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Market Segmentation, Product Differentiation, and Marketing Strategy

Author(s): Peter R. Dickson and James L. Ginter

Source: Journal of Marketing, Vol. 51, No. 2 (Apr., 1987), pp. 1-10
Published by: American Marketing Association
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Peter R. Dickson & James L. Ginter


Marketing Strategy

Despite the pervasive use of the terms "market segmentation" and "product differentiation," there has
been and continues to be considerable misunderstanding about their meaning and use. The authors
attempt to lessen the confusion by the use of traditional and contemporary economic theory and product
preference maps.

ARKETS have been segmented and products

and services differentiatedfor as long as suphave
differedin their methodsof competingfor
trade.The majoradvancein recenttimes has been that
marketresearchersare using economic and behavioral
theoriesand sophisticatedanalyticaltechniquesin their
searchfor betterways of identifyingmarketsegments
and product differentiation opportunities. If sheer
amount of statistical analysis and psychological jargon were the criterion,marketsegmentationcould be
judged to have shifted in status from an art to a science.
We thereforemight expect that by now the basic
purpose, definition of terms, and theory underlying
marketsegmentationand productdifferentiationwould
have been consistentlydescribedand well understood.
This is not the case. A review of 16 contemporary
marketingtextbooks reveals considerable confusion.
Five of the texts (Evans and Berman 1982; Mandel

is Assistant
is Professor,
of Marketing,
on eargratefully
lierversionsof thearticleprovided
by BrianRatchford,

Journal of Marketing
Vol. 51 (April 1987), 1-10.

and Rosenberg 1981; Neidell 1983; Pride and Ferrell

1985; Stanton 1981) describe product differentiation
as an alternative to market segmentation and 11 of the

texts (Abell and Hammond 1979; Buell 1984; Busch

andHouston 1985; Cravens 1982; Dalrympleand Parsons 1983; DeLozier and Woodside 1978; Enis 1980;
Guiltinanand Paul 1985; Hughes 1978; Kotler 1984;
Reibstein 1985) describe it as a complement or means

of implementingmarket segmentation.1In addition,

three of the texts (Evans and Berman 1982; Mandel
and Rosenberg 1981; Pride and Ferrell 1985) limit
product differentiationto only nonphysical product
The potentialfor misunderstandingis exacerbated
by the discussion of "undifferentiated"and "differentiated"marketingstrategies. These terms are used
to indicatewhetheror not marketingstrategyis based
on recognition of market segments. Where product
differentiationis discussed as an alternativeto market
segmentation,it is described as being an undifferentiated marketingstrategy. This element of confusion
'Fourtexts, those of Assael (1985), Cunninghamand Cunningham
(1981), McCarthyand Perreault(1984), and Scott, Warshaw,and
Taylor(1985) are not includedin the classificationbecausethey do
not use the term"productdifferentiation"
in the discussionof market

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arises from the fact that various authorsdiscuss differentiationof the market,products, and strategy, and
the distinctionsare seldom made clear.
We attemptto clarify the currentmisunderstanding by precisely defining and contrastingmarketsegmentation,productdifferentiation,and demandfunction modification on both theoretical and practical
dimensions. In the first section we present some of
the theories and perspectivesof marketsegmentation
and productdifferentiationthat have been developed
by economists and marketers.We then offer a set of
definitionsin an attemptto lessen the currentconfusion in terminology.Finally, we use preferencespace
mappingand practicalexamples to illustrate the importantdifferences and relationshipsbetween product
differentiationand demand modification, given various states of demandheterogeneity.

