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MiningMath Associates
Fundao Luiz Englert

Belo Horizonte-MG

Cursos 2015

MiningMath Associates






AGOSTO: SEQUENCIAMENTO DIRETO DE BLOCOS ....................................... 9


SETEMBRO: MINE PLAN OPTIMISATION .................................................... 13




OUTUBRO: MTODOS DE LAVRA ................................................................. 17

Cursos 2015

MiningMath Associates



Descrio / Objetivos
The Simulation of Mining & Processing Systems is a comprehensive four-day course
covering fundamentals of Discrete Event Simulation (DES) modeling and its industrial
applications to mining and processing systems. The course is intended for mining
and processing disciplines and participants who would like to use simulation to
design and optimize real-world mining and processing systems. Arena Simulation
Software by Rockwell Automation is used as the primary modeling simulation tool.
Informaes Bsicas

Local: Belo Horizonte

Perodo: 27, 28, 29 e 30 de julho, 2015 - 08h30min s 17h.
Nvel avanado
Idioma: ingls
Investimento: R$ 3.800,00

Hooman Askari is a professor of mining engineering in the School of Mining and
Petroleum Engineering at the University of Alberta, Canada. He teaches and conducts
research into mine planning & design and simulation of mining systems. Hooman is a
registered professional mining engineer with 18 years of operational, consulting,
research, and teaching experience in the area of open pit mine planning and design.
He has a strong track record of success in leading the Mining Optimization
Laboratory (MOL) research team sponsored by BHP Billiton, Newmont, Suncor, Shell,
Maptek, and Mintec into development, testing, and delivering mine planning
optimization prototype software and mine simulation models to major mining
companies. He consults as the Principal Engineer on long-term to short-term open pit
production scheduling optimization and simulation of mining-systems through
OptiTek Mining Consulting Ltd.
Mining Optimization Laboratory (MOL)
The Mining Optimization Laboratory (MOL) is an industrial research consortium
sponsored by mining companies. The MOL research focuses on two major themes:

Mine Planning and Design.

Simulation Optimization of Mining Systems.

MOL research focuses on using operations research and advanced analytical methods
such as mathematical modeling, optimization, discrete event/continuous simulation,
and intelligent agents to arrive optimal or near-optimal solutions to complex, largescale mine planning/operations decision-making problems.

Cursos 2015

MiningMath Associates

Contedo Programtico
Simulation Software: Arena
Fundamentals of Discrete Event Simulation (DES) modeling and its industrial
applications to mining and processing systems are presented. Theoretical and
statistical aspects of simulation, including input and output analysis, experimental
design, and variance reduction techniques are presented. Arena Simulation
Environment (by Rockwell Automation) is used as the primary modeling simulation
tool for explaining simulation concepts. The course focuses (two days) on modeling
detail truck-shovel simulation models that uses the historical dispatching data, road
profiles, and short-term mine plans as input into the simulation model. The
simulation models need to be calibrated, and verified to link the short-term mining
schedules to the operational plans in presence of uncertainties of cycle times,
scheduled and unscheduled down times, shift changes, etc. The rest of the course
(two days) will focus on combined continuous and discrete-event simulation of
processing systems. Size classifications including sieves and hydrocyclones;
comminution operations including crushing machines, grinding, and semi-autogenous
mills; solid-liquid separation including thickeners and filtration; and also gravity and
magnetic separation modeling will be covered by examples. The course is intended
for mining and processing engineering disciplines and participants who would like to
use simulation to design and optimize real-world mining systems. On completion of
this course, successful attendees will have an in depth understanding of principles
and methodologies, of discrete event simulation. Also, they will be able to use Arena
Simulation Software (Rockwell Automation) as the simulation modeling tool for
simulating and optimizing real world systems. A series of labs using Arena Simulation
Software (Rockwell Automation) are undertaken to model and optimize real world
systems. Students undertake a complete simulation modeling/analysis project.
Outcomes of the course include:
In the first two-days:
A review on probability and statistics and fundamental simulation concepts.
Truck-shovel simulation modeling using resources, queues, and basic animation
to calculate fleet productivity.
Truck-shovel simulation modeling using resources, queues, and basic animation
to calculate fleet productivity.
Mixed fleet truck-shovel simulation modeling using resources sets and
maintenance schedules.
Introduction of resource failures with defining probability distribution functions
for mean time between failures and mean time to repairs of trucks, shovels,
and crushers.
Truck dispatching using station-route and assessing the reliability of the
The rest of the course - two days - will focus on combined continuous and
discrete event simulation of processing systems.
Size classifications including sieves and hydrocyclones,

