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Following is a questionnaire where you can rate yourself with regards to your

Instructions: Mark "T" for true or "F" for false after each statement, if it related to your

S.l. .No T/F

1. I do not believe I'm working up to my potential.

2. I consider it a failure when I do not accomplish my goals.
3. When others are nice to me I often feel suspicious.
4. Giving other compliments about their strengths often makes me feel uncomfortable.
5. It is difficult to see others promoted because I often feel I am more deserving.
6. I do not think my co-workers want me to advance professionally.
7. I think my career has progressed because of luck and not because I deserve.
8. I like to impress my superiors.
9. When my boss praises me, I usually do not believe him or her.
10. I find it difficult to face up to my mistakes.
11. I find it hard to say I'm sorry.
12. I find it difficult to look for the good in others
13. I am not comfortable always saying what I mean.
14. When things are going well, they usually will not last for me.
15. I place a high value on what others think of me.
16. I avoid people who I think do not like me 'I often find myself thinking, "Why can't I be
more successful?"
17. If honest with myself, I tend to blame my parents for how my life is turning out.
18. Procrastination is a good word to describe my work habits.
19. I often find my thinking. "Why can't I be more successful?"
20. I often find myself thinking, " Why even try, I won't make it."
21. My attitude to life could improve.


TRUE ____________ FALSE___________


Rate yourself as a communicator

Low High

Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Do people listen to you?
2. Do you receive compliments on
your speaking or listening?
3. Do you hold back too much when
you know you have something
important to say?
4. Do you inititate conversations?
5. Do you feel comfortable in
speaking to your superior on
sensitive subjects?
6. Do you speak too loudly? Too

The questionnaire given below will help you find out how good you are in protecting
your positive attitude and working harmoniously with others. If you have the reputation
among co-workers of being excellent at human relations, give yourself an 8 or 9 or in a
rare case 10. If you are frequently negative and it interferes with your personal and group
productivity, give yourself a 5 or under.

Low High
Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. How much value do you place on your

positive attitude?
2. How much importance do you place on
good human relations?
3. How much is your tolerance level
regarding the behavior of others?
4. How free are you from prejudice?
5. How sensitive are you to the
relationship between good human
relations and productivity?
Assertiveness Questionnaire

Low High

Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5

1. I ask others to do things without

feeling guilty or anxious.
2. When someone asks me to do
something I don't want to do, I say
"no" without feeling guilty or
3. I am comfortable when speaking to
a large group of people.
4. I confidently express my honest
opinions to authority figures (such
as my boss).
5. When I experience powerful
feelings (anger, frustrations,
disappointment, etc). I verbalize
them easily.
6. I am comfortably speaking up in a
group situation.
7. I tell others when their behavior
creates a problem for me.
8. I assume that most people are
competent and trustworthy and do
not have difficulty delegating task to
9. When considering doing something
I have never done. I feel confident I
can learn to do it.
10.I believe my needs are as important
as those of others are and I am
entitled to have my needs satisfied.
To understand your perception to creativity, ask yourself the following
questions and tabulate the results for yourself.

1. My perception of creativity in an individual is :____________

(a) The capacity to think differently in different situations
(b) Being artistic (painting, writing, etc.)
(c) Problem solving ability
(d) Capacity to come up with fresh new ideas
(e) Others______

2. Creativity____________
(a) is present in only a few
(b) is present in all

3. Creativity_____________
(a) Can be nurtured
(b) Cannot be nurtured

4. Individuals must strive to be creative because____________

(a) It is a means of self-expression
(b) It is essential for self development and growth
(c) It is an adaptive tool for dealing with the dynamics of change
(d) It helps to set one apart and contribute to a distinct individuality
(e) Others_____

5. As an individual your personal blocks to being creative are mostly_____

(a) Habitual
(b) Psychological
(c) Perceptual
(d) Emotional
(e) Others_____

6. How does one enhance creative? __________

(a) Professional guidance and training
(b) Only by experience
(c) Personal SWOT analysis and introspection
(d) Situational pressure
(e) Others_____

7. High achievers are ________

(a) Systems oriented
(b) Creative
(c) Hard working
(d) Opportunistic
(e) Others ____

8. You are at your creative best __________

(a) When you are talking/interacting with friends and colleagues
(b) When confronted with a trying situation
(c) When you are alone
(d) Supplied with adequate incentive
(e) Others_____
Degree of initiative
♦ This will indicate how much initiative you normally demonstrate.

