narrations is clear evidence that the way of salvation and safety is to closely follow the Sunnah
of our Prophet (), and not to deviate from his path, not accepting the guidance of another individual, nor
accepting a corrupted form of the Sunnah. Allaah says,

"And whosoever contends with the Messenger after guidance has been made clear to him, and follows a
way other than the way of the believers, We shall leave in the path he has chosen, and land him in Hell,
what an evil destination!" (4:115)

[b]The Sunnah shall become corrupted:

We are taught in the revelation that the sunnah shall become corrupted and this corruption would
become the norm, so much so that the people who follow the sunnah would become as strangers, and
those that call to purifying the sunnah would be slandered and reviled. The Prophet () said, "Islaam
began as something strange, and it shall return as something strange as it began. So Tooba (a tree in
paradise) to the strangers." It was asked, "who are the strangers?" He replied, "those that purify and
correct what the people have corrupted of my sunnah" (Tabaraanee in al-Kabeer [6/202])

And what is this corruption? It is none other than innovation, introducing into the pure religion of Allaah
new ways of worshipping Him that He has not taught, blemishing His religion with our whims and
desires, something that Allaah Himslef condemns,

"Or do they have partners that legislate some religion which Allaah has not given permission for?"

The Companion, Abdullaah ibn Mas'ud laments, "how will it be when the trials overcome you, in which
the young grow old and the old grow senile. And the people take the bid'ah as the sunnah, and when it
changes they say: the sunnah has changed. It was said: when will this be O Abu Abdurrahmaan? He
replied: when your speakers are many and your scholars are few, and the wealthy ones are plenty and
the trustworthy ones are few." (ad-Daarimee)

How true this statement is today, that the innovations have become so widespread in the religion that
the people have taken then to be the sunnah. And when the true scholar speaks out against these
innovations he is labelled as a 'wahhabi' by the people because to them it seems that he is changing the
sunnah. To Allah we complain of the ignorance of our times!

Only Allaah (SWT) has the right to tell us how to worship Him:
"Follow that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and do not follow as Friends and Protectors
other than Him" (7:3)

From the tafseer of this verse we learn that this verse embdodies a categorical statement that the
priviledge to tell people how to worship Allaah belongs to Allaah Alone. And how could it be otherwise
when the true meaning of ibaadah is to worship Allaah in a way which He is Pleased with and not
according to our desires,

"and who is more astray then the one who follows his own whims and desires devoid of revelation"

In this regard the Prophet () said, "I warn you of the newly invented matters (in the religion),and every
newly invented matter is an innovation, and every innovation is misguidance, and every misguidance is
in the Hellfire" (an-Nasaa'ee)

And he () used to say at the beginning of his lectures, "and the best speech is the Speech of Allah, and
the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (), and the worst of all affairs are the newly invented
matters (in the religion)" (Muslim)

And he () commanded us, "whosoever does an action which we have not commanded then it must be
rejected." (Muslim)

And again, "whosoever introduces into this religion of ours that which is not part of it then it must be
rejected" (Ahmad)

'And in this hadeeth is a clear evidence that every action which is not legislated in the sharee'ah must be
rejected' [Jaami al-Ulum of ibn Rajab 1/120]

So every bid'ah that is introduced in thereligion has to be rejected because only Allaah and His
Messenger () have the right to legislate in the sharee'ah of Islaam.

Hence in the light of what has preceded we can now give the formal sharee'ah definition of bid'ah:

"A newly invented way (in beliefs and actions) in the religion, in imitation of the Sharee'ah, by which
nearness to Allaah is sought, not being supported by any authentic proof, neither in it's foundations nor
in the manner in which it is performed." [al-I'tisaam 1/231 of ash-Shaatibee]

And in what has preceded is ample evidence for any fairminded Muslim that all bid'ah is blameworthy,
and in fact a major sin. But unfortunately the Muslims are in such a state today that the words of Allaah
and His Messenger () are no longer enough to convince them. And certain groups of people have come
up with a new belief to assist them with the destruction of Islaam. The belief of 'bid'ah hasanah', i.e. a
good bid'ah, meaning that a scholar can introduce a new action of worship in Islaam which can be
considered to be good as long it does not contradict any of the principles of Islaam. A belief that has
absolutely no foundation in Islaam at all. So we resort to the sayings of the Companions and the
Imaams to illuminate the road ahead of these people.