Cursos 2015

MiningMath Associates

Comminution operations including crushing machines, grinding, and semiautogenous mills,

Separation including thickeners and filtration,
Gravity and magnetic separation modeling,
Comminution and separation sub-models for grinding machines, separators,
and classifiers,
Bulk material terminal modeling including arrival of trains, stockyard cells,
stockpile blending, stackers and reclaimers, and the ships loading section.

Day 1 - Monday, July 27, 2015

Probability and statistics review,
Fundamental simulation concepts,
A guided tour through Arena
Variables, entities, entity flow and attributes,
Resources, capacity constraining, queues,
Using basic process module in Arena to model:
Entity flow and attributes
Capacity constraining (Resources)
Attributes, Variables, and Queues
Flow control, input/output (I/O)
Animation of variables (scoreboard)
Variable spreadsheet module
Truck-Shovel Basic Modeling
Resources and Queues Seize, Delay, Release
Decisions and Statistics, Replications
Truck Shovel Queue and Resource Animation
Day 2 - Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Read/Write into and from external files
Use resource sets, schedules, and states
Resource Failures
Modeling Detailed Operations
Submodels & Iterative Looping
Station and Route
Truck-Shovel Advanced Modeling
Resource Sets & Mixed Fleet Modeling
Maintenance Schedules
Truck and Shovel Major and Minor Failures

3 - Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Input Data Analysis and Modeling
Output Data Analysis and Modeling
Process Analyzer
Batch and Separate
Coal/Iron Ore Terminal Stockpiling and Ships
Modeling Discrete/Continuous Models
Flow Process Template To Model Flow

Cursos 2015

MiningMath Associates


Tanks, Regulators and Regulator Sets

Seize Regulator and Release Regulator modules
Trigger actions using a Sensors
Animate Flow of material
4 - Thursday, July 30, 2015
Continuous to discrete conversion
Crusher and Conveyors
Storage bins and stockpiles
Comminution machines
Gyratory Crusher
Semi-Autogenous Mills
Dry Magnetic Separation Plant
Wet Magnetic Separation Plant

Participants are required to bring a laptop.

Cursos 2015

MiningMath Associates



Descrio / Objetivos
The objective of this course is to study the effect of geomechanics in underground
mine planning. In order to achieve this, the course includes basic definitions of
geomechanical concepts to understand the rockmass behavior in presence of mining
activities. It also includes basic definitions of the most used underground mining
methods and the effect of geomechanics in the mine planning process.
Informaes Bsicas

Local: Belo Horizonte

Perodo: 3, 4 e 5 de agosto/2015.
Nvel intermedirio.
Idioma: ingls.
Investimento: R$ 2.300,00

Carga Horria Prevista

The course is divided in three sessions during three days with 7 lecturing hours each,
for a total of 21 hours. These 21 hours consist mostly on concepts and study cases,
but some practical exercises will be developed to apply the concepts presented.
Gonzalo Nelis Universidade do Chile
MSc Mining Engineering
Contedo Programtico
Day 1 Introduction to Geomechanics

Stress and Infinitesimal Strain (1.5 hrs.)

Rock Mass Structure and Characterization (1.5 hrs.)
Rock Strength (1.5 hrs.)
In situ Stress (1 hr.)
Excavation design and induced stress (1.5 hrs)

Day 2 Geomechanics in Mine Planning of Supported Methods

Definition and general concepts (1 hr.)

Pillar and Stope design and stability (1.5 hr.)
State-of-the-art of Underground Mine Planning (2 hrs.)
Geomechanical considerations for the underground mine planning problem (1.5
Scheduling and Development in underground mine planning (1 hr.)

