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7j, 12611168
O Sociérairmçdscdebiochimie peis
erbiologicmolécuta;e/Elsevier, 1261


Theremotecontrolof transcription.
D\A loopingand D\A compaction

M Amouyal
U^ité de pbsicochinie des nacrcnatécut.s biotogiqu.s. dëpo enenr de bioLaeienatéculairc,
25.t,e du Doa?ù Rou,7524 pd,is CèJ", t). Fron.e
(Rcceived7 May 199li acceptedt9 Seprember1991)

sùmmâry ûIRNA svnùesis cù be conL$lled ât som. disrece ftom rhe stln of Eùscoplion in eukaryotesând prokalyores.
I! is
scner.llv issumed rh.t the disÎ.d elements of the 6ms6pronrl michinery directry inrenciwtur rr:e proimd a""iens, i..ùe th;
9f hid- il 1.b.q,qNÀ roopromarion
aÎd Edsdipiiorco beârrecGd
byt1àisia""" r.ti,,".i"". ù;tii;!;J;;.li;:
nB. ll-..
ueu oneniJiron. Uref con(enErùon Gesponsibte fof a .ir- or a farræffeit of rhe DNÀ sequenc*),
ctulmarin. rhe corespondilg n v,ifo ed iÀ iiyo sirullions have been crilicaly ex;,nio r"i i',i,àt"i.i'"y.i"Â -o oNa --pâcti.. t

re-gllatioDoftransoiptioû / enh3nceF/.epression / DNA looping/sliding / chmmatin / DNA compaction/

D\À-protein interâctions distânt .egutâtion /

DNA loop formâtion was ôrst considercdfor Erlhance6 are specific DNA sequencesaid the corre-
siot\ of the E coli lactose operon [l]. This modeiwas sponding DNA-binding proteins. wlren irvolved in
basedoI1physicochemicalconsideÉtions.Th€ r€pres_ trrnscrption, they ar€ responsible for rhe high (or
sor exisring at a low copy nùmber in rhe cell was low) Ievel of gene expression \Àhen rhe proximd
supposedto be Eapped by rie large amounr of non- elemenls of the nrrscriprion machinery iniriste (or
specilic D,\-4. Then. nrrural fotding of DNA (DNA repress)trmscription poorly by ùemselves. They can
Iooping) helped ro ùxnsfer the proiein ro it specific luncnon ovec considenble distxncesfrom the site of
srte,the la. operrror Ol. Thjs operxtoris localedclose initiation, in the normal or inverted orientation f5-71.
to rhe stan of ra$cription. Thè discovery of remote The first proktryolic counteq)answere found- soon
operators by seqùence homology with O I ar.\d. in litro afterwards in the galdctose aÂdarabinose operons and.
assays(see for erampie [2]) and r}le finding that ùe DNA looping was âgdn p(oposed to eipufl rhe
teûameric /ac repressorneeds only two subunits !o observecllong rtnge effecrson repressionof theseand
recogmze the opentot t/| l)if.o led ro a variânt of this other operons (for reviess about prokrrlodc en-
view. The prorein wrs now supposed to be shbly hancers,see [8-10] and for a crirical evaluarionof tÏe
chelJled ro lhe proxim3l 3nd disrânr operalo$ in rh; various modes of remote control in prckaryot€s ând
l^oopso thât dissoci3rion from the -tust
proiimal operaror eukaryotes,see [1]).
Ol was prevented [3]. But in a analyiis rhe Paradoxically, with regard to lhe long distance
consùlutile mutauons for tle /d. operon wcre all effects sressed above, lhe need !o prcve the diect inier-
found locared in rhe firsr operarorregion ard repres- acùon bet\reen rwo proteins normally binding to ad-
sron at J dtstrlce as well as DNA looDils $ere
prem3ruretydiscuded (for âdditionrl historic-delails Jacentsites xlso led lo D\A looping. Upon sepantion
of rhe sires,D\A flexibiliry w3i inaide;dly found ro
about /ac reprcssionat a distance,seerEview [4]). be responsible for rlile cooperarjviry of bindirg of
The contribution of rcûote elements, knowû as ph3se i.t represson. in âddition ro prolein ffexiblliry
€nhancers, to mnscriprion and orher biological previously considered[12]-
processeswas rcally discoveredin eukâryotes,in the Funhermorc, Jn imporlrnr srep for DNA looping
early 80s, without any reference ro DNA looDins. \rrs provided by rhe \lorLs on rhe sponhneousclcli-

