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“You will loose much money chasing women, but will not

loose women when chasing money”.

Your purpose

E nergy comes from having a purpose. Creativity flows from having a purpose.

When you are clear about why, you will figure out how. Success is a function of the
sincerity of the mission.

Without a meaningful purpose, action leads to disappointment and frustration. Yet when
focused upon a compelling reason, action always results in achievement.

Within you are real, authentic reasons why. Within those reasons you'll find great

No one can separate you from your purpose. Nothing can take the power of that purpose
away from you.

Let your thoughts, your words, your perspective and your actions come from your
purpose. With your life, you'll achieve many great things.

Act on who you are

W hen in doubt about what to do, chose the kindest option. When you're not sure
about how much to give of yourself, err on the side of generosity.

When you feel the urge to do something nice for someone else, don't make excuses for
why you can't. Just go ahead and make it happen.

Give your attention to your thoughts. And at the same time, pay heed to the intelligence
within you that transcends those thoughts.

Without hesitation, go with what you know is right. Act on that little voice that may sound
crazy but that feels so true.

Everything you've ever experienced is embedded in your wisdom. Though you cannot
consciously remember it all, you can still allow it all to guide you.

Have the confidence to act on who you are and what you know, even if you sometimes
cannot explain why. Authenticity is always the best choice

New prosperity

W ake up, open your eyes and look around you. Opportunity is everywhere.

There is plenty of work to be done. And there are all sorts of effective, fulfilling ways to do

The world is alive with all kinds of challenges. Pick a particularly difficult and meaningful
one, creatively work your way through it, and bring new prosperity to yourself and others.

Jump into the real-life adventure that sparkles beneath the rising sun each morning. A
new day filled with richness is ready to be lived.

Fortune favours those who choose to see it coming. Prosperity belongs to those who work
to bring it to life.

Report for duty in the service of your highest vision. This is when life gets good.

Value already yours

W hen you take something for granted, you can quickly forget that it's even there. If
you take it for granted long enough, it may in fact be gone the next time you look for it.

Why is gratitude so very powerful? Because it keeps you connected to all the good things
in your life.

Don't let the immense value that's already yours wander away because of neglect. Take
time to remember, take time to celebrate and be grateful, and take time to say thank

Instead of continually wishing for more, take a loving and thankful look at all that you
already have. By sincerely appreciating what's already yours, you can build upon it to
reach any dream you could possibly imagine.

Make it a habit to reflect each day on how truly fortunate you are. It is your awareness
that enables your richest blessings to continue unfolding and expanding throughout your

See the beauty that's already there, and the value that's already yours. It is more than
enough to propel you positively and meaningfully forward.

Be the fulfillment

I nstead of looking for the answer outside yourself, be the answer you seek. Instead of
striving to attain fulfilments, be the fulfilment of your most impassioned stirrings.

The problems you face are yours precisely because you have what it takes to successfully
address them. The situations you encounter provide fertile ground upon which you more
fully become the best you can be.

The joys and the pains, the achievements and the disappointments, the frustrations and
the victories all serve to move you forward. You are destined and well equipped to
successfully navigate through each fascinating and valuable turn of events in your world.

You've already come a long way, and that depth of experience continues to serve you
well. As the challenges come, as the opportunities appear, your ability to make a
difference grows ever stronger and more valuable.

Greet each day with the satisfaction and confidence of knowing that you can adjust and
adapt and build and create and thrive. Use the unique energy that is your very own in the
service of meaningful and positive purpose.

Work to be the living fulfilments of the best you can imagine. Feel the dream and make it

Keep going

O n the other side of the challenge there is a great reward. Keep going.

When you've made the effort and cannot yet see the result, keep going. The very next
step could be the one that brings you across the finish line.

When you become weary, remind yourself why you started in the first place. Connect with
your true purpose, and feel the energy begin to flow through you again.

Smile and laugh and have a good time on the journey. Be kind and considerate,
thoughtful and helpful, and your load will feel lighter, your steps will come more quickly.

As long as you keep going, every inch of progress will make you stronger. Every moment
will bring you closer to the goal.

Consider what a joy and a privilege it is to be able to make a difference. Feel that joy,
keep going, and make your world brighter with each step you take.

Allow it to be

L et go of the need to need. And allow yourself to sink gently and gracefully into the
beauty of this moment.

Here and now anything is possible. Surrender your need to focus on limitations, and open
yourself to the finest possibilities.

Flow peacefully along with the boundless energy that is in this day. Celebrate the miracle
of being.

Breathe in the exquisite beauty of all that is. Though events and circumstances
constantly change, nothing can interrupt the wonder of it all.

Float freely above the burden of having to place a judgment on everything. Enjoy the
opportunity to experience whatever comes your way.

Greet this moment with a curious, thankful and loving heart. And allow it to be the best
time yet.

Active role

T here is a very small gap that can separate you from the fulfilment of your most
treasured dreams. Fortunately, that gap is entirely of your own making and you have
what it takes to get across it.

Life's abundance swirls around you in every moment, and it seems close enough to touch.
The possibilities just keep on coming, day after day, filled with the promise of fulfilment.

Yet to live that abundance, and to make the best of those possibilities real, you must take
an active role. Life can be anything you make of it, yet you must be the one who makes it

The way to bridge the gap, and to bring your dreams to life, is to act on them. Take
positive, productive, effective action every opportunity you get, day after day and year
after year.

Take an active role in the wonder of your own life. Shape it and build it and enjoy the
process of fine-tuning every aspect of it so that you're living precisely the life that's right
for you.

Take full responsibility for all that you experience. And what you experience will be truly

Your choice

Y ou can resent the amount of work you have to do. Or you can get busy and use it as
an opportunity to create great value.

You can see each setback as a fatal blow to the achievement of your dream. Or you can
learn from all the ups and the downs and make the achievement of your dream all the
more valuable as a result of each challenge.

You can pounce upon each bit of bad news and extrapolate it to portend the end of the
world. Or you can celebrate the fact that bad news is news only because it is so relatively

You can decide that everyone is out to get you and withdraw from life in fear. Or you can
jump right into the tangled, confused, exciting and delightful mixture that every moment
brings, and find real treasure in it all.

You can sit and wait and complain and convince yourself that things will never get better.
Or you can enthusiastically jump forward and make life the best it can be.

Whatever the situation, whoever is involved, you always have a choice. Choose each time
to express the authentic beauty of your being, and live in a world where life is so very

Find a way
F ind a way, for it is there. Find a way, for you are here to find it.

What appears impossible does in reality give birth to great opportunity. Find a way, and
you discover the beautiful truth about yourself.

Many can teach you and yet only you can truly be you. The most wonderful things that
you can imagine are precisely what you are destined to bring to life.

See that the challenges actually enable you. Understand that the obstacles form a
foundation upon which achievement is built.

Joy is yours for the living. Fulfilment is yours for the doing.

This is the place and the time and the circumstance of the greatest gift you can give. Find
a way, and bring each magnificent possibility to life

Here and now

A ct with genuine love and authentic purpose. And no obstacle will have the power to
stop you.

Do what you know is right for you and for your world. And your efforts will bring results of
great and lasting value.

Be truly thankful for the smallest of things. And you'll experience the most magnificent of

Live and speak with humility. Put your energy into being your best, and don't waste it
claiming to be something you're not.

Walk through the world with the miraculous substance of your own awareness and
existence. Give each precious moment the care and attention that will bring forth great
and lasting treasure.

Here and now are possibilities without limit. Do those things that express the beautiful
reality of who you are.

What you must

W hen you must, you will. What you truly value, you find a way to make more

That's why it is so critically important to celebrate the unique beauty of who you are.
That's why being thankful for every little thing will create a life that's overflowing with

Living by pretence is not really living. The real person inside is eager to bring to life the
very best of everything that means anything to you.

Instead of trying to fit in, seek to fill out the best of your possibilities. Instead of
wondering how little effort you can get by with, discover how much unique value you can

Every opportunity you act upon creates even more and bigger and better opportunities.
The more focus and diligence and persistence and commitment you put into life, the
more outstanding it becomes.

The best-paying job you can ever have is the job of being the real you. Know what you
must do and do it, and life is rich indeed.

Go ahead

G o ahead and switch on the power to your life. Look back just long enough to
remember what you treasure most, then go ahead and expand upon those treasures.

When you feel an excuse coming on, crush it under the weight of your desire to move
forward. When you meet up with a challenge, delight in your ability to improve your way
through it.

This is your opportunity to taste life's sweetness more fully than ever before. This is your
moment to make a positive difference that will forever add value and meaning to the

This is a day in which you can experience your passion from a new and empowering
perspective. Surprise yourself and be delighted at how authentically beautiful you are.

Choose with your thoughts and actions to lift yourself up. Then make it all exponentially
more wonderful by lifting up another, and another.

Go ahead and fully feel the white-hot energy and marvellous uniqueness of being you. Go
ahead and let your own special beauty explode into every corner of life.

All is glorious

A ll is well. In fact, all is more than well -- all is glorious.

The only reason you're able to even notice the discord is because there is so very much
harmony in life. Peace is so all-pervasive and gracefully abundant that it doesn't mind
allowing a little conflict to happen.

Imagine the immensity of this planet as it spins perfectly through space for billions of
years. The extent of goodness and rightness and power cannot begin to be fathomed.

There is always so much for which to be infinitely thankful. What you perceive as trouble
is nothing more than a bit of interesting flavour in the endless perfect bounty of

Open your eyes to all that is real. Open the whole of your being to the glorious
magnificence in which you are immersed.

Yes is the answer to every longing. Live the fullness when it is, now.

Push you up

S tand misfortune on its head. Turn it into something good.

Don't let the disappointments get you down. Let them get you going, even stronger than

After all, life is how you look at it. Look at it all as an opportunity for grace and joy and

Every single time you feel like complaining about how bad things are, there's a much
more powerful option. Visualize how truly good life can be and then take a bold,
enthusiastic step in that direction.

Every situation is a situation in which you can choose to prosper. Every challenge helps to
form the structure upon which you can build grand and meaningful success.

When anything pushes against you, choose to let it push you up. Every occasion is your
occasion to brightly shine.

Celebrate the consequences

D o you pay a price for your actions, or do you reap great rewards from them? Do you
fear the consequences of what you do, or do you eagerly await those consequences?

It all depends on the actions you take. The destination at which you arrive is determined
by the direction in which you most consistently travel.

Instead of cursing the negative consequences, simply avoid the actions that cause them.
Instead of wistfully wishing in vain for the things you seek, just take the actions that will
bring those things into your life.

Everything in your life is the result of one thing or another. You can't avoid
consequences, yet you can determine which ones you get.

Put yourself in a position to celebrate the consequences. With positive purpose, focus,
effort and persistence the very best of life's results can be yours.

Most of what happens to you happens because of you. Use your actions to move solidly
toward those consequences that you'll delight in celebrating.

Feel the way you choose

W hatever you feel on the inside, you will experience on the outside. Life reflects
back to you the way you most sincerely and persistently are.

When you're having a joyful day it's because you've decided to do so. The
world you see is directly related to the world you intend to see.

From nothing, in an instant, you can create joy. Where there was none before, you can
express love.

Do you realize the awesome power in your ability to feel the way you choose to feel? With
that power you can change the world.

You're extraordinarily skilled at changing your feelings, and you've had much experience
at doing so. Feel the exquisite beauty of this moment, and watch as that beautiful feeling
manifests in the world around you.

This is your moment to live more fully than you've ever lived. Feel the possibilities, and
bring them joyfully to life.

Change for the better

W hat you do makes a difference. What you think, what you say, what you take the
time to understand makes a difference.

Life changes because you are part of it. And you can always make it change for the

Every moment, a new world is being born. You can make the world more beautiful and
fulfilling than it has ever been before.

As you experience life, so too do you create it and direct it. The perspective you choose
determines the kind of world in which you live.

A positive and purposeful intention leads to effective, creative action. And suddenly,
you've made the world a better place.

What kind of world do you wish to inhabit and experience? Now is the time, with all you
are, to make it so.

Do something about it

A re you frustrated and burned out? What are you going to do about it?

Is there something you really want to achieve? What are you going to do about it?

Have you just become aware of an incredible opportunity? What are you going to do
about it?

What are you going to do today, right this moment? What actions will you take to end
your frustration, to achieve your dream, to take advantage of opportunity?

Success and achievement depend not on how much you complain, or on your ability to
garner sympathy from others, but on what you do. And right now is the time to start.

Go ahead and move beyond the frustration, begin to work toward the dream, and make
the most of your best possibilities. Go ahead right now and do something positive and
effective about it.

Tell yourself

W hat are you telling yourself that's holding you back? What are you telling yourself
that's preventing you from being happy?

What are you telling yourself that gives you permission to be less than your very best?
What are you telling yourself that gives you an excuse for not taking action?

Every moment of every day you're interpreting the world for yourself, telling yourself
what it means and what to do about it. Each time you tell yourself something, you have
an opportunity to make a lasting impact on your life.

So tell yourself yes. Remind yourself why you have chosen to step forward and give
yourself permission to do so.

Tell yourself that you can choose a life of joy and fulfilment right now. Tell yourself that
you're fully capable of whatever you decide to achieve.

Take the opportunity to tell yourself, again and again, how truly outstanding your life can
be. And then thank yourself for the great advice as you enthusiastically bring it to life.

Living quality

T he distractions will always be there, but the opportunities of this moment won't. As
compelling as those distractions might be, let them fall behind you as you act on your
best possibilities right now.

The excuses for not taking action make a lot of sense, yet there is no real value in even
the most reasonable, sensible excuse. Instead of being stopped by why you can't, be
energized by why you must.

The quality of your life is up to you, at all times, in all situations. You have the opportunity
to creatively imagine an outstanding life for yourself, and then to bring what you imagine
into the reality of your world.

The excuses and distractions and setbacks and frustrations are all hopelessly insignificant
when compared to your best possibilities. Stay focused on the good and positive things

that mean the most to you, and you'll transcend the small bumps along the way with
grace and ease.

Get caught up in the wonder and the substance of being, and the trivial distractions will
have no power over you. Feel the joy that emanates from your purpose and you'll grow
stronger with each passing day.

The richness of your life has no limits. Choose today, and always, to let that richness
continue to unfold.

Joyful life

E ven when there's no good reason to enjoy life, enjoy it anyway. Discover the
delightful truth that joy is its own best reason.

Truly enjoy the place where you are, and you make it even better. Find joy in the moment
you're now living and you'll multiply the treasures that the moment can bring.

You won't hurt anyone else by enjoying who you are and what you're doing. On the
contrary, your own joy can bring much joy to those around you.

Instead of assuming that you must struggle, enjoy the process of moving
through each challenge. When you choose to enjoy what you're doing, the
effort comes more easily and with greater effectiveness.

Decide that life is a joy and you'll find all sorts of ways to reinforce and build upon that
decision. The joy you seek is already yours, so let it flow freely from within you.

Give your life the power of joy right now, and always. For whatever you sincerely enjoy,
you're able to easily and naturally master.


T aking positive action in one area of your life can lead to surprising improvements in
many other areas of your life. For you are one whole person, and anything you do makes
a difference in everything you are.

It all matters and it all affects you. The life you experience is the sum of every thought,
every word spoken, every gesture and every effort.

If you find it difficult to be positive about one particular area of your life, then be
extraordinarily positive about other areas of your life. That additional positive energy will
spill over into all of your world.

All the parts of your life are interconnected in ways that it's difficult to even imagine. The
result is that there are always plenty of opportunities for taking positive steps.

For even when you feel completely blocked in one area, there are many other areas of
your life in which you can quickly and easily make improvements. Success and
achievement feel great in whatever venue they occur.

Feel genuinely positive, even if it's just about one little thing. And the energy radiates
through the entirety of your world.


Y ou cannot avoid responsibility. You can either suffer the painful consequences of
ignoring it, or you can enjoy the outstanding benefits of acknowledging and accepting

You are responsible for your life and for the world around you. When you feel the full
extent of that responsibility, and connect it to your authentic purpose, you can do truly
amazing things.

Why would you want to accept responsibility for circumstances that are not of
your making? Because responsibility gives you the power to change things.

If something affects you, then you have the opportunity to be positively and creatively
responsible for it. Even if you didn't create the situation, you can still make the very best
of it.

Responsibility is not some burden that is heaped upon you. On the contrary, it is a
powerful and effective tool for moving your whole world in the direction you choose.

Invest your awareness, attention, effort and commitment in the responsibility that is
yours. And enjoy the dividends that come from truly making a difference in the world.

This new moment

T his new moment has already been filled with possibilities for you. Now you have the
challenging and delightful task of filling it with life.

Feel the sweet coolness of the brisk wind in your face as you race forward into new and
exciting territory. Watch the world change for the better as a result of your good and
purposeful actions.

Look closely and see the extraordinary beauty in the most ordinary of things. Lovingly
pay attention to every experience, and treasure the valuable new lessons you learn.

Reach out to others and give them your best. Create joy out of nothing and
know that joy is always yours the moment you choose to live it.

Recall just a fraction of your many blessings and realize how truly wealthy you
are. Know that from here, you can take positive and purposeful steps in
whatever direction you choose.

This new moment is a golden opportunity that now surrounds you. Love it, live it, and
make it the magnificent moment it was meant to be.

“Put discouragement behind you”

J ust as quickly and easily as you can become discouraged, you can let go of that
discouragement. The only power that discouragement has is the power you give

Though the challenges are great, you are greater. For you can act and learn and adapt,
and act again with even more effectiveness.

If you feel yourself sinking into the false comfort of discouragement, choose instead to
stand up. Boldly take a few steps forward, lovingly recall your deepest purposes and your
most treasured dreams, and put that discouragement behind you.

Though there is always injustice in the world, there is always even more opportunity to
make a positive difference. Though the challenges keep appearing, in each challenge is
the chance to create new positive value.

You can decide how your life will be. And you have the power to make it so.

This is your moment to pick your head up, put a smile on your face, and with a quickness
and determination in your step, move forward. Look toward your best possibilities, for you
are here now to achieve great things.

Positive beginning

W ould you spend your hard-earned money buying things you didn't want or need?
Of course not.

So why would you spend any of your precious and powerful thoughts on things you don't
want? It makes much more sense to focus your thoughts on the positive, desirable things
you would like to create and expand upon.

The thoughts with which you choose to fill your mind have a direct influence on the
people, things, and events that surround your life. Every moment, with each thought, you
have the opportunity to point your life in a specific direction.

The way you think about life plays a major role in the way your life unfolds.
Again and again, choose those thoughts that resonate with a life that's rich,
joyous and fulfilled.

You think thousands of thoughts each day. Use the opportunity of each thought to push
you toward the precise life you wish to create for yourself.

Everything in your world begins with a thought. So use your thoughts to give everything a
powerful, positive beginning.

Make something good

T his is a great day, when you choose to make it so. You're experiencing the
opportunity of a lifetime, when you decide to see it as such.

Never assume that you're stuck with the way things are. You have the ability to make a

Whatever happens, you can make something good out of it. The possibilities for creating
meaningful value are truly endless.

The world in which you live depends on the world you choose to see and the values you
choose to express. Today presents you with a wealth of opportunities to be your best in
unique and fulfilling ways.

Of course there are challenges. And it is by working through the most difficult of those
challenges that you're able to make the most positive progress.

Step boldly forward and delight in the bright, shining possibilities of this day. Make it the
best one yet.

Have you noticed?

H ave you noticed how beautiful the world is today? Have you seen some of the fresh,
new opportunities that are coming to life?

Have you remembered today what a unique and wonderful blessing it is to be alive? Can
you feel the richness that lives in this very moment?

Do you understand how truly fortunate you are to be you? Can you see the magnificent
possibilities that are close enough to touch?

Do you realize the immense value that your thoughts and actions are able to create? Do
you feel the power of your own special purpose?

This is not just any day. It is the day that you now have to work with, and a day in which
you can accomplish so very much.

Open yourself to the best possibilities. This day is now yours to fulfil.

Anything is possible

I t's difficult to even know what many of your limiting beliefs are because they are so
well entrenched. Yet day after day, they hold you back and obscure your view of life's
best possibilities.

To set yourself free of those limiting beliefs, crowd them out with inspiration. The more
inspired you are, the more easily you'll dissolve the beliefs that hold you back.

Focus on a beautiful, wonderful, meaningful possibility. Feel how you must let go of your
limiting beliefs in order to fully imagine and comprehend that possibility.

See that ultimately, the only thing that really holds you back is your belief that you
cannot move forward. Once you've let that go, you free yourself to soar.

Anything is possible. And underneath all those illusions of limitation, you know it without
a doubt.

Trade your limitations for inspirations. And fulfil the best that is within you.

Abundance has no limit

A s grand as any achievement may be, it is not the ultimate. Because it

opens up new possibilities for even greater achievement.

That's why it makes no sense to be envious or resentful of the accomplishments of

others. Those accomplishments each increase the number of opportunities available to

Rejoice at the success of others and you instil the power of that success within
yourself. Be thankful for positive progress and you will become part of that

The most successful people are those who encourage and enable others to
succeed. Truly appreciate real value and you'll find new ways to create more value.

Abundance has no limit. A life that is richly lived creates much richness in the lives of
those all around.

Every achievement you see, see as a beginning. Appreciate the richness that is, and
you'll be creating even more.

To be

R emember the things you knew before you ever knew anything. In those things you
will discover who you truly are.

Pay attention to what you know without a doubt but cannot explain. Be reasonable while
knowing that there is also much value beyond reason.

Find treasures in the rich world of material and sensation, and delight in them. Yet keep
in mind that those treasures are mere tokens of the real treasure that is your very

Be joyful for everything and for no reason at all. The joy that endures is the joy that flows
freely from your desire to experience it.

Realize that you are even more beautiful than the most beautiful thing you can
comprehend. Because you are able to bring all that beauty to life.

What an amazing thing it is to be. Live today in your own unique and miraculous way.

Think a new thought

T hink a new thought, and the whole world changes in front of your eyes. Adopt a new
perspective, and you enter a new reality.

What seems to be out there is precisely your perception and interpretation of what's out
there. And as such, you can truly make it whatever you choose.

At your core is a purpose that provides an endless source of energy. It is new and bright
and sparkling in every moment.

Seek to know the truth of that purpose, and notice how it feels so very right. Let it be the
lens through which you see all else.

Know where you are coming from, and you will know where to go. Know where
to go, and you will be there.

Yes, you are ready

T here is no limit to the number of ways in which you can create real value. Breathe
deeply, smile lovingly, and just do it.

The moment you're in is plenty. The place where you are is an ideal place from which to
move forward.

Instead of punishing yourself with regret, delight yourself with the

possibilities. Get busy creating and living a beautiful now.

Yes, you are ready to be your best. Let go of the doubts and let it happen.

You can create your very own future, and you are doing so even now. Take this
opportunity to fill it with what you know to be good and valuable and meaningful.

There is immense beauty in you that you have not yet seen. Share it with the world and
live the joy of discovery as that beauty continues to unfold.

Live the miracle

L ife is what you make it. Make it beautiful.

Your very best days are the days when you live with true purpose and joy. Make today
one of those days.

Fill this moment with meaning. Fill this life with the pure and limitless love that flows from
deep within you.

There are unique opportunities in every situation. Focus on bringing to life those
possibilities that create the most value.

Allow the best that is within you to freely flow far, far beyond you. Fall in love with life all
over again and again.

Feel the awesome power of purpose. And truly live the miracle that is you.

Effort is a blessing

D ifficult is nothing more than an arbitrary judgment. Effort is effort, and you can do it
if you choose.

A great achievement requires much effort. Yet that effort is difficult only when
you see it as such.

Instead of obsessing over how difficult or easy it is, just do it. Focus on the result and,
what's even more important, your reasons for making it happen.

Every effort is a blessing. For effort enables you to live the life you choose to live.

You have the priceless opportunity of being able to do what it takes. Put joy in the effort,
whatever it may be, and reap the rewards of making a difference.

Welcome the effort and all the value it gives you the opportunity to create.

Think it

T he portion of reality that you act upon is the portion of reality that you think about.
So, what are you thinking about?

What do you think this day will bring? What do you think you'll be able to accomplish?

What do you think you deserve? What do you think is the best way forward?

The way you think is the way you are. Choose those thoughts that empower you, and
inspire you, and compel you to give your best effort in moving forward.

Imagine in rich detail the story of your own upcoming success. Think it
intensely and you'll soon be doing it.

Give your thoughts a magnificent place to live. And the whole of you will be living there

The joy of being

I f you're willing to admit it when you're wrong, you'll be able to improve and get it right.
When you accept that you don't know it all, there's so very much that you will learn.

Spend more time listening than you do talking, and it will add greatly to the
effectiveness of what you say. Let go of the need to prove how smart you are,
and your wisdom will deeply grow.

Keep in mind that there are many other points of view, and that will make your own
perspective more valuable. Assume that there's room for improvement, and the
improvement will surely come.

Stop worrying so much about who or what you appear to be. Instead, put your
energy into fully expressing the unique and beautiful person you truly are.

There's no need to strive when you're fully alive. Let go of the trying and live the rich,
exquisite joy of being.


S eek not only to know, but also to understand. In a world that is awash in information,
true understanding remains a rare and precious treasure.

The knowledge and information you collect is indeed valuable. The understanding you
refine from that knowledge can be priceless.

Information tells you what has happened. Understanding enables you to know
what will come as a result.

Understanding gives you a clear picture of opportunities that others cannot even glimpse.
The effort you put into understanding brings great value to your life and your world.

Listen, learn, question, experience, think and understand. Do the work that turns ordinary
facts into golden wisdom.

Have the courage and discipline to think for yourself. And out of the raw information will
come real understanding.

Take action

S uccess does not come to those who merely have great ideas. Success
comes to those who have great ideas and who follow through on them.

Your carefully crafted plans bring value only when you put them into action. The best of
intentions are useful only when you follow through on them.

During the course of the day, many thoughts cross your mind. Yet just as easily and
quickly as those thoughts come, they recede, so it's crucial to begin acting on the best
ones right away.

Before a valuable and meaningful intention gets pushed out of your mind by another
thought, do something about it. Set the process irrevocably in motion and begin to bring
that intention to life.

When you think of doing something, there's a reason why you have that thought. Listen
to what the thought is suggesting, and take action immediately.

Don't let the idea or the intention or the vision slip away. Take action and make it real.

Value in the giving

T here have been times when the kindness of another person has changed your life for
the better. And it's easy to see that kindness has the power to reach far beyond itself.

In the most difficult of moments, kindness heals and reassures. Kindness gives comfort,
and hopes where there was none before.

Kindness can inspire confidence. It changes for the better the perspective of those it

When you seek to make a difference, kindness is a great place to start. Just the
simple desire to give it is all you really must have.

So give kindness, freely and without hesitation. Whether you get it back does not really
even matter, for its true value is in the giving.

Live with kindness, and you'll always see life's very best possibilities. For in kindness, is
the heart of who you truly are.

T here's no reason to be dismayed by what others say or do. If they want to

behave negatively, that's their problem, and not yours.

No person knows what's best for you more than you do. No person knows what
you're capable of accomplishing more than you do.

Certainly other people can support and encourage you, and can be of great help to you,
and you to them. See the good and the positive in those around you and connect with it.

Pay no mind to those who would drag you down with their criticism. There's no need to
let someone's opinion stop you, for it's just an opinion.

You are who you are, regardless of what others think, say or do. You are unique and
worthy and filled with great possibilities.

Focus your energy, your awareness and your efforts on those positive possibilities. You
are here, you are capable, and with your head held high you know that the best is yet to

Treasure that is already yours

B efore you seek more, ask yourself this. Are you doing all you can with what you
already have?

Gratitude is a powerful and undeniable way to bring more abundance into your
life. By making full use of what you have, you're expressing gratitude in a sincere and
effective way.

Your life already has richness that you have not yet discovered. But if you constantly
want more, you'll never even realize that richness is there.

This very moment is filled with joys that are waiting to be experienced. This very day is
full of beauty that is waiting to be seen and appreciated.

Decide today to discover some new treasure that is already yours. Instead of striving for
more, fully accept and celebrate what already is.

Abundance is all around you. See it and it is yours.


O ne great way to maintain your focus is to let go of it for a while. To make your
efforts more effective, get away from them for a little bit.

Intense focus requires energy and enthusiasm. To replenish that energy and enthusiasm,
make it a habit to take a real break.

Up to a certain point, the more you work the more you'll accomplish. Eventually though,
you'll reach a point of diminishing returns.

Enjoy the challenge of working with intensity. Then spend some time relaxing, away from
all that work.

Be productive, be effective, be focused and committed. And then regularly sit back and
truly enjoy the fruits of your efforts.

For optimum performance, keep yourself balanced. Allow your efforts and your relaxation
to positively contribute to each other.

The opportunity to respond

Y ou have the opportunity to respond to whatever happens in your world. And the way
you respond determines the quality of your life.

What matters most is not what happens to you. What matters

most is the way you respond.

You can respond any way you choose. So choose those positive, empowering responses
that will move your life forward.

It may seem in certain situations that a negative response is the only possible response,
and yet that is never the case. Always, a positive response is just as possible, just as
realistic, and a whole lot more beneficial.

Get clear on your purpose and know your intentions. Respond to whatever happens in a
way that moves your life in the direction you have chosen to go.

For the opportunity to craft your own response to each event in life is indeed the
opportunity to set the direction of your life. Remember always that you have a choice,
and use that choice to add great value to your world.

Create value

Y ou don't need anyone else's permission or assistance to create value. All it takes is
the desire to make a difference.

When you encounter a challenge, find a way through it. If your first effort doesn't do the
trick, make another effort, and another, until success is yours.

You have a whole universe from which to draw energy and resources. You have a deep
and compelling purpose in which you can find endless motivation.

Visualize your ideal destination and align your life in the direction of success.
Define precisely what success means to you, and then state your specific intention to
achieve that very success.

Many have done it many times before, and so have you. Choose again and again to
achieve, and bring your special value to the world.

This is a day when opportunities abound and possibilities beckon. Joyfully and lovingly
bring the best of them to life.

Vantage point

Y ou are the smartest person in the world in your own special way. You see life from a
perspective that is all your own.

There is great value in all you know, in the things that interest you, and in the
experiences you've accumulated. Think of all the ways you can put that unique and
irreplaceable value to good use.

See each challenge as an opportunity to be creative. Look for what you can do to
contribute something positive.

Though there are many forces beyond your control, there is always much that you can
do. And life at its best is about making a difference.

Conditions change from day to day and year to year, yet there is something you'll always
have. You can look at life from your own unique vantage point, decide what must be
done, and take effective action.

In this way you can transform it all into treasures that you'll hold dear. Be you, and be a
light that shines brightly.

Make the world sparkle

W hat can you do to give life substance and meaning? How can you express the
unique miracle of your existence?

The deepest purpose you feel, drives every other purpose in your life. Allow that ever-
abiding, timeless purpose to be fully nourished by your actions.

See the beautiful reality that is hidden by nothing more than the shallow distractions of
your mind. Feel the energy of life as it flows through your every experience.

Welcome each moment as it arises. Live the treasure that comes with every day.

Celebrate this day for the one-of-a-kind miracle that it is. Grab the possibilities and make
the world sparkle with your special light.

Let go of your inhibitions and allow your purpose to make its beautiful and powerful
presence known. Breathe in the sweet air of true fulfilments.

Just because you can

B ring your beauty to this day. Give your goodness to this life.

Now is filled with everything there is. And it is more than you could ever imagine.

Experience the miracle of awareness. Live and do and love and know, just because you

From here, you can go anywhere. Choose the direction that you know is yours.

To be here in this moment, to be present in this place, is indeed a wonder of wonders.

The possibilities are all intensely real, and you are even now bringing some of the best
ones to life.

Quiet your thoughts, release your limitations, and feel the pure energy of life. Truly
understand where you come from, who you are, and the magnificent things you can do.

Use discipline

D iscipline is one of your most powerful tools. Use it to your advantage.

Discipline is nothing more than controlling your own behaviour. And you've been doing
that your whole life.

You have the power to make your own choices and to follow those choices. So make
those choices the ones that will raise your life to greater and greater heights.

Every day you have the opportunity to grow stronger. Every moment you have the
opportunity to make solid progress.

Use the discipline that is yours to seize those opportunities. Exercise the sweet control
over your own actions that will bring great fulfillment to your days.

In discipline is enormous power to which you already have access. Choose to

use it, again and again, and there is no limit to the rewards it will bring.

Step forward

A re you just sitting and waiting for life to come to you? With that approach, you're not
going to like much of what comes your way.

Instead, step forward with enthusiasm and meet each day with positive and eager
anticipation. That way, you'll put life solidly on your own terms.

The more responsibility you're willing to take, the more control you'll have over
the world around you. Be decisive and proactive, and events will more often
unfold in your favour.

Make use of each moment to give something meaningful to life. Fill your thoughts and
actions with substance, and you'll fill your life with great treasures.

Get up, get out there, and immerse yourself in the richness of being. The
positive contributions you make will come back to you again and again in
delightfully unexpected ways.

There is a whole world of abundance and fulfillment just waiting to be explored. Step
forward and discover even more of what it means to be you.

Choose to prosper

W hen the challenges are great, you have the opportunity to be your best. Choose to
make a difference, choose to create real value, and you choose to prosper.

Know that the best times in your life are still to come. Then move forward and make them

Don't get caught in the trap of defining your fulfillment based on what other people say it
should be. Seek the fulfillment that you know is yours, and you will surely reach it.

In each day, in every situation, there is always great abundance and

opportunity for exquisite joy. Graciously accept the abundance that is yours
and let the joy flow out from you.

Choose to live fully in each moment with all that you have. This is a day for making great

Choose to prosper by expressing, in new and creative ways, the profound goodness that
is at your core. And show the world how very good life can be.


C an you imagine transforming your greatest frustrations into valuable and lasting
accomplishments? When you can imagine it, you have what's necessary to begin to do it.

Some of life's greatest achievements come from understanding what's holding

you back and acting to turn it around. There is great transforming energy in
frustration, and that power is just waiting to be put to good and positive use.

Each weakness is an opportunity to develop new strength. Every disappointment can

help build your desire and commitment to success.

Many great fortunes have been created by those who were able to turn around difficult
and challenging situations. What valuable opportunities for turnaround exist in your own
life right now?

There is always much room for improvement. The frustrations, shortcomings, pains and
annoyances clearly point the way for improving your life and your world.

Instead of regretting or complaining about what's wrong, choose to make positive use of
what is. And transform life into the best you can imagine.

A great day

T oday is a great day to be alive. The world is filled with positive possibilities, and those
possibilities grow more numerous with each passing moment.

Sure, there are challenges and disappointments and frustrations. And within those
challenges, within those disappointments, are some of the greatest possibilities.

Today is a great day to be alive because today you can make things happen. You can set
a goal, chart a course, take stock of your situation and use it to create new value.

Pay no attention to those who claim to know how things will be. Your future is yours to
determine, and this is the day to make it great.

You don't need anyone's permission to live with joy and fulfilment. You don't
need to wait for certain circumstances to line up in a specific way.

For today is a great day to be alive, to be productive, to be effective and to fulfill your
best possibilities. And now is the moment to enthusiastically get busy making it all

Extra effort

A little extra effort will go a long, long way. When you've already done what must be
done, go ahead and do just a little bit more. Once you've established some good, solid

momentum, make full use of it. When you're in the mode of accomplishment, keep on
cranking out those accomplishments.

Beyond your original goal is the opportunity to raise your performance to a higher level.
With a little extra effort you can get a lot of extra rewards.

Just an extra one percent can make the difference between being the best and being the
same as all the rest. So every time you get the opportunity, give that extra one percent.

Persistent effort will get you almost there, and a little extra effort will carry
you over the top. Once you think you've done all you can, find a way to do a
little more.

Rather than focusing on how little you can get away with, give your attention to how
much you can accomplish. Build on top of what you've already created and the results
will be spectacular.


W hat you have is enough. What you can do is enough. Right now you have
enough time, energy, knowledge, skills and resources to point your life in any
direction. Once you begin the journey, as you need more, you'll find ways to bring it

It's silly to wish for more when you could instead be making full use of what you have.
Put your energy into creating the life you choose to live.

Allow your inner self to be exactly where you would most like to be. And the rest of you
will soon be there too.

An endless abundance is yours if you simply choose to accept it. Fully accept what
already is, and suddenly you have it all.

Instead of wishing for more, bring to life the very best of the dreams that are already
yours. Know that you already are enough, and discover just how magnificent it is.

In good time

L ife always comes to you in good time. There's no need to rush it, and nothing to be
gained by attempting to hold it back. Some things will take longer than you
thought they would. Go ahead and get them completed anyway.

Some things will arrive sooner than you anticipated. Go ahead and deal with
them when they do.

Make good and thoughtful use of every moment that comes your way. Peacefully
let go of any anxiety or resentment about how little time you have or how much time it
takes, and simply give your best as time continues to flow.

In good time, you'll get it done. In good time, you'll look back and know without a doubt
that you have indeed been moving forward.

The day ahead is filled with opportunities for joy and fulfilment. Give yourself completely
to each moment as it comes, and in good time you'll fill your world with richness.

It's ok

I t's ok to be who you are. It's ok to desire what you desire. In fact, it is more than ok. It
is truly wonderful.

For in those things that bring you joy, you'll find your greatest opportunities to give to life.
In the genuine reality of who you are, you'll discover how to be the best you can be.

What means more to you than anything? Honestly explore that question, and you'll
connect to a powerful, undeniable purpose.

You are a beautiful person with a perspective on life that is uniquely yours. Explore and
fulfill the special possibilities that are alive in you.

Be who you are and create the unique joys that are yours to give. The beauty
of life is what you know it to be.

Kindness continues

G ive kindness and it keeps going. Give kindness, and it continues long past the
original expression.
Kindness inspires more kindness. A little bit of kindness can go a long, long way.

But why stop with just a little? Offer great kindness, again and again, and you truly
change the world.

Think of how good it feels when someone is kind to you. Make it your goal to
pass that feeling along to others every chance you get.

Give kindness and something amazing happens. Your own strength, confidence and joy
will increase.

Add some kindness to your world today. And see the positive benefits as it continues to
grow beyond you.


W hen you've successfully accomplished something once, you know you can do it
again. So do it again. It required a lot of work the first time. Yet you rose to the occasion,
did that work, and created something of value.

It will take more work to do it again. And this time you have the opportunity to
accomplish even more.

You know without a doubt that you can achieve. So make the choice right now
to do what you know you can do.

What a shame it would be to simply rest on your accomplishment. For much of the value
in any accomplishment is in the opportunity it provides to reach even higher.

Go ahead now and make full use of that opportunity. Achieve again, and again, and lift
your world higher with each day.

In this moment

D o not wait to be beautiful. Be your beautiful, authentic self right now.

If the world offers up negativity and despair, surprise the world by giving back love and
kindness. Send out the energy that you wish to experience, and you are certain to
experience it.

Happiness and fulfillment are alive in this moment. Allow them to flow freely and
creatively through your life.

Fall in love all over again with the miracle of being. Your imagination is great and
magnificent, yet it cannot hold even a fraction of the possibilities.

You'll do, say and act your best when you feel your best. Feel the limitless wonder of this
very moment.

Be beautiful, alive, aware and filled with the energy of the possible. In this moment, is
every dream made and fulfilled.

Opportunity in anything

S ometimes you can exercise a great deal of control over where life is going, and other
times you get caught up in forces beyond your control. However, you can always control
the way you think and feel and respond.

Learn to appreciate the enormous power that comes from being able to frame anything
that happens in an empowering light. Experience how it frees you from the grip of fear
and anxiety.

It's great when you can cause events to go your way. And yet even when things don't go
as you wish, that can be just as great.

Because you have the profound and powerful ability to uncover opportunity in anything
that happens. Every day, every situation, every twist and turn of life's road gives you
something valuable with which to work.

Imagine what would happen if instead of being upset by the disappointments, you could
choose to be encouraged by them. The absolutely wonderful fact is, you can.

This is a day, this is a moment in which you can move forward no matter what. It's a very
powerful place to be.

Purposeful focus

I s there something that's distracting you and keeping you from staying focused? There
will always be some distraction or another, but you never have to give in to those
distractions. The way to focus on anything is to make it important. If you need more
focus, then make the object of your focus more personally meaningful.

Make a conscious connection between whatever you're doing and your deepest reason
for doing it. Clearly know why, and the focus will be strong.

When you feel your focus begin to slip, reaffirm and reconnect to your purpose. Maintain
the focus by maintaining the meaning that's behind it.

When your desire is strong enough, no event or circumstance will have the power to
distract you. Give your efforts a reason why, and you give yourself a reason to persist.

Live with authentic purpose. And you'll act with powerful focus.

Feel like it

T hose mornings when you're reluctant to get out of bed are the very days when you'll
gain the most by going ahead, getting up and getting started. The challenges you've
been avoiding are the very ones that will compel you to make the most progress. Step
eagerly forward and do the hard stuff. Jump in and tackle the difficult challenges.

Life is about making a difference. The bigger the challenge is, the more of a positive
difference you can make.

Don't focus on the discomfort you may have to endure. Instead, go ahead and feel the
extreme sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that come from moving forward and
doing what must be done.

Instead of forever regretting the missed opportunities, wake up and seize those
opportunities. Make full and productive use of the priceless moment that is right here in
front of you.

If you don't feel like it, choose to make yourself feel like it. By the time the day is done,
you'll truly be glad you did.

In an instant

I n an instant, you can go from discouraged to joyful. In an instant, you can change from
lazy to ambitious. In the blink of an eye, your whole outlook on life can profoundly
improve. In one small moment, disappointment can be transformed into positive resolve
and commitment.

When you are ready to change, and willing to change for the better, you can do it just like
that. Are you ready?

In an instant, you can improve your attitude. And that change of attitude will affect your
whole world.

A moment ago, you may have been discouraged, or resentful, or frustrated, or miserable.
Now, you can be whatever way you choose to be.

Choose now to be positive, productive, effective, ambitious, and filled with enthusiasm for
all the great things life has to offer. Feel the power of this positive instant, and keep it
going strong.

Make a promise

ake a promise to yourself and keep it. There's something that you've always
and now is the time to make it real.
You are fully capable of reaching whatever you decide to reach. Promise yourself
something wonderful, and then do what it takes to fulfill that promise.

Stop groaning about how unfair life is. Start making life into something grand and joyful.

Every problem is an opportunity to make an improvement. Pick a particularly vexing

problem and promise yourself that you'll get triumphantly beyond it.

Find a dream that positively inspires you and promise yourself that you'll reach it. Make a
serious commitment to the richness of your own life, and follow through on that

You can do it if you'll simply choose to do it. Make a promise to yourself, and make it

Keep building

I f it were quick and easy you would have already done it. The fact that it is difficult and
time-consuming means you're doing something truly worthwhile. The value of any
achievement is built with the time and effort you put into it. Keep going, keep building,
keep at it and you'll truly have something of great value.

It is often difficult to stay positively focused. And it is always worth the trouble.

Sure, it would be much easier to do nothing. Yet by doing nothing, you create nothing.

Instead, step forward and do the difficult work that must be done. With each effort, you
are adding more value and substance to the achievement.

Feel the satisfaction as you continue the difficult and rewarding work of building that
achievement. Know that the value has already started coming to life.

Root out the problems

B eware of quick-fix solutions that end up being worse than the problems they are
intended to solve. There's nothing to be gained from a cure that is worse than the
disease. And there's certainly nothing to be gained from a solution that merely masks or
delays the problem without addressing the underlying cause. When there's a problem in
your life, get to work rooting out the core of that problem.

Facing a challenge requires effort, and yet that effort is necessary only for a relatively
short time. Running from the challenge requires ever-increasing effort that has no end.

The sooner you start working through a problem, the more quickly you'll have that
problem behind you. The earlier you deal with the root cause of the problem, the more
effective your efforts will be.

Truly eliminating the cause of the problem does indeed take more work than quickly
fixing the symptoms. Yet once the difficult work is done to remove the problem, it's gone
for good.

Do the work to root out each problem at its core. And your efforts will bring lasting

Reach beyond yourself

T he higher you aim, the higher you will go. Push yourself a little bit past what you
know you can do, and you'll discover new skills and abilities. If it seems that you don't
ever get much done, maybe it's because you're not giving yourself enough to do. Make
your dreams and ambitions big enough to be positively compelling.

Be genuinely thankful for how far you've already come, but don't rest on your previous
accomplishments. Honor and appreciate those accomplishments by using them as a
starting point for even greater success.

You are intelligent, adaptable, creative, flexible and effective at getting things done.
Fulfill your destiny and satisfy your purpose by giving yourself plenty of valuable,
worthwhile things to do.

Delight in discovering how much more you can accomplish. Thrill to the challenge of
moving successfully through new, uncharted territory.

Continue to reach beyond yourself. Know the joy and confidence that come from growing
ever stronger.

Great fortune

R emind yourself often of how fortunate you are. The more you realize and recall your
good fortune, the more good and valuable things you can do with it. Your true fortune has
little to do with the size of your bank account or your material assets. The greatest
fortune you have is life itself, and the opportunity to live each moment with awareness
and effectiveness.

There is endless fortune in your ability to choose what to do with each moment. There is
limitless fortune in your capacity to feel love, awe, compassion, gratitude and pure joy.

Spend some time each day thinking about how truly fortunate you are. Let the warm
feeling of that magnificent fortune permeate your awareness.

Your very existence has such great and irreplaceable value that it's impossible to even
imagine the full extent of it. Resolve today to make good use of all that value.

The great fortune of your life is here and now. Live it with joy and meaning.

Create the best

C alm your thoughts and be peaceful. Know that all is well, all the time. This moment is
already the best it can be, and is everything it can be. Accept it and move forward.

Do not fear the worst, for your thoughts of fear give great power to whatever it is you
fear. Instead, sincerely expect the best and you create the best.

Know that the positive possibilities are always present, and your eyes will be opened to
them. Everything that is, can be put to good use in moving toward your highest vision for

As life unfolds in each moment, new opportunities are being born. No matter what has
already happened, choose to create the very best you can imagine.

This is the day that you have to work with. Live with peaceful purpose, and use it to
create a magnificent world.

Make yourself heard

M ake progress instead of promises. You are not known by the promises you make,
but rather by the value you create. Actions do indeed speak louder than words. Every
positive, productive action builds your credibility and polishes your reputation.

The way to be impressive is to do impressive and valuable things. Instead of wasting your
time posing as a successful person, get busy with the real and persistent efforts that will
truly make you successful.

True accomplishment is infinitely better than the mere appearance of accomplishment.

The way to gain the sincere respect and admiration of others is to make positive and
valuable things happen.

Those who shout loudly and yet do nothing will eventually be ignored or laughed at.
Those who work quietly and consistently end up gaining the greatest influence.

Instead of just talking about it, step forward and do it. Without saying a word, you can
make yourself heard with the quality of your actions.

The power of feelings

Y ou can feel good for no reason at all. In fact, you can choose to feel any way you wish
at any time and in any situation. Whatever you desire, you desire because of the way you
think it will make you feel. Whatever you avoid, you avoid because you don't wish to
experience the feelings that you assume it will bring.

Yet the fact is that your feelings are not controlled by your circumstances. Those feelings
are determined by how you choose to respond to various situations and events.

Your feelings in any moment are yours to choose. You can choose to feel the wonderful
reality of your most treasured dreams long before those dreams have been fully

And when you do, you put yourself in a positive, powerful place from which you can
surely make those dreams real. When you feel good for no reason, you immediately begin
to create the reasons.

Choose each day to feel the way you wish to feel, no matter what is going on around you.
And let your feelings pull you toward the fulfillment of your destiny.

Choose a destination

I n order to make progress, you must know exactly where you intend to go. Choose a
clear and specific destination, and then you can get busy going there. Having a vague
idea of where you want to go is not going to do you any good. Know exactly where you
desire to be and you're already well on your way there.

The dreams that are compelling are the dreams that will motivate you to take whatever
action is necessary. And the most compelling dreams are the ones with rich and
meaningful details.

The goals you will achieve are the goals you can fully describe. Give real life and
substance to your goals and you'll quickly begin to realize them.

You can choose any destination you wish for your life. So choose one that thrills you and
compels you to be the best you can be.

Delight in the rich details of where you are headed. And you'll work your way steadily

Over and over

T he actions, thoughts and words that become a permanent part of you are the ones
you choose to repeat over and over again. Doing something once will certainly bring
some kind of result, and doing it repeatedly will multiply its power many times over. You
cannot lift a thousand pounds all at once. Yet you can lift one pound a thousand times.

In the repetition of your thoughts and actions, there is great power. Choose to make
complete and purposeful use of that power.

Add immense leverage to what you do by doing it again and again. Give great strength to
your actions by persistently repeating them.

Nothing of value is ever accomplished in an instant. No skill is ever fully developed in a

single day.

Take the time to make the effort over and over again. That time and those efforts will
bring great rewards.

Use what you have

D on't waste a lot of time making judgments about what you have. Instead, put it to
use. Stop complaining that it's not enough or that it's not fair. Just get busy and make the
most of it.

Fighting against what already is, will only slow you down. Instead, make good and
productive use of what is, whatever it may be, and you'll find many ways to move

If you wait until things are perfect before taking action, that day will never come. Use
what you have, as flawed and imperfect as it may seem, and you'll soon be making
massive improvements to it all.

Don't worry about comparing what you have to what others may or may not have. Just
concern yourself with doing the best you can do.

Start from where you are, with what you have, and persistently do what you know you
must do. There is no limit to where you can go.

Something wonderful

S omething wonderful will come from this. Something of great value is already taking
shape. In every disappointment, there are fertile seeds of accomplishment. In times of
pain, there are opportunities arising for magnificent joy.

When you are making your way through the dark and lonely valley, keep going. Keep
going and you'll soon reach the place where you begin to climb out and up toward the

Allow your difficulties the opportunity to give you strength. Let the tough times make the
good times much more rewarding than they otherwise would have been.

Be truly thankful for each opportunity to more fully appreciate life's goodness. And be
confident that the goodness is always there.

Know that something wonderful will come from this. And it will.

Success is happening

S uccess is not the absence of failure. Success is what happens when you choose to
move on beyond failure.

Learning what not to do is an important part of knowing what is most effective to do.
Every mistake can spotlight a way to improve.

Frustration and disappointment are painful for a very positive reason. The pain pushes
you in the direction of achievement.

What does not work gives you a realistic understanding of what will work. Whatever stops
you can no longer stop you when you see it clearly enough to work your way around it.

Make your first instinct to celebrate rather than to judge. Celebrate and quickly find a
useful outlet for whatever you've just been given.

Every up, every down, every moment makes you more able and creative and effective.
See all the ways that success is happening, and allow achievement to flow freely into
your world.

Continue to imagine

I magine once, and you have a glimpse. Imagine continuously, again and again with the
power of your passion, and what you imagine becomes real.

Reality is imagination that has persisted through every doubt. Imagination focuses
energy and substance into the expression of its specific vision.

What can you imagine? What will you continue to imagine until it becomes a part of your

Imagination has no limits. The future is as bright as you sincerely imagine it to be.

It takes courage and integrity to hold on to what you imagine. For imagination takes you
places you've never been.

Choose to go to places truly meaningful and magnificent in your imagination. And you'll
surely make the world a more beautiful place.

Live the beauty

T his day is filled with more treasure than you could ever think to desire. Live the
beauty as it comes.

All the gold and diamonds in the world cannot buy a single moment of precious time. Yet
you have that very moment right now.

Act on your best dreams and watch joyfully as they become real. Choose from among
endless possibilities the ones that bring sweet fulfillment.

Love sincerely, and be loved. Encourage, and be encouraged.

Delight at your view from the center of a perfectly balanced reality. Give the gift of your
own positive thoughts and efforts, and watch as their influence spreads throughout your

This golden day, this precious moment has sprung to life all around you. Give and receive
its most profound treasure.

Enough already

I f you always wish for more, you will never know the peace and satisfaction of having
enough. Realizing that you already have enough is one of the most profoundly
empowering thoughts you can think.

Fully enjoying the first piece of cake does not prevent you from having a second. Yet
obsessing over whether or not you'll get another piece will always prevent you from
enjoying what you have.

It's great to be ambitious and to create new value. Yet that is best done from the position
of power that comes with having enough.

Being satisfied does not mean you must be complacent. Being satisfied enables you to
draw strength from your desires instead of letting them enslave you.

Discipline, integrity, commitment and effectiveness flow naturally from a strong sense of
having enough. When you're truly accepting of where you are, your eyes are fully open to
the best possibilities.

Understand that you already have enough. And you'll tap into the power of peaceful

Feel success

T he world does not owe you joy or pleasure or fulfillment. Rather, the world gives you
ample space in which to create as much joy, pleasure and fulfillment as you wish.

Those who find a way to enjoy whatever life has to offer are the ones who get to enjoy
the very best that life has to offer. It's a matter of choice and the choice is up to you.

It is easy to feel sorry for yourself, and not at all effective in moving you forward. Yet just
as easily you can instead choose to feel joyful for yourself.

The way you feel has a powerful influence on what you do and how much you achieve.
And the way you feel is whatever you decide to feel.

Instead of struggling to work against your feelings, put your feelings to work for you.
Truly and authentically feel success, achievement, fulfillment and joy, and you'll naturally
put those feelings into effective action.

Yes, you most certainly can feel precisely the way you wish to feel, at any time, in any
place. Feel the life you wish to live, and you're solidly on your way there.

Let yourself be yourself

I f you are resisting life's goodness, then working harder at it will push that goodness
farther away. Instead, learn to let go and to allow.

Simply generating more activity and energy will not help you if that energy is pointed in a
negative direction. Choose to re-direct all the energy and awareness in your life toward
those things you value most.

If the results you are getting fail to bring fulfillment, do not seek to merely create more
results. Instead, find the path that truly fulfills your purpose.

There is nothing to be gained from making life needlessly difficult. See the truth that life
is beautiful, and align your energy and your actions with your very own expression of that

When you let yourself be yourself, richness flows easily and effortlessly and naturally
through every moment. Your greatest accomplishments come from who you are.

Let yourself be yourself. And you'll be as rich as anyone can ever be.

Yours to give

T he way to be respected is to be respectful. The way to be heard is to listen.

What do you wish to experience? Give it to others, and you will surely find it appearing
and growing stronger in your own life.
To make a positive impression, find the qualities that are positive and valuable about
every person you meet.

What you send is amplified through the lives of others and comes back to you without
Every day is filled with opportunities to offer genuine and meaningful kindness.

The more of those opportunities you follow and fulfill, the richer your life becomes.
Advantages built on brute force and deception will crumble quickly. Achievements built
on kindness, respect, understanding and love will continue to grow in value and influence.

Give, and as you do you'll be able to give more and more. The life of your dreams is now
yours to give, and to fully experience.

Something beautiful

A sk yourself this. What is beautiful about what just happened?

There's something positive to be gleaned from everything that happens. Make it your
mission to find that positive aspect.

It's a waste of time to wish that things had happened differently. Instead, use your energy
to cast the present situation in an empowering light.

Tap into the value that is in this very moment, in this very situation. Find the beauty in
what is, and build upon it.

Always remember that your response does not have to be dictated only by the nature of
what just happened. Craft your response so that it moves you in the direction you have
chosen to move.

Something beautiful and enriching just happened. Choose to see it, and live life fully and
richly on your own positive terms.

Drop the pretence

O ne of the most painful types of conflict is also the easiest conflict to avoid. It is the
conflict you have with yourself.

When the person inside is in conflict with the person you are on the outside, it drains your
energy and damages your credibility. Yet in an instant, you can be rid of that conflict.

All you have to do is be completely honest about who you are. Drop the pretense, and
you rid yourself of a heavy burden.

Stop pretending to be someone you're not. For even if you could manage to be
convincing at it, you would gain nothing of real value.

That real value lives in the authentic person you are. In your sincere and deeply felt
passions you will find life's most delightful and fulfilling treasures.

There's no need to live in conflict with yourself for even one moment longer. Let the true
you shine through, and fulfill the wonderful possibilities that are uniquely yours.

New territory

L ook in the direction of what you think you cannot do, of what you've been reluctant to
undertake. You'll see a pathway that leads to new levels of success and achievement.

You've already done all the comfortable and familiar things. To create new value, step out
into new territory.

You've already successfully adjusted to countless new situations. You've already been
able to move forward through all kinds of challenges.

Now is the time to make use of that ability again. Now is when you can boldly venture
into new, valuable, productive, effective territory and raise yourself to an even higher
level than before.

The fact that the challenges are daunting, serves to make the rewards that much greater.
You have what it takes to meet those challenges and reach those rewards.

Open yourself to the opportunities of living richly and making significant, continuing
contributions to your world. Follow the possibilities into a bright, new territory of
achievement and value.

Transform excuses

W hen you find yourself making an excuse, take a good, careful look at that excuse.
What if you could transform it into a powerful reason for stepping forward?

Whatever serves as an excuse for not taking action can instead serve as a compelling
reason to go ahead and act. It all depends on how you choose to see it.

Stop and listen to the excuses you make. You'll realize that they're only excuses because
you cast them as such.

The events and circumstances in your life are what they are. What makes them
meaningful to you is the way you choose to see them and respond to them.

There are plenty of perfectly reasonable excuses for not moving forward, if you decide to
view them as such. Yet it is just as realistic to see those same factors as reasons to take
action without delay.

Whatever may be stopping you could be pushing you forward. Are you ready now to

Time flows on

T he passage of time does not matter to you. It only matters to the body you inhabit
and the material artifacts with which you surround yourself. Wisdom grows upon itself in
an ever-expanding manner. There is always room for more, and there always will be.

Beauty becomes more beautiful as you connect more intensely to it. Life increases in
fulfillment as it is lived.

Time does not add or subtract or create or destroy anything on its own. Time merely
spaces out your perception of what is always real, and gives you the opportunity to
experience it all to the fullest extent.

As quickly as the old times flow away from you, new times flow toward you. Each new
moment brings even more possibilities than the moment that has just passed.

Time flows on. And as it does, you can continue to fill your world with the best that life
can be.

Powerful or desperate?

Y ou can either be desperate or you can be powerful. How would you prefer to be? You
can ignore your responsibilities and continue to let yourself fall more and more behind,
until you have no choice but to desperately take action. Or, you can push yourself a little
bit more each day, grabbing every opportunity to make progress, and put yourself firmly
in control of your own circumstances.

Use time as it comes, to be productive and creative and effective. The more wisely you
use your time, the more control you'll have over all the aspects of your life.

Get in the habit of doing what is best instead of merely what is easiest. In fact, seek out
the difficult challenges and deal with them on your own terms rather than waiting until
they find you.

If you wish, you can come up with plenty of excuses for not taking action. But those
excuses will add nothing of value to your life.

Instead, go ahead and do what must be done, then take the initiative and do even more.
Live life on the highest level by working your way upward each chance you get.

Live in truth

W hat is true will persevere. What is false will eventually be consumed in its own
contradictions. It may seem easier and more convenient in the short term to disregard or
to hide from what you know to be true. Yet you cannot really hide from the truth.

Instead of striving in vain to deny or to fight against what is true, put yourself on the side
of truth. By fully acknowledging and accepting what is true, you can put that truth to
work to achieve whatever you wish.

Whether it is deceiving yourself or deceiving others, deception requires much time and
energy. And because deception never really achieves anything of value, it is a great
waste of your precious life and resources.

Instead, put that time and energy into successfully dealing with the truth. After all, you'll
have to deal with it eventually, and the sooner you begin the more you'll be able to

Live every moment in truth. Align yourself fully with the truth, and bring great power to
your purpose.

Silent reflection

F or just a while, calm your thoughts. In this moment, simply be. There is much in your
life, and there is much more to come. Yet you have always been, and you always are,
more than enough.

For a moment, let go of the way you appear and the things you've done. Feel the truth
and power of who you are.

In silence, there is much you can know. Beyond thought, there is much you can

Touch the person who always lives inside the person you are. Be immersed in the beauty
and wonder of being.

Feel the strength that is always there. And know that whatever may come, all is well.

Top yourself

W hen you've done well, set your sights on doing even better. If you've successfully
reached high, reach even higher. Make it your business to top yourself. Make it your goal
to exceed your own best efforts.

As great as it has been, what you've already finished achieving will not drive you forward.
Before you reach each goal, be ready with another one.

The possibilities for growth and achievement have no limit. When you're going strong,
there are plenty of ways to get even stronger.

One of the very best things about success is that it serves as the basis for greater
success. Don't let your success go to waste by simply sitting on it.

Find a way to top yourself. You've done great so far, and now you can do even better.

Positive direction

T he magnitude of your next step does not matter nearly so much. What really matters
is the direction. To turn your life around, you must first turn your focus around. To move
toward your goals, you must first be facing them.

Just a small step in a positive direction is a step nonetheless. Just one small positive
thought has the power to turn you away from years of negative actions.

Every moment is a choice. And every moment you can choose to orient your life in a
positive direction.

You don't have to take big strides, for the small steps will get you there just as reliably.
Just make sure that each thought, each action, each feeling, however insignificant it
might seem, points toward where you desire to go.

Maintain a positive direction, and no matter what else happens, you'll always be making
progress. Keep yourself pointed in the direction of your dreams, and every day will bring
you closer.

Enjoy the achieving

C onsistent achievers enjoy more than just the achievement. They also enjoy the
process of achieving.
Those who attain the biggest rewards do not merely seek those rewards. They also crave
the challenges that they must go through in order to reach those rewards.

Winners understand that the goal, as valuable as it may be, is only a small part of the
overall achievement. They know that the real substance of the achievement is in the

In fact, you cannot truly benefit from the reward unless you have worked through the
challenging process to attain it. To truly enjoy the achievement, you must also enjoy the
achieving of it.

Sure, that process of achieving will have its unpleasant and disagreeable aspects. Yet
think of how great it will feel when you purposefully transcend them all.

Let go of your judgment about what's pleasant, what's comfortable, and what's not.
Sincerely enjoy the journey of achievement, and you'll surely reach the goal.

Your interpretation

N othing can get you down unless you let it. Don't let it.

You see those parts of life that you choose to see. Choose to see what inspires and
empowers you.

The life you experience is your own unique interpretation of what it means to be alive.
The possibilities for joy and enrichment are endless.

Life is what you decide it to be. All the stuff on the outside is trivial compared to the true
purpose that lives on the inside.

Even the smallest thing can inspire you when you're ready to be inspired. Any
circumstance can be your opportunity to move forward and to add true richness to your

Live the joy in every moment. It is always yours to choose.