The concepts of product differentiationand market
segmentationhave long been discussed in the literature. One of the pioneers of marketingthought(Shaw
1912) describedthe strategyof productdifferentiation
as meeting human wants more accurately than the
competition.The result is a "buildupof demand"for
the producer'sproductand a potentialfor a price level
higher than that of the existing stock commodity. In
discussing the need to treat each distinct geographic
region as a separatedistributionproblem, Shaw emphasizedas equally importantthe recognition of economic and social market"contours"and the need also
to treatthese as separatemarketingproblems. Besides
specifically recommending separate contour or segment analysis, he pointed out that the law of diminishing returnsimposes a limit on the practical value
to the companyof cateringto these differentmarkets.
Also generally overlooked by both marketersand
economists has been what Chamberlin(1965) had to
say about marketsegmentationand productdifferentiationin his theory of monopolisticcompetition, first
published in 1933. Product differentiation was defined simply as distinguishingthe goods or services
of one seller from those of anotheron any basis that
is importantto the buyer and leads to a preference.
Chamberlinrecognized the importanceof both consumerperceptionsand nonphysicalproductcharacteristics in observingthatthe basis of differentiationcould
be real or imagined, arising from distinct product,
packaging,or distributiondifferences, or the prestige
value of a trademarkand tradename (e.g., Coca-Cola,
Kodak, or Calvin Klein). Chamberlinalso recognized
that differencesin buyer preferencesresult in a set of
differentdemandcurves. The heterogeneityin the offering, production,prices, and profits observed in the
marketwas not, in his opinion, the result of imperfect

knowledge or other market "frictions,"but a reflection of the unsuccessful and successful attempts of
manufacturersto adapttheirproductsto the needs and
tastes of differentbuyers.2In his first edition, Chamberlinstatedthat there seemed to be no particularreason why the demand curve would change when a
productis differentiated.However, by his third edition, Chamberlinhad recognizedthatthe demandcurve
would move to the right and therefore become less
price elastic when the differentiatedproductmore exactly satisfied consumerneeds.
Porter(1976) also viewed product differentiation
as dependingon both physical productcharacteristics
and otherelements of the marketingmix. Like Chamberlin, he recognized that productdifferentiationcan
be based on perceived as well as actual physical and
nonphysicalproductdifferences. Porter also adhered
to the traditionaloperationaldefinitionof productdifferentiationas the degreeof cross-priceinelasticitywith
respect to competing brands. In a demand equation
this cross-inelasticity is represented by a demand
function for the firm's offering that is relatively unaffectedby changesin the prices of competingbrands.
Samuelson (1976) discussed what we term "demand function modification" when he asserted that
suppliers "deliberately fragment" industry demand
curves into smaller segments through "contrived"
productdifferentiation.His leadingeconomicstext thus
takes the position that the supplieris the majorcause
of segmented market demand. Samuelson acknowledged that product differentiationcan be a genuine
response to differing consumer needs, but he clearly
believed that most product differentiationis "artificial." He also repeated Galbraith's (1967) assertion
thatthis is achievedby advertisingthat "distorts"consumer demand.
Inhis classic article,Smith(1956) expresseda view
of productdifferentiationsimilarto Samuelson'sposition. He described product differentiationas an attempt to alter the shape of the price-quantitydemand
curve facing the individualsupplierusing advertising
and promotion.If Smith was referringto alterationof
the consumer's demand function when he described
productdifferentiationas being "concernedwith the
bending of demand to the will of supply," this descriptionclearly differs from the view of Chamberlin
and Porter and fits what we subsequentlyterm "demandfunction modification."If, however, Smith actually was referringto alterationof the perceived vechis argumentis consistent
tor of productcharacteristics,
with those of Chamberlinand Porterwith the excep-

2Frank,Massy, and Wind (1972) point out that many economists

have viewed the existenceof differentprices as evidenceof market
imperfections.Chamberlinwas a notableearly exception.

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tion that the latter authorsalso included alterationof