The sayings of the Companions:

Abdullaah ibn Umar (RA) states, "every innovation is misguidance, even if the people regard it as good."

This narration is enough to demolish the concept of 'a good bid'ah', for you have amongst the most
knowledgeable companions of Muhammad () saying the exact opposite. So who do you choose to follow,
ibn Umar or these modern day Shaykhs and Mullahs who are Imaams of their own whims and desires.

Abdullaah ibn Abbaas (RA) said, "do not sit with the people of innovation, for verily their sittings are a
sickness for the hearts" [ash-Sharee'ah pg 65 of al-Aajurree (d.360)]

Mu'aadh bin Jabal (RA) used to say, whenever he sat in a circle of knowledge, "and I warn you of what
is innovated, for all that is innovated is misguidance" [ash-Sharee'ah pg.55, also Abu Dawood with
similar wording]
Abdullaah ibn Mas'ud (RA) said, "follow the sunnah of Muhammad and do not innovate, for what you
have been commanded is enough for you." [ad-Daarimee]

Hudhayfah bin al-Yaman said, "every act of worship that the Companions did not do, do not do it" [Abu

Is this not enough? That the Companions tell us to follow the way of Muhammad () and not to make up
new ways of worship? "whomsoever Allaah guides to the truth, none can misguide him, and
whomsoever Allaah misguides, none can guide"! [Muslim]

The sayings of the Second and Third generation scholars:

Hasan al-Basree said, "do not sit with the people of innovation, do not debate with them or listen to
them" [ad-Daarimee 1/121]

Abu Aaliyah said, "learn Islaam. Then when you have learned Islaam, do not turn away from it to the
right or to the left. But be upon the Straight Path and be upon the Sunnah of your Prophet and that
which his companions were upon.And beware of these innovations because they cause enmity and
hatred amongst you, but stick to the original state of affairs that was there before they divided." [al-
Hilya of Abu Nu'aym 2/218]

Sufyaan ath-Thawree, "innovations are more beloved to Satan than sin. Since a sin mat be repented
from but an innovation is not repented from" [Sharh Usul I'tiqaad of al-Laalikaa'ee (d.414) no.238]

This is because the innovator believes that he is doing something good and therefore sees no need to

He also said, ".so cling to the original state of affairs" [al-Hilya 6/376] meaning stick to the Way of
Muhammad () and his Companions.

Imaam al-Awzaa'ee said, "patiently restrict yourselves to the sunnah, stop where the people stopped,
say what they said, avoid what they avoided. Take to the path of the salaf, for indeed what was
sufficient for them was sufficient for you." [ash-Sharee'ah pg. 58]

Ibraaheem al-Masayrah said, "he who honours an innovator has assisted in the demolition of Islaam"
[Sharh Usul I'tiqaad 1/139]

The sayings of the Later Imaams:

Imaam Abu Haneefah said, "stick to the narrations and the way of the salaf, and beware of the newly
invented matters for all of it is innovation" [Sawnul Muntaq of as-Suyutee pg.32]

Imaam Maalik said, "he who innovates an innovation in Islaam regarding it as something good, has
claimed that Muhammad () has betrayed his trust to deliver the message as Allaah says, 'this day have I
perfected for you your religion'. And whatsoever was not part of the religion then, is not part of the
religion today." [al-I'tisaam]

He also said, "how evil are the People of Innovation, we do not give them salaam" [al-Ibaanah of ibn
Battah (d.387) no.441]

Imaam Ahmad said, "the fundamental principles of the sunnah with us are:.avoiding innovations and
every innovation is misguidance" [Usul as-Sunnah of Imaam Ahmad pg.1]

As for the narrations from Imaam ash-Shaafi'ee in which he categorises bid'ah into two, then it is weak
as all of it's chains of narrations depend upon unknown narrators. [al-Bid'ah of Shaykh Saleem al-
Hilaalee, al-Masaabeeh fee Salaatit Taraaweeh of as-Suyutee with Alee Hasans footnotes]. Not only this
but in his risala e rejects the concept of istihsaan because 'the person doing so has legislated in the
sharee'ah' i.e. without permission from Allaah.