Everything you have

T here is so very much available to you. In reaching for your dreams, make use of
everything you have. Don't be dismayed or embarrassed by what you have to work with.
Instead, work with whatever you have and it will grow more useful and effective with
each effort.

Don't place a judgment on your abilities before you even put them to use. Go ahead, get
to work, and see how quickly your skills increase.

Look back at the good things you've accomplished in the past. That power of
accomplishment is still with you, so choose now to put it to use again for even more
exciting and compelling purposes.

Think of all the great ideas you've had but have never followed through on. Now is when
you can make the best of them come to life.

The challenges are great and yet the value that flows through your life is far greater. Use
everything you can, and you can accomplish anything you choose.

Experience today

T oday you have the opportunity for a great experience. Today you have the
undeniable chance to really live. It is up to you to take advantage of that opportunity. It is
up to you to make the most of this day, and to live the great, unique experience this day

Perhaps you'll conclude that there are too many problems keeping you from experiencing
a great day, yet that would be an unfortunate mistake. For even in the face of
overwhelming problems and obstacles, today can be a truly unique and positive

In fact, those problems can play a very positive role in the great experience of this day.
By working your way through whatever may come along, you build a greater appreciation
for all the goodness that surrounds you.

You also build your confidence, strength and effectiveness to higher and higher levels.
And that opens the doors to vast new areas of opportunity and achievement.

Today is here now, so go ahead and jump into it with everything you have. Experience
the richness of this day, and you'll carry its unique value with you always.

Into action

W hen you don't feel like doing what you know you must, that's the best time to go
ahead and do it anyway. That's when you can break through your old habit patterns to a
new level of focus, performance and achievement. That first step will require you to go
against your natural tendency to put it off until later and to stay comfortably where you
are. So how do you get beyond that?

Use your power of visualization to do two things. First, use your thoughts to make it even
more uncomfortable, even more painful for you not to take action.

Next, visualize in great detail all the positive and desirable rewards you'll create by going
ahead and getting it done. In your mind, make it so compelling to take action that you
cannot avoid doing so.

Many times in the past, you've successfully avoided action by telling yourself why you
can't or why you won't. Now, choose to use that same power to tell yourself why you can
and why you will.

You control the awesome power of your thoughts. And with your thoughts you can
successfully visualize yourself into action every time.

Your sincere best

I f reality isn't working for you, change it. If there are limitations that hold you back,
transcend them. Reality is what you make of it. Life is the way you choose to live it.

Gently accept the way things are. And then put the energy of your focus on exactly how
you would like for things to be.

Everything in your world happens for a reason. Get yourself some good, meaningful,
compelling reasons and use them to drive events forward.

You don't have to settle for anything less than the absolute best for yourself and your
world. For you can act in every moment with the positive, purposeful energy of your own
unique life.

Give your sincere best in every moment, at every opportunity. And make the reality of life
as outstandingly beautiful as you know it.


Y ou won't become successful by complaining that life is unfair. Certainly there are
many injustices in the world, yet you won't get anywhere by using those injustices as

excuses. Your best response is to work over, under, around and through them. Accept the
fact that life is unfair, and choose to experience outstanding success anyway.

It is admirable to fight against injustice. But fighting against injustice may very well make
that injustice even stronger.

A better way to end injustice is to make it irrelevant. When you create ways for yourself
and others to succeed in spite of unfair circumstances, then you render those
circumstances powerless.

The world is filled with inequity and unfairness. And yet, there are always plenty of
workable and creative ways to rise above those negative circumstances.

When something in life is unfair, choose to succeed anyway. And make that unfairness so
small and insignificant it won't even matter.

A little bit

M aking a little bit of progress is much better than making no progress at all. Even
though the going may be slow, keep going. Moving slowly toward your goal is much
better than not moving at all. Do what you can, when you can, with what you have.

Time will work in your favor when you use that time for positive purpose. Over time, even
the small efforts bring big results.

If you waste your time wishing you could do more, you end up doing less. Cheerfully use
your time as it comes to do the best you can.

Even when you're not able to take a major step forward, you can always take a small step
forward. Keep taking those small steps, and the opportunity to take that big step will
surely come.

A little bit here and a little bit there will soon add up to a lot of progress. Even when you
can't do much, you can always keep yourself actively headed in a positive direction.

No more resistance

A llowing the best of life involves nothing more than becoming aware of your
resistance to it. Shine the light of awareness on your resistance, and that resistance
dissolves into nothing. Allow life's richness to be, and it flows freely into your experience.
See your pain and frustration for the resistance that they are, and suddenly they are no

If you focus on the concerns of your ego, the resistance builds up. Realize that you are
not your ego, and suddenly the resistance has no basis.

Resisting the limitless abundance of life is your own choice. As soon as you understand
you've made that choice, you can quickly let it go.

Imagine what will happen when you simply stop judging, criticizing, and resenting
yourself and others. You open yourself to a whole new world of beautiful possibilities.

Feel the resistance that you've created within your own life, and know that you can
choose to peacefully let it go. Let it go, and come fully to life.

Closer than ever

F ailure does not prevent success. In fact, failure is what leads to success. There is no
failure, no disappointment, no mistake in your past that can stop you from taking a
positive step forward right now. No matter how many times you may have fallen short of
the mark before, success is closer than ever.

Each time you get it wrong, you learn more about how to get it right. Keep putting that
growing knowledge and experience to use, and you'll reach your goal.

Every disappointment you've ever known is now in the past. The past is over and cannot
hold you back.

Now is when you're able to move forward. Today you can take the valuable lessons
you've learned and transform them into effective action.

Every step you've taken, whether it seemed to work or not, has brought you closer to
success. Now go ahead and take the additional steps that will bring you all the way there.


O ne of the smartest things you can do is to entertain the possibility that you may be
mistaken. Because if you are mistaken, and you're able to see it, you have the
opportunity for great progress.

There is no dishonour in being mistaken. Yet there is great folly indeed in being so
stubborn that you refuse to admit your own mistakes.

Mistakes can be powerful teachers. By knowing firsthand what does not work, you gain
much greater understanding about what does work, and why.

If you're not willing to accept the possibility of mistakes, you're not going to make much
headway. Though there's no need to purposely make mistakes, there's no reason to live
in fear of them either.

Even if you are already effective, there likely are ways to be yet more effective. Even if
your mistakes are not disastrous, there is still much that you can learn from them.

Embrace the fact that somehow, concerning something, you're probably mistaken. And in
your mistakes, find the wisdom that will take your performance to an even higher level.

Sweet freedom

I magine being free from worry. Imagine being free from the grip of fear.

Think of all that you could accomplish. Think of how much more energy and enthusiasm
and creativity you would have.

In fact, you can be free from the worries and fears. You can be free from them in an
instant if you choose.

For worry is your own creation. Fear is nothing more than a response you have chosen.

Freedom is sweet, and energizing and powerful. Know that you can be free whenever you
choose, and the fresh, empowering breeze of freedom begins to waft throughout your
whole life.

This is a beautiful day and you are magnificently blessed. Free yourself to experience the
richness of it all.

Rich and powerful

T he strongest power has no need to show itself or to prove itself. It is quiet, calm,
determined and unshakable.

Boastfulness is the surest sign of weakness and insecurity. True confidence has no need to
speak of itself.

Authentic richness is endlessly generous. Anyone who has the need to appear rich suffers
from a terribly painful poverty of the spirit.

How do you fill your life with richness and power? Honestly be yourself, and give freely of

Give up the fantasy of gaining benefit over others, for even if you could get it you would
receive no real value from it. Instead, make it your business to promote, encourage, raise up,
love and appreciate others at every opportunity.

Pretending to be rich and powerful is agonizing work that incessantly erodes your spirit.
Being truly rich and powerful fulfils your deepest longings and brings you fully to life.

Make something meaningful

T he results you get don't come from the situation. The results you achieve are determined
by what you choose to focus upon and what you choose to do.

From the very same set of circumstances, two different people can achieve two vastly
different results. The outcome is not based on what they're given, but on what they do with it.

If the results you're getting are not the results you desire, stop looking for someone or
something to blame. Start looking for the possibilities that you have not yet considered.

Make your most positive and compelling purpose the filter through which you view
everything that happens. That will cause outstanding, powerful possibilities to pop into view.

The world around you is constantly changing. There is always a way to harness the energy of
the ever-changing landscape to suit your purpose.

Look calmly and confidently at the situation in which you find yourself. Then step gratefully
forward, and make something beautiful, valuable and meaningful out of it all.

Why you must

I f you wish to get something done, stop telling yourself why you can't. Begin telling
yourself why you must. Of course there are obstacles to every achievement. Yet you can work
through any obstacle when you have a clear and compelling reason to do so.

Zero in on that reason. Make it your priority to keep that reason ever present in your thoughts.

Though the challenges may be powerful, you can always make your purpose even more
powerful. Keep telling yourself, again and again, why you must.

Make a solid connection between your actions and your purpose. That will cause your
effectiveness to soar.

Remember always why you must. And you will.

Head start

D on't worry that someone has a head start or other advantage on you. Just let it be, and
make it an even greater reason to push forward. Instead of comparing your position or
performance to others, put your energy into improving what you do. Instead of worrying
about what you don't have, make the very most of what you do have.

For what you do have is plenty. Because you can find a way to make effective and creative
and productive use of it.

Some people have certain advantages, and other people have other advantages. That's what
makes life rich and interesting.

Find your own advantages and make full use of them. Even what seems to be a disadvantage
can be a true advantage when you look at it from a positive perspective.

Decide and commit

B e truly decisive by acting on your decisions. Decide what you will do and then get started
on it right away. The sooner you take action the more you'll accomplish. Once you decide to
do it, begin immediately.

Commitment is more than just a mental exercise. It's not a commitment until you back it up
with action.

Once you have invested some effort, the goal is no longer a vague, far-away concept. You
have begun to make it real.

When you start by immediately taking action, you're naturally going to continue taking action.
Put momentum on your side right away, and you immediately have a powerful ally.

Make your decisions real and present in your life, and give them the energy they deserve. Act
on them right away, and truly make them happen.

The best of who you are

Y ou can make a real difference just by being you. You can change the world for the better
simply by being your authentic best. You don't need flowery, sophisticated wording to add

value to the discussion. By simply and sincerely saying what's on your mind, you can
contribute profound truth.

The dreams that you have are yours because they give you a reason to perform at your best. In
so doing, you add your own splendid threads to the rich fabric of life.

There is no one else who sees the world in exactly the same way as you. Express your
opinions, express your perspective, express your vision and you'll offer great, unique value.

You'll never be satisfied following someone else's dream. Real fulfilment comes from
accomplishing the things that are most meaningful to you.

In your unique perspective you'll find a lifetime of value. Be the best of who you are, and
raise your whole world higher.

Be joyful

I t's ok to be joyful. In fact, it's more than ok -- it is perhaps the most valuable gift you
can give to life.

Joy feels so good because it is so very good. In joy, with joy, because of joy, all of life

Be genuinely joyful, and bring out the joy in all those around you. Delight in the wonder
and the possibilities of this moment, and you'll encourage others to see their own
beautiful possibilities.

See your circumstances as empowering, and they will be. Because you will be
empowered by your own positive perspective.

This is the moment, right now, to live according to your highest, most precious values.
Feel the joy that radiates from your own authentic being.

Be your best by being truly joyful. Let your joy spread far and wide.

See the wonder

T here is more value in life than anyone can imagine. So never stop imagining.

Everything you imagine plants a seed. The more beautiful and compelling it is, the more
of life's miraculous energy you give to it.

And that makes what was once just imagined, real. What you now see all around you, was
first imagined.

When you meet with difficulties, it can be easy to imagine the worst. But that only
extends and magnifies your troubles.

Instead, imagine the best. Imagine the most brilliant, stunningly beautiful version of life,
and the very act of imagining begins to pull you solidly toward it.

What is possible is limited only by what you sincerely imagine to be possible. See the
wonder, see the beauty, and bring it all more fully to life.

What is possible

T he reality of your life is driven by your concept of what is possible. Whatever you are
certain of, is certain to be for you.

You cannot change the laws of reality, and there is no reason to do so. For reality can
accommodate whatever possibility you dare to imagine.

Know that it can be done, and there is most definitely a way. Commit the whole of your
true self, and it will be.

Dream big, wonderful, meaningful dreams and purge them of every trace of doubt. Your
own unique dreams are yours precisely because you are the person who can fulfill and
experience them.

Pay no attention to those who claim that the best days have passed and the best
opportunities have all been taken. Life's abundance has no limit, and grows to whatever
proportion you choose to imagine.

Give your time, thoughts, efforts and commitment to express that abundance in your own
special way. Know without a doubt that it is possible, and it is.

Solid recovery

E ach setback provides an opportunity to recover. And each time you recover, you
grow stronger.

The route to your goal is not a straight line. There will be many times along the way when
you find yourself off course.

When that happens, it can seem like your destination is unreachable. Doubt, fear and
apathy will take hold if you let them.

The key is not to let them. For as hopeless as the situation may feel, there are actions
you can take that will enable you to quickly get back on track.

Much of the substance of achievement is in becoming skilled at making a quick and solid
recovery. Each setback gives you the chance to practice and strengthen and refine that
valuable skill.

Know that whatever has slowed you down can provide you with a way to move more
effectively forward. Quickly get back up, and feel the new strength you've gained

Endless source

L ife is an endless source of richness. Everything that comes your way can, in some
way or another, add to that richness.

From the smallest petal on a flower, to the wide and distant horizon, you'll find energy
and possibility, and astounding lessons to be learned. From the most intimate whisper to
the roar of a crowd, there are ideas, dreams, hopes and love in every flavor.

There are components that, when put together in new and unique ways, create value
that's never been known before. There are objects that, when carefully taken apart and
studied, yield magnificent, life-changing secrets.

The possibilities have no end. And they grow more stunning with each advancing

The real richness is not found in any one thing. Rather, it is in the sheer abundance and
availability of it all.

Choose now, and always, to live your own special expression of life's richness. There will
always be more of it to know.

Respond with purpose

W hat upsets you is not what happens. What upsets you is your response to what

Just as easily as you respond in a negative way, you can easily and naturally respond in a
positive, empowering, uplifting way.

The biggest problems are often caused by what you choose to do about the smallest
problems. Most of those big, painful problems are so unnecessary.

Keep reminding yourself that you are in control of you. You are in control and you can
decide exactly how you wish to feel at any point.

Imagine the power of remaining calm and focused and resourceful when some totally
unexpected, disappointing development interrupts your day. Truly, you can make the
disappointments not disappointing at all.

Respond on purpose, with purpose. Feel the power and the joy as every moment gives
you a way to move forward.

Magnificent dreams

W hat a shame it would be for your best dreams to go to waste. Do the work to make
them real and you'll find great fulfillment along the way.

Those things you love with all your heart are the most valuable things you have to offer.
Truly make the world a more beautiful place by bringing your innermost desires to life.

Even the smallest acts have great power when they are sincere. When your efforts come
directly from who you truly are, they always make a difference.

The world is filled with noise and confusion. But it does not ever have to distract you from
what means the most to you.

Again and again, connect with those real and lasting values. When times are good, and
when times are tough, they will always serve you well.

Your life is a beautiful and precious thing. Live the beauty, live the value, and live the
substance of your most magnificent dreams.

Possibility of success

Y ou can make your life a triumph in spite of every adversity. Or you could make your
life a mess in spite of every advantage.

Success does not depend on where you start. If it did, no one would have ever been

Success comes from what you choose to do with whatever you have. It is fully available
to anyone who decides to make the effort and the commitment.

Whatever the day holds, it also holds the possibility of success and achievement.
Whatever the situation may be, there is a way to create real value from it.

Choose to see the positive possibilities, and you will. Choose to follow those possibilities,
and success takes root.

The opportunity for success is always yours, and so is the responsibility. Decide to do
what it takes, and create the success that is your own special destiny.

