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ENG - 2014/1

Application Form
About this application form

This application form is a formal legal document and may

affect your rights and obligations. Please follow the
instructions given in the Notes for filling in the application
form. Make sure you fill in all the fields applicable to your
situation and provide all relevant documents.

Barcode label

Warning: If your application is incomplete, it will not be

accepted (see Rule 47 of the Rules of Court). Please note
in particular that Rule 47 2 (a) provides that:
"All of the information referred to in paragraph 1 (d) to (f)
[statement of facts, alleged violations and information
about compliance with the admissibility criteria] that is
set out in the relevant part of the application form should
be sufficient to enable the Court to determine the nature
and scope of the application without recourse to any
other document."

Reference number

If you have already received a sheet of barcode labels from the

European Court of Human Rights, please place one barcode label
in the box below.

If you already have a reference number from the Court in relation

to these complaints, please indicate it in the box below.

A. The applicant (Individual)

B. The applicant (Organisation)

This section refers to applicants who are individual persons only.

If the applicant is an organisation, please go to Section B.

This section should only be filled in where the applicant is a

company, NGO, association or other legal entity.

1. Surname

9. Name

S.C. Volksbank Romania S.A.

2. First name(s)
10. Identification number (if any)


3. Date of birth
e.g. 27/09/2012

4. Nationality

11. Date of registration or incorporation (if any)

0 e.g. 27/09/2012

12. Activity
5. Address

Institutie bancara
13. Registered address

Romania, mun. Bucureti, Sos. Pipera nr. 42, et. 3-8 si 10,
sector 2

6. Telephone (including international dialling code)

7. Email (if any)

14. Telephone (including international dialling code)


8. Sex

15. Email


European Court of Human Rights - Application form


C. Representative(s) of the applicant

If the applicant is not represented, go to Section D.

Non-lawyer/Organisation official


Please fill in this part of the form if you are representing an

applicant but are not a lawyer.

Please fill in this part of the form if you are representing the
applicant as a lawyer.

In the box below, explain in what capacity you are representing

the applicant or state your relationship or official function where
you are representing an organisation.

24. Surname

16. Capacity / relationship / function

25. First name(s)


17. Surname

26. Nationality

18. First name(s)

19. Nationality

27. Address

Mun. Suceava, str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 10, sc. A, cab. 8, jud.

20. Address

28. Telephone (including international dialling code)

+40 753 875 819

29. Fax

21. Telephone (including international dialling code)

30. Email
22. Fax

23. Email

The applicant must authorise any representative to act on his or her behalf by signing the authorisation below (see the Notes for
filling in the application form).
I hereby authorise the person indicated to represent me in the proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights, concerning
my application lodged under Article 34 of the Convention.

31. Signature of applicant

32. Date

e.g. 27/09/2012

European Court of Human Rights - Application form


D. State(s) against which the application is directed

33. Tick the name(s) of the State(s) against which the application is directed

ALB - Albania

ITA - Italy

AND - Andorra

LIE - Liechtenstein

ARM - Armenia

LTU - Lithuania

AUT - Austria

LUX - Luxembourg

AZE - Azerbaijan

LVA - Latvia

BEL - Belgium

MCO - Monaco

BGR - Bulgaria

MDA - Republic of Moldova

BIH - Bosnia and Herzegovina

MKD - "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"

CHE - Switzerland

MLT - Malta

CYP - Cyