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Manasco Sponsors & Three Automobiles

Movement To
Stimuate Forestry
Stolen Within The
Past Several Days
Erston Edmondson Is Found
A R M E D £ORCE ma,Rep/is listed
Carter Manasco of Alaba-
as one' of the con-
gressional leaders in a strongly
The Sheriff's office has received
reports of three automobiles being
stolen within the past few days.
Guiltq In Robberg Trial;
Marine Private First Class
sponsored movement to stimulate
forestry in the South as a means
of making secure the future wood
supplies of the nation.
Professor N. P. Bartlett's maroon
•Chevrolet coach, 1939 model, tag
No. 25C-1279 was stolen while he
Receives 15 Year Sentence
James Carshull Kimble of Route Meeting recently with a group of
was attending the Cullman Thea-
tre on Tuesday night. Mr. Bart-
Local Men Serve Erston Edmondson, charged withi
7, Cullman, is spending a thirty other prominent Congressmen, lett left his car parked near the. In The Marianas robbery of Alien H. Faulkner, was=.
tried by jury in circuit court last:
day furlough at his home follow- Manasco participated in setting up Police Station and when the show
ing long overseas service. A mem- a committee to steer the necessary was over it was gone. Mr. L. E. Two men from Cullman are week and was sentenced to 15^
ber of the Sixth Marine Division, legislation, which will be sponsor- McGriff also "reported his black among the hundreds of enlisted years in the penitentiary,
Pfc. Kimble took part in the Mar- ed by the twelve-state Forest Far- Chevrolet coach, 1937 model, tag men at a huge Superfortress base trial began on Thursday of last
fhalls campaign and 'served 3J mers Association and by several No. 25C-911, was stolen while he in the Marianas whose diligent ef- week and continued through Sat-
months in the South Pacific. He state and local forestry organiza- was attending the Cullman Thea- forts have made^ it possible for the urday when the case was given the-
wears the purple heart awarded to tions. tre on Friday night. R. L. Higdon giant B-29 bombers of Major Gen- jury. The defendant was charged^
him for wounds received in com- First step in the long-range plan reported his car stolen near Bald- eral Curtis E. LeMay's XXI Bomb- together with Mada Martin, and;...
bat. . will be establishment of a chain of win school Sunday night. Mr. Hig- er Command to strike regularly at Verla Brown with robbery of
The Red Cross is the only organization through which packages the heart of Japan's war industry. Faulkner on a lonely road about.
* * • twenty research centers and ex- don owned a 1935 black Ford can be sent to our boys in enemy prison camps. Each week an eleven
Lowell Hadley Page, electrician'; perimental forests through the coach. The sheriff has been mak- pound package is received by each boy in a Nazi prison camp. They are members "of a service two or three miles from. Cullmanu
mate second class whose home is great southern forest area of more ing investigations and the report unit commanded by- Brigadier The State's evidence showed thafc
Among the boys of Cullman County now prisoners of war are: General Emmett O'Donnel, Jr., Faulkner met the defendants at the?
Route 2, Vinemont, has been as- than 200,000,000 acres. Each center has been made to the Highway Pa- T-Sgt. .Lewis E. Bagwell, Route 1, Joppa; Pfc. Lester J. Barnett,
signed to the crew of the submar- will be typical ofxa distinct timber trol asking their assistance in lo- Route 3, Cullman; Sgt. Wm. Carl Cole, Jr., Cullman; Cpl. Elvis J. Go- who led the first B-29 striking Red Wing Cafe and requested^
ine, USS Stickleback .recently and soil condition, and will serve cating these cars. There has been ber, Route 2, Arab; Pfc. James C. Hankey, Route 2, Cullman; Pfc. Thom- force from Saipan to bomb Tokyo's them to* help him secure a smalli
launched in Mare Island Navy as a basis of experimentation and no report on any of these cars be- as A. Harden, Route 2, Vinemont; Lt. Howard Griffin, Cullman; Lt. aviation industry on November 24, quantity of liquor for his son-in-
Yard, .Calif. demonstration for from 10,000,000 1944. law, who was stricken with the?-
ing found to date. Robt J. Hagan, Jr., Cullman; Pfc. Max E. Livingston, Route 8, Cullraan;
• * • to 18,000,000 acres of surrounding "The work of these men and measles and that the defendants^
S-Sgt. Curtis Lyle Moore, Cullman; Pvt. Guy F. Motes, Route 4, Cull- their fellow soldiers is directly re- agreed and went with Faulkner to-
1st Lit'. Mark Carl Mages, Chap- forest land. Every southern' state man; Pvt. John H. Schnittker, Route 8, Cullman; Sgt. Homer O. Shan- sponsible for the success of the a place where they claimed liquor-
lains Corp, son of Mrs. Mary
Mages Box 407, Cullman. was pro-
will have at least one such center,
according to the plan..