Cursos 2015

MiningMath Associates

Day 3 Geomechanics in Mine Planning of Caving Methods

Definition and general Concepts (1 hrs.)

Block Caving design and development (1.5 hrs.)
Granular Flow Theory (1.5 hrs)
Draw Control and Cavability (1.5 hrs)
Dilution Managment (1.5 hrs)

All the concepts introduced in this course are properly defined and explained during
the session. However, for a better understanding of some of them, previous
knowledge is advised but not mandatory:
Basic concepts of physics and mathematics (Matrices operations, force and
Notions of mine planning.
Basic understanding of underground mining methods.
A laptop with Excel installed is necessary for develop some exercises during the

Cursos 2015

MiningMath Associates



Descrio / Objetivos
O curso Sequenciamento Direto de Blocos visa trazer ao participante uma viso
abrangente e prtica de planejamento de lavra estratgico, incluindo conceitos
relacionados e o estado atual da tecnologia, com pontos fortes e fracos dos mtodos
disponveis em softwares comerciais do mercado.
Aps o curso, o participante ser capaz de discernir entre os tipos de tecnologia
convencionais e aprofundar os seus conhecimentos em relao tcnica de
sequenciamento direto de blocos. Esta tcnica inovadora, amplamente aceita
academicamente, vem sendo implementada comercialmente e oferece uma soluo
eficiente e de alto valor agregado.
O participante tambm ter acesso a conceitos bsicos de planejamento de lavra sob
incertezas, por ser uma rea adicional que vem sendo aplicada por empresas de
ponta ao redor do mundo.
O curso apresenta conceitos atravs de exemplos do dia-a-dia, mesclados com aulas
prticas, com o objetivo de permitir uma aplicao direta do contedo apresentado
aps o trmino do curso.
Informaes Gerais

Curso online.
Perodo: de 24 a 28 de agosto, com horrios flexveis.
Nvel intermedirio.
Idioma: portugus.
Investimento: R$1.250,00 por participante.

Carga horria prevista

A carga horria prevista ser de um total de aproximadamente 22,5h, divididas da
seguinte forma:

12,5h com contedo terico, na forma de vdeos explicativos.

5h dedicadas a exerccios prticos individuais.

5h para a monitoria e esclarecimento de dvidas com o instrutor. Esta parte

possuir horrio fixo, em contraste ao restante do curso, que possui horrio

Cursos 2015

MiningMath Associates

Os instrutores do curso sugerem a seguinte rotina de estudos dirios:

16h00 17h30: assistir o vdeo terico, incluindo as sugestes de exerccios.

17h30 18h30: fazer os exerccios propostos e registrar as dvidas.

18h30 19h00: intervalo.

19h00 20h00: assistir vdeo e acompanhar a correo dos exerccios,

refazendo se necessrio.

20h00 21h00: vdeo-conferncia ao vivo com o instrutor.

Os atendimentos ao vivo com o instrutor se iniciaro com discusses abertas a todos,

esclarecendo dvidas gerais. Havendo tempo hbil, poder haver agendamento para
atendimento individualizado, que poder incluir o compartilhamento da tela do
participante para, por exemplo, auxlio nos exerccios.
Alexandre Marinho MiningMath Associates

Graduao em Matemtica Computacional (UFMG/Brasil).

Mestrado em Engenharia de Minas (McGill/Canad) Geoestatstica e

Planejamento de Lavra sob Incertezas.

Alexandre tem coordenado e executado projetos na rea da minerao

concluindo trabalhos de alto nvel em geoestatstica e planejamento de lavra,
fazendo uso de softwares especialistas e desenvolvendo rotinas especficas.
reconhecido por suas habilidades gerenciais e pela facilidade em coordenar

Thales Arajo MiningMath Associates

Graduao em Engenharia de Minas (UFMG/Brasil).

MBA Executivo Internacional em Gesto Empresarial (FGV/Brasil).

Thales adquiriu grande experincia gerencial envolvendo-se em diversas

negociaes nacionais e internacionais. Este profissional j conduziu trabalhos
de prestadores de servios e equipe prpria nas mais diversas reas
relacionadas minerao. Thales atuou, tambm, em consultoria, com foco em
planejamento de lavra.