zrtion of a DNA fragmen! [l3, 1'1]. The corre- Loop fomJtion carl occur eten \ahen ring closure
sDondins k'nowledseof the faclors which affect this
'influenced is eenèrrllv not tossible. below 150 bp. For lhese
piocess mofe or less slrongly several sh;d di.r;ce., o\A onty nceas to benù ând no( to
studie..\l"inlv, lhe LieÊendcnce of DNA clclizâtion circulrrize for ùe prolein lo contrct simullsneously
on rhe di.r3Jfrcôsr. Jejiberrtely used Lo prove D\A both sites, rs first rèponed [or Àcl repressor(5:. and
looD fofl:nirtion in viro for the first time i! a ldc 6l-bp loops 2. l9lr. lt was also Eue for ldc rePrcs.
svsiemllil. lnJerend.'ntiY. lhù extensivemnsliÛon because
sor(61-tô l+7-bploops[16t. Therefore. of
oi thc cyclizarion'studresinto tct.msof D\A looping DNA flexibility: DNA loops can form on a whole
lowed to predict some of tlle conditions necessary ranqe of dishnces, from a few ten base pairs to
fôr nroiein-DNÀ looD fol.malion ir, viro, when these sevéral thousand bâse pai6. Addilionally to lhe lac
srruiluresucre only posiulJLed llol. \loreover' the case aiready delailed, long distance DNA looping has
use of ororein-D\A Looos1s modcls for D\A circle\ been directly observed for the E coli R6K plasmid
lèad to in r.tro and in itl,, biophysical apPlications repLrcalionenh:rrcer-origininteraction t201. LtreHin-
Il7. l3l *hich will nol be dcveloped in thisreview- invenion system of Salmoûell\ l2ll, the E cali
iesrricrËJto rne lunctionrl rspec!sôf D\A Iooping. RepA protein and minj-P L phsmid replic.rtion l22l
In lhe 6rsl s€ction of this paper, the analogy with nd E coli tlpe ll endonuclease Nxel [23].
D\A cycli,,rlion is used as 3 guidelineto present Intermediate distanceshave been observed with the
sùme o[ the requirements tor prolein-D)iÀ loop bffteri3l transcripdonrl activstor NRI con|3cting rhe
formrtion in vùro. such as the distance between the oso-conldning È\A polymersse [2,1]. the DeoR
siles. their helicxl positioninS.orienlllion and concen reDressorof the E coli deo operon l5l and for the
Ûrl;on, wilh implicit referenceto the Lj]own proper' association of DNA-bound progesterone receptoG
ties ofenhancersand new developments(6lst and also [26]; ff regardsDNA looping, DNA is consideled as
secondsection).ln the following sections,someof t}le a flexible tfue.d without any biological content which
recent information about their infiuence olr the remole obcys the theory of flexibilily of polymen [27]. As a
contrcl of trènscriplion is examinedwilh emphasison result. ir is indifferenl lo rny modificrûoo, even a
Drokarvotic studies. The last seciiot discuss€smoi€ partial replacement of DNA [23], as long as the