Force of goodness

B e a force of goodness in this world. Be a source of light.

Let the joy you imagine flow out from you and take on a life of its own. Give love and see
it grow.

Feel the dreams and values and visions that are most authentically you. Let them guide
your thoughts and actions.

You are beautiful in your very own way. That special beauty is your gift to life, so give
freely and enjoy each precious day.

Live true to what you know is good and what you know is right. What you gain by so
doing is truly worth having.

Feel the miracle of which you are a part. And live the goodness in every moment.

Go ahead and get it done

D on't waste your effort worrying about what you have not done. Spend your time
working on what you now can do.

It's amazing how much you can accomplish when your heart is in it. Drop the doubts, self-
criticisms, and anxieties, and positively put your heart into what you're doing.

Enjoy the delicious feeling of making real progress based on your own focused efforts.
Have fun watching yourself accomplish as you complete each task.

Taking effective, meaningful action will put you in a positive frame of mind. And that will
open the door to many great new possibilities.

Go beyond wondering about it, or thinking it through, or planning for it. Just go ahead and
get it done.

Choose your destiny and delight in the fulfilling effort that makes it happen. You can do it,
and now is when.

Rise above

W hen you are not satisfied with the available answers, ask the question in a
different way. When none of the options will do, look at the situation from a new

If you are stuck, then it's time to get creative. Know that there are myriad possibilities
you have never even considered yet.

You cannot solve a problem when your mind is wrapped tightly around it. For the more
effort you make, the more power you give to the problem.

Dwelling on the problem will not get you past it. Focus instead on your purpose.

Let go of your thoughts about what you must go through. Fill your awareness with
compelling visions of why you have chosen to go where you seek to go.

Unleash your imagination and tap into the positive power of intention. Rise above where
you are and see your way clearly to where you know you must be.

Your moment is now

F rom where you are, with what you have, live this moment fully. Wishing for things to
be perfect, or worrying that things will get worse, will rob you of the great value that
already is.

Live now, without holding back and without hesitation. Go ahead, do what you've been
meaning to do, and discover new ways to bring great value to life.

The past is already decided and the future is not yet available. Now is when you can
savor the boundless richness in which you are immersed.

All is well, all is now, and all is open for you to experience. Life's exquisite beauty is yours
the instant you appreciate it.

See the beauty, the wonder, and the rightness in the way things are. Generously express
your joy, and feel the great fortune of your existence.

Your moment is now. Live the profound treasure that is.

Let life come

L et life come, without striving to force it. Let life come, and it will unfold with great

The feeling you seek is already yours. If it was not, then how could you even know about

Allow that feeling to live and breathe and grow and flow throughout your life. The life you
wish to experience is yours when you let go and let it be.

Listen to those little inspirations that quietly whisper. There is a reason why you hear
them and feel their truth.

Act in harmony with what you know is right and what you know is best. Instead of
struggling against what is, ride joyously and successfully along with life's continuously
unfolding possibilities.

Let life come. And live the beauty as each new moment is born.

Enthusiastic attitude

S top fighting against what you have to do. Turn it into what you want to do.

For any given task, you can be miserable and plodding or you can be enthusiastic and
highly effective. It all depends on your attitude.

Instead of dreading and avoiding something that you must get done, choose to look
forward to it. Then jump in, make it happen, and get it finished once and for all.

It's really very easy to make a change in your attitude. You can do it without lifting a

With a positive, enthusiastic attitude toward whatever task you must complete, the work
will go more quickly and smoothly. And, you'll feel a whole lot better while doing it.

Decide that you truly want to get it done. And soon you'll be reaping the rewards of your
effective effort.

Enjoy the consequences

Y ou cannot get something for nothing. And you cannot get nothing for something.

Every action has a certain and unavoidable consequence. Everything you do makes a
difference in one way or another.

Whether that fact is a blessing or a curse is completely up to you. For just as surely as
you choose your actions, you do indeed choose your consequences.

The value that you experience in life is precisely equal to the value that you put into life.
You can make your journey a miserable burden, or you can make it a joyous celebration.

What you do with what you have makes all the difference in the world. And now is your
opportunity to create a vast, sparkling treasure of experience and fulfillment.

This very day, you can stop struggling to avoid the consequences and start to thoroughly
enjoy them. Give your authentic best to every moment, and delight in the magnificent
consequences of your positive actions.

Now you must

S top telling yourself why you cannot do it and start reminding yourself why you must.
When you have a strong enough reason why, you'll get it done.

It can be all too easy to come up with excuses. And it can be all too easy to let those
excuses stop you in your tracks.

Yet you can also very easily let go of those excuses. Though they may sound impressive,
they are no longer valid for you.

Because as of now, you have chosen to move forward. As of this moment, you have
reconnected with your purpose and you're clear about why you must.

Effort, as difficult as it may be, is a joy when there's a good, solid, meaningful reason
behind it. On this very day, you can experience that joy.

Get up, get going, and thoroughly enjoy the process of achievement. Remember why you
must, and get it done.

Get started

I f you can't imagine how you'll get it done, just get started. The moment you begin, the
objective becomes infinitely more achievable than it was before.

It's great to dream and plan and speculate. Yet there is no substitute for action.

Action seals your commitment to achieve. Action places you in a powerful, achievement-
oriented perspective.

When you take the first step, you become clear about what the next step must be. When
you take the next step, you have created a momentum that can continue pushing you all
the way to the end.

Go beyond just thinking you can do it. Take action, and know for sure.

When there's something to be done, then there's something you can do. Get started and
get the power of action working for you.

Destined to achieve

G et completely clear about your objective. If all you have is a vague idea, then work
on fleshing it out so it becomes detailed and specific.

Act now. Opportunities do not wait for conditions to be perfect.

Persist in your efforts. Make all of your work count for something by seeing it through to
the finish.

Be thankful for the challenges and enjoy working through them. For they are where the
real value is created.

Connect your goal to a meaningful purpose. When you're clear about why, you'll surely be
able to take care of how.

Every frustration, every dissatisfaction you feel is really an urge to achieve. Follow those
urges all the way through, and make the positive difference that is your destiny.


W hat can you imagine yourself doing? What can you imagine yourself achieving?

Imagine it, and it becomes possible. Give substance and detail and meaning and purpose
to what you imagine, and you will bring it about.

Your life is guided by what you imagine. Before you do anything, you must first see
yourself doing it.

By itself, imagination does not make things happen. It is up to you to make the effort, and
your imagination determines where that effort leads.

Find delight in imagining what can be. And experience even more delight in bringing the
best of your imagination to life.

With your imagination, create beautiful possibilities. Then know the joy and fulfillment of
making those possibilities real.

Challenge yourself

o beyond what you know you can do. And just like that, you'll know you can do

Go beyond again, and again. Grow past the limitations you've imagined, a little bit at a

Challenge yourself, and then do what it takes to meet the challenge. As you feel your
strength increasing, resolve to add to it through your own efforts.

The way to have real confidence is to build it. Every day is your opportunity to make
yourself more confident, competent and effective.

The skills and abilities that seem out of reach are really just a number of steps away.
Challenge yourself toward them, and with each effort you move closer.

Push yourself beyond the familiar, beyond the comfortable, and into a higher level of
ability. Feel the unique joy of breaking through your limitations again and again.

Beautiful moment

W hen one beautiful moment ends, another begins. Do not hold so tightly that you
miss the beauty altogether.
With a thankful heart, enjoy the goodness that comes your way in things great and small.
The way to make sure you never lose it is to simply let it be.

In good time the joys of life come, one after another. Be open and accepting of what is
now here, and you'll connect with the abundance that is all around you.

Each moment is a blessing. Treasure its unique gifts and do not rush to the next one, or
worry that the last one was insufficient.

Relish the beauty that is now, and know that there will be more. Fully live and appreciate
what you have right here and now.

In this beautiful moment is great and profound treasure. Let it be, and it is always yours.

Precious freedom

F reedom is what makes the very best possibilities possible. It is truly a treasure that
nothing else can replace.

Freedom does not guarantee any specific result, and that is in fact its beauty. Instead,
freedom gives you the priceless opportunity to create your own results.

Freedom taps into the awesome power of each unique individual. Freedom is the fertile
ground from which magnificent achievements spring forth with unceasing vigor.

The demands of freedom are great. To live with freedom requires effort and discipline,
commitment and sacrifice.

Yet the rewards of freedom are even greater. For in freedom you truly become the best
you can be.

Resolve today, and every day, to make the most of the precious freedom that is yours.

Attempt more

I f you wish to achieve more, then attempt more. Push yourself beyond what you already
know you're able to do. Get out of the rut of going through the same motions and ending
up with the same results. Put some additional time, energy, thought and creativity into
your actions.

Take on challenges that make you a little bit uncomfortable. Stretch your abilities and
watch them grow.

Decide to reach higher and you'll find many new ways to move higher. Raise your
expectations and you'll improve your performance.

Keep on learning, keep on growing, and keep on venturing beyond what you already
know. Give yourself the gift of increasingly ambitious goals.

Enjoy and appreciate how far you've already come. Then jump back in and make it even

About the future

I f you're gloomy about the future, that's how the future will end up being. Choose
instead to take another view and make another future.

The future has not happened yet. So it will be whatever you decide to make it.

There always have been, and there always will be, many challenges in life. Yet within
those challenges are even more positive possibilities.

Among those possibilities are the most wonderful, beautiful, amazing and personally
meaningful treasures you can imagine. Expect the very best, and then get busy making it

Experience right now the unmatched joy that comes from moving your world positively
forward. Be the enthusiastic creator of the brightest future you can imagine.

The future is being born right now in your thoughts and actions. Choose to make it the
best it can possibly be.

Take the initiative

D on't sit around waiting for enough energy to get going. Get yourself moving and
you'll create the energy necessary to keep you in motion.

Do you just not feel like doing anything? That's the time when you can make the biggest
positive difference for yourself by going ahead and taking action anyway.

In ways small and large, your world right now is filled with opportunities to make a
difference. Take the initiative.

The only thing you need to take the first step is your decision to do it. Take that first step
and put momentum solidly on your side.

If you think you can't do it, stop thinking and start doing. The smallest positive action can
begin to erase even the biggest doubt.

This is a day that you can fill with valuable and purposeful accomplishment. Take the
initiative, and make something of it right now.

Ready to happen

B e generous with your encouragement and frugal with your judgment. Learn to
gratefully accept whatever comes, and to make positive use of whatever you have.

Give your love and your kindness just because you can. Do a little less analyzing and a lot
more living.

Become skilled at quickly letting go of those things that don't really matter anyway. Rise
above the distractions and give the power of your focus to what you know is truly

When you stumble, go ahead and get back up. When you're making good progress, be
sincerely thankful and keep on going.

Recognize the unique beauty that is in each moment. Fulfill the value that is in every

Real, meaningful success is ready to happen for you. Smile, and let it be.

As long as it takes

W hat if you knew that you could reach your goal by taking just one more step?
Would you take that step?

At some point in the process of achievement, the final hurdle is reached. What a shame it
would be to stop just short of that one last obstacle.

Achievement does not require extraordinary ability. Achievement comes from ordinary
abilities applied with extraordinary persistence.

You already know you can do what it takes. To reach any goal, simply do what it takes for
as long as it takes.

It's really not that difficult to take just one step, to do just a single task, to make one bit
of progress. And if you can do it once, you can do it again, and again, and again without
much problem.

Keep the faith and keep up the effort. Your persistence will get you there.

Yes you can

C an you clear your mind of the distracting thoughts and focus completely on the task
at hand? Yes, you can when you choose to do so.

Do you have the discipline required to keep yourself steadily moving toward the goals
you've set. Of course, you always have just as much discipline as you wish to exercise.

Can you muster the commitment, persistence and strength necessary to see your
endeavors through to completion? When your work resonates with your most authentic
purpose, yes you can.

Are you ready to do what it takes to make your dreams a reality? For when you are truly
ready, you most certainly can.

At any age, in any condition, whatever the circumstance, you can. You can bring to life
the highest vision and purpose that is within you.

Yes, you know that you can. And this is the day to begin.

Attempt more

I f you wish to achieve more, then attempt more. Push yourself beyond what you already
know you're able to do. Get out of the rut of going through the same motions and ending
up with the same results. Put some additional time, energy, thought and creativity into
your actions.

Take on challenges that make you a little bit uncomfortable. Stretch your abilities and
watch them grow.

Decide to reach higher and you'll find many new ways to move higher. Raise your
expectations and you'll improve your performance.

Keep on learning, keep on growing, and keep on venturing beyond what you already
know. Give yourself the gift of increasingly ambitious goals.

Enjoy and appreciate how far you've already come. Then jump back in and make it even


I f you often find yourself feeling disillusioned, that's a strong indication that you're
hungry for a greater level of challenge in your life. Disillusionment can be your way of
telling yourself that there's a valuable contribution you know you must make to life. Go
ahead and feel that disillusion fully, then ask yourself this question. What specifically
would make the disillusion end?

Somewhere within you is a vision that is being stifled. Dig it out, and find a positive way
to make it come to life.

Instead of being drained by disillusion, become energized by the vision that you long to
express. Transform the reason that you're feeling down into a positive purpose that
drives you forward.

Discover the meaningful challenge that you're aching to take on. Experience true
fulfillment as you steadily work through that challenge.

Feel the disillusion, learn what it is telling you, and then you can leave it behind. For from
that disillusion you can step forward to a new and higher level of accomplishment.

Your thoughts show

T houghts can feel like they are private and hidden deep inside of you. Yet they have
an influence that extends far beyond you. What if others could know what you were
thinking? Would it change the content of your thoughts?

In many ways, other people can and do know what you are thinking. Because your
thoughts are faithfully expressed by the life you lead.

If you're constantly thinking negative, limiting thoughts, people will be able to tell just by
looking at you and your life's conditions. In the same way, when you fill your mind with
positive, empowering thoughts, that will be wonderfully obvious.

You might be able to hide the specific details of your thoughts. Yet you cannot hide the
true nature of those thoughts.

Your thoughts, whatever they may be, are expressed in every aspect of your life.
Continually guide those thoughts to positive places, and your whole world will follow.

Get it done

S top waiting for the task to get easier. Waiting will only make it more difficult. Go
ahead and get it done. Then you can move on to something even better.

The effort may indeed be difficult and painful. So it's best to have that effort behind you
rather than in front of you.

Imagine how great it will feel to have it done. Imagine being free of that little voice in the
back of your mind that keeps nagging you about it.

You cannot avoid the pain of effort. You can either prolong that pain by procrastinating,
or you can get it done and get it over with.

Start right now to get it done, and soon you'll have it finished. Get it done, and delight in
the glorious feeling of freedom and accomplishment.

Make a difference

Y our time is never wasted when you're truly making a difference. Every productive
effort adds value to your world. Don't worry about what's in it for you. If you're making a
difference, if you're making a positive contribution to life, there's always something in it
for you.

Though there may not seem to be any direct or immediate rewards, your efforts will most
certainly be rewarded. The longer you're willing to wait for those rewards, the bigger they
will be.

Many times your efforts will pay off in ways you could not have foreseen. Keep being
creative, keep being productive, keep being effective, and keep being your best.

It may sometimes seem that no one appreciates the work you're doing. When you feel
that way, then raise your efforts to an even higher level, for at some point someone will
definitely take notice.

Be sincere in your efforts and in your desire to make a valuable, meaningful positive
difference. And know that the rewards will always come.

Dream and do

T here's a time to dream, without effort or constraint. And there's a time to do the work
that will bring those dreams to life in the real world. Visualize your ideal life. In your
thoughts, experience that life in rich detail through all of your senses.

Dream big, rich empowering dreams that resonate with your very core. Explore joyful and
creative ways to express your own unique purpose.