(instructions to rate your self later in self portrait)

1. If you feel you can moderately improve on present level of initiative circle the five or six.

2. If you are 'self starter' but you could still demonstrate more initiative, circle seven or eight.

3. If you really procrastinate and have the reputation as 'a doer' with great follows through,
circle the nice or ten.

♦ As you rate yourself, keep in mind that you will have a few weak areas in your profile that
will demand action on your part. If you circle a seven or higher on this scale you are
committing yourself to do something about discovered weaknesses. Are you willing to do

♦ Now that we have gone through the characteristics individually let us construct a profile - a
self-portrait; by looking at the various characteristics in a nutshell.

♦ If required return to the exercises you have completed and fill in the below given graph on
those basis.

Self Profile Sheet

Quality of Relationships

Degree of Initiative
Sense of Humour

Self Esteem


Career Planning for Success
Explanation of two hypothetical examples is given below. These may help you
read your own self-portrait.

Quality of Relationships
Example 1:

Degree of Initiative
Sense of Humour

Self Eastern



♦ When a profile shows only one category is below 5 level, it is a safe bet that concentration to
improve that area will pay this person substantial and immediate dividends.
♦ A study of this person's profile indicates that improvement in the communication category
will improve the remaining areas like self esteem and assertiveness.
♦ A 1-2 point's improvement in self-esteem, and assertiveness will contribute significantly to
this person's career.
Quality of Relationships

Degree of Initiative
Sense of Humour

Self Eastern



♦ Humor is this person's critical weakness.

♦ Learning to laugh at the humorous side offline has many benefits, including
- better relationships with co-workers.
- greater contribution to 'team spirit'..

♦ It is usual to find a profile with such low rating in humor and good rating in attitude. This is
normally a symbiotic relationship between humor and attitude- one contributing to the
improvement of the other. This profile only indicates that such a person has a good sense of
humor but does not openly express it.

♦ This profile also suggests that this person takes things too seriously and as a result the other
categories - communication, relationships, attitude, etc. suffer moderately.

Tips to keep in mind while you discover yourself from

the above analysis.
♦ Accept the fact that this is your profile alone. It is not a scientific analysis but
will provide you with insights regarding 'Who are you'.

♦ Keep in mind that no person is perfect. Among the different categories we all
have our weak points. Most people who are honest with them will have at least
one column in their profile under 5. If none shows up, then probably it is an
indication that the individual is 'blind' to a particular weakness that is obvious to

♦ A balance between strong and weak points is often noticeable. It is possible to

have a 9 or 10 in two or more areas and a 4 at the same number of areas. This
is a healthy sign because the very fact that the individual has strong areas
indicates that the weak areas discovered can be raised.

♦ A single area with a score under 5 can be a negative influence on the remaining
others, e.g. a low score in initiative could delay or neutralize the positive effects
of the others areas. All categories are interdependence on each other therefore a
weak area can pull down one's effectiveness in all the other areas.

♦ In the same way a very high rating in one or more categories could pull up the
effectiveness of the individual in other categories e.g. a person who rates high
in humor, rates higher in the attitude category than in others.

♦ Share results selectively with others-especially with superiors and career

guidance professional-so that additional insights may be gained.

♦ Build a new profile every few months so that you can track your progress.

Step -2:
Visualize your strengths and weakness from the above-created
profile so that you can gain a better perspective of your self.
(a) What are my strengths?