;pecifiiaily the possibleoccurr€nceof other modesof tthread'does not become rigid. This property has
been used to discriminate DNA looping fi1cm other
mecha,'risms(see last section). SPecific sequeûcesor
proteins inducing D\A bendhg are not required for
Dissection ofa proteir-D\_A loop DNA loop form3don. except when DNA becomes
risid, ie for shon distrnces.ln lhis case,làe sequence.
This section is restrictedio the works which iliustnte rhl srucrural defects of DNA or the Droteinswh-ich
ciosclv some of the stnrctunl requkem€nBfor DNA modify D\A fleùbilily belween the sites of interest
loop ibrmation observed wilh purilied components. mry f3vor (or disfâvor) DNA loop foimauon.
Thé E cali la. operâtor-repressor loop is a well docu_ Thus a site in a 5 bp TTTAI sequetce between the
mented system from this point of view (t.11,and this tvo Id. opemtorsOl aJldOJ is hlpersensitive to the
review). it is used hete as a convenientpresentation ahrck of v$ious chemical probes in the Presenceof
ard. negrtive supercoiling 1291.According.!o the aulhors,
DNA clcli.ation and DNA loop fornation are ruled this sequence becomes Panicul3rly suscePtible
bj DNA lleribilirt to DNA melting and bending when submined to
to6ional sùess.
For DNA cyclizxtion this wâs indicaled by the exist- severrl biologicrl processesrequire the assembly
ence of ân optimal length of lhe fragment around (or disxssembly)of nucleoproteicstrucrures[301. and
400 bp [13, l3a]. Wheû rhe disrancebelweentwo ldc D\A bendins assislsDNA looping in some of ihese
operâlors was close to lhis value, 535 bP precisely, proc."ser. Tie )" phege inrelrsè protein flnt) is
electron microscopy revealed entire fields of DNA àne of the proteins responsible for inlegmtive re-
loops \rhereas below u6l or above (1873 bP) coûbination between the phage and bacleriâl sites and
(lI Amouyal. unpublished observation), only one- fo. excisive rccombinationbetween phage siles. The
thi.d to halfof the proponioo of the 53s-bploops was bacterial inlegration host factor IIIF prcmotes the
observed with rhe constructionsthrt we employed. simultaneousbinding of Int to its sitesby bending lhe
This is tÏe only k-nown observalion of a.1 optimal DNA in the middle of the 50 bp sepârating the sites
distÂncefor DNA Drotein-loooformatiot. This m&\i- [31]. A ûtuËtly bent DNA sequence(3n
mum which reallyioneldes proteit-DNA looping to ca.n rcplace successtully the IHF binding site [32].
DNA cyclization indicaled thit DNA fiexibilily is in- The catabolileactivalorprotein (CAP), known to bend
hcrcnlrn Lheprocessof prolein-DNAlooping. DNA. could rephce IHF t{ith lhe s3me effeci [3:l
for trmscdpticnin p.ok.$otcs md euk.rlotcs
D:!.'Aloopin-q l:6i