Farley Figueiredo MiningMath Associates

Graduao em Engenharia de Minas (Faculdades Kennedy/Brasil).



Cursos 2015

MiningMath Associates

Farley atuou no planejamento de mdio prazo dos ferrosos da Vale e no

planejamento de longo prazo de minas de carvo. Foi professor da disciplina
Mtodos de Lavra, na escola Politcnica de Belo Horizonte, e auxiliar de
servios tcnicos especializados na UFMG. Profissional recm-formado, tem
postura e disposio para novos desafios.

Contedo Programtico
O contedo programtico do curso composto por:
Seo 1 (dia 24/08) Planejamento de lavra convencional, envolvendo conceitos
bsicos e mtodos para o planejamento e sequenciamento de lavra convencional
(Parte 1):
Funo benefcio.
Otimizao de cava.
Mtodos (Cone flutuante, Lerchs-Grossman, Fluxo mximo, Modelo baseado em
Seo 2 (dia 25/08) Planejamento de lavra convencional (Parte 2):
Cavas aninhadas.
Seleo de fases (pushbacks).
Conceitos bsicos de sequenciamento: taxas de produo, operacionalidade,
blendagem e disponibilidade de equipamentos.
Otimizao de teor de corte.
Pilhas de estoque.
Seo 3 (dia 26/08) Conceitos de otimizao e modelagem matemtica:

Modelagem matemtica.
Programao inteira mista.
Heursticas e meta-heursticas.
Exemplos de modelos aplicveis minerao.

Seo 4 (dia 27/08) Sequenciamento direto de blocos.

Definio do problema de sequenciamento de lavra.

Definio de rotas de processo e otimizao de destinos.
Definio de cenrios de sequenciamento.
Exemplos prticos.

Seo 5 (dia 28/08) Introduo ao planejamento de lavra estocstico.

Efeito de suavizao e simulaes geoestatsticas.
Anlise de riscos geolgicos.



Cursos 2015

MiningMath Associates

Modelagem matemtica sob incertezas.

Exemplos prticos.
Acesso ao contedo programtico
Cada participante ter um login e uma senha para acesso ao portal com os
Com o objetivo de flexibilizar o horrio de acesso, permitindo que os contedos
sejam revistos, os vdeos e os arquivos dos exerccios sero disponibilizados no dia
anterior a cada seo e continuaro disponveis por uma semana aps o trmino do
O material impresso, contendo as transcries dos vdeos e os slides das
apresentaes, ser encaminhado pelos Correios.
Para que cada participante disfrute ao mximo do curso Sequenciamento Direto de
Blocos, necessrio que os seguinte pr-requisitos sejam satisfeitos:

Conexo de internet estvel e de qualidade suficiente para permitir vdeoconferncia.

Microfone e caixas de som, ou headset (no necessrio possuir webcam).

Instalao de softwares, sem custos adicionais, a serem recomendados pelo


Desejvel que o participante possua noes bsicas em software de minerao

e planejamento de lavra.



Cursos 2015

MiningMath Associates



Descrio / Objetivos
Mine plan optimisation empowers planning those concerned with business
improvement to discover areas that offer substantial additional value that has not
been fully exploited by the mining industry. Participants will learn proven methods of
optimum planning; understand planning concepts providing a professional edge in
todays competitive environment using industry standard software for modelling and
optimisation. Course content includes hands-on activities ranging from pit
optimisation to cutoff strategy.
Informaes Bsicas

Curso online.
Perodo: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21 e 22 de setembro/2015.
Nvel intermedirio
Idioma: ingls.
Investimento: R$ 3.000,00 por aluno.