actual physical characteristicsthroughproduct specification. The creation of imaginarydifferences when
no real differencesexist throughsuch devices as product names and skillful advertising has been labeled
by Lancaster(1979).
Smithwas, however, consistentwith other writers
in discussing several, ratherthan one, demandschedules. He went on to associate the term "marketsegmentation"with adjustmentof productand marketing
effort to these differences in demand schedules. As a
result of his terminology, Smith positioned market
segmentationand product differentiationas alternatives ratherthancomplements.This view was restated
in his contributionto the special Journal of Marketing
Researchissue on marketsegmentation(Smith 1978).
The precedingdiscussion reveals that his position results from additionalqualifiershe put on the two concepts. First, he unnecessarilylimited product differentiation efforts to promotion and advertising and
discussedactualproductspecificationonly undermarket segmentation.Second, he associated productdifferentiationwith recognition of only one, ratherthan
the inclusion of these additionalconditions is not apparent.
We can see now that the apparentlyinconsistent
and confusing treatmentof productdifferentiationin
contemporarytexts is rooted in the differences between the views expressed by Smith and Samuelson
and those of Shaw, Chamberlin,and Porter. The position of Smith and Samuelson is reflected in the five
previously cited texts that describe product differentiation as an alternativeto marketsegmentation. The
views of Shaw, Chamberlin,and Porterare reflected
in the 11 texts that treat product differentiationas a
complementto or means of implementing a market
In additionto the inconsistenttreatmentof the term
"productdifferentiation,"the literaturereflects a similar confusion or lack of precision in use of the term
"marketsegmentation."This term often is used to refer to recognitionof the existence of multiple demand
functionsanddevelopmentof a marketingplanto match
one or more of these demandfunctions. In this usage,
marketsegmentationis describedas a marketingstrategy (e.g., Frank,Massy, and Wind 1972). Otherwriters such as Mahajanand Jain (1978) refer to market
segmentationas a form of research analysis directed
at identificationof, and allocationof resourcesamong,
marketsegments. According to this use of the term,
the segments with different demand functions are assumed to exist, and the objectives are to identify and
cater to these groups ratherthan to alter or enhance
differences in their demand functions. Market segmentationthus is seen as a way of viewing the market

ratherthan defined as a management strategy. The

purposeof such an analysis is to provide a foundation
for marketsegmentationstrategy.
Rosen (1974) and Lancaster(1979) contributedto
the development of an economic demand theory in
which productsare viewed as multicomponentpackages of characteristics.3Both of these authors acknowledged the existence of a distributionof preference functions or value systems across the consumer
population. To the extent that this distributionhas
multiple regions of concentrationsurroundedby regions of sparseness, market segments are acknowledged to exist. Both authorsalso clearly viewed product differentiationas the variety in the characteristics
offered by alternativegoods. Rosen went on to argue
that "a variety of packages appearin productmarkets
to satisfy differences in preferences among consumers,and the situationpersistsbecauseno firm finds
it advantageousto alterthe qualitycontentof its products." He clearly viewed both productdifferentiation
and marketsegmentationstrategiesas a consequence
of the existence of marketsegments. This view is in
sharpcontrastwith Smith's descriptionof productdifferentiation as an attempt to manipulate consumer
Rosen, Lancaster,and othersappliedtheirhedonic
demandtheoriesto analysis of competitive conditions
and developed theoretical optimal conditions. Marketing application of these frameworks for product
positioning was developed by Hauser and Simmie
(1981), Hauser and Shugan (1983), and Hauser and
Gaskin (1984). Alternativecompetitive environments
and the relevant strategic options are described subsequently. However, before proceeding with such a
discussion, we proposethe following definitionalconventions.

The following definitional frameworkis offered as a
basis for explaining and comparingthe various uses
of the terms "marketsegmentation"and "productdifferentiation" in the literature. This framework is
foundedin both the currenttheoreticaleconomic work
of Rosen (1974) and Lancaster(1979) and the more
traditionaleconomic theory describedby Chamberlin
(1965). The definitions are stated in Table 1.
The concepts of marketsegmentation,productdifferentiation,and demandfunctionmodificationcan be
defined and distinguished through reference to the
representationof marketdemand as

3Foran excellent statement and evaluation of the work of Rosen and

Lancaster, see Ratchford (1975).