IHF aiso stimuhtes lhe interrction of oJr-R-\A Dolv-

m.'rcsc \ iù \rfA. rnc uJn,criprionrl actiraLo_r fôr
nilrogen fixation operons of K/eàrre11dpncumonûe
[33,3.1]. There are also some indications that IHF
helps the i$sembly of p.oteins at the origin ofpSCl0l
plasmid replication [35]. Simil.r functioûs have becn
proposedfor the E coli histone-like prclein Hu [35]
and CAP [17, 32, 37]. The fonnation of a nucleopro-
teic assemblybetwecn E coli 3al repressorand RNA
polymense would lead to gdl repression[37,33].

DNA c'tcli:ation is also ruled bJ DNA torsional rlgi-

dro (q) ( b)
In other woads, the awo exEemities of a short DNA
fragmenthave to be exactly in phas€,ie separatedby Fig 1. Proleinarchitectule
andloop foflnationon a rcl&1ed
circle: the contacbon the proleinæ pùaltel (r), oflho-
an integEl number of helical tums for covalent
joining. Howeve., due !o additiviry of the elemeûÎary sonal(b).
thermal fluclualions of DNA torsion at the level of
each bllse pair, this phasing requircment is pro-
ment in that s!âble loops were formed at any distance
$essively lost when rhe size of the fragmert is incrca- between 158 and 168 bp on highiy supercoiledDNA
when ring closure is mediated by proteins, the with tac repressoru6l. For these same distaices on
proteins may affect the strûctu.e of the loop. Contrary the ftagment, DNA loops were also formed when lhe
to DNA cyclizâtion, the two sites do not have to be two operator sites werc not in phase,becauseof the
phâsedorl DllA to ensuret.tlespeciûccontacts.But if amplitude of the movement of torsion and
multiples of helical tums are introducedbelween the detorsion.However, they were lessstable,as indicated
two sites. their initial o.ientation will be restorcd. by the smea.y aspecl and w€ak density of the band
Thus, NtrC ard osr-tu\A polymense diæcdy interact, assignedto the complex. DNA supercoilingampli6es
though lying on different facesofDNA [41,42]- this phenomenon, since it naturally brings closer the
For ldc repressor, the two sites had to be in phase !o differenr pans of DNA. It âlso changes the helical
induce stable loop formadon, as evidenced by gei pitch of DNA and the dislxnces, previously in-
retardationassaysn6l. k is geneÉlly nor emphasized appropriatefor alignment ofthe siteson the frâgmen!,
that the sites on the protein are not necessarilyparal- becomesuitableon supercoiledDNA [18].
lel, though t}lis may be crucial for the ânalysis of the
dâta as in I I 8], or simply for a better knowledge of tlle Protein DNA loopfomation h'ith t1|.]-mmetric
structurcof the protein. tac reprcssoris composedof
four identical subuniN ând binds as a dimer i3l. The ln large loops such as the 535-bp /ac loops previously
arTargement of the subunits is not known un- mentioned,DNA can adopt tàe two configurarions(a)
equivocally, due pard], to lhe poor crysrallisâtion of ldc and (c) drawn in figure 2. Below 150 bp, only one
rcpressor and lack of high r€solution X-ray diffriction configurrtion (d), equivâlentto (a), was observed(see
studies[43]. A parallel an gementofthe two dimers figs 7 and 8 of u6l).
is geneûlly postulared. as in [14], but â leFsedràl Both ldc reprcssorând the 'ideal' lrc operalorused
zurangementhas also been proposed (review€d in in these experiments are perfectly symmetrical. If
t45l). Wàen the two phased operato$ wer€ included làey werc not symftetrical, the existence of two
in a rela-\edmini-circle. only the configurationc[awn configuralioûs when DNA has lost ils torsionâl ând
in figure la was observedby electror microscopy(see fiexional rigidities, cleârly showsthat DNA looping is
fi-q 2b of [18]) indicating a parâllel Àfl.]gemem. A insensitive to the orientalion of the site a! these
telraedril orgânizadon would have led to an eighl dishnces but might senseit over shorl distances.
configuraiionof the circle (lig 2b). For this to be tme, lhe asyrnmetryat rhe level ofthe
The periodic fot'm ion of stableloops resuhsfrom binding sile must be âssocirtedwilh asymmetly ar the
stiffnessof both DNA and protein, a helical pilch for level of the protein-protein contacts. Enhancer
DNA with a given value. and a unique connguration p.oteins are often homodime$ with a two-fold
of the loop- Dissociatior assays of preformed symmeûy when they are tiee in the solution.
complexes or associalion assays in the presenceof However, the protei! might deviate from symmeù-y
IPIG disphyed an apparenriack of phasingrcquire- once bound to its site.