U. S. Casualty List non, Cullman; Pvt. Arthur Sweatman, Route 3, Culhuan; Pvt. Horace R. B-29's in bombing Japan's war in- could be purchased. When they
moted this week to the rank of The entire program was evolved Of Cullman Co. Boys Turner, Route 7, Cullman. dustries," General O'Donnell said stopped the defendant -assaulted^
captain. after two years of study by the in congratulating them. "These Faulkner to such an extent that
* * • Forest Farmers Association. The In case of divergence between
Killed In Action Lehnert Farm men realize their responsibilities his eyes were injured a^d he suf-
Ralph H New, son of Mrs. Daph- Committee in' Congress, headed by
this list and information sent to in the pre-mission tasks of insur- fered severe lacerations about
ne New, Route 6, Culhuan, has re- Rep. John S. Gibson (Ga.) has
the next of kin, the last War De- Advisor For State ing the maximum chance for safe face and body, Faulkner was left
cently been promoted from the asked for public hearings before
partment telegram or letter to the
next of kin is always the appro-
National Bank return of the air crews. unconscious at the spot and the?
defendant took his truck and re-
rank of private to private first the Agricultural Appropriations "Without the spirit of teamwork
class. priate final authority on the status George Lehnert, formerly con- which has been exhibited by every turned to town claiming he hadJ
Subcommittee, ea'rly in March. An
• » » of a soldier. nected, with the Counfy Agent's man, our pioneering job, which is been cut and his wounds were-
appropriation of $1,500,000 to start
Aviation Cadet Robert Edsel Killed In European Area: office, has accepted a position with only beginning, could not have dressed by Dr. Stitt. The defend-
the plan off . will be requested, ant then icked
Wheeler, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Gibson says. No land purchases
Kilgo, Pfc. Earl A.—Mrs. Minnie the State National Bank as farm been a success. They haye given P "P i friend ancE
W. Wheeler, Rt. 5, Cullman, has Kilgo, mother, Route 1, Crane Hill. advisor. Mr. Lehnert is well their services fully and in complete x-ode for several hours before he.
by the government are contem-
Holmes Louis Charles, S 2-c, U. qualified for the job as he has disregard for personal comforts was arrested by the sheriff. Whem
reported at Carlsbad, New Mexi- plated, he says, but studies will
,cos Army Air Field, .-where he will S. Naval Reserve. Dead. Parents, worked with the farmers of this and pleasures in lieu of hard work arrested, Mr. Faulkner's wallet:
begin on land already owned by
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Keller Holmes, county for several years and un- and long hours." . ' was found in his possession to-
receive advanced flight training in the government or made available
Cullman. derstands their problems and An additional tribute has been gether with a watch and fcnifei.
high-level bombardiering and by private owners.
dead-reckoning navigation. On Wounded In European Area: needs. This job is an experiment paid to members of the service The defendant claimed that
graduation he will be awarded sil- Absher, Pfc. Don A—Mrs. Gladys which has been inaugurated by unit for their toil in constructing Faulkner insulted his young lady
ver bombardier's wings and will C. Absher, wife, Cullman. the leading rural banks in Tennes- their B-29 bases. They arrived companions and a fight resulted!!
be ready for active duty_ as -an of- Jessie A. Vest Gay, Pvt. .Floyd P.—Mrs. Monie see and found to be very success- last August and September and, and Faulkner attempted fts cult
fiver in the Army Air Forces. Returns After Eight Lee B. G. Brown, mother, Cullman, ful. Mr. Lehnert visits the farm- sinie aviation engineers were busy him. He further claimed that he
Hoenig, Pfc. George J., Jr.—Mrs. ers of the county and assists them with the high priority task of air- returned to the scene of the alleged
Months Duty Afloat Anna L. Hoenig, mother, Route 1, in both buying and selling of their strip - building,"", they " coris'tructed" robbery- and searched for Mr.
Sgt. Kenneth L. Swafford is now
Cullman. products. Cullman County being homes for themselves and for the Faulkner, who was found several
New Orleans, La., Feb. 20.—Jes- McAfee, Pfc. Delbert H.—Charles
in Italy. He has made several sie A. Vest, seaman first class, D. McA_fee, father, Route 6, Cull- a farming community, the pro- aerial combat crews who arrived hours later at the foot of a cRff-
later. The jury was out about one hour
missions over Berlin and Germany. USNR, of Hanceville, Ala., has re-
man. LT. WILLIAM DAVID- BATES gram is expected to be of great and returned a verdict of guilty
He is the son of. Mr. and Mrs. W. turned to .the Armed. Guard Cen- benefit and help to our farmers. The Cullman men are:
Scoles, Pvt. James C.—Mrs.. Leth was reported killed in action on Technical Sergeant Clifford H. and fixeTl the defendant's punlsh.-
J. Swafford. ter here following eight months Scoles, mother, Route 1, Joppa. Feb. 6, in the European Theatre of ment at 15 years in the peniten-
Fleming, City Delivery Cullman.
duty afloat during which he took Wounded in S. W. Pacific Area: War, according to a message from Pfc. Cecil Raney He attended Cullman high school tiary. The defendant was repre-
part in the invasion of Leyte in Brown. 2nd Lt. George R.—Mrs. the War Department received by sented by Hon. William Rayburtt
Frank E. Bradford has received the Philippines last November. John E. Causey, mother, 711," 2nd his mother, Mrs. Dizzie Bates on Member Cf 582nd before entering the service in
February, '1937. A brother, James, of Guntersville, who gave notice1
an honorable discharge after serv- In the island harbor for 10 days, Ave. West, Cullman. Sunday, Feb. 18.
Lt. Bates flew a fighter plane.