Given below are a list of positive personal characteristics. Circle the characteristics that
suit you best, or best describe you behavior.

Accepting enterprising poised

Achieving entertaining precise
Active enthusiastic productive
Adventurous expressive professional
Affectionate far-minded quickly
Ambitious friendly rational
Articulate gentle realistic
Assertive genuine receptive
Attractive good nature reassuring
Caring graceful responsive
Charismatic helpful self-aware
Charming homers self-confident
Cheerful happy sensitive
Committed imaginative serious
Compassionate independent sincere
Confident insightful skillful
Congenial intelligent sociable
Conscientious intuitive steady
Considerate knowledgeable strong
Cooperative logical sympathetic
Creative likable stimulating
Dedicated open-minded spontaneous
Dependable optimistic talented
Determined organized thoughtful
Disciplined orderly tolerant
Distinctive outgoing trusting
Dynamic original truthful
Efficient perceptive unique
Empathetic persistent unpretentious
Encouraging patient vigorous
Energetic persuasive warm

b.What are my weaknesses?

Experience shows that there is one or the other weakness in most
people. Make a list of all the negative feedback you have got from others or
perhaps the negative points you have realized for yourself.


Step -3:
List out your skills, abilities, and knowledge.


♦ Courses undertaken
♦ Diplomas & Degrees
♦ Any others


♦ Work experience
♦ Any others that brought about a specific change/resulted in absorption of knowledge.


♦ We list down our skills in different categories and rank them in order
♦ People skills- (This would include skills like supervisor, persuasion, humor,
organizing, counseling, appraising. Etc.)
♦ Thinking skills - (This would include decision making general mechanical ability,
creativity, etc.)
♦ Data Skills - (This would include communication, data, compiling, integrating,
calculating, abstract reasoning etc.)

Step 4:
Rank in order from 1 to 13 the given value and their relative
importance in life. The definitions are general not exhaustive, but are meant
as illustrations of what values could mean.

A.Kindness Being kind, loving, tender, affectionate to people, helpful to others forgiving
B.Intellectualism Interest in current affairs, intellectual curiosity, and appreciation for art, music,
literature, and etc. enjoyment of books, reflection, and intelligence. _______
C.Loyalty Defending honour, helping organize group activity, working to improve prestige or
group, staying committed to group, person, organization. _______
D.Honesty Never cheating or breaking the Law, truthfulness, representing self truthfully,
sincerity. _______
E.Religion and Philosophy Being devout, living one's religion/philosophy on a day to day basis.
F.Independence Being outspoken, freethinking, frank, living own life, free from control of
others when given a choice, stripping self of social restraint, pressure, independent
financially, self-reliant, self-sufficient. _____
G.Acceptance of authority Obedient, respectful, abiding by rules, policies voluntarily, will
follow orders, dutiful____
H.Pleasure Enjoyment, leisure life, doing what one prefers in choice situation, giving in to
I.Equality Fairness, equal opportunity, lack of prejudice, bigotry, favoritism, brotherhood.
J.Ambition Achievement getting ahead, having high goals and wants, taking action to better self
and situation, hardworking. _____
K.Family Close family ties, interest in family and family relationships, hardworking. _______
L.Adventure daring, stimulation-seeking, creative, imaginative, active. ________
M.Affluence Wealth, material goods, acquisition of material things, ability to live comfortably.

Step -5:
Make a list of all the specific goals in life and the time limit for accomplishing them (In
order of priority)

1. _________________


goal 1. Goal 2. Goal 3 etc.
Step -6:
Once we have made list of our values, goals, qualifications, etc. it is easier to answer the
following questionnaire wherein we can further assess ourselves.

Self assessment questionnaire

A.What are my special talents/abilities?

(1) _______________________
(2) _______________________
(3) _______________________
(4) _______________________
(5) _______________________
(6) _______________________
(7) _______________________
(8) _______________________
(9) _______________________
(10) _______________________

B.What single factor contributes most to your self-esteem?