A ..... NRI (also called NlrC or clflc, for reviews about rhis
ûansc.iptionÂi activâtor, see [46, 46a]), which
@QXi;l operrres from 30 to 1,100bp upsùeem rnd = 2000 bp
downsr.'rm [4], a7l. the ninosen firation proteii
NifA (= 100 to 2150 bp [48]), the DeoR fepressor(66
to 4600 bp t49l), lhe Hin eûhancer for site speciÂc
Fig 2. S,(e invenion ud Ioop formrlion: rhe Àaow in
dicates the coding seqùence. The asynrmery of the sile is inversion and recombinelion(= 100 to 4000 bt [50])
supposed10be Fansmitredto the prolein. Consequently.the and to a lesserextent,by the AraC protein involved in
onenution of ùe s;!e wrr1rrcspecLro rhe codin! sequenceis repressiono[ ùe a/aBÂ]Doperon (32 to 500 bp [5LI).
indicated b), the asymmeeicri shape of the pËteiri. rn û* The lolv affiniry of rhe ar3c prorein for one of ils sites
exâmple,a loop is fomed when the lwo siteshavethe limits tIe ringe of operational distances [5 ] I.
o.ienBdon (â ùd d). Whcn rhey re in ihe oplosiie di- When both shon and long disÈnce effects have
rccnon, lhe two connsultions of DNA (b) ed (c) æ been obsewed, a featruealreadyconsisrentwith DNÀ
possiblefor long distancesed a loop can form (c). Ai shon
dist.nces. only one DNA confi-qurarionis possible(e) and
loop formation, there is geûerally some more dkect
the loop cnnnol fom (f). evidencefor DNA looping. Loops could be visualized
by electron microscopy for i\RI [25], DeoR [25] and
Hin [211. They were detectedelectrophoreticÀUyin
case of arac [52]. NifA has not been purifed yer.
DNA c\.li:aIioa depcnds on DNA concentrction However, it is closely relared to NRI. Like NRI, il
functions with d5a{ontaining holoenzyme rarher tiun
The cyclizÂtion probabilily or j-factor represents in oro-holoenzyme [53, 54]. The protein synrhesized i''
fact the DNA concenEâtion such thrt cyclization ând rriro is required for activation of a NifHlacz gene
dimerization âreequallyprobable
oft]1efragment u3, fusion [53]. Chemical 'footprinting' shows ihat the
1.11. proposed distant sites are occupi€d i, ytvo [55] and
The scheme of figule 3 tlinslates this situation inro that like i\RI, irs presence is required for open
lerms of DNA looping for rhe ldc system. At low complex formarion airhe promoter in r}le cell [56. 5?].
concenûations of DNA and rcpressor, th€ inûa- Lite for some of ûre above-menlioned enharcels-
molecular .eaction for DNA, ie DNA looping. is indirect evidence for D\A looping exisls t33l ùar
favored over the inlermolecuiar reactions and the will be presenÈd laler-
formâtion of 'sandwich'-type species.'Tandems' are Prokaryodc enhancers have generally lost the mejor
fomed in medium concenEations. All these slructurcs part of lheir power above 5 kbp (see [58] for DeoR,
have beenevidencedby gel retirdation ajld em assays, [48] for NifA, [51] for A-raC, [59] for T]TR represso.
on lhis basis 6l. and distant rcprcssion of the E coli aroF promoter,
160) lor lac rcprcssor). Above this same value, ring
Remote control of transcriptiol closure probabilily is also very weak, just as low as
below 150 bp under lhe conditions deûned by Shore
Distances etat [13]. An impoftant coûsequenceis !ha! prokaryo-
tic DNA is not sûikingly differenr from 'naked' lhear
Originally noticed for their abiliiy to function at a DNA in solution.
djst3l,]ce.enJr3ncersnow frequenliy appearto operate Furthermore, rcgulation of gene exprcssion from
bolh from a few ten to sevèral tirodsanasof bases. distânt sites is much more Éequentil1 eukaryotesth3n
Some examplesof such a peafoamance aûoûg proka- m prokaryores[61]. Thus, in E co1i.rhe few ex$ples
ryotes are provided by rhe niùoge.l regulatory proteit of repressionor acdvalionst a distancewith a mrur3l
location of the distant sile from 90 to 900 bD. would
conslitute ex,cep(ions-On rhe condrry. in higher euka-
ryotes, a t)licai promoter transcribed by fu\A poly-
I merase tr would irclude an enhancer sequence located
or funclioning 'ât least up to 10 kbp dom rhe RNA
start' [6, 62]. In eukaryotes, the chromatin is highly
organized inlo nucleosomes and higher orde! struc-
Ftr tures, while DNA packaging in bacteria is considercd
EI: E more labile, ùough not much is known [63]. The true
tft disùrnceof rction of aî eukârlotic enhaicer m3y then
be shoner rhen rhsi câlcuhred from naked DlçA.
Fig J. Influen.e of D\A Jnd proreir concenrrrrons on Along these same lines, the distance effect should
D\A loop iomrrion. wirn 1dcretre-or rs ùe proren. rcflect the differences in DNA condensation between
DNA loopinglor ùrs.riplion it prokaryotesud eukaryor.s 1265

