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8mm Hotchkiss Mle1914 MG
Cartouche Mle1886 D (am) (heavy ball)
Cartouche de 8mm balle traceuse (T)
Cartouche de 8mm balle perforante (AP)
Cartouche Mle1932 N (very heavy ball)
7.5mm 'Reibel' MAC Mle1931 MG
Cartouche Mle1929 C
Cartouche Mle1929 D (heavy ball)
Cartouche Mle1929 T (T)
Cartouche Mle1929 P and TP (AP and APT)
Cartouche Mle1929 I (Incendiary)
13.2mm Hotchkiss Mle1930 HMG
Cartouche Mle1935 (heavy ball)
Cartouche Mle1935 T (T)
Cartouche Mle1935 PT (APT)
Cartouche Mle1935 P (AP)
25mm SA35 (L/47.2 or L/60 ?)
Cartouche de 25mm Mle1934 balle perforante (charge forte) (AP)
Cartouche de 25mm Mle1934 balle traeuse perforante (APT)
37mm SA18 and SA18 M37 L/21
Obus de rupture Mle1892/1924 (APHE)
Boulet de rupture Mle1935 (AP/API)
Obus de rupture Mle1937 (AP)
Obus explosif Mle1916 (HE)
Bote balles Mle1908 (canister)
Bote balles Mle1918 (canister)
37mm SA38 L/33
Obus de rupture Mle1938 (APC)
Obus explosif Mle1938 (HE)
Note concerning the the APX-R and APX-R1 turret armed with the 37mm SA18 and 37mm SA38 gun :
Elevation of -16 to +20
Traverse of 5 right and 5 left but it could be blocked to aim only with the turret rotation and so that the coaxial
MG was always well aligned with the main gun.
47mm SA34 L/30
Obus de rupture Mle1892G (APHE)
Obus explosif type B (steel) Mle1932 (HE)
Obus explosif type D (HE)
47mm SA35 L/32
Obus de rupture Mle1935 (APC)
Obus explosif Mle1932 (HE)
75mm SA35 L/17.1
Obus de rupture Mle1910 (APHE)
Obus explosif Mle1915 (HE)

25mm SA34 (Hotchkiss) and SA-L Mle1937 (Puteaux) L/72 (L/40, L/47.2, L/60 and L/72 RF in fortifications)
Cartouche de 25mm Mle1934 balle perforante (charge forte) (AP)
Cartouche de 25mm Mle1934 balle traeuse perforante (APT)
37mm L/21 TR16 infantry gun
Obus de rupture Mle1892/1924 (APHE)
Boulet de rupture Mle1935 (AP/API)
Obus explosif Mle1916 (HE)
Bote balles Mle1908 (canister)
Bote balles Mle1918 (canister)
47mm Mle1937 and Mle1939 L/53
Obus de rupture Mle1936 (APCBC)
Obus explosif Mle1932 M39 (HE)
Canon de 75mm L/36.3 Mle1897 and Mle1897/33
Obus de rupture Mle1910M (APHE)
Obus perforant AL (Allong Lefvre) Mle1916 (APHE)
Obus perforant AL (Allong Lefvre) Mle1918 (APHE)
Obus explosif Mle1900N (HE)
Obus explosif Mle1915 (HE)
Obus explosif Mle1917 (HE)
Obus explosif Mle1918 (HE)
Obus explosif FA Mle1929 AL (HE)
Obus balle "A" Mle1897 (canister)
Obus balle "M" Mle1897/1911 (canister)
Obus balle "A" Mle1897/1917 (canister)
Obus fumigne Mle1915 (smoke)
Obus clairant Mle1916 (illuminating)
Obus incendiaire Mle1916 type G charge mlange (incendiary, HE and anti-personal)
Obus incendiaire Mle1916 type G six feux (incendiary)
37mm Mle1934 RF L/56.4
Obus de rupture Mle1936 (APBC)
Obus explosif Mle1938 (HE)
47mm Mle34 RF L/50
Obus de rupture Mle1936 (APCBC)
Obus de rupture Mle1902M (AP)
Obus traceur incendiaire Mle1902M (TI)
Obus explosif Mle1932 M39 (HE)

25mm SA35
Sight : L.711
Magnification : 4x
FOV : 10.13
Reticle : V
Adjustable drum up to : 3450m
37mm SA18 and SA18 M.37
For the Renault FT17/18C
Sight : L. ???
Magnification : 1x
FOV : 45
Reticle : ?
Adjustable drum up to : ?
For the Renault R35, Hotchkiss H35/39 and FCM36
Sight : L.713
Magnification : 4x
FOV : 11.25
Reticle : V
Adjustable drum up to : 1000m for the AP shells and 1600m for the coaxial MG
Sight : L.739
Magnification : 4x
FOV : 11.25
Reticle : ?
Adjustable drum up to : ?
The L.739 was probably introduced after the L.713 for the new Mle1935 and Mle1937 AP shells fired by the 37mm
SA18 L/21 gun.
For armored cars : Laffly 50AM, Panhard 165/175 and AMC P16 Mle1929. Either the sight used in the Renault
FT17/18 (1x, 45) or a sight like the L.698 used for the infantry gun (2x, 7.88).
37mm SA38
Sight : L.767
Magnification : 4x
FOV : 11.25
Reticle : +
Adjustable drum up to : 1400m for the APC shells and 1600m for the coaxial MG
The L.713, L.739 and L.767 sights are similar, same shape and weight, only the range drums and the reticles are
different due to the different shells.
47mm SA34
Sight : L.671
Magnification : 4x
FOV : 11.25
Reticle : V
Adjustable drum up to : 1100m for the AP shells and 1600m for the coaxial MG
47mm SA35
Sight : L.724 for the APX1 turret
Magnification : 4x
FOV : 11.25
Reticle : V and later +
Adjustable drum up to : 1500m for the AP shells and 1600m for the coaxial MG
The L.724 sight is 477mm +/- 4mm long and weights 1.4 kg.
Sight : L.762 for the APX4 turret
Magnification : 4x

FOV : 11.81
Reticle : +
Adjustable drum up to : 1500m for the AP shells and 1600m for the coaxial MG
The L.762 sight is 721mm +/- 4mm long and weights 2.6 kg.
On the + reticle the horizontal line can be adjusted for the elevation. The + reticle was preferred to the V reticle to
materialize the horizontal. On the horizontal line of the + reticle, there are vertical long and short bars. One 2.50m
high vehicle covered by a long line is at 500m and the same vehicle covered by a short line is at 1000m range. On
the right of the + reticle there are two black range ladders : one for the AP shells and one for the HE shells. On
the left of the + reticle there is one red range ladder for the coaxial MG.
There might be a L.731 sight for the APX1 CE turret (Somua S35) but there is no information about it at the
75mm SA35
Sight : L.710 (two sights for a stereoscopic telemeter)
Magnification : 3.5x
FOV : 11.15 for each sight
Reticle : range ladders
Adjustable drum up to : 1600m

25mm SA34/37
Sight : L.711
Magnification : 4x
FOV : 10.13
Reticle : V
Adjustable drum up to : 3450m
37mm TR16 (infantry gun also used in anti-tank role gun)
Sight : L.698
Magnification : 2x
FOV : 7.88
Reticle : +
Adjustable drum up to : 1800m
47mm SA37
Sight : L.746
Magnification : 4x
FOV : 10.13
Reticle : +
Adjustable drum up to : 3500m

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