Ambulance Co. is a^ staff sergeant in the European of appeal when the verdict was
ing a year in the U. S. Navy, and the merchant ship aboard which Ingle, Pfc. Robert L.—Mrs. -Mae j Theater. returned by the jury. Edmondsoxfi
is at home, arriving here Sunday Vest was serving as a member of W. Ingle, mother, Route 1, Arab. He has been in service about two Driving through blackout over
years and has been overseas since slippery, shell-cratered mountain Staff Sergeant Clifton C. Skip- will remain in the county jail un-
|_ -night, Feb. 18. the Navy guncrew repulsed more til result of his appeal has beens
« » *
than 35 air attacks, knocking three October. He is a brother to Mrs. rounds, ambulance drivers of the per, son of Mrs. Rissie L. Skipper, announced. . Edmondson . escaped.
Claud Wood. of Route Five, Cullman, His wife,
James Mancel Howell, S Ic, son of the Jap planes into the sea.
7<ot Mrs. Eva Howell, Cullman, par- "We practically lived b$r our
Joppa Man With 582nd Ambulance Company speed the former Ernestine H. Etheredge, from the county jail while wait—(
wounded American 7th Army lives at 1025 North 50th Street, Bir- ing action of the grand ury KX,,
ticipated in the initial landing on guns while we were at Leyte," The 712th Railway doughboys from forward collecting mingham. He was employed by this charge and was apprehended!..
Lingayon. James has been in ser- Vest recounted. "The Japs gave Operating Battalion Milos Mclntosh points to evacuation hospitals a the C. A, Stiefelmeyer Department by officers in Birmingham^ afterr.
vke since Feb., 1943, and has been us a final raid as we left the har-* few miles to the rear. Store, Cullman, before entering several weeks' search.
- overseas since May of the same bor after all our cargo had been A mobile workshop, constructed Dies At Home Here In three months these drivers the service in November, 1942.
year. He received his boot train- unloaded." entirely by the equipment main- have evacuated 24,430 patients ov- Three brothers are also in the
ing at San Diego, Calif.
* % *
The Navy gunner entered the tenance company of the 712th Mr. Milas Mclntosh, age 23, of er a distance of 767,096 patient- service: Charles, a Private First Sgt. Grigsby Returns.
service in November, 1942, and Railway Operating Battalion; reg- Cullman Rt 3, died at the home of miles while supporting various in- Class in the states, Edward, a Pri- After 27 Months In
LeonardL Morgan, 18, son of Mr. took recruit training at Great ularly moves over lines which "his mother, Mrs. Mattie Mclntosh fantry divisions of Lt. Gen. 'Jacob vate First Class in England, and
-and Mrs. S. A. Morgan, Rt 3, Lakes, DL A former student of transport trainloads of supplies to of a gun shot wound self inflicted. L. Devers' 6th Army Group. Thir- C. J. Skipper, an aviation cadet in Southwest Pacific
Vinemont is receiving his initial Hartselle, Ala., high school, he our combat troops. He is a World War veteran No. H, ty ambulances have been in con- •the states.
Naval indoctrination at the U.^S. was employed by the Tennesse This Transportation Corps unit and was wounded in the Guadal- «tinuous operation hauling as many Sgl. John Grigsby of RL 2, Cuff-
Naval Training Center, Great Coal & Iron Railroad Company at is charged with the running main- canal campaign by a Jap dive as four litter patients or eight man, is now a patient at the Ar-
my's Foster General Hospital,.
Ijakes^ m. His recruit training Birmingham, Ala., prior to enter- tenance of all railway equipment bcmber, also was in the Solomon walking patients each trip.
consists of instruction in seaman- ing the Navy. He is the son of Seven box cars which had been Islands before he received bis Activated in September, 1942 at
Law Offices Jackson, Miss., after serving for
ship, military drill and general A. T. Vest captured from the Germans were medical discharge last June. Camp Swift, Texas, the company To Be Reopened 27 months in the Southwest Pa-
Naval procedures During, this per- constructed to> house the repair Funeral services were held at landed at Oran, North Africa, in cific.
iod a series of aptitude tests will shops of the unit Within three 1:30 p. m. Sunday, Feb. 18 at the April, 1943, and served in Italy for Hon. Herman Stewart, Cullman Son of Mrs. Gusta Wright of
be taken by the recruits to deter- weeks after the start of the work, Simcoe Baptist church with inter- a short period, coming into South- attorney who has been in Mont- Cullman. Sgt. Grigsby served withi
mine whether he will be assigned S-Sgt Presley the entire train was completed ment in adjojnjng cemetery, with ern France en August 25. Pfc. Ce- gomery for several months em- the 43rd Inf. Division as an In—
to a Naval Service School, to a Veteran Of 17 Months with all shops capable of working Rev. J, S. Schultz officiating. cil Raney, Crane Hill, is a member ployed by the Veteran's Adminis- faniry Squad Leader and Scout~
shore station or to immediate du- tration, has returned to Cullman to He saw action in the Mundar
at capacity. Mr. Mclntosh is survived by bis of this ambulance company.
ty at sea. Wnea Ms recruit train- Service In So. Pacific The seven-car train includes an wife, Mrs. Polly Mclntosh; mother, reopen his lav; offices. Mr. Stew- Guadalcanal and New Guinea
ing is completed, the seaman will electrical power car with a small Mrs. Mattie Mcliiiosh; one brother, art is a veteran of World War 1 campaigns.
receive a period of Laave. S-Sergeant William D a r w a i n compartmeat for welding equip- Emmett Mclnlosh with U. S. Army Postal Notes Not and for several years was a mem- Sgt. Grigsby entered the Army.'