eukal-votcsand proka4otes and, for me, *ill consti- operalon instead of lhc wild type ones had probably
tùtc a tool to detec! such differences.I! might be rel- the sxme effecl, as snessedin uSl. The wl operalors
ated to this poin! that some mammâlian enharcers indeed forln less stableloops t}Ân the ones i?
which work over a few kb r'n viv, cannot work over rùr, under the same experimentùlcotditions t701. A
500 bp ln |ùro, in lhe absenceofchromâtin 1281. fortunate consequenceis that full inducibility of the
/dc operon can be ensured[18].
Helical orientatian of the enhancerseqltence
Orientation bith respectto îhe coding sequence
Sdmulation sometimesdependson t}le corfecÎ helical
poçitioningof thc enh cer *ith re(pecito ùe proxi. Sequenceinvelsion is genenlly perfomed at the same
mal elements.This is reverled by itsenions (or de- lime as the site is moved away from its natural Io-
Ietions)ofsuccessivelyodd and even numbeGof heli- cation. It is found that inver:ion has nearly no effec!
cal tums between the sites of interest, at rcasonably on stimulaùon (numerous ex3mples are given in
shon expected if DNA âcqukes some reviews15,7.621r.bfluenceofsequenceinversionon
torsional stiffness (see for example U'7,33, 42, 51, exprcssion over shon distancesis less docuûented-
6,1-661). An exEeme situatron is thtt of adjacent The schemeof Êgurc 2 suggestslha! the bidirectional
proteinssuch as the I phagerepressorsu2l. stimulrtion is nor ûecessarily mainlained over shor!
It is generally not stressedthat a periodic stimu- distmces if the enhancersequenceis pârt of a loop.
latioû is ûot pel .re a prcof for a direct cooperative This is in principle a way to recognizeDNA looping
inrera€tion belweer the proteins of interesl. Ivlediation from olher mechanisms r', riro (!t Amouyal md B
by another protein [2], 67], DNA conformational von wilcken-Bergmann, work in progrcss).
changes a! a distûrce ol the 'sandwiches' of âgule 3
may exhibir the sarne property. Intracellular concentrationsof enhancer DNA and
In some caes. on the contnry. tlere is some
evidence in favor of DNA looping while th€re is no or
poo. helical pe.iodicity for eniancer function. (Il is These concenùations classically vary for technical
assumed lhat all rhe length of the spacer belween 0 reasons(eg multi-copy plasmidsor overproductionof
and l0 bp has been explored, since t}le interaclion the protein) or in rcsponse to envircnmental chânges,
between tÏe t\lo proteins may not be optirnal in the as in caseof ûitrogen depivation for NRI [46,46a]. A
wild tlpe situation.) Thus, the DeoR reprcssor has giadient of concentration of rcgllatory prcteins can
threc or four DNA binding sites and a loop might be also be produced naturally as repofted fû DrcsophiLt
formed for different helical positions of the sites [25, developmen! [71]. These concentalions can also, to
491. Only weal( periodicity was observed for lac some extent, be us€d as a physicochemicalpa.ameter
repressionin vivo, even arcund 80 bp between an fo. the cell.
'ideal' /ac oDerÀtor and an ooeÉtor with a constitutive High amounls of DeoR reprcssor have the sa.rne
muixtion (É Kr:imer, PhD thesis, 1988, Cologne: effect as distant sites for rcpressionin the deo operot
Germany)- DNA is supercoiled in bacleda and the [72]. Thus, tie remole op€rators indirectly increîse
situarion observedin virro u8l might be reprcduced the local concentnlion of reDresso.. a function of the
loop sùessedby Record and aoliabolalors[15].
Similarly, a strict alignment is nol required i|t viv, The cooperativily of repressionobserved between
between the cal.t activator and the 'TATA box rhe three /dc operrrors is lost wi!h a dimeric repressor
elementsof the yeast gxlactokinasegene [68]. This is unlble to aggregate into lhe tetlameric foam and to
also true for some other systems quoted in this work induce DNA loop fomation in the wild-q.-'pesiruation
(seealso [69] for a rccent example).According to th€ [?3]. This result defrnitively stoppedthe conroversy
authors, an especially strong ùteraction between Gal4 about the involvement of the dislaot operatorsitcs in
protein and R-\A polymerase I], forcing DNA to repression of the /d. operon (/n,rodrcuor). lt could be
twist, might be responsiblefor this situation, as well obtained becausethe dimeric rcpressorwas deliber-
as the flexibilily of the interacting proteins (see also ately used in combinâtion with rhe low chromosomal
t6sl). concentmtions of rcpressor and DNA, cotû?ry to
The degree of periodic stimulation also depends on previous irl vilo works. \\lth higher concenEctionsof
the affrnity of the enhancer prctein for iis site- A repressor (iqr strains), ùe cooperalivily between the
sûong inteûction in conjunction with the thermal threeoperalorsites was gready reduced,&1dno differ-
guctuationsof rhe rwisr likeiy stabilize DNA looping ence in the lelel of repressionberseen the teL'3meric
at âny distance.Such a reducedeffect of phasingwas and the dimeric repressor wals observed. Therefore,
obsewed ir vivo when a high NRI binding site repla- the high amountsof repressorhÀdinduced the predic-
ced a iow affinity one [,12]. The use of ideal' lac ted i/! viva trânsirion lrom DNÀ looping to aîoûer

