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Biobauer {m}; Biolandwirt {m}  organic farmer

Biobauern {pl}; Biolandwirte {pl} organic farmers
Biodiesel {m}  biodiesel
Bioenergie {f}  bioenergy
Biogas {n}  biogas
Biogasanlage {f} biogas plant

Klimaschwankung {f}  climatal fluctuation; climatic oscillation

Klimaschwankungen {pl} climatal fluctuations; climatic oscillations

Naturschützer {m}; Naturschützerin {f}  conservationist

Naturschützer {pl}; Naturschützerinnen {pl} conservationists
Naturschutzgebiet {n}; Naturreservat {n}  nature reserve; conservation area
Naturschutzgebiete {pl}; Naturreservate {pl} nature reserves; conservation areas
Naturschutz {m}  nature conservancy
Naturschutz {m} conservation

Ökoaudit {n}  environmental audit

Ökobilanz {f}  environmental performance evaluation
Ökologe {f}; Ökologin {f}  ecologist
Ökologen {pl}; Ökologinnen {pl} ecologists

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Ökologie {f}  ecology

Ökosteuer {f}  eco-tax
Ökosystem {n}  ecosystem
Ökosysteme {pl} ecosystems
marines Ökosystem  marine ecosystem
Öko-Technologie {f}  eco-technology; eco-tech
Ölabscheider {m}  oil trap; oil separator
Ölabscheider {pl} oil traps; oil separators

Umwelt {f}  environment

auf Kosten der Umwelt at the expense of the environment
verseuchte Umwelt contaminated environment
Umweltbedingung {f}  environmental condition
Umweltbedingungen {pl} environmental conditions
Umweltbeeinflussung {f}  environmental impact
Umweltbelastbarkeit {f} environmental resilience
Umweltbelastung {f}  environmental pollution; ecological damage
Umweltbewusstsein {n}  ecological awareness; environmental awareness
Umweltbildung {f}  environmental education
Umwelteinfluss {m}  environmental impact; environmental influence
Umwelteinflüsse {pl} environmental influences; environmental influences

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Umwelteinwirkung {f}  environmental impact

Umweltfaktor {m}  environmental factor
Umweltfaktoren {pl} environmental factors
Umweltforschung {f}  ecology
Umweltforschung {f} environmental research; environmental studies
Umweltgutachten {n}  expertise on environmental matters
Umwelthygiene {f}  environmental health
Umweltinvestitionsprogramm {n}  environmental investment program
Umweltinvestitionsprogramme {pl} environmental investment programs
Umweltkampagne {f}  environmental campaign
Umweltkampagnen {pl} environmental campaigns
ecological disaster; environmental catastrophe; eco-
Umweltkatastrophe {f}
ecological disasters; environmental catastrophes; eco-
Umweltkatastrophen {pl}
Umweltkrise {f}  ecological crisis
Umweltkrisen {pl} ecological crises
Umweltmanagement {n}  environmental management
Umweltpflege {f} environmental care
Umweltpolitik {f}  environmental policy
Umweltproblem {n}  environmental problem
Umweltprobleme {pl} environmental problems

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Umweltqualität {f}  environmental quality

Umweltrelevanz {f}  ecological relevance
Umweltrichtlinie {f}  environmental guideline
Umweltrichtlinien {pl} environmental guidelines
Umweltschäden {pl}  damage to the environment
Umweltschutzauflage {f} environmental constraint
Umweltschützer {m}; Umweltschützerin {f}  environmentalist; greenster
Umweltschützer {pl}; Umweltschützerinnen {pl} environmentalists; greensters
aktiver Umweltschützer ecowarrior
Umweltschutz {m}  environmentalism
vorbeugender Umweltschutz preventive environmental protection
Umweltschutzorganisation {f}  environmental group
Umweltsteuer {f}  green tax
Umweltstudie {f}  environmental study
Umweltstudien {pl} environmental studies
Umwelttechnik {f}; Umwelttechnologie {f}  environment engineering; environmental technology
Umweltüberwachung {f}  environmental monitoring
Umweltverschmutzer {m}  polluter
Umweltverschmutzer {pl} polluters
Umweltverschmutzung {f}  environmental pollution; pollution of the environment
Umweltwissenschaft {f}  environmental science

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Windkraftanlage {f}; Windkraftwerk {n}  wind power station

Windkraftanlagen {pl}; Windkraftwerke {pl} wind power stations

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