* * * Presley, 20, veteran of 17 months'' ment, a machine shop car, a black- in Italy; one sisler, Mrs. Winford Cashable Overseas ber of the firm of James and Stew- in February 1942 at Ft McPher-
art. A former county solicitor and son, Ga., and received his basic
Pvt Elenzo Howse, of Rt 2, service in the South Pacific war smith shop, two tool cars, a car- Keese, Cullman, R. 3.
Cullman, has received a certifi- theater, is now a wiise chief la pentry shop and a car for two Persons writing to service men prominent attorney of this city for Infantry training at Camp Shelby, -
The Cullman Post of the Ameri-
cate personally signed by his com- field telephone service with a me- pant air compressors. Pvt can Legion had charge of grave and women overseas are urged not several years, Mr. Stewart Has an- Miss., before being shipped over-
manding general honoring him for dium bomber squadron in train- Charles G. Preston, Rt I, Joppa, is services. Drinkard directed. to send Postal Notes—simplified nounced he will open his offices in seas.
fighting with the 29th Infantry Di- ng at the large U. S. Marine a member of this 712lh RaUway money order forms—to their nus- the Buchmanra building within the His brother, Eugene Grigsby is
vision from D Day to St Lo. Corps Air Facility near Newport, Operating Battalion. bands, sons and sweethearts in next few days. now serving with the Air Corps in
* • » Ark He is the son of Mr. and lifting Bon On the service overseas.
Although Uae postal notes went
Florida. SgL Grigsby has been
Clarence Bean recently sent his Mrs. Charles A, Piesley, Hance- Preinduction Of awarded the Combat Infantry
father, R. W. Bean of Rt 2, Cull- ville Towns* Taxing ort sale by the Post Office Depart-
Brand New Pension Badge and wears the Asiatic-Pa-
man, some Japanese" money used The yourag Marine served in iae February 8,1945 Power Approved ment on February I, 1945, Navy
Law For World cific campaign ribbon with 3 bat-
3n the PMHppines. New Hebrides, Guadalcanal and post offices afloat and at overseas tle stars, the American Defense
• ** New Zealand, as a Held telephone Talmadge Ira White, Hollis Montgomery, Ala. — Lifting of bases are not authorized to cash War H Widows Ribbon and the Good Conduct
Clarence Cruce of the U. S. Na- operator for fighter suadrons ope- Kirkland Cruce, William Dayton constitution restriction on cities of the notes. Ribbon.
vy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie rating from those bases. Derrick, Wifburn Osborne, Ardis Culstmar* and Decatur which lim- They may only be cashed within Public Law 483, approved De- Now well on the road to recov-
.-Cruce of Vinemont, was home re- At Guadalcanal, Presley under- L/eldon Singleton, William McKIn- its their ad valorem taxing pow- the United States and are good for cember 14, 3944, also provides for ery at Foster General "Hospital,
cently on a few days'* leave went a number of bombings, and ley Singleton, William McKinley ers to one mill was recommended •only two calendar months from payment of pension to widows and SgL Grigsby expressed great ad-
* ** reports that he worked nard ail Holaway, Lester Davis Widner, by the interim committee on con- the date of issue. children of deceased World War miration for the fine work being
Euel F. Baker, Hanceville, air- day and then many times at night John Austin "Lindsey, Cleo Horace stitution and legislative procedure II veterans where death was not done by the medical aid men on
plane mechanic, is a member of had to hug the earth in a foxhole Knight, Benjanian Francis Slan- Thursday. due to service. The provisions for the battlefields.
}Jae 392nd Bombardment Group, a as Jap raiders came over, dropping cil, Jewell Arleigh Howard, Zeth- Hep. Norman W. Harris, of De- Standard of Judgment—Men are Worid War II widows and child-
Liberator unit recently cited for their bombs. el Dwight Norman, Bally Arthur caliur, proposed the measure, not to be judged by what they do ren, however, still require the ex- In 1944. the average load of
•"distinguished and exceptionally Presley enlisted August 25, 3942, Davis. G-us Dwight Jackson, Wal- which will require an amendment not know, but by what they know, istence of a service-connected dis- freight per train on American
outstanding performance of duty" after being graduated from the lace Cowman Speegle, Bishop Earl to the constitution. — Birmingham and by the manner in which they ability at lime of veteraifs death, railroads was 1,144, the highest on
on 300 missions. Hanceville Mgh school Ogletree. News. know ill Effective December 14, 1944. record. In 1943, at was 1418 tons.