modè of reprcssion (pfevious srction and 116l) and enhancerâctivity in trarr w|rs obseived in cxse of r
lhe three ldc operirlorswcre now sepffately occupied total or peftial disruption of the DNA Eack [23, 75].
('Èndem' formation). Em did not reveal several(unspecific)locatioûsof /dc
Concentrationsare âlso critical for the c!s/,/dr?r and deo rcpressoron a frâgment (see all em
effect ol enhancer sequences.In physicochemical in [16] and [25]), though for 1dc repressor,the high
telms. this situirtion coven in(a- and ittednolecular affinity 'ideal' Iac operalors were used. Such exper-
reactionsfor DNA. Some ûechanisûlssuch as sliding iments rule out sliding as exclusively acling undei the
imply that the enhancerfunctionsexciusivelyin a c,s- prcEise in itro conditions und€r which they weae
posilion.On the conFary, DNA looping, normaily c,r- performed. 1n vivo, the use of psordlen-modilied DNA
acting, cxn be compensated in ,rdrJ. Up to ûow' the between the SV:10 enhancer ârd tlle humân B-slobin
arans-effect of EanscdpdonÂl enhance.s has been gene iîhibited expressionof this gene l8l I. Bur F\orr-
exclusively observed when the two siles of interest len ahels DNA propenies([23] âJtdreferencesthe.ein).
were mùintained in close proximity, r/I vi ro, with On the cont âry, NifÀ activation was not inhibited by
catenanesI74, 751 or a non{ovalent bridge [28], and lac repressor binding in the middle of DNA sequence
in vi!o. in rhe natural ph€nomenaof tsansvectionin between upstream and downsteam elements in ,iva
Drosophila li6l. The question has been raised of [33]. Also, loss of cooperativity i'l vivo betvr'eer
whethe. i! would be possible to detecr âllelic inter- distant a.ndproximrl sites with prcteins engineered so
action of the tnisvection type in organisms where rhar they becorre unable to aggregateF3,82,831
therc is no apparent somatic paidng of chromosomes dirccdy suppons the existenceof DNA looping in the
[76]. A lrdns-interactioobetweentwo sitescarried by cell. This is especially ûue when the loop irvolves a
two unlinked DNA moleculesshould be observedby unique and multimeric protein such as ldc rcpressor,
ra,.rs-complemenlationwith high amountsof DNA in since otherwise, the qùestion of possible intemediate
lhe cell, in order to form 's.ndwich'-t?e stluctues. factors mediating the p.olein-protein contacE is ûised
The NifA aperiodic activation of NdH promoter on ir the absenceof an ,n vÈro proof for direct htenction.
multi-copy plasmids is probably an exarnpleof such a Yer, sliding might ôssist DNA loopilg. Rece bio-
td,?s-effec! [33]. Along the same lines, acdvation of physical experimentssuggestit might be the case for
