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CNPJ/MF Corporate Taxpayers ID 60,894,730/0001-05

NIRE 313,000,1360-0
Publicly Traded Company

Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting of the Board of Directors of Usinas Siderrgicas de

Minas Gerais S/A - USIMINAS, held at Rua Professor Jos Vieira de Mendona, 3011,
at the city of Belo Horizonte, capital of the Minas Gerais state, on October 9, 2008, at
10:00 a.m. (Brasilia time).
Quorum Wilson Nlio Brumer, Chairman; other board members: Albano Chagas
Vieira, Bertoldo Machado Veiga, Francisco Caprino Neto, Hidemi Kawai, Humberto
Eudes Vieira Diniz, Rinaldo Campos Soares, Tooru Obata and Toshimi Sugiyama.
General Secretary: Juventino Moraes da Franca.
New Executive Structure The Board deliberated to approve the Companys new
internal administrative structure, as proposed by the Executive Board, emphasizing the
following changes: (i) the Development, Domestic Sales and Export Executive Boards
are extinct; (ii) the Business Vice-Presidency is created (Executive Board).
Election of Executive Officer For the newly created Business Vice-Presidency
(Executive Board), the Board, based on the law and on article 13, letter a, of
Usiminass Bylaws, elected Engineer Srgio Leite de Andrade, Brazilian, divorced, ID
2,864,875-IFP/RJ, CPF Individual Taxpayers ID 233,336,777-68, located at Rua
Professor Jos Vieira de Mendona 3011, district of Engenho Nogueira, at the city of
Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, CEP 31310-260, with terms from November 1,
2008 until April 30, 2010.
Dismissal of Executive Officers The Board, considering having extinct the
Development, Domestic Sales and Export Executive Boards, decides to dismiss, as of
October 31, 2008, the respective Executive Officers Gabriel Mrcio Janot Pacheco,
Idalino Coelho Ferreira and Renato Vallerini Jnior. In the Boards name, the Chairman
expressed special thanks to these Executive Officers for their great contribution to
Usiminas, as employees and administrators, for years.
Executive Board In light of the modifications above, Usiminass Executive Board is
now composed as follows: CEO - Marco Antnio Soares da Cunha Castello Branco;
(Executive Officer) Industrial Vice-President - Omar Silva Jnior; (Executive Officer)
Finance, Investor Relations and Information Technology Vice-President Paulo Penido
Pinto Marques; (Executive Officer) Business Vice-President - Srgio Leite de Andrade;
(Executive Officer) Special Affairs Vice-President - Takashi Hirao (Nominated).
The Board determined, at last, that necessary legal and administrative measures are
taken towards implementing the new executive organization.
The meeting was adjourned as there was nothing further to be resolved. The respective
minutes were drawn up in Book CA-02, with the signature of the Board Members
present and the General Secretary. Belo Horizonte, October 9, 2008.

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