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Heterogeneity in
demand functions
exists such that
market demand can
be disaggregated
into segments with
distinct demand
functions (Fi's)
A product offering is
perceived by the
consumer to differ
from its
competition on any
physical or
including price
Alteration of
perceptions so as
to result in a state
of product

Demand function

Alteration of the
between perceived
characteristics and
demand, i.e.,
changing F or Fi


Alteration of demand
functions of a
subset of
consumers such
that they will
become similar and
constitute a unique
market segment

Q = F (p,xl, ... xn)


The automobile market
The soap market
The camera market

Perceptual differences created

by usage experience, word of
mouth, and promotion
Actual differences are created
by product characteristics

Mercedes Benz in the

automobile market
People's Express as the first nofrills, low price airline

May be directed at entire market

or at one (or more)
May utilize either physical or
nonphysical product
Requires product differentiation
in existence or as a
complementary strategy
May be directed at entire market
or at one (or more)
May entail change in ideal point
May entail change in
importance attached to a
physical or nonphysical
product characteristic
One particularform of demand
function modification
Requires product differentiation
in existence or as a
complementary strategy
May entail change in ideal point
May entail change in
importance attached to a
physical or nonphysical

P&G advertises Charmin as

softer than competing brands
Tylenol is promoted as effective
relief for persons who cannot
take aspirin

This demand function is consistent with the multiattribute model commonly used in the marketing literature. It is also similar to the hedonic economic model
of demand with the exception that economists usually
separate price from the vector of product characteristics. It postulates that the demand, Q, for a particular product offered by an individual supplier is a
function of the price, p, and the product characteris-

Michelin promotes the

association of quality with
safety for family
transportation (to increase
importance attached to
Dove promotes importance of
moisturizing qualities of skin

Underalls draws attention to

unattractiveness of panty lines
and creates a segment of
Promotion of cancer prevention
qualities of breakfast cereal to

tics of that offering, xl, ..., xn. These product characteristics include both physical product attributes and
nonphysical attributes, which may reflect dimensions
of image and product performance. The nature of the
functional relationship, F, will depend on the consumers' tastes, competitive product offerings, and other
marketplace factors such as disposable personal income.
We should note that the traditional economic concept of the market demand curve,

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Q = FxI
..... xn(P),


does not coincide perfectly with the form of the demand model in equation 1. In this traditionaleconomic model, demandis a function of price, given a
specified set of fixed productcharacteristics,and the
demand function will shift such that quantity demandedis greaterfor each price if the productcharacteristicsare changedto matchmore closely the consumerideal points.
There appearsto be some uncertaintyin the economics literatureaboutwhetherthe productcharacteristics in equations 1 and 2 are objective or subjective. Underthe commoneconomics assumptionof full
consumer information, there is no difference. The
marketingliterature,in contrast,recognizes that most
consumers base decisions on their perceptions of real-

ity foundedon only partialinformation.We therefore

view xl, ..., Xnas perceptions of product character-

istics. It should be noted that these perceptionsresult

from the wide-rangingset of stimuli received by the
consumer.Some of these stimuli are controlledby the
marketingmanagersof the brandin question as they
make decisions about advertising, packaging, salesforce efforts, and the like. Otherstimuli are provided
by marketingeffortsof competingfirms, productusage
experience, and the broaderenvironment.
Even if consumerssharedcommon perceptionsof
a product'scharacteristics,it would be unusualto expect all consumersto respondequally to a marketoffering. One reason for this heterogeneity in demand
acrossconsumersis diversity in the demandfunction,
of demandfunctionsmay takemany
F. Thisdistribution
forms such as uniform, unimodal, or multimodal.
Heterogeneityin demand may be viewed also as the
distributionof customers' ideal points in an attributebased productspace, where each customer's demand
function, F, is reflected in the location of the ideal
point. Under the condition of demand heterogeneity,
it may be possible to view the total marketas a set of
submarketsor segments, with each having its demand, Qi, determinedby a unique segment demand
function,Fi. We view these varioussegmentsand their
correspondingdemand functions as actually existing
in the marketplace.This is not to say, however, that
any single firm's identification of the market segments and their demandfunctions accuratelyportrays
this reality. The numerous sets of variables, such as
demographiccharacteristicsand past behavior, that
have been used to identify segments may or may not
lead to accurateconclusions about market segments,
dependingon their relationshipto the demand functions in any particularmarketsetting. Because the demandfunctionsand the vector of productperceptions
actuallydeterminethe response to a firm's marketing
efforts, we maintainthat the demandfunctions them-