Then get busy and make the dreams happen. Allow them to drive you, to push you

Feel the excitement and the sense of accomplishment as your very own efforts bring
about the fulfillment of your dreams, step by step. Grow stronger, more capable, more
experienced as you work your way through each challenge.

Set yourself free to dream, and then discipline yourself to do the dream. Be the dream
and be the achievement of the dream that is uniquely yours.

Deeper desires

W hat you think you want is usually not really what you want. Most of the time, what
you think you want is merely a clue, a hint, a pointer to what you truly desire. Every
purpose within you has countless avenues for expression. There's no need to abandon
the purpose if just one or two of the many possible expressions don't work out.

When you feel that you want something, challenge yourself to find the deeper desire
that's responsible. Ask yourself why, and be completely honest with your answer.

If you pursue life's fleeting, superficial wants, you're setting yourself up for
disappointment, even when you get what you want. Instead, take the time to understand
your deeper desires, and you'll find countless ways to bring real, meaningful and lasting
value to life.

The more deeply you connect to a desire, the more options you'll have for fulfilling that
desire. When your conscious desires align with your true purpose, you will always find a

When there's something you want, ask why, again and again until you uncover a purpose
so authentic that it cannot be denied. And when you do, you'll also see that your desire
has already begun to be fulfilled.

Thankful for it all

T hink today of how good life can be. And you'll see that life's true goodness comes not
from what you have, but from how much you value and appreciate it. There is no end to
the possibilities for richness and fulfillment in your life. There is no limit to what you can
make of whatever you have.

Consider what you are able to be thankful for, and you'll discover something wonderful
and empowering. You can be thankful for it all.

Look back and you'll see that the pleasures and the pains have both pushed you forward
and given you countless opportunities for real growth. You've been supported by the
good things you do have and inspired to reach for those things you do not yet have.

The triumphs have given you joy and the disappointments have strengthened your
determination. All of it has enabled you to more richly fulfill the beautiful, genuine person
you are.

Treasure all that is around you, whatever it may be, and open yourself to the positive
possibilities. Be truly thankful for it all, and every day is even more rich and fulfilling than
the day before.

Decide and commit

B e truly decisive by acting on your decisions. Decide what you will do and then get
started on it right away. The sooner you take action the more you'll accomplish. Once you
decide to do it, begin immediately.

Commitment is more than just a mental exercise. It's not a commitment until you back it
up with action.

Once you have invested some effort, the goal is no longer a vague, far-away concept. You
have begun to make it real.

When you start by immediately taking action, you're naturally going to continue taking
action. Put momentum on your side right away, and you immediately have a powerful

Make your decisions real and present in your life, and give them the energy they deserve.
Act on them right away, and truly make them happen.

Head start

D on't worry that someone has a head start or other advantage on you. Just let it be,
and make it an even greater reason to push forward. Instead of comparing your position
or performance to others, put your energy into improving what you do. Instead of
worrying about what you don't have, make the very most of what you do have.

For what you do have is plenty. Because you can find a way to make effective and
creative and productive use of it.

Some people have certain advantages, and other people have other advantages. That's
what makes life rich and interesting.

Find your own advantages and make full use of them. Even what seems to be a
disadvantage can be a true advantage when you look at it from a positive

Why you must

I f you wish to get something done, stop telling yourself why you can't. Begin telling
yourself why you must. Of course there are obstacles to every achievement. Yet you can
work through any obstacle when you have a clear and compelling reason to do so.

Zero in on that reason. Make it your priority to keep that reason ever present in your

Though the challenges may be powerful, you can always make your purpose even more
powerful. Keep telling yourself, again and again, why you must.

Make a solid connection between your actions and your purpose. That will cause your
effectiveness to soar.

Remember always why you must. And you will.

Catch yourself

T he moment you feel yourself slipping, take action right away to get back on track. If
you catch yourself quickly, you won't fall very far. It's great when you can stay disciplined
and focused for long periods of time. At some point though, you'll get distracted and stray
a little bit off course.

That's not the end of the world. Don't beat yourself up just because you've momentarily
lost your focus.

Instead, give genuine thanks for how far you've already come. And then step right back
on to the path you've set for yourself.

Being disciplined doesn't mean being perfect. Remember that what really matters is what
you choose to do right now.

Even if you slip back one step for every two steps you take forward, you'll still be moving
steadily ahead. Catch yourself, get back up, keep going and you'll get there.

Let life flow

L ife will flow easily and gracefully when you simply allow it. Choose right now to simply
allow it. Allow the problems to come and then allow them to go just as quickly. Peacefully
accept the disappointments and you'll have no trouble with peacefully letting them go.

Accept the joys without worrying about clinging to them. They will always be with you if
you simply let them be.

Stop fighting against what is, and you'll clearly see how to make the most of it. Welcome
each new experience and you'll quickly find the value it brings.

Leave the worries and anxieties behind, for they add nothing to your life. Be at peace,
and you will feel the fullness of your power.

Allow the rich abundance to flow naturally and unhindered through your life. And delight
in the fulfillment that is yours to create.

A higher standard

I f things are not working well for you where you are, raise yourself to a higher place.
Choose to raise your standards. Consistently expect more of yourself and you will get it.
The quality of your life is driven by the quality of your standards.

Are your efforts not bringing the results you seek? Then find a way to improve, enhance
and expand those efforts.

Yes, you can do it. There's always room for improvement, and with each little
improvement you raise your standards and become more effective.

Don't fall into the trap of blaming the economy, the weather, other people, or cruel fate.
Step up from where you are to a higher place, and commit to making a better life for all
those around you.

Align yourself with your highest, most authentic purpose. Life will always meet your
standards, so raise those standards high.

Conditions change

C onditions change all the time. What you could depend on yesterday, might very well
be gone today. What once worked so well for you, will eventually fail to bring the results
you seek. So when conditions change, you have the valuable opportunity to change along
with them.

Life by its very definition is always changing. People who make the most of life are those
who expect the changes, welcome them, and find the positive possibilities in each one.

When you see changes occurring, instead of making a judgment make a careful
observation. You cannot stop the changes that are already taking place, so your best
strategy is to find the opportunities that are embedded within them.

And those positive opportunities are most certainly there. Rather than being fearful of the
changes, be curious, and you'll see the hidden value in those changes.

You can count on the fact that the world will continue to change. And you can always
choose to take the actions that will make those changes be for the better.

Today's purpose

W hat is your purpose for this day? What have you chosen to do with the minutes
and hours of this day, a day that is already flowing into your life? When you give each day
a specific purpose, at the end of each day you'll have a specific accomplishment. In
addition to having a day that you can look back upon, you'll also have real, lasting value
that you can carry forward.

Today is full of countless possibilities. Giving the day a purpose will enable you to fulfill
the exact possibilities that align with that purpose.

This day is rich in energy. With a clear purpose, you can harness that powerful energy
and channel it into something that will make a difference for your world.

There are dreams that you long to achieve. Today is your opportunity to move solidly
toward them.

Give today a purpose -- a rich, wonderful, meaningful purpose. And live life at its best.

Substance of success

T he fruits of success are often displayed out in the open for everyone to see. The real
work of success, however, takes place behind the scenes. It's easy to think of a successful
person as being lucky. Yet good luck comes to those who work day after day to make it

Behind every magnificent accomplishment, there is real, difficult, sustained effort. Behind
every so-called overnight success, are thousands of late-night hours spent honing a craft
or skill or profession.

Instead of seeing the fruits of success and being envious, look beyond to all the work that
has taken place behind the scenes. See the work of success and be joyous, for the
opportunity to make a difference is available to you, too.

A life of success is not about having the outer rewards, for they are little more than
tokens. The substance of success is in the effort, and anyone can choose to make any
amount of effort.

The desire for a particular goal is really the desire to go through the process of making
that goal real. Give in to that deeper desire, and make success a part of you.

Lift up

D o you want to experience a burst of energy that nothing can take away from you?
Then lift up someone else. Focus on helping another person, and your eyes will open to
new and powerful possibilities. Give of yourself to others, and you'll end up with even
more to give.

Every great achievement goes far beyond the achiever. In fact, the value of any
achievement is based on how many people it positively affects.

Get in the habit of making a difference for others. Every day provides you with ample
opportunities to do so.

Every person has real and unique value. Respect and celebrate that value by connecting
with the goodness of each person you encounter.

Lift up others and you lift up your world. Lift up your world, and you'll find it a wonderful
place to be.

Amaze yourself

O nce you're up and running, keep going. Once you've worked to establish some
momentum, make the most of it. Don't stop when you've done just enough. With a little
extra effort, you can achieve so much more.

You've spent a lot of time and effort getting to where you are. If you stop now you'll have
to put even more effort into getting started again.

Keep going until you've far surpassed what you expected to do. Surprise and delight
yourself with how much more you can get accomplished.

When you've already done what's good enough, that puts you in a great position. It's
more effective to reach higher when you're already moving higher.

Momentum is an unstoppable force. Once you've got it, keep using it, and keep going
until you're amazed at what you've done.

Positive perspective

Y our situation is what it is. Yet your perspective on that situation is whatever you
choose for it to be.

You will see what you decide to see. You will experience what you expect to experience.

No one is really a victim of circumstance. But many are victims of the way they interpret
and relate to their circumstances.

Choose to dwell on the positive possibilities. And you'll see abundant opportunities for
bringing those possibilities to life.

Don't let yourself get thrown around by random occurrences. Be proactive in your
optimism and learn to live the real goodness that is in every moment.

Whatever you are faced with, there is so much good and useful value that you can find in
it. Live with a positive perspective, and you'll live richly no matter what.


R aise yourself up just a little bit. Then see how very good it feels.

Make a small positive change for the better. And you'll know without a doubt that you can
successfully make even greater, more profound changes.

Lift the spirits of someone close to you. Experience how it feels to truly change the world.

Make a modest amount of progress. You'll be learning how to make much, much more.

Take one step toward your goal. And suddenly you're positioned to take the next step.

The smallest positive action can overcome the biggest negative doubt. Even if it's just a
little bit, there's always a way to keep moving forward.


E ven if you've failed ten thousand times, success is within your reach. Just because
you've made mistakes does not mean you must continue to make them.

Simply realizing that you've made an error is a major step toward correcting that error
and getting past it. The beauty of now is that it's the end of your past and the beginning
of whatever future you choose.

If you're satisfied with where you've been headed, then by all means keep going there. If
you're disappointed with what has been, now is your chance to set a different direction
for what can be.

Imagine how great it would feel to know that you're successfully living life on your own
terms. Imagine it, and then know that even now you can make that feeling real.

You already know that your actions have very real consequences, for you are living those
consequences today. This is your opportunity to choose the consequences you most
desire by taking the positive actions that will bring them about.

Always, success is yours to define and create. Choose now to make it happen.

T he way to know how is to know why. The way to find enough motivation, inspiration,
commitment and strength is to know why.
Why do you seek what you seek? Why do you desire to reach the goals you have set?

There is a purpose within you that will push you to overcome every obstacle. When you
truly feel that your efforts are connected to that purpose, those efforts will surely bring
the desired results.

It's easy to imitate the dreams and aspirations of those around you, and to think you
want what they want. But remember that you have your very own, unique dreams, and
those are the dreams to follow.

Instead of frustration, you can experience joy. Instead of disappointment, you can know

It all comes from truly knowing why. Allow yourself to understand why, and whatever you
can imagine will be yours to create.

Now Is

N ow is the clear, beautiful, limitless presence of being. All is possible now.

In this realm of now, regrets have no meaning. Worries have no purpose.

Fulfillment grows with every action. The joy of being springs forth from every experience.

The incomprehensible miracle that is now, surrounds you and flows through you. Feel the
power that is always fresh, even though you already know it so well.

Imagine, and your presence gives form to your vision. Join in the dance as reality
observes, creates and celebrates itself anew.

Now is here and in it is everything. Delight in making the best of what is possible into the
joyful experience of what is.

Know the Joy

A re there tasks that you find unpleasant? Your very own attitude is mostly what
makes them that way.

Instead of looking for ways to avoid the effort, look for ways to make it fun. Decide that
you'll enjoy whatever you're doing.

Truly appreciate each opportunity you have to be productive and effective. Find joy in the
experience of making a difference.

Enjoy what you're doing, and you'll do it well. Enjoy what you're doing, and you'll reliably
get it done.

Rather than punishing yourself with resentment, reward yourself through effective effort.
Your attitude is yours to choose, so choose a positive attitude that brings truly
outstanding results.

Whatever the situation, allow yourself to know the joy that comes from making a positive
contribution. Make every effort a joy, and make great things happen.

See Yourself
T he way you see yourself becomes the way you make yourself. How do you see

If you see yourself as always struggling, you will always struggle. If you see yourself as
never getting ahead, you will not get ahead.

Your view of yourself is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Fortunately, you can make that view
whatever you wish.

Choose to truly see yourself as effective, creative, patient, disciplined, enthusiastic and
abundantly prosperous. See yourself as loving, caring, ever thankful and positive.

Imagine yourself in rich detail to be the kind of person who easily and naturally achieves
those very special dreams you treasure most. See yourself living life at its best and most

Each time you think of yourself, see yourself as the best you can imagine. And the reality
of your life will be true to your most sincere self-image.

Make some wonderful

I n every moment, every action, every word and every thought there is opportunity. In
every place and every circumstance, opportunity is abundant.

You can make a difference, always. And then, you can make a difference again.

Your hopes and desires and dreams are yours for a reason. The fact that you can feel,
means you have a unique, beautiful and vital purpose.

Even the smallest accomplishments move you forward. There is something wonderful you
can do right now.

Nothing has been wasted, for it has all brought you here. Give yourself to that urge to
make something truly wonderful out of this day.

Seize the opportunity that is now within your reach. Success is yours to live.

What you want to feel

H ow exactly would you like to feel right now? Give yourself permission to go ahead
and feel that way.

It may seem that you need a certain situation or possession or person in your life before
you can feel the way you wish to feel. Yet the truth is that you can feel whatever you
choose to feel at any time, in any place.

You already know how to feel happy, or thankful, or loved, or inspired. So go ahead and
let yourself feel the way you wish to feel, right here, right now.

It's great when others offer encouragement to you, but you can also feel encouraged all
by yourself. It is wonderful when someone expresses love to you, yet you can also feel
the power of love even when you are alone.

There is no need to wait or to beg or to compromise yourself in order to attain a certain

feeling. All you must do is choose to feel the way you wish to feel.

Go ahead and feel what you truly want to feel. And the power of authentic purpose will
move your whole world forward.

With love
I n what you do, whatever it is, do it with love and joy. Make each moment precious by
appreciating the value that is surely there.

Give your best attitude and expectations to those around you. Brighten every place you

Life is filled with outstanding possibilities. In every situation there is great value.

Continually celebrate the good fortune of being alive and aware and able to make a
difference. Go forward carrying the assumption that life is filled with goodness, and
events will prove that assumption to be true.

Live with love and genuine appreciation for all that is around you. Give your own unique
meaning to the abundance in which you're immersed.

With love, see the true, magnificent value of what you have this day. With love, make it
even greater.

Do more
G o beyond what you must do, and do more. That's where you will start to encounter
life's richness.

Don't settle for just getting by. For you have so very much more to give, and to live.

When you've reached the finish line, that's no time to stop. Take a victory lap or two, and
delight in the pure, sweet enjoyment of all the good things you can do.

Then set your sights on another, more valuable and ambitious goal. Reach beyond what's
comfortable and necessary, into the realm of the best that is possible.

Just a small extra effort can produce significantly greater results, taking them from
ordinary to extraordinary. Leverage your efforts by going above and beyond.

When the work is done, take advantage of the opportunity to do more. And quickly put
yourself far out in front

Let yourself

L et yourself enjoy life, right now. Let yourself find fulfillment in whatever you're doing.

Allow joy to flow easily and naturally through you. Let it come, let it go, and let more
arrive to take its place.

Transcend the difficulties by releasing your thoughts of how difficult they are. Simply live
your way through them, moment by moment, growing and building value all the time.