Imaam Bukhaaree said, "I have met more than a thousand scholars.(then he mentioned the names of
the more prominent in each of the lands that he travelled in) and I found that they all agreed on the
following points: they all used to prohibit bid'ah - that which the Prophet and his Companions were not
upon, because of the saying of Allaah, 'and hold fast to the rope of Allaah and do not separate'" [Imaam
Bukhaaree's article on belief as quoted in Sharh Usul I'tiqaad 1/170. From amongst the scholars he met
were: Ahmad bin Hanbal, Abu Ubaid al-Qaasim, ibn Ma'een, ibn Aasim, ibn Abee Shaybah.]

What I have narrated here is just a small number of the many narrations that I have in front of me from
various books, I have tried to quote as best to my ability only authentic narrations, and Allaah knows
best. It is good to know that the early Imaams were prolific in writing and warning against bid'ah, and
even today we have a number of books from them dealing just with this topic. Amongst them: al-Bid'ah
of al-Qarnushi, al-Bid'ah of ibn Waddah, al-I'tisaam of ash-Shaatibee and many more.

So once this topic becomes clear, a truth that none can deny, then know that all these innovations in the
religions are a clear denial of the above mentioned verses and ahaadeeth, for none were done by the

So I leave you with the hadeeth of the Prophet (), "so he follows my sunnah has been guided, and he
who follows the innovations has been destroyed." (Ahmad)

And our Lord the Most High is the One that guides to attaining the truth.

28-11-05, 04:10 PM
read my signature...

28-11-05, 06:19 PM
Either you are a shia or shias' spiritual brother i.e a mawlidi bid'ati, that is why you are supporting
innovations. I read this post of yours from your thread which you started against the followers of
Muhammad bin 'Abdul Wahhab:

whahabies msotly rule saudi arbaia, and nearly 99.99% of the islamic material from SA is whahabie, this
is why it's bad to read stuff from SA

ibn whahab, helped the Saud family gain contorll over the country and the mosques and prinitng presses

yes, whahabies claime that kafir blood is no more valueable than a pigs, and that it is ok to kill non-

most whwhabies today call them selves 'salafies'

I can understand your hatred towards them, because however good or bad they are, they are not
Mushrik like barelvis or mawlidis, who have made our Holy Prophet sallAllahu 'alayhe wasallam, Hadhrat
Ali, Hadhrat Abul Qadir Jeelani and the dead people, lords besides Allah.
Because of your shirk and bid'aat (innovations) countries like India, Pakistan, Egypt have become
haunted by Enemies of Allah and His Messenger sallAllahu 'alayhe wasallam.

28-11-05, 06:25 PM
why do you people get mad when proven wrogn..must i refute your beleif that mawlid is shirk
aswell..because i can...

28-11-05, 06:54 PM
Mawlid is the gift bid'atis learnt from shias (grave worshippers) in Iran, hindus in Hindustan and
Christians from anywhere, Hindus also celebrate birthday of their gods, Christians celebrate birthday of
'Isa 'alayhis salam, shias celebrate birthdays of their made up imams and bid'atis follow their awliya
other than Mu'mineen (Sahabah and Ahl-al-Bayt and Ijma' of Ummah).

29-11-05, 09:08 PM
read my signature...

can u giv me reference number for the hadeeth in saheeh muslim, because uve either lied against the
messenger of Alaah or uve misunderstood the hadeeth. Aisha narrated the Prophet (peace be upon him)
said, “He who innovates something in this matter of ours [i.e. Islaam] that is not of it will have it
rejected [by Allaah]”. [Related by al-Bukhaari and Muslim]

In one version by Muslim it reads: He who does an act which we have not commanded, will have it
rejected [by Allaah].

29-11-05, 10:55 PM
can u giv me reference number for the hadeeth in saheeh muslim, because uve either lied against the
messenger of Alaah or uve misunderstood the hadeeth. Aisha narrated the Prophet (peace be upon him)
said, “He who innovates something in this matter of ours [i.e. Islaam] that is not of it will have it
rejected [by Allaah]”. [Related by al-Bukhaari and Muslim]

In one version by Muslim it reads: He who does an act which we have not commanded, will have it
rejected [by Allaah].

that's not in the ahdith i am refering to

shows how much you know

the hadith i am tlaking abotu was narrated by the prophet salaalahu alahy wa salaam, and it was spoken
as a general statement, and these are the exact words according to the best translation from arabic to

no, see, what your doing is just trying to deny an outright hadith, which is known amoung the ulema

no, i don't recall the hadith number

29-11-05, 11:31 PM
can u giv me reference number for the hadeeth in saheeh muslim
I am not adding anything to this discussion i am just posting this hadith that everyone wants...