Hanceville, Alabama Shoes, Clothing •Jim Dandy Feeds —See— —For TOOT— Sunday and Monday Cnlbnan, Alabama
32 PC. Set of Dishes $555 FonutuT" Poultry and Eggs ROY G. INGLE OFFICE SUFFOES "TILL WE MEET AGAIN" 32 PC, Set of Dishes fSJS

Manasco Sponsors & Three Automobiles

Movement To
Stimuate Forestry
Stolen Within The
Past Several Days
Erston Edmondson Is Found
A R M E D £ORCE ma,Rep/is listed
Carter Manasco of Alaba-
as one' of the con-
gressional leaders in a strongly
The Sheriff's office has received
reports of three automobiles being
stolen within the past few days.
Guiltq In Robberg Trial;
Marine Private First Class
sponsored movement to stimulate
forestry in the South as a means
of making secure the future wood
supplies of the nation.
Professor N. P. Bartlett's maroon
•Chevrolet coach, 1939 model, tag
No. 25C-1279 was stolen while he
Receives 15 Year Sentence
James Carshull Kimble of Route Meeting recently with a group of
was attending the Cullman Thea-
tre on Tuesday night. Mr. Bart-
Local Men Serve Erston Edmondson, charged withi
7, Cullman, is spending a thirty other prominent Congressmen, lett left his car parked near the. In The Marianas robbery of Alien H. Faulkner, was=.
tried by jury in circuit court last:
day furlough at his home follow- Manasco participated in setting up Police Station and when the show
ing long overseas service. A mem- a committee to steer the necessary was over it was gone. Mr. L. E. Two men from Cullman are week and was sentenced to 15^
ber of the Sixth Marine Division, legislation, which will be sponsor- McGriff also "reported his black among the hundreds of enlisted years in the penitentiary,
Pfc. Kimble took part in the Mar- ed by the twelve-state Forest Far- Chevrolet coach, 1937 model, tag men at a huge Superfortress base trial began on Thursday of last
fhalls campaign and 'served 3J mers Association and by several No. 25C-911, was stolen while he in the Marianas whose diligent ef- week and continued through Sat-
months in the South Pacific. He state and local forestry organiza- was attending the Cullman Thea- forts have made^ it possible for the urday when the case was given the-
wears the purple heart awarded to tions. tre on Friday night. R. L. Higdon giant B-29 bombers of Major Gen- jury. The defendant was charged^
him for wounds received in com- First step in the long-range plan reported his car stolen near Bald- eral Curtis E. LeMay's XXI Bomb- together with Mada Martin, and;...
bat. . will be establishment of a chain of win school Sunday night. Mr. Hig- er Command to strike regularly at Verla Brown with robbery of
The Red Cross is the only organization through which packages the heart of Japan's war industry. Faulkner on a lonely road about.
* * • twenty research centers and ex- don owned a 1935 black Ford can be sent to our boys in enemy prison camps. Each week an eleven
Lowell Hadley Page, electrician'; perimental forests through the coach. The sheriff has been mak- pound package is received by each boy in a Nazi prison camp. They are members "of a service two or three miles from. Cullmanu
mate second class whose home is great southern forest area of more ing investigations and the report unit commanded by- Brigadier The State's evidence showed thafc
Among the boys of Cullman County now prisoners of war are: General Emmett O'Donnel, Jr., Faulkner met the defendants at the?
Route 2, Vinemont, has been as- than 200,000,000 acres. Each center has been made to the Highway Pa- T-Sgt. .Lewis E. Bagwell, Route 1, Joppa; Pfc. Lester J. Barnett,
signed to the crew of the submar- will be typical ofxa distinct timber trol asking their assistance in lo- Route 3, Cullman; Sgt. Wm. Carl Cole, Jr., Cullman; Cpl. Elvis J. Go- who led the first B-29 striking Red Wing Cafe and requested^
ine, USS Stickleback .recently and soil condition, and will serve cating these cars. There has been ber, Route 2, Arab; Pfc. James C. Hankey, Route 2, Cullman; Pfc. Thom- force from Saipan to bomb Tokyo's them to* help him secure a smalli
launched in Mare Island Navy as a basis of experimentation and no report on any of these cars be- as A. Harden, Route 2, Vinemont; Lt. Howard Griffin, Cullman; Lt. aviation industry on November 24, quantity of liquor for his son-in-
Yard, .Calif. demonstration for from 10,000,000 1944. law, who was stricken with the?-
ing found to date. Robt J. Hagan, Jr., Cullman; Pfc. Max E. Livingston, Route 8, Cullraan;
• * • to 18,000,000 acres of surrounding "The work of these men and measles and that the defendants^
S-Sgt. Curtis Lyle Moore, Cullman; Pvt. Guy F. Motes, Route 4, Cull- their fellow soldiers is directly re- agreed and went with Faulkner to-
1st Lit'. Mark Carl Mages, Chap- forest land. Every southern' state man; Pvt. John H. Schnittker, Route 8, Cullman; Sgt. Homer O. Shan- sponsible for the success of the a place where they claimed liquor-
lains Corp, son of Mrs. Mary
Mages Box 407, Cullman. was pro-
will have at least one such center,
according to the plan..