Allow life's beauty and pleasure to envelop you. Hold no guilt or worry about what should
have been or what might be.

Let yourself think and act in the moment, unafraid and not at all intimidated. Let yourself
discover how astonishingly effective you can be.

Don't put life off until later or think you can run away from it. In this moment, and always,
let yourself live

What’s possible?
W hat's possible is anything. What's possible, is everything.

What's possible is possible now. What's possible is possible for you.

You can't undo what's already happened. However, you can choose right now from a
limitless array of what's possible as you move forward.

Don't limit your thinking to just what's likely or what's probable. Infinitely expand your
choices by considering all that is possible.

If you feel stuck, it's probably because you are holding your imagination back. Consider
what you've not yet considered, and expect much more than you've ever dared to

Open yourself to what's possible. And delight in living the best of the possibilities.

Give yourself a goal
D o yourself a favor and give yourself a goal. Make it meaningful, make it exciting,
make it challenging and then make it happen.

Set your goal a little bit beyond what you already know you can do. Then when you reach
it you'll not only have the achievement, you'll also have an increased level of confidence.

As long as you're making the effort to live this day, give it a purpose. Give yourself a goal,
and transform fleeting time into lasting accomplishment.

From where you are, you can go anywhere. One by one, the goals you set will get you

Working steadily and persistently toward a goal will energize all aspects of your life and
bring the awesome power of focus to your efforts. There's truly no feeling quite like it.

Challenge yourself forward with a great and meaningful goal. Give yourself a goal, and
make yourself some real treasure

You can learn

Y ou can learn from everything. Take full advantage of that great opportunity.

From joy, you can learn. From adversity, you can learn.

From friends, from travel, challenge, disappointment, pleasure, achievement, anger,

frustration and beauty, you can learn. From the biggest ideas and the smallest details you
can learn.

You can even learn just by thinking in a new way about what you've already learned.
Whatever it is you wish to learn, you can learn.

Your knowledge and wisdom add great value and effectiveness to whatever you do. Every
day there are countless opportunities to increase that knowledge and that wisdom.

Learning is the ability from which all other abilities arise and improve. Keep on learning
all that you can learn

All the goodness
A ll the goodness you've ever known is still with you. Feel it and carry it forward.

This is the best day yet. For now you are here and able to add more joy to what you've
already experienced.

Allow the beauty and value of this moment to flow fully into your awareness. There are so
many good and wonderful things you can do right now.

Give your love and you create more. Offer genuine kindness and make a positive
difference that goes far beyond you.

Give power and endurance to the goodness you encounter by experiencing and truly
appreciating it all. Let the best of life continue to flow by letting it flow through you.

This is a beautiful day and you are in a beautiful place. Feel the goodness and pass it on

Create opportunity
O pportunity is greatest when it seems to be gone. In times of difficulty, there is much
room for achievement.

This is a time to create great value. This is a moment ripe with new opportunities for
moving ahead.

Just when you feel you have no more to give, that's when you can rise to a whole new
level of effectiveness. When previously reliable actions bring disappointing results,
outstanding new possibilities are already taking shape.

When all hope is gone, new hope asserts itself more strongly than ever. Along with every
obstacle comes the energy to transcend that obstacle.

Your very nature is to create new value. Out of difficulty and challenge, you can create
achievement and prosperity.

When there appears to be no opportunity, that in itself is a great opportunity. It's a great
opportunity for you to create an opportunity of your own

Respect and kindness
B eing rude doesn't feel very good even while you're doing it. Being genuinely
considerate, on the other hand, can leave you feeling more positive and empowered for a
long time afterward.

Rudeness and arrogance are unmistakable signs of weakness and insecurity. Kindness
and polite consideration are reliable indicators of rock-solid confidence and strength.

How do you treat those whom you have no reason to impress, from whom you have
nothing to gain? It says a lot about you, and people do indeed notice.

Those who are truly in a position of responsibility have no need for arrogance. Any
positive impression you seek to make through arrogance or rudeness is immediately
contradicted by the arrogance itself.

Don't let your own arrogance waste your energy and set you back. Use each encounter as
an opportunity to offer genuine respect and kindness.

Lift up the lives of those around you. And you lift up your whole world.

Get a head
D o you want to get ahead? Then think ahead, plan ahead, prepare ahead and work

If you always wait until the last minute to get things done, it will soon catch up with you.
Something unexpected will come along, and that last minute you were counting on will be

Instead, when you get a few extra minutes, invest them in getting ahead. Work to do
what must be done, well before it must be finished.

Then, when new opportunities appear you'll have the time to make the most of them.
Instead of being burdened by playing catch up, you'll be free to move ahead.

Don't be a slave to your own procrastination. Be the master of your own time and success
and achievement.

The earlier you take action, the more effective your actions will be. Look ahead, act
ahead, and enjoy the powerful benefits of truly getting ahead.

Make your own way
O thers can point the way, but you must make the journey. Others can give you their
assistance and advice, but you must choose the direction of your life.

If you set out to live someone else's dream, you'll end up frustrated and disappointed. For
you have your own special purpose, a purpose that would be deeply painful to deny.

That purpose is eager to face the greatest challenges and to grow intensely more
meaningful in the process. Your purpose has a whole wonderful set of achievements that
will bring great fulfilments to your life.

No one, no matter how generous or well-intentioned, can give you everything you seek.
For much of what you seek is to make your own way in life.

No pleasure can compare to the pleasures you earn through your own efforts. No reward
can equal the reward of creating your own achievements.

Make the commitment, make the effort, and make your own beautiful way in life

Beyond Distractions
D istractions only have the power that you give them. To avoid being overpowered by
distractions, see them for what they are.

What is it that resonates with your passion and fires up your positive enthusiasm?
Whatever it is, that's the thing to focus upon.

When something interrupts your focus, don't fight it. Simply notice it, quickly decide
whether it is worth any more of your precious attention, and if not, peacefully let it go.

Don't get angry or resentful that the distraction happened, and don't become obsessed
with something that really doesn't matter. Just take a deep breath, smile as you
remember your purpose, and move on.

You don't have to be dragged this way and that by random events and circumstances.
You can easily stay clearly focused on your dreams, your goals and your intentions.

Your thoughts are yours to choose, and your attention is yours to allocate. Decide to give
your attention to those things that matter most, and move purposefully ahead no matter


S ometimes, the best approach is the willingness to make another approach. Give
yourself some options.

Don't become so focused on the process that you fail to reach the goal. If what you're
doing is not working, have the honesty and confidence to re-evaluate and adjust your

A ship sailing across the sea is constantly getting pushed off course by the winds and the
currents. To successfully reach the desired destination, the captain must continually
adjust the ship's direction.

You cannot know in advance all the circumstances you'll encounter. Plan carefully, and
then be ready to adjust your tactics as you move forward.

Remind yourself often exactly where you've decided to go. Commit to doing whatever it
takes, and to adjust your efforts so they continue to align with your goal.

Be effectively persistent by being flexible and always mindful of what you've chosen to
achieve. Though the path is not straight, you'll surely find a way to get there.

Big Dreams
D are to dream big dreams. For those are the dreams that have the power to push
your whole world forward.

Expect great and wonderful and magnificent things in your life. For what you expect, you

Fulfillment is always yours to create in your own unique way. Joy is always yours to live
and to give.

The only limitation on life's richness is what you choose to imagine. So imagine a life that
is filled with meaning in every moment, and then allow yourself to experience it all.

Within you is a spirit that can easily overwhelm any external factor. Touch the depth of
that spirit and set it free to positively transform your world right now.

Envision that you feel the best you can possibly feel in this moment, and give that vision
life right now. Fully enjoy and fulfill the beautiful, unique person you are.

Energy boost
I f you wanted to raise your level of energy, what would you think about? What would
you say, how would you act, how would you carry yourself, and what things would you
focus upon?

Imagine being filled with so much positive energy that it overflows into the world around
you. Think about exactly how that would make you feel.

Would you like to boost your energy level right now? You have everything necessary to
do exactly that.

For in any and every moment, your energy level depends on the choices you make. The
way you think and act and speak and feel all contribute to the amount of energy you
have to work with.

A beautiful, genuine smile, for example, puts you at a much higher energy level than an
angry scowl. Focusing on your highest vision gives you greater energy than filling your
mind with worry, judgment and envy.

Your energy level is up to you, and you can always utilize that energy to do great things.
Give yourself a positive energy boost now, and again and again, and delight in the
rewards of a life well lived..

T he only way to fail is to give up. Whatever comes, whatever happens, keep going.

Fix your eyes on the goal, and persist. Your vision, your commitment, and your actions
will take you there.

When you can make great big strides, make them. When you can take only small steps,
take them.

See every moment as the opportunity that it is. When the wind is at your back, keep
going, and when the wind is blowing against you, keep going.

Make good and effective use of whatever you encounter. Tap into the positive value that
is always there.

Know precisely where you wish to go and why. Keep going, and you are there.

S tep back from the pain and transform it into compassion. Step back from the stress
and strengthen your purpose.

Take the anger and turn it into healing. Drop the resentment and allow the remaining
energy to blossom into enthusiasm.

Rise above anxiety, so that you come to experience peace. From the negative
frustrations, draw positive inspiration.

Where there is sadness, offer genuine and unconditional love. In times of despair, find
tiny morsels of joy and hope, and let them grow to magnificent proportions as they flow
out from you.

When you are weary, be truly thankful for how far you have already come. Let your
gratitude transform what is, into the very best of what you know can be.

Life's energy is what you make it. Make it purposeful, positive, fulfilling, and great.

In good time

G ive yourself the time necessary to succeed. Patience and persistent effort will make
any possibility come to life.

Value is created over time. With focused action, the goals you seek will surely come in
good time.

Your efforts will not fail to bring results. And the most powerful results are the ones that
come over time.

Plant the seeds of success. And even before those first seeds begin to sprout, keep
planting even more seeds.

In good time, those tiny seeds, diligently and persistently planted, will yield a bountiful
harvest of achievement. In good time, every effort will be rewarded.

Find joy in every moment of the journey, knowing that you are indeed making a
difference. In good time, you'll savor the sweet fruits of all those efforts.

Beyond what is comfortable
P rogress is made by doing what you have not done before. To truly grow stronger, you
must step beyond what is comfortable and familiar.

Just outside your door is a whole wonderful world of new possibilities. And with those new
possibilities come new and difficult challenges.

Go ahead, and have the courage to open that door and to step outside your comfort zone.
For though the challenges are many, the rewards are more valuable than you can

You are designed and equipped and intended for great things. You are flexible and
adaptable and creative and intelligent enough to successfully handle whatever you

Beyond the comfort of what you already know, you'll find the wonder and magnificence of
all you can become. Go explore and fulfill the very best possibilities.

Never settle for less.

Y ou can create results or you can make excuses. It's much more fun and fulfilling to
create the results you have chosen to create.
The opportunities are always there. Your job is to seize them and work them into real,
meaningful achievements.

Always, there are challenges. And always, there are ways to successfully move through
those challenges.

Whatever you can envision, you can achieve. Sure, there are plenty of excuses for not
doing so, and yet there are also plenty of ways to make it happen.

The purpose of your magnificent life is not to merely endure. There are wonderful, unique
treasures that only you can create.

Fulfillment of your authentic purpose is worth every effort. Never settle for less from
yourself than the absolute best you can be.

Difficult and easy
C an you define easy? What makes one task easy and another task difficult?
What one person considers difficult another person finds to be easy. In fact, difficult and
easy are largely what you define them to be.

Do you see certain accomplishments as out of reach because you assume that they're too
difficult? Perhaps it's worth looking again, knowing that you have the power to decide
what is difficult and what is easy.

When you take it easy, then you have the power to make it easy. When you make it easy,
then you can get it done.

Though the job may be complicated and challenging and demanding, you can choose to
make it easy by the way you think of it. Instead of avoiding what you assume to be
difficult, you can dive right in to what you decide is easy.

Choose with your own thoughts to make it easy. And you'll choose to make it happen.

Positive advantage
P ut your energy where it will do the most good. Put your energy into those things you
can do right now to make a difference.
Worry will get you nowhere and will drain the value out of your moments. Achieving the
status of victim is not an achievement worth having.

Instead, take the challenges and use them to positive advantage. With the very real
power of your thoughts, bend your life's energy so that it flows ever forward.

There is enough time and there are plenty of resources for creating true greatness on
your own terms. Fully feel the possibilities and bring them steadily to life.

Make thankful use of what you have when you have it. Focus what is, through your
imagination, into the best of what you know can be.

See the immense value of who you are and what you have right now. Transform that
value into a living expression now, and it will always be with you.

Drawn closer

E ven in the midst of turmoil and confusion, total, all-encompassing peace can be
yours. When it seems that the world is spinning out of control, steady confidence radiates
from your inner values.
When you don't know what to do, something within you does know exactly what to do.
When all hope is lost, hope grows ever stronger.

There is no magic bullet that will solve all your problems. Yet by accepting and even
embracing those many problems, you gain sweet control over your world.

You have been through much and you will go through much more. Each day, every
moment brings something that you will eventually understand to be real, unique treasure.

Breathe deeply the empowering air of authentic experience. With the passing hours you
gain more substance with which to work.

Your dreams have not been lost. They have just been more fully revealed, and have
drawn closer than ever before.

Find your enthusiasm

W hat is it that excites you, and gets you fired up in a positive way, and makes it
impossible for you to sit still? Whatever it is, fill your awareness with it.

Bright, sparkling, delicious enthusiasm will get you going in a powerful, purposeful
direction. Enthusiasm will keep you going strong even when nothing seems to be going
your way.

There's something, some goal, some dream, some intrinsic purpose that will put you in a
state of irrepressible enthusiasm. Get busy, find it and connect with it because when you
do your effectiveness will skyrocket.

Let yourself dream your biggest, most wonderful and fulfilling dreams. Then reach in,
grab the very essence of those dreams and you'll have a handful of priceless enthusiasm.

The best that you can imagine is already within you. So bring it to the surface and let it
positively infect your whole world.

Find your own unique, joyful and powerful enthusiasm. And let it carry you to magnificent

The time is right
T he time is right, right now. Stop waiting and start doing.

When you have the thought to make a difference, act on it. Live out your dreams by
putting your ideas quickly into action.

When you are truly and fully committed to a specific outcome, it will happen. Taking
action is what authenticates and locks in your commitment.

Once you begin to take action, you've made an investment. The more of your time and
energy and focus you invest, the more you'll be motivated to see it through no matter

Momentum is essential to any achievement. Taking action is your way to create that

As soon as you decide to do it, begin to do it. Take the first step now, and you're well on
your way to whatever destination you choose.

Future consequences
O ne action, taken now, can have powerful consequences far into the future. That fact
can be a blessing or a curse, depending of course on what the action is.

Time will magnify whatever you do. So even in the smallest matters, do what is right.

The direction and purpose of each effort are much more important than the size of the
effort. For over time, all your efforts will add together to exert great influence on your life
and your world.

Your future consequences are being born right now. This is a moment of great

Point all your actions, large and small, important and seemingly insignificant, in the
direction you wish to see your life move. Time will combine all those actions into an
increasingly powerful set of results, and now is when you can choose those results.

With your efforts, choose to put time on your side. Make the future your friend by making
the most of right now.

Set to begin
W here you are, is a great place to start. In fact, where you are is the only place from
which you can ever start.

The path that leads to your most treasured dreams, also leads to where you are right
now. Experience how good it feels to take the first step forward on that path.

This is the right moment. All you need to get started is what you already have.

The special joy of accomplishment begins the moment you begin. That joy is as close as
your next breath.

Starting with whatever you have, you can reach whatever you dare to imagine. From this
very place, your journey is set to begin.

Open your eyes to the possibilities. Taste the sweet fulfilment that is yours now to create.

…end of part one


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