Sahih Muslim Book 005, Number 2219: Mundhir b. Jarir reported on the authority of his father: While we
were in the company of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) in the early hours of the
morning, some people came there (who) were barefooted, naked, wearing striped woollen clothes, or
cloaks, with their swords hung (around their necks). Most of them, nay, all of them, belonged to the
tribe of Mudar. The colour of the face of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) underwent a
change when he saw them in poverty. He then entered (his house) and came out and commanded Bilal
(to pronounce Adhan). He pronounced Adhan and Iqima, and he (the Holy Prophet) observed prayer
(along with his Companion) and then addressed (them reciting verses of the Holy Qur'an):

'" 0 people, fear your Lord, Who created you from a single being" to the end of the verse," Allah is ever
a Watcher over you" (iv. 1). (He then recited) a verse of Sura Hashr:" Fear Allah. and let every soul
consider that which it sends forth for the morrow and fear Allah" (lix. 18). (Then the audience began to
vie with one another in giving charity.) Some donated a dinar, others a dirham, still others clothes,
some donated a sa' of wheat, some a sa' of dates; till he (the Holy Prophet) said: (Bring) even if it is
half a date. Then a person from among the Ansar came there with a money bag which his hands could
scarcely lift; in fact, they could not (lift).

Then the people followed continuously, till I saw two heaps of eatables and clothes, and I saw the face
of the Messenger (may peace be upon him) glistening, like gold (on account of joy). The Messenger of
Allah (may peace be upon him) said: He who sets a good precedent in Islam, there is a reward for him
for this (act of goodness) and reward of that also who acted according to it subsequently, without any
deduction fromtheir rewards; and he who sets in Islam an evil precedent, there is upon him the burden
of that, and the burden of him also who acted upon it subsequently, without any deduction from burden.

29-11-05, 11:38 PM
thank you very much
29-11-05, 11:44 PM
thank you very much
Nothing to thank me for.

But what you did is that you just quoted the part that you wanted... That is dangerous for the fear of
taking that hadith out of context. Having read that i still do not accept your justification of innovation of
Mawlid being good.

Akhi you need to use your reason. Ask yourself did the Prophet :saw: or his companions (ra) celebrate
his birthday?? The answer is no and that should be reason enough for you to stay away from this

29-11-05, 11:44 PM
can u giv me reference number for the hadeeth in saheeh muslim, because uve either lied against the
messenger of Alaah or uve misunderstood the hadeeth. Aisha narrated the Prophet (peace be upon him)
said, “He who innovates something in this matter of ours [i.e. Islaam] that is not of it will have it
rejected [by Allaah]”. [Related by al-Bukhaari and Muslim]

In one version by Muslim it reads: He who does an act which we have not commanded, will have it
rejected [by Allaah].

also, this ahdith you posted, further stengthens my arguement

29-11-05, 11:46 PM
Nothing to thank me for.

But what you did is that you just quoted the part that you wanted... That is dangerous for the fear of
taking that hadith out of context. Having read that i still do not accept your justification of innovation of
Mawlid being good.

Akhi you need to use your reason. Ask yourself did the Prophet :saw: or his companions (ra) celebrate
his birthday?? The answer is no and that should be reason enough for you to stay away from this

did the propeht or his companions refer to ahdith books, and write the dots in the Quran?

also, the rest of the ahdith still doesn't change the meaning, as the propeht saws did nto specificly say
that this was only for the current situation, he said, what he did as a general statement

and this is clear by looking at the words fo the prophet

also, you do relize every single hadith had a sotry behind it, just like the one you posted, if we
interperted every hadith to only being valid in the situation at which the ahdith was revealed, then we
would be in a big mess

30-11-05, 12:24 AM

if they were able to do a thing and did not do it, then it is a clear sign that the thing in question is a

now regarding reinvigorating a sunnah, that is a good thing

if you want someone to even begin to listen to you, just explain the following

"the worst of matters are innovated things, for every innovated thing is an astray and every astray is in
the fire"

30-11-05, 01:19 AM
it is obvious tat what you quoted does not mean all innovations, because for one

hadith don't conflict

there are jsut as many ahdith saying bidah is good as there are bad, and when you examine each one,
there is nothign stateing that they are all bad, there are even ahdith that specificly state that there are
two kinds of bidah, good and bad...