selves shouldbe the theoreticalbasis for segment definition. Other bases for identifying or defining segments will be useful only to the extent that they
correspondempiricallyto these demandfunctionsand
lead to identificationof the true marketsegments.
Under ideal conditions, the total market would
consist of subsets or segments whose within-group
differences in individual demand functions (or ideal
points) would be relatively small in comparisonwith
the between-groupdifferences. Unfortunately, however, individualdemandfunctionsare not directlyobservableand segment distinctionsare usually blurred.
Different firms' conclusions about the number and
propertiesof marketsegmentsthereforewill vary with
their conceptual and analytic approachesto segment
identification.As a result, competingfirms may have
differentperceptionsof the marketsegment structure
of a marketthat exhibits demand heterogeneity. Because these perceptions of segments may provide a
basis for marketingstrategy, they may be one determinantof competitiveperformance.We thereforedefine "marketsegmentation"as a state of demandheterogeneity such that the total marketdemand can be
disaggregated into segments with distinct demand
functions.4Each firm's definition, framing, and characterizationof this demand heterogeneitywill likely
be unique and form the basis of the firm's marketing
strategy.Consequentlythe accuracyof the firm's perception of marketsegmentationoften is a critical determinantof competitive advantage.
Product differentiationalso is defined as a marketplace condition. If the productclass were a commodity, all alternativeswould be equal and perceived
to be equal on all elements of the vector of price and
both physical and nonphysicalproductcharacteristics.
The prevalentcondition is one in which all products
arenot perceivedas equal on each of the productcharacteristics, including price. We term this condition a
state of "productdifferentiation."
The preceding definitions lead directly to management strategies that may be pursued. One is demand function modification, the alteration of the
functional relationship, F or Fi, between perceived
product characteristicsand market or segment demand. For example, a firm may attempt to increase
the importancecustomers associate with a product
attributeon which it has a competitiveadvantage(e.g.,
AT&T emphasizing the value of personal telephone
services, BMW promotingadvancedengineeringand

4Themarketsegmentationdefinitioncould be expandedto include

responsefunctions-such as hetheterogeneityin any market-related
erogeneityin responseto differentmedia and distributionchannels,
as well as in the traditionalproductdemandfunction.Discussionof
the implicationsof expandingthe definitionin this way is beyondthe
scope of this article.

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road handling). In addition, the firm may attemptto

change the consumer's ideal point on an attributeto
a location nearerto that of its offering (e.g., Burger
King promotingthe advantagesof flame-broilingover
conventionalcooking). The marketingliteraturegenerally has viewed the alterationof consumer values
and tastes entailedin these strategiesas more difficult
to achieve than a change in perceptions of product
characteristics(Boyd, Ray, and Strong 1972; Lutz
The term "market segmentation" is used frequently in the marketingliteratureto refer to a management strategy rather than a market condition or
perception of a market condition. In this context,
"marketsegmentationstrategy"usually refers to use
of informationaboutmarketsegmentsto design a program(s) to appeal to a specific existing segment(s);
this conventionis observed in the following sections.
The firm also may wish to consider developing the
condition of market segmentation through demand
functionmodification. Under this strategy, which we
term"segmentdevelopmentstrategy,"the firm would
attemptto cause the development of a homogeneous
group of individual consumer demand functions that
differ from the demandfunctions of the remainderof
consumersin the marketplace.Withinthis definitional
framework,we can observe that marketingresearch
has been oriented toward identificationand analysis
of demand heterogeneity for market segmentation
strategyratherthan for identificationof opportunities
for segment development.
also may be used
The term"productdifferentiation"
to describe a managementstrategy. It is best viewed
as creation of a state of product differentiationby
offering a productthat is perceived to differ from the
competingproductson at least one element of the vector of physical and nonphysical product characteristics. As discussed next, this strategymay be pursued
throughproductdesign in specificationof actualproduct characteristicsand/or throughadvertisingdirected
at establishingperceptionsof both physical and nonphysical productcharacteristics.

metric on the two axes is homogeneous for all consumers. Finally, we assume that the maps accurately
representthe true marketplaceconditions. Competitors who fail to understandthoroughlythe truemarket
configurationmay fail to identify the alternativestrategies we discuss or may pursue other strategies that
are inappropriatefor the market.