C.Where are you now? (in your career)

D.What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?

E.How do you feel about your progress so far? (have you achieved your goals if any)

F.How would you describe your standards of performance?

G.What has been your biggest mistake till date?

H.In what areas do you need to improve?

I.What types of people irritate you?

J.Whoa re the most important people in your life? Why?
K.What constructive criticism have you had from others?

L.Do you consider the progress so far commensurate with your ability?


M. What qualifications do you have that will make you succeed in your objectives?

N.What further training do you need?

O.What makes you a good investment for an employer?


Step -7:
Draw up a list of things or task that you need to work towards in achieving your specific goals.
Along with the task specify the time limit in order to achieve these targets.

Goals Time

Step -8:

Imagine yourself at the interview table. Compose an opinion/impression of interviewer about

you as he sees you for the first. ( write what you expect him to think of you)



Step -9:

Summary list

(a) List of people who you now see as resources for improving yourself and
accomplishing your goals.
(b) List of resources (personal or otherwise) that you will need to draw upon to
accomplish immediate tactical plans.
(c) Fix a specific date to review all that you have written down.


Objective of this course: Assessing one's self for better career planning.
Some questions : Why are you here for ?
What are your goals in life?
Have you ever given a serious thought to assess yourself?

A basic step for career planning is to give a serious thought to assess yourself by taking stock
of your needs, interests, strengths and weaknesses, education, skills, values in life, personal
constraints as well as preferred job outcomes.

I would like to propose nine steps which will tell you clearly where do you stand right now in
your preparation for career planing. All of you, one time or the other, will be facing interviews,
working in the offices, meeting eminent people, giving lectures, presenting papers so and so
forth. If I have no confidence in myself, how am I going to face the other. This has been a big
problem for every one of today's generation.

Therefore to prepare oneself better to face this competitive world the following characteristics
may help you.

Step 1:

To make you competent with confidence I must know Who I am ?

To know who I am I need to concentrate on the following aspects of my self.

1.Self Esteem
3.Quality of relationships
4.Sense of humour
8.Degree of initiative

1. SELF - ESTEEM : Self Esteem is the way you perceive yourself.

If you view yourself as inferior to others or if you have little confidence to do every
day things, you are lacking in self esteem.
On the other hand, if you consider yourself to be competent in most situations and you are full of
self-confidence, you have high self esteem.


# If you scored half of the items " True " , you may want to spend some quality time with
yourself, or with a counselor, thinking about your life.
# If the majority of your answers were " False", you seem to have good self esteem and are on
your way to greater success and satisfaction.


A good communicator is one who is able to keep people informed in a sensitive manner without
damaging relationships. they do not hide important information from others; they quickly correct
misunderstandings and most of all they listen. If you really want to get along with people, need
to be a good communicator.
@ bring in the importance of communication for giving interviews.

Exercise:- Rate yourself as a communicator



Relationships are backbone of any Society. The primary reasons why this characteristic is
important are:

1.Good relationships help improve personal productivity.

2.Your image will be more positive.
3.Reduction of personal conflict will take less out of you and as a result make you a more
valuable person.

Exercise: Read from the questionnaire


Humor is an expression of joy which comes from being free. Some individuals have the
capability to take a serious situation and turn it around in such a way that they can find a
humorous perspective that may lie underneath. This quality is invaluable.

It is a mindset. When you are optimistic and anticipate successful encounters, you transmit a
positive attitude and people usually respond favorably.

When you are pessimistic and expect the worst, your attitude is often negative, and people tend
to avoid you, of course, no one can b positive all the time when things really get tough, a positive
attitude can be impossible. In such cases, " I not we shall overcome " perspective is more
determination based than attitude based.

Assertive behavior is a natural style of interaction that is nothing more than being direct, honest
and respectful to others. By being assertive we view our wants, needs and rights as equal with
those of others. We work towards win situation. This behavior leads to success without relation
and encourages honest and open relationship.