see, you cannot jsut take one hadith, and follow it, you have to consider all fo them

by following your logic, i can amke it look liek the Quran has contradictions in it aswell, when it is
obivous, the Quran does nto contradict

and you also can't take one sahih ahdith over another sahih hadith

so, what do you want me to say?

the fact that there are hadith praiseing good innovations shows that not all innovations are bad

but you might say 'such and such was only for that specific situation'..well, ok, but it was still an
innovation that was praised wasn't it?

wether the hadith is general or case specific, does not matter, becasue reguardless of what it is, the act
of innovation is still being priased

and besides, you HAVE to have innovations in the shariah to accoutn for the new crimes that one is able
to comit...

01-12-05, 06:50 AM do relize every single hadith had a sotry behind it, just like the one you posted, if we interperted
every hadith to only being valid in the situation at which the ahdith was revealed, then we would be in a
big mess
Off course everything is taken in its perspective and context. For example if you are praying behind
Imam and are in the state of qiyaam, you would bow when Imam says 'Allahu Akbar', if you are in the
state of sajdah, you would raise your head when Imam says, Allahu Akbar...
So what you think can you go to the state of Ruku' (bowing) after the state of Sajdah, though everytime
the Imam (leading the prayer) says 'Allahu Akbar'?

Notice that everytime he says 'Allahu Akbar' but your next move depends upon your current state in the
salaat (prayer).

Certain hadiths give their meanings only when they are considered in their actual perspective and

01-12-05, 06:54 AM
There is no room for any innovation within Islam

‫ب َوَأن‬ِ ‫ص‬ ُ ‫عَلى الّن‬

َ ‫ح‬ َ ‫ل َما َذّكْيُتْم َوَما ذُِب‬ّ ‫سُبُع ِإ‬
ّ ‫ل ال‬َ ‫حُة َوَما َأَك‬ َ ‫طي‬ِ ‫خِنَقُة َواْلَمْوُقوَذُة َواْلُمَتَرّدَيُة َوالّن‬
َ ‫ل ِبِه َواْلُمْن‬ّ ‫ل ِلَغْيِر ا‬
ّ ‫خْنِزيِر َوَما ُأِه‬ِ ‫حُم اْل‬
ْ ‫عَلْيُكُم اْلَمْيَتُة َواْلّدمُ َوَل‬
َ ‫ت‬ْ ‫حّرَم‬ُ
ِ ‫لَم ِديًنا َفَم‬
‫ن‬ َ‫س‬
ِ ‫ت َلُكُم ا‬ُ ‫ضي‬ ِ ‫عَلْيُكْم ِنْعَمِتي َوَر‬ َ ‫ت‬ ُ ‫ت َلُكْم ِديَنُكْم َوَأْتَمْم‬ُ ‫ن اْلَيْوَم َأْكَمْل‬
ِ ‫شْو‬
َ‫خ‬ ْ ‫شْوُهْم َوا‬ َ‫خ‬ ْ ‫ل َت‬ َ ‫ن َكَفُروْا ِمن ِديِنُكْم َف‬ َ ‫س اّلِذي‬
َ ‫ق اْلَيْوَم َيِئ‬
ٌ ْ‫لِم َذِلُكْم ِفس‬ َ ‫لْز‬ َ ‫سُموْا ِبا‬
ِ ‫سَتْق‬
ْ ‫َت‬
ِ ‫غُفوٌر ّر‬ َ ‫ل‬
ّ ‫نا‬ّ ‫لْثٍم َفِإ‬
ِّ ‫ف‬ٍ ‫جاِن‬َ ‫غْيَر ُمَت‬
َ ‫صٍة‬ َ ‫خَم‬ ْ ‫طّر ِفي َم‬ ُ‫ض‬ ْ ‫ا‬

Forbidden unto you (for food) are carrion and blood and swineflesh, and that which hath been dedicated
unto any other than Allah, and the strangled, and the dead through beating, and the dead through
falling from a height, and that which hath been killed by (the goring of) horns, and the devoured of wild
beasts, saving that which ye make lawful (by the death-stroke), and that which hath been immolated
unto idols. And (forbidden is it) that ye swear by the divining arrows. This is an abomination. This day
are those who disbelieve in despair of (ever harming) your religion; so fear them not, fear Me! This day
have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour unto you, and have chosen for you as
religion al-Islam. Whoso is forced by hunger, not by will, to sin: (for him) lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Now there is left no space for anything new in the name of good innovation, as if someone claims to add
something new to Islam as a good innovation he would only be a Shaytaan:

