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Agriculture and Trade Liberalization

Thank you, honorable Chair and good morning/ afternoon, fellow delegates!
Trade liberalization, including in agriculture, integrates the world economy and raises the
standard of living around the world. However, the Republic of Austria is mindful of the issue of
asymmetry in some States priorities, favoring industrial agriculture over smallholder farming
which is the primary source of living of about 500 million people worldwide.
Although smallholder farming is being paid with remarkable amount of attention in
Austria, our Government understands that the reality of the issue in other parts of the world is
one of the reasons why developing states are often hesitant to engage in international agricultural
trade. Fair trade practices must be ensured so as to provide greater sense of security to these
countries as they let their agricultural goods penetrate the global market.
In response to the pressing problem of asymmetry, the Republic of Austria encourages
the developed countries to pursue a trade negotiation approach that is sensitive to the needs and
capabilities of their partner countries. This is to make sure that the policies and priorities of all
parties are coherent, fair and fitting.
Furthermore, the Government of Austria urges the World Trade Organization to improve
its information dissemination system to ensure fair and transparent trade practices. Following
this suggestion, Austria also encourages the developing countries to increase their participation
in trade to generate more income-earning opportunities involving smallholder agriculture.
Of course, in achieving all of these, the Republic of Austria will continue to provide
financial assistance and technology transfers to partner governments through the United Nations
and other non-governmental bodies that specialize in the specific needs of each partner country
in terms of trade and agriculture.
Thank you very much!

Nutrition and Food Security

Thank you, honorable Chair and good morning/ afternoon, fellow delegates!
In its relations with other States, especially with the developing ones, the Republic of
Austria regards poverty reduction as one of its top priorities. In line with its commitment to
promote human rights, including the right to adequate food, the Austrian government has been
actively upholding the fulfillment of the first target of the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) to halve the number of people suffering from extreme hunger and poverty by 2015.
As part of the realization of its commitment, Austria has been extending its assistance to
several countries in the African, Central American, Caribbean, Eastern European and Palestinianoccupied regions in the forms of capacity-building projects and funding of hunger mitigation
However, the Austrian government believes that the developing and least- developed
States must not rely only on temporary solutions such as humanitarian aid and mechanisms that
yield sufficient food supply for only a certain period of time, as these solutions, though helpful,
are not sustainable.
Hence, in consulting with its partner countries, the Republic of Austria engages in
comprehensive multi-stakeholder discussions to better address the specific impediments to food
security in these countries. Such efforts, when successful, subsequently encourage and assist the
developing countries to develop their own poverty reduction strategies. Thus, the Austrian
government encourages all States to follow suit.
Also, in order to guarantee the efficient role of international markets in providing access
to food for those in need, the Republic of Austria also urges the World Trade Organization to
ensure increased transparency in its negotiations through improved information dissemination
Finally, in ensuring cooperation to address food insecurity, the coherence of the policies
of participating States is very important. Hence, Austria encourages all United Nations MemberStates to actively engage in consultations with the Committee on World Food Security to develop
collaborative actions towards the eradication of food insecurity.
Thank you!

Implementation of the Right to Food at the National and International Level

Thank you, honorable Chair and good morning/ afternoon, fellow delegates!
The Republic of Austria recognizes the urgent need to pursue an effective rights-based
strategy to address food insecurity and eradicate extreme poverty a strategy that would be able
to tackle the root causes of hunger so as to ensure sustainable food supply not only for the time
being, but also for the future.
In promoting human rights, including the right to food, the Republic of Austria in its
international relations, adheres to the European Union Policy Coherence for Development
approach, which takes into account how non-aid policies can assist developing countries in
eradicating poverty and hunger.
The Austrian Government has been cooperating with its partner countries, especially with
the developing ones, to pursue policies which are anchored on sustainability and not only on the
need to increase food production.
The Austrian Government, through the European Union, has been providing funds for the
development of disaster management plans and early-warning mechanisms for farmers, as well
as conditional cash transfers. Along with the Food and Agriculture Organization, Austria has also
co-financed seed and fertilizer distributions to several countries in the African and Asian regions.
Such mechanisms allow farmers to maintain agricultural lands that are more resilient to natural
calamities, hence, enabling them to sustain not only their daily food needs and fulfill their right
to food, but also develop sustainable livelihoods.
Thus, the Republic of Austria encourages the European Union to continue financing the
development of such mechanisms and to strengthen the regional and national information
systems on agriculture, food security and nutrition policies. The government of Austria also
invites all States to engage in active consultations with the Committee on World Food Security to
review and improve policies on the implementation of the right to adequate food.
Thank you very much!

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