the proka..yotic g/r,4 and NfFl genes is also possible lac æpressor and wt operÀlors [8.+].
in lÏe absenceof enhâncer site aûd the presenceof A distantly bound protein can also block Rr\A
high concenùaliors of lhe conespondingprotehs NRI elongation [66, 85, 861. The enhancer can also inter-
[47,74] and NifA [7?]. The future will tell if equiv- fere with other regulatory proteins and other processes
alenr siluationscan naturally occur. at the same location: the rcpressor hhders CRP ac-
tivator binding when located upsùe"I.n from lhe EarI-
Redun.lanct of infonnat io n scdption start in the E coli galactose operor| 140, 81\,
while there is no in yr'to evidence for DNA looping
Enlnncer sequencesare generally repeated [5,62]. wirà this rcprcssor [37]. However, it presumably
They may allow cooperative interactions between the exists in rivo. lndeed, a gal to tac opeûtor conversion
coresponding proteins and facilitate the contact in vivo allows efficient repressionof the gdt opercn
berweenthe enhancerprctein aîd the componentsof [88], and this repressionis rclieved when a dimeric
lhe ùanscriotional machinery at the gromoter. This is /@crepressoris used [38]. Funhermorc,various rnodes
how rhe À èl repressorsstiniulate reiression ftom the of rcmote conEol can be assumedby DNA looping, as
p@ prcmoEr ll2l and how NRI would also activate sEessedby Flashnerand GÉlla [85]. in caseofbiock-
expression [42]. The ennancer prot€ins rnay also age of RNA elongation.
cooperûte no! by direcrly louching but by simul- Finally, in somes cirses, environmental chrnges
taneously touching some componenl of the tran- induce the rradsirion from DNA loopiîg to another
scriptional machine.y [78, 79] or by aggegating ([5] mechanisrn. Variations of concentations lead to sùch
and refèrences therein). ReDeated sircs cxn also a situarion n6, 731. Vadalions of DNA superhelicity,
simply increffe the probability of siûgle loop for- due to an osmotic shock or anaerobiosis([89] and
malion at one site or favor the fomation of multipie references therein) or DNA trinscription [90-92],
ioops, reinforcing â11the functions of single loops, as rrlight also favor such ûrnsitions with low âf6nity
observedfor the d"o opercn [25]. operirtorsto ensureloop breakagensl.
The other modesaf remotecantrol
Tr'rpping of the protcin by the distânt site and sliding
to the site of interest is ofter viewed âs ùe mair DavidPenin is aclnowledgedfor cû€ful re.ding of thep.esen!
altemative to DNA looping [5, 80]. Bur retenrior of aniclein 1990.
D\.\ loopingfor ûùscripllor i!1prôhrlores ù.t eùkrores t26'1

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