Carga Horria Prevista

A total of 21 hours divided into seven consecutive days and distributed as follows:
10 hours of theory and practice.
11 hours of complementary activities modelling, solving and analyzing common
mine planning problems
Martin Smith MineSmith Pty LTD
PhD Mining Engineering, Dr. Smith is the Managing Director of MineSmith Pty,
Ltd, Australia, based out of Brisbane, Australia. His area of expertise is
optimization applied to mine design, scheduling and business improvement. His
experience encompasses reserve analysis, mining software design, mineral
economics and education with over 50 publications on these topics. With over
30 years experience in the minerals industry as a mining engineer, consultant,
and lecturer, he is a recognized consultant, educator and researcher with a
focus on the development and application of optimization solutions for the
minerals industry. He has applied these in a wide variety of mineral projects
ranging from industrial minerals to underground selective and mass mining
metalliferous operations.
Contedo Programtico
This course will be held in a highly interactive workshop format with hands-on
software applications to real-world examples.
Day 1 - Module 1 Overview of Mine Planning



Cursos 2015

MiningMath Associates

Foundations of mine planning

Strategic, tactical and operational planning
General Mining Packages (GMPs)
A general mine planning process flow map
Classical pit optimization methodology & emerging technolgies
Elements of optimisation in underground mine planning
Resource and reserve classification in the context of optimisation and risk
Roles of conditional and discrete simulation in optimisation
Limits of optimisation in the current mine planning methodology


2 - Module 2 - Optimisation as Applied to Planning

Mathematical Programming and Optimisation
Common and uncommon applications of optimisation in planning
Constructing a mine model as a math program
Use of A Mathematical Programming Language (AMPL)
Data structures for mine optimisation
Planning decisions as variables
Production and resource constraints
NPV and alternative objectives


3 - Module 3 - Pit & Stage Optimisation and Scheduling

Lerchs-Grossman algorithm and the ultimate pit problem
Formulation as a Linear Program


4 - Module 4 - Underground Production & Activity Scheduling

Contrast and comparison: state-of-the-art of UG vs OC mine optimisation
Process flow of underground mine planning and scheduling
Project management vs production scheduling

ACTIVITY 1: modelling and scheduling underground production

Elements of sensitivity analysis
Project sensitivity analysis using Linear Programming
Decision making and Mixed Integer Programming (MIP)

ACTIVITY 2: extending the scheduling problem

Solution algorithms
Solver interaction

ACTIVITY 3: formulating and solving the ultimate pit problem

Nested pits and pushback selection
The role of access in pushback selection
Bench scheduling heuristics and evaluating pushbacks

ACTIVITY 4: solving the nested pit problem

Pit scheduling for operational to Life of Mine planning

Formulating the pit scheduling problem as a MIP
Sequential vs time-dynamic scheduling

ACTIVITY 5: pit scheduling using nested pit derived stages

Direct Block Scheduling (DBS)
Application of DBS to pit stage optimisation
Comparison of scheduling using nested pits and DBS

ACTIVITY 6: Pit stage optimisation using DBS



Cursos 2015

MiningMath Associates

UG production schedule optimisation

ACTIVITY 7: formulating and solving the UG production scheduling problem

UG project activity scheduling

ACTIVITY 8: formulating and solving an activity schedule

Integration of production and activity scheduling
Scenario and option analysis


5 - Module 5 - Interacting with GMPs

Role of mine planning software systems in the optimisation cycle
Design geometries as planning objects
Intersection of design geometries and resource models
Working with geometallurgical and cutoff bins in the production geometry
Converting planning objects into optimisation model data
Adding sequencing constraints
Adding production activities


6 - Module 6 - Life of Business Optimisation

Working with a mine optimisation platform
Generating reserve geometries and cutoff bins
Building a production scenario
Common financial & metallurgical calculations
Multi-mine optimisation
Adding concentrators, dumps and stockpiles
Solution strategies


7 - Module 7 - Cutoff Optimisation and Strategic planning

Strategic planning and option analysis in an optimisation framework
Selecting an appropriate measures of cutoff
Open cut vs underground cutoff optimisation
Formulation of the cutoff/stockpiling problem

ACTIVITY 9: creating a schedulable reserve

ACTIVITY 10: optimisation of a mining complex

ACTIVITY 11: open cut cutoff optimisation

Option v. Sensitivity analysis

Integration of operational to strategic planning

Attendees will apply commonly available, well documented and affordable
optimisation tools to common planning applications. Commercial optimisation and
planning software will be provided with the course with a one month trial license for
all course software. Attendees will need to supply their own computer operating
Windows 7 with Excel. An understanding of basic mine planning concepts and
familiarity with scripting languages is recommended.