U. S. Casualty List non, Cullman; Pvt. Arthur Sweatman, Route 3, Culhuan; Pvt. Horace R. B-29's in bombing Japan's war in- could be purchased. When they
moted this week to the rank of The entire program was evolved Of Cullman Co. Boys Turner, Route 7, Cullman. dustries," General O'Donnell said stopped the defendant -assaulted^
captain. after two years of study by the in congratulating them. "These Faulkner to such an extent that
* * • Forest Farmers Association. The In case of divergence between
Killed In Action Lehnert Farm men realize their responsibilities his eyes were injured a^d he suf-
Ralph H New, son of Mrs. Daph- Committee in' Congress, headed by
this list and information sent to in the pre-mission tasks of insur- fered severe lacerations about
ne New, Route 6, Culhuan, has re- Rep. John S. Gibson (Ga.) has
the next of kin, the last War De- Advisor For State ing the maximum chance for safe face and body, Faulkner was left
cently been promoted from the asked for public hearings before
partment telegram or letter to the
next of kin is always the appro-
National Bank return of the air crews. unconscious at the spot and the?
defendant took his truck and re-
rank of private to private first the Agricultural Appropriations "Without the spirit of teamwork
class. priate final authority on the status George Lehnert, formerly con- which has been exhibited by every turned to town claiming he hadJ
Subcommittee, ea'rly in March. An
• » » of a soldier. nected, with the Counfy Agent's man, our pioneering job, which is been cut and his wounds were-
appropriation of $1,500,000 to start
Aviation Cadet Robert Edsel Killed In European Area: office, has accepted a position with only beginning, could not have dressed by Dr. Stitt. The defend-
the plan off . will be requested, ant then icked
Wheeler, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Gibson says. No land purchases
Kilgo, Pfc. Earl A.—Mrs. Minnie the State National Bank as farm been a success. They haye given P "P i friend ancE
W. Wheeler, Rt. 5, Cullman, has Kilgo, mother, Route 1, Crane Hill. advisor. Mr. Lehnert is well their services fully and in complete x-ode for several hours before he.
by the government are contem-
Holmes Louis Charles, S 2-c, U. qualified for the job as he has disregard for personal comforts was arrested by the sheriff. Whem
reported at Carlsbad, New Mexi- plated, he says, but studies will
,cos Army Air Field, .-where he will S. Naval Reserve. Dead. Parents, worked with the farmers of this and pleasures in lieu of hard work arrested, Mr. Faulkner's wallet:
begin on land already owned by
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Keller Holmes, county for several years and un- and long hours." . ' was found in his possession to-
receive advanced flight training in the government or made available
Cullman. derstands their problems and An additional tribute has been gether with a watch and fcnifei.
high-level bombardiering and by private owners.
dead-reckoning navigation. On Wounded In European Area: needs. This job is an experiment paid to members of the service The defendant claimed that
graduation he will be awarded sil- Absher, Pfc. Don A—Mrs. Gladys which has been inaugurated by unit for their toil in constructing Faulkner insulted his young lady
ver bombardier's wings and will C. Absher, wife, Cullman. the leading rural banks in Tennes- their B-29 bases. They arrived companions and a fight resulted!!
be ready for active duty_ as -an of- Jessie A. Vest Gay, Pvt. .Floyd P.—Mrs. Monie see and found to be very success- last August and September and, and Faulkner attempted fts cult
fiver in the Army Air Forces. Returns After Eight Lee B. G. Brown, mother, Cullman, ful. Mr. Lehnert visits the farm- sinie aviation engineers were busy him. He further claimed that he
Hoenig, Pfc. George J., Jr.—Mrs. ers of the county and assists them with the high priority task of air- returned to the scene of the alleged
Months Duty Afloat Anna L. Hoenig, mother, Route 1, in both buying and selling of their strip - building,"", they " coris'tructed" robbery- and searched for Mr.
Sgt. Kenneth L. Swafford is now
Cullman. products. Cullman County being homes for themselves and for the Faulkner, who was found several
New Orleans, La., Feb. 20.—Jes- McAfee, Pfc. Delbert H.—Charles
in Italy. He has made several sie A. Vest, seaman first class, D. McA_fee, father, Route 6, Cull- a farming community, the pro- aerial combat crews who arrived hours later at the foot of a cRff-
later. The jury was out about one hour
missions over Berlin and Germany. USNR, of Hanceville, Ala., has re-
man. LT. WILLIAM DAVID- BATES gram is expected to be of great and returned a verdict of guilty
He is the son of. Mr. and Mrs. W. turned to .the Armed. Guard Cen- benefit and help to our farmers. The Cullman men are:
Scoles, Pvt. James C.—Mrs.. Leth was reported killed in action on Technical Sergeant Clifford H. and fixeTl the defendant's punlsh.-
J. Swafford. ter here following eight months Scoles, mother, Route 1, Joppa. Feb. 6, in the European Theatre of ment at 15 years in the peniten-
Fleming, City Delivery Cullman.
duty afloat during which he took Wounded in S. W. Pacific Area: War, according to a message from Pfc. Cecil Raney He attended Cullman high school tiary. The defendant was repre-
part in the invasion of Leyte in Brown. 2nd Lt. George R.—Mrs. the War Department received by sented by Hon. William Rayburtt
Frank E. Bradford has received the Philippines last November. John E. Causey, mother, 711," 2nd his mother, Mrs. Dizzie Bates on Member Cf 582nd before entering the service in
February, '1937. A brother, James, of Guntersville, who gave notice1
an honorable discharge after serv- In the island harbor for 10 days, Ave. West, Cullman. Sunday, Feb. 18.
Lt. Bates flew a fighter plane.