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 88, Number 174:

Narrated Sahl bin Sa'd:

I heard the Prophet saying, "I am your predecessor at the Lake-Fount (Kauthar), and whoever will come
to it, will drink from it, and whoever will drink from it, will never become thirsty after that. There will
come to me some people whom I know and they know me, and then a barrier will be set up between me
and them." Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri added that the Prophet further said: "I will say those people are from
me. It will be said, 'You do not know what changes and new things they did after you.' Then I will say,
'Far removed (from mercy), far removed (from mercy), those who changed (the religion) after me! "

Though there are other versions of the above hadith which differ from this one in the content slightly,
Allah knows the best.

01-12-05, 06:21 PM
did the propeht or his companions refer to ahdith books, and write the dots in the Quran?
What is Bid’at (innovation)

Bid’at or innovation is something new practiced as religion in the hope of reward (thawab) which has
been practiced or commanded by Rasoolullah sallAllahu alayhe wasallam.

For example if one wants to perform ablution, one can do it through different means which Rasoolullah
sallAllahu alayhe wasallam didn’t used but the method of ablution should be the same as practice by
Rasoolullah sallAllahu alayhe wasallam in order to follow the sunnah. We can make wudhu with warm
water from boilers, though at the time of our Nabi sallAllahu alayhe wasallam there were no boilers
available. Thus using warm water from boilers is not a bid’at as the aim and objective is to make wudhu,
warm water from boilers or an American fitting bath room is just a means to perform ablution.

Same is the case with going to masjid by car, if the masjid is at a distance and one might miss the first
rak’ah or takbeer oola if one didn’t go by car and therefore using car as means to reach masjid is not a
bid’at but it is a good means to achieve the objective i.e praying salaat.

The claims that dots were put in Quranic letters after the period of the Holy Prophet sallAllahu alayhe
wasallam and khulafa as well as collection of hadith is just absurd. (though I personally don’t accept this
theory of dots and believe that Muhammad sallAllahu alayhe wasallam himself collected and compiled
Quran in his life and dots and vowel points are there in Quran from the very first day but even if we
accept the theory of dots it couldn’t be a bid’at to put them afterward). The purpose of putting dots on
Quranic letters can’t be a bid’at as it was just a means to make it easy for Non-‘Arabs to read Quran
which is the real obejective, same is true for hadith collection. Sahabah radhiyAllahu 'anhum didn’t need
to collect them in the form of books as they were living examples of sunnah, they were united under the
leadership of Imams (Abu Bakr, ‘Umar radhiyAllahu 'anhum etc) who ruled them according to Quran and
sunnah, which they learnt directly from Muhammad sallAllahu alayhe wasallam. But it doesn’t mean
Sahabah radhiyAllahu 'anhum didn’t save hadiths, off course they had them memorized. So if people
who followed Sahabah radhiyAllahu 'anhum collected hadiths, it wouldn’t be a bid’at as the objective was
to protect the sunnah of Rasoolullah sallAllahu alayhe wasallam and the objective was not to make
books of hadiths, these books of hadiths are only means to preserve sunnah.

In short, using loud speakers for the call for prayers (adhan) is not a bid’at but a means to call for
prayers (objective) while adding extra words to adhan e.g Assalatu Wassalamu ‘Alayka Ya RasoolAllah,
Assalatu Wassalamu ‘Alayka Ya HabibAllah, Assalatu Wassalamu ‘Alayka Ya NoorAllah, Assalatu
Wassalamu ‘Alayka Ya Khatiman Nabiyyeen.. as Barelvis/Mawlidis do (e.g in my country Pakistan) is a
bid’at because this is making a change to the way of Muhammad sallAllahu alayhe wasallam and thus
this is an opposition to Muhammad sallAllahu alayhe wasallam.
and besides, you HAVE to have innovations in the shariah to accoutn for the new crimes that one is able
to comit...
The punishment for a thief in Islam is the same as it was prescribed by sharee'ah through Muhammad
sallAllahu 'alayhe wasallam, to achieve this objective the procedure of punishment might change, e.g
hands can be cut off mechanically (through machines) instead of manually.
Now cutting off hand through machines is not a bid'ah but this is a new procedure to achieve the same
objective prescribed by the religion.

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