Cursos 2015

MiningMath Associates



Descrio / Objetivos
Este curso tem por objetivo apresentar os fundamentos da anlise exploratria de
dados e dos princpios de variografia, krigagem ordinria e krigagem simples.
Informaes Bsicas

Curso online.
Perodo: de 28 de setembro a 14 de dezembro (12 aulas - 1 por semana); mais
um encontro online com o instrutor para tirar dvidas toda quarta-feira.
Nvel bsico.
Idioma: portugus.
Investimento: R$ 3.000,00 por aluno.

Carga Horria Prevista

24 horas, sendo cerca de 2 horas por semana.
Joo Felipe Coimbra Leite Costa
PhD Geoestatstica
Contedo Programtico

Introduo a Geoestatstica; Estatstica Uni e Bi-Variada.

Mtodos de desagrupamento (declustering); Exerccio sobre declusterizao e
anlise estatstica em depsito de Au; Exerccio sobre estatstica bi-variada
testando correlao de Au e Cu em depsito polimetlico.
Continuidade especial.
Descrio e modelamento da continuidade espacial; Modelo de variogramas.
Krigagem ordinaria e simples; Krigagem de pontos e blocos; Validao cruzada;
Validao de modelos estimados.
Exerccio sobre krigagem nos depsitos utilizados; Curvas - Grade tonnage.

Ter cursado disciplina de estatstica bsica e clculo numrico (desejvel).



Cursos 2015

MiningMath Associates



Descrio / Objetivos
Transmitir conceitos e procedimentos que propiciem aos participantes o
entendimento das modernas metodologias e prticas utilizadas na lavra atravs do
conhecimento dos mtodos de lavra, operaes unitrias e principais variveis
Informaes Bsicas

Curso online.
Perodo: de 19 a 23 de outubro/2015.
Nvel bsico.
Idioma: portugus.
Investimento: R$1.450,00 por aluno.

Carga Horria Prevista

Total de 20h, sendo:
10h com contedos tericos na forma de vdeos explicativos.
5h dedicadas a exerccios prticos individuais.
5h para monitoria e esclarecimento de dvidas ao vivo com o instrutor.
sugerida a seguinte rotina de estudos dirios:
16h00 17h30: assistir vdeo terico, incluindo sugestes de exerccios.
17h30 18h30: fazer os exerccios propostos e tomar nota das dvidas.
18h30 19h00: intervalo.
19h00 20h00: videoconferncia ao vivo com o instrutor (horrio fixo).
20h00 20h30: assistir vdeo com a correo dos exerccios e resumo do
contedo apresentado no dia.
Farley Figueiredo MiningMath Associates
Engenheiro de Minas, mestrando em Engenharia de Materiais e Metalurgia
consultor da MiningMath Associates como Engenheiro de Minas Jnior no
segmento de Planejamento de Lavra; instrutor de treinamentos pela SOCIESC.
Contedo Programtico

Reviso conceitual.
Importncia da escolha, correta, do mtodo de lavra.
Fatores que fomentam a deciso do mtodo de lavra.
Mtodos de lavra para cada metodologia de lavra sero destacadas
caractersticas citadas no tpico anterior para justificativa de tomada de deciso.
Assim como os impactos ambientais, principais equipamentos (escavao,
transporte e mistos) utilizados e o impacto da relao estril minrio.



Cursos 2015

MiningMath Associates

a. Mtodos de lavra a cu aberto;

Open Pit Mining Cava aberta
Strip Mining Lavra em tiras
Terrace Mining Lavra verde
b. Mtodos de lavra subterrneos estabilizao, ventilao e controle das
Mtodos com realces auto-portantes
Cmaras de pilares Room and Pillar
Paradas dos subnveis Sublevel Stoping
Recuo por crateras verticais VCR (Vertical Crater Retrate)

Mtodos com suporte das encaixantes

Recalque Shrinkage
Corte e enchimento Cut and Fill

Mtodos com abatimento

Paredes longas Long Wall

Conexo de internet estvel e de qualidade suficiente para permitir
Microfone e caixas de som, ou headset (no necessrio possuir webcam).



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