Ambulance Co. is a^ staff sergeant in the European of appeal when the verdict was
ing a year in the U. S. Navy, and the merchant ship aboard which Ingle, Pfc. Robert L.—Mrs. -Mae j Theater. returned by the jury. Edmondsoxfi
is at home, arriving here Sunday Vest was serving as a member of W. Ingle, mother, Route 1, Arab. He has been in service about two Driving through blackout over
years and has been overseas since slippery, shell-cratered mountain Staff Sergeant Clifton C. Skip- will remain in the county jail un-
|_ -night, Feb. 18. the Navy guncrew repulsed more til result of his appeal has beens
« » *
than 35 air attacks, knocking three October. He is a brother to Mrs. rounds, ambulance drivers of the per, son of Mrs. Rissie L. Skipper, announced. . Edmondson . escaped.
Claud Wood. of Route Five, Cullman, His wife,
James Mancel Howell, S Ic, son of the Jap planes into the sea.
7<ot Mrs. Eva Howell, Cullman, par- "We practically lived b$r our
Joppa Man With 582nd Ambulance Company speed the former Ernestine H. Etheredge, from the county jail while wait—(
wounded American 7th Army lives at 1025 North 50th Street, Bir- ing action of the grand ury KX,,
ticipated in the initial landing on guns while we were at Leyte," The 712th Railway doughboys from forward collecting mingham. He was employed by this charge and was apprehended!..
Lingayon. James has been in ser- Vest recounted. "The Japs gave Operating Battalion Milos Mclntosh points to evacuation hospitals a the C. A, Stiefelmeyer Department by officers in Birmingham^ afterr.
vke since Feb., 1943, and has been us a final raid as we left the har-* few miles to the rear. Store, Cullman, before entering several weeks' search.
- overseas since May of the same bor after all our cargo had been A mobile workshop, constructed Dies At Home Here In three months these drivers the service in November, 1942.
year. He received his boot train- unloaded." entirely by the equipment main- have evacuated 24,430 patients ov- Three brothers are also in the
ing at San Diego, Calif.
* % *
The Navy gunner entered the tenance company of the 712th Mr. Milas Mclntosh, age 23, of er a distance of 767,096 patient- service: Charles, a Private First Sgt. Grigsby Returns.
service in November, 1942, and Railway Operating Battalion; reg- Cullman Rt 3, died at the home of miles while supporting various in- Class in the states, Edward, a Pri- After 27 Months In
LeonardL Morgan, 18, son of Mr. took recruit training at Great ularly moves over lines which "his mother, Mrs. Mattie Mclntosh fantry divisions of Lt. Gen. 'Jacob vate First Class in England, and
-and Mrs. S. A. Morgan, Rt 3, Lakes, DL A former student of transport trainloads of supplies to of a gun shot wound self inflicted. L. Devers' 6th Army Group. Thir- C. J. Skipper, an aviation cadet in Southwest Pacific
Vinemont is receiving his initial Hartselle, Ala., high school, he our combat troops. He is a World War veteran No. H, ty ambulances have been in con- •the states.
Naval indoctrination at the U.^S. was employed by the Tennesse This Transportation Corps unit and was wounded in the Guadal- «tinuous operation hauling as many Sgl. John Grigsby of RL 2, Cuff-
Naval Training Center, Great Coal & Iron Railroad Company at is charged with the running main- canal campaign by a Jap dive as four litter patients or eight man, is now a patient at the Ar-
my's Foster General Hospital,.
Ijakes^ m. His recruit training Birmingham, Ala., prior to enter- tenance of all railway equipment bcmber, also was in the Solomon walking patients each trip.
consists of instruction in seaman- ing the Navy. He is the son of Seven box cars which had been Islands before he received bis Activated in September, 1942 at
Law Offices Jackson, Miss., after serving for
ship, military drill and general A. T. Vest captured from the Germans were medical discharge last June. Camp Swift, Texas, the company To Be Reopened 27 months in the Southwest Pa-
Naval procedures During, this per- constructed to> house the repair Funeral services were held at landed at Oran, North Africa, in cific.
iod a series of aptitude tests will shops of the unit Within three 1:30 p. m. Sunday, Feb. 18 at the April, 1943, and served in Italy for Hon. Herman Stewart, Cullman Son of Mrs. Gusta Wright of
be taken by the recruits to deter- weeks after the start of the work, Simcoe Baptist church with inter- a short period, coming into South- attorney who has been in Mont- Cullman. Sgt. Grigsby served withi
mine whether he will be assigned S-Sgt Presley the entire train was completed ment in adjojnjng cemetery, with ern France en August 25. Pfc. Ce- gomery for several months em- the 43rd Inf. Division as an In—
to a Naval Service School, to a Veteran Of 17 Months with all shops capable of working Rev. J, S. Schultz officiating. cil Raney, Crane Hill, is a member ployed by the Veteran's Adminis- faniry Squad Leader and Scout~
shore station or to immediate du- tration, has returned to Cullman to He saw action in the Mundar
at capacity. Mr. Mclntosh is survived by bis of this ambulance company.
ty at sea. Wnea Ms recruit train- Service In So. Pacific The seven-car train includes an wife, Mrs. Polly Mclntosh; mother, reopen his lav; offices. Mr. Stew- Guadalcanal and New Guinea
ing is completed, the seaman will electrical power car with a small Mrs. Mattie Mcliiiosh; one brother, art is a veteran of World War 1 campaigns.
receive a period of Laave. S-Sergeant William D a r w a i n compartmeat for welding equip- Emmett Mclnlosh with U. S. Army Postal Notes Not and for several years was a mem- Sgt. Grigsby entered the Army.'