Exercise: Assertive Questionnaire


It is the ability to produce or discover new or useful objects, concepts, principle from existing or
known ones. Creativity involves the thought process for a purpose; it has a direction and a goal.
Creative thinking can be asset to any individual. Creativity is not inborn trait; it can be
developed. It is imperative that every individual make full use of his potential for creativity.







An interviewer can view an interviewee to belong to any one of the following


1. He may view the candidate to be a sincere one who is genuinely interested and
needs the job or.,
2.As an individual who is appearing for the interview for the sake of it or,
3.As an individual who is appearing for the interview for the sake of it or,
4.As an individual who wants to ridicule the interviewer probably because the
views held within the organization do not blend with those held by the

Therefore a potential employee must be very careful on how he speaks for he may
be misunderstood as belonging to the wrong category of interviews.

The key decision for selection depends on answers to the following questions:
♦ Can the person do the job?
♦Does the person have the required skills to be effective?
♦Is the candidate motivated?
♦Is he trust worthy? Etc…

Now give them sample selection evaluation form


Mention to yourself the job/college you are looking for----
Imagine that you have taken your own interview for a job. And now you are going to rate
yourself in the following manner.
5. Unsatisfactory 2. Above Average
4. Below Average 1. Outstanding
3. Average NR. Not Relevant

1.Intelligence 1 2 3 4 5 NR
3.Appearance and Poise
5.Interpersonal relations
9.Communication skills
10. Interests
11. Leadership potential

Examine the points :12345 NR

Now find out. Are you a suitable candidate for this particular job ?
Why do get rejected in the interviews?

 Poor physical projection

 Lack of courtesy and manners
 Over-emphasis on money rather than growth prospects
 Lack of a clear career plan
 Dishonest
 Over-ambitious
 Immaturity
 Condemnation of past organization and bosses
 Poor communication skills
 Disturbed family or marital life
 No real interest in the job or organization
 Lack of knowledge lack of past achievements
 Uses influence
 Lack of mobility in transfer
 Lazy
 Low mortal standards
 Non-punctual
 Extreme ideas and values
 Bluffer
 Purely theoretical and no practical out look
 Lack of self confidence
 Casual approach


A.POOR COMUNICATION: not clear, not answering directly

B.NOT PREPARED FOR THE INTERVIEW: no interview training, no idea of the job/company
, no general knowledge
C.VAGUE INTERESTS: your interests don't suit the jobs
D.LACKS MOTIVATION : not enthusiastic, too agreeable, lazy
E.UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS: too concerned with the salary, always worried about what
to get than to contribute.. etc.


Two things are very important:

1.How different are you from others ?

2.What do you do to remain consistently different?

How do you achieve this?

1.COMMON SENSE: having sound and practical judgement on everyday affairs.

2.ACADEMIC RECORD: A good academic record is always an asset. Basic understanding of
concepts is more important than mere accumulation of degrees and certificates.
3.PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE: Experience makes the man. One should not confined to any
boundaries regarding acquiring the knowledge
4.General knowledge: This includes an extensive vocabulary, good reading habits, writing skills
and a good IQ. Aware of the current affairs, developments etc..
5.SELF RELIANCE AND SELF CONFIDENCE: A successful person doesn't depend on any
one but himself. This is possible only if one has confidence in himself
6.ABILITY TO GET THINGS DONE: It is an art. If one is sure of himself one will not hesitate
to do things by own self.
7.LEADERSHIP QULITIES: Stand out from the rest of the pack. Grab the every bit of
opportunity that passes by.
8.COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Includes comprehension and writing abilities
9.CRISIS AND TIME MANAGEMENT: Can you solve at least your own problems ?
10. RISK TAKING ABILITY: Taking calculated risk
11. ACHIEVEMENT ORIENTED: One who lives on goals

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