Product Differentiation
Figure 1 illustratesa competitive situation in which
thereis neitherproductdifferentiationnor marketsegmentation.The three competitive offerings, a, b, and
c, sharethe same approximateposition,andideal points
are distributeduniformly throughoutthe space. With
this configuration,each of the brandswill achieve approximatelyone thirdof the total market. A competitor in this situation may achieve a competitive advantagethrougha strategyof productdifferentiation.
If, for example, branda were to move to position a'
in Figure 1 by differentiationon axis Y, it would increase its marketshare because it would be closer to
the ideal points of nearly half the market. In this situation, any one brand can increase its sales by differentiation(to a small extent) in any direction from
its competitors.Though we do not addressthe potential dynamics that would result from competitive reaction, one could speculatethat brandsb and c might
also attemptto differentiatetheir offerings from position a' and from each other. The variouscompetitive
solutionsto this problem depend on the natureof the
marketboundaries(see Lancaster 1979). Definitions
of product differentiationthat assume a single homogeneous demand function or limit the firm's actions to nonphysicalproductcharacteristicswould not
lead to identificationof this strategicoption for brand

ProductDifferentiationin a Uniformly

Strategic Options
The strategicoptions availableto a competitorcan be
illustratedbest through reference to a product preference map. For ease of illustration,we assume that
two product characteristics, which may be either
physical or nonphysical, are of primaryimportance.
Brandlocationsin this two-dimensionalspace are representationsof consumers' perceptions of the offerings and these perceptionsare assumed to be homogeneous for this discussion. Consumers' tastes and
values are representedthroughlocation of their ideal
points. Another simplifying assumption is that the

Shaded area represents

uniform distribution of consumer

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ideal points.

a. Note that Figure 1 contains no naturalgroupingsof

ideal points, and the product differentiationstrategy
thereforeis not accompaniedby either of the strategies of marketsegmentationor segment development.
Figure2 representsanotherset of competitiveconditions in which a strategyof targetedproductdifferentiationwould be very advantageous.In this diagram
the distributionof consumer ideal points is not uniform, but unimodal (e.g., bivariatenormal). For example, in the express mail-deliverymarketmost business customers want guaranteedovernight delivery.
Each of the brands could increase sales by moving
closer to I, the centroidof the ideal point distribution.
This situationwould be likely to lead to active competitionamong the threebrands,with each attempting
to be perceived as being closer to I than its competitors. Ironically,if all three brandswere successful in
moving to point I, the resulting configurationwould
reflect no productdifferentiationand the three brands
would share the market as before. Such interbrand
competitionwould result in a closer matchingof consumerwants and productofferings and the possibility,
at least initially, of an increase in either the general
price level or total market demand or both. Product
differentiationdefinitions that are confined to nonphysical product characteristicsmay cause the marketer to fail to respondon all relevant dimensions in
attemptingto pursuethe strategydepictedin Figure 2.

Segment-Based Product Differentiation

Figure3 shows the existence of threemarketsegments
whose sizes are representedby the area of the correspondingcircles. This is a thirdconditionunderwhich
productdifferentiationmay be beneficial, but in this
case it is coupled with a market segmentationstrategy. Because the three brands are initially undifferFIGURE2
Product Differentiation in a Unimodal Preference


a b c



Product Differentiation in a Multimodal
Preference Space




a bc

entiated,any of them could increase sales by moving

closer to Il, the centroidof the largest segment (e.g.,
a move to a'). This is an example of a segment-based
productdifferentiationstrategy(Porter 1980 refers to
it as a focus strategy). Note that if one brandwere to
makesuch a move, the choice of the remainingbrands
between moving toward 12 or 13 and moving toward
Il (and sharingsales of segment 1) would depend on
the relativesizes of the marketsegments and the costs
of the alternativemoves. If brand a were to achieve
productdifferentiationin the direction of Il, it could
increase its price to adjust for its more accurately
meetingthe needs of segment 1. Whetherthis increase
would result in higher, monopoly profit in the long
run would depend on the costs of moving to and remainingat a' and the attractivenessof the higherprofit
level to other firms. If brand a were to increase its
prices slightly above its increases in costs, the additional profit it would receive may not be enough to
cause anotherbrandto attemptto duplicateits move.
The reason is that after such a duplication, the two
brandswould have to share the demandof segment 1
at a lower level of sales and profit for both. Definitions that describe product differentiationas an attemptto alterdemandfunctionsand/or recognitionof
only one demand function in the market would lead
to failure to recognize this strategic option. In addition, definitions that constrainit to nonphysicalattributes would lead to failure to use all relevantproduct
characteristicsin implementingthis strategy.
The condition in Figure 3 correspondsto Chamberlin's (1965) observationthat where the possibility
of differentiationexists, sales dependon the skill with
which the good is distinguishedfrom othersand made
to appeal to a specific group of buyers. Coca-Cola
finally recognized heterogeneity in demand with its
new segment-basedproduct differentiationstrategy.

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Classic Coke, New Coke, Cherry Coke, Diet Coke,

No Caffeine Coke, and No Caffeine Diet Coke each
caterto differentsegments and the strategyappearsto
have worked to the extent that Coca-Cola's overall
marketshare has grown. The long-term profitability
of the strategyhas yet to be established.
Sometimes a marketerwill attemptto convince a
dubious segment of the public that its brand is distinctive because it has a combinationof desired attributes normally not present in other alternativesand
commonly not believed possible (i.e., an area of the
perceived product space is empty because it is perceived to be an infeasible combinationof attributes).
The Miller Brewing Company's "less filling, great
taste" positioning of its Lite Beer is an example of
sucha campaign.In this case, advertisinghad to change
perceived relationshipsbetween attributesto be able
to position the productsuccessfully.

Demand Function Modification of a Uniformly
Distributed Preference Space

Demand Modification Strategy

A situationin which a demand modification strategy
may be beneficial is shown in Figure 4. In this diagram, productdifferentiationalready exists, perhaps
through the unique product characteristicsor brand
images of the three firms. Because brand a is perceived as having a higher level of characteristicY, it
could increasesales by creatinga segment centeredat
position a. Note that this demandmodificationwould
not be effective without productdifferentiationas an
existing state or as a concurrentstrategy. In the latter
case, the brandwould attemptsimultaneouslyto move
to position a and to cause ideal points of a group of
consumers to converge at that position. As an example, the brandof pantyhosecalled "Underalls"has
drawn attention to its unique product-differentiated
solution by promoting the unattractivenessof panty
lines. To the extent that the campaign has increased
the importanceof this product characteristic,it has
altered the demand functions of many consumers.
Productdifferentiationdefinitions that recognize only
one demand function would not lead to the strategy
depicted in Figure 4, and those that constrain it to
nonphysical attributeswould lead to failure to consider all relevantdimensions.
This sort of combinationof productdifferentiation
anddemandmodificationcenteredon a so-called "unnecessaryfeature"often has been the target of social
welfare economists. The real problem appearsto be
that, whetherrightly or wrongly, the marketplacefrequently does not have the same value system as the
economist. Though the marketplaceclearly likes the
choice that product differentiationprovides, among
many economists "product differentiation"has become a disparaging term used to describe what is

"judged"to be manipulativeand/or wasteful competitive strategy. Demand modification also may result in segment developmentwhen an attemptat concentratingdemandin one area of the space results in
multimodalconcentrationsof demand throughoutthe
A final strategicoption is the combinationof market segmentationstrategyand demandfunction modification, as shown in Figure 5. In this situation, both
productdifferentiationand marketsegmentationexist.
Initiallyone would expect branda to have the lowest
marketsharebecauseit is sharingsegment 1 sales with
brandsb and c, which also have separate, proximate
segments.Insteadof moving the perceivedlocation of
branda to Il, the firm could choose to emphasize attributeY to members of segment 1 in an attemptto
move Ii to a. This approachis clearly an example of
what we have termed "demand function modification" and, as it is directed at only one segment, we
would also label it "marketsegmentation strategy."
Marketsegmentationstrategydiscussions that ignore
the possibilityof demandfunctionmodification,as well
as productdifferentiation
one demand function, would clearly fail to identify
this strategicoption.
In reality, demand modification often is accompanied by product differentiationand vice versa. In
the winter of 1983, Campbell's Soup launched a demandfunctionmodificationcampaignpromotinggood
nutritionand the importanceof the nutritionalvalue
of food. At the same time, it attemptedto differentiate
the product by positioning hot soup as not only an
excellent winter food (the theme of previous cam-

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Demand Function Modification of a Market



paigns), but also a superior nutritionalsupplement.

Demandfunction modificationalso may be a byproduct of a productdifferentiationstrategy.When TV advertising very effectively argues that Total has four
times the vitamins of an alternativebreakfastcereal,
for example, one effect may be heightened importance of vitamin supplements in breakfastfoods. In
1985, the maker of a high fibre cereal attemptedto
raise the level of concern among the wives of middleaged men about the risks of colon cancer and to increase the perceived benefits of a high fibre cereal.
This approachis a combinationof segmentation, demand function modification, and productdifferentiation strategies.

The preceding discussion leads to a set of summary
statementsabout the availabilityof strategic options.
First, we can see that the preferredstrategicoption is
determinedprimarily by the existing market conditions. Second, we can see that a strategy of product
differentiationdoes not requirethe existence of market segments (Figures 1 and 2), but may be used in
conjunctionwith market segmentationstrategy when
segments are perceived to exist (Figure 3). Third, a
strategyof segmentdevelopmentis feasible only when
productdifferentiationeither already exists or is an
accompanyingstrategy.Withinthis framework,product differentiationand marketsegmentationare clearly
not alternativemanagementstrategies. A productdifferentiationstrategycan be pursuedwith or without a
marketsegmentationstrategy, but a market segmentation strategycan be pursuedonly when productdif-

ferentiationalreadyexists or when accompaniedby a

The distinction of market segmentation, product
differentiation, and demand function modification
providedby this conceptual frameworkis of benefit
to both academics and practitioners. It shows that
Smith's (1956) discussion of marketsegmentationas
alterationof the productto matchmoreclearlythe needs
of a segmentactuallycorrespondsto a combinationof
productdifferentiationand market segmentation, as
shown in Figure 3. His discussion of productdifferentiation as attempting "to bring about the convergence of individualmarketdemands for a variety of
productsupon a single or limited offering in the market" corresponds to demand function modification
(Figure4) or demandfunctionmodificationcombined
with a marketsegmentationstrategy(Figure5). Farris
and Albion's (1980) investigation of the impact of
advertising on price also has conceptual ambiguity
that our proposed frameworkeliminates. First, they
identifymarketsegmentationas a "centralunderlying
concept"of productdifferentiation.In fact, neitherthe
concept nor practice of product differentiation requires recognition of heterogeneous market subsets.
Second, the authorsidentify three advertisingstrategies that achieve productdifferentiation.Only one of
these, "influencing consumers' assessment of the
product'sperformanceon a given attribute,"is product differentiation.The other two advertisingeffects,
"introducingnew attributesinto the choice decision"
and "influencing the combination of attributes regardedas 'ideal,'" are demandfunction modification
strategies. Because these effects and the means of
achieving them can be very different, the distinction
between productdifferentiationand demand function
modificationmust be clearly recognized and understood.
Though market segmentationand product differentiationare key marketingconcepts, there has been
little discussion about their underlyingtheory. A major exception is the work of Frank,Massy, and Wind
(1972), who offered a comprehensiveframeworkfor
analysis and distinguishedbetween price discrimination and marketsegmentation.However, most of the
literatureon segmentationand differentiationhas discussed analytical techniques. We attempt to define,
develop the theory, and illustrate the application of
modification,and segmentdevelopment.There is evidencethatthese conceptshave been confusedwith each
otherin the literature.Because they have very different implicationsfor strategy, it seems importantfor
both managersand academicsto have a common, accepted understandingof the theoretical and applied
meaningof these concepts.

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