* * * Presley, 20, veteran of 17 months'' ment, a machine shop car, a black- in Italy; one sisler, Mrs. Winford Cashable Overseas ber of the firm of James and Stew- in February 1942 at Ft McPher-
art. A former county solicitor and son, Ga., and received his basic
Pvt Elenzo Howse, of Rt 2, service in the South Pacific war smith shop, two tool cars, a car- Keese, Cullman, R. 3.
Cullman, has received a certifi- theater, is now a wiise chief la pentry shop and a car for two Persons writing to service men prominent attorney of this city for Infantry training at Camp Shelby, -
The Cullman Post of the Ameri-
cate personally signed by his com- field telephone service with a me- pant air compressors. Pvt can Legion had charge of grave and women overseas are urged not several years, Mr. Stewart Has an- Miss., before being shipped over-
manding general honoring him for dium bomber squadron in train- Charles G. Preston, Rt I, Joppa, is services. Drinkard directed. to send Postal Notes—simplified nounced he will open his offices in seas.
fighting with the 29th Infantry Di- ng at the large U. S. Marine a member of this 712lh RaUway money order forms—to their nus- the Buchmanra building within the His brother, Eugene Grigsby is
vision from D Day to St Lo. Corps Air Facility near Newport, Operating Battalion. bands, sons and sweethearts in next few days. now serving with the Air Corps in
* • » Ark He is the son of Mr. and lifting Bon On the service overseas.
Although Uae postal notes went
Florida. SgL Grigsby has been
Clarence Bean recently sent his Mrs. Charles A, Piesley, Hance- Preinduction Of awarded the Combat Infantry
father, R. W. Bean of Rt 2, Cull- ville Towns* Taxing ort sale by the Post Office Depart-
Brand New Pension Badge and wears the Asiatic-Pa-
man, some Japanese" money used The yourag Marine served in iae February 8,1945 Power Approved ment on February I, 1945, Navy
Law For World cific campaign ribbon with 3 bat-
3n the PMHppines. New Hebrides, Guadalcanal and post offices afloat and at overseas tle stars, the American Defense
• ** New Zealand, as a Held telephone Talmadge Ira White, Hollis Montgomery, Ala. — Lifting of bases are not authorized to cash War H Widows Ribbon and the Good Conduct
Clarence Cruce of the U. S. Na- operator for fighter suadrons ope- Kirkland Cruce, William Dayton constitution restriction on cities of the notes. Ribbon.
vy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie rating from those bases. Derrick, Wifburn Osborne, Ardis Culstmar* and Decatur which lim- They may only be cashed within Public Law 483, approved De- Now well on the road to recov-
.-Cruce of Vinemont, was home re- At Guadalcanal, Presley under- L/eldon Singleton, William McKIn- its their ad valorem taxing pow- the United States and are good for cember 14, 3944, also provides for ery at Foster General "Hospital,
cently on a few days'* leave went a number of bombings, and ley Singleton, William McKinley ers to one mill was recommended •only two calendar months from payment of pension to widows and SgL Grigsby expressed great ad-
* ** reports that he worked nard ail Holaway, Lester Davis Widner, by the interim committee on con- the date of issue. children of deceased World War miration for the fine work being
Euel F. Baker, Hanceville, air- day and then many times at night John Austin "Lindsey, Cleo Horace stitution and legislative procedure II veterans where death was not done by the medical aid men on
plane mechanic, is a member of had to hug the earth in a foxhole Knight, Benjanian Francis Slan- Thursday. due to service. The provisions for the battlefields.
}Jae 392nd Bombardment Group, a as Jap raiders came over, dropping cil, Jewell Arleigh Howard, Zeth- Hep. Norman W. Harris, of De- Standard of Judgment—Men are Worid War II widows and child-
Liberator unit recently cited for their bombs. el Dwight Norman, Bally Arthur caliur, proposed the measure, not to be judged by what they do ren, however, still require the ex- In 1944. the average load of
•"distinguished and exceptionally Presley enlisted August 25, 3942, Davis. G-us Dwight Jackson, Wal- which will require an amendment not know, but by what they know, istence of a service-connected dis- freight per train on American
outstanding performance of duty" after being graduated from the lace Cowman Speegle, Bishop Earl to the constitution. — Birmingham and by the manner in which they ability at lime of veteraifs death, railroads was 1,144, the highest on
on 300 missions. Hanceville Mgh school Ogletree. News. know ill Effective December 14, 1944. record. In 1943, at was 1418 tons.

Hanceville, Alabama Shoes, Clothing •Jim Dandy Feeds —See— —For TOOT— Sunday and Monday Cnlbnan, Alabama
32 PC. Set of Dishes $555 FonutuT" Poultry and Eggs ROY G. INGLE OFFICE SUFFOES "TILL WE MEET AGAIN" 32 PC, Set of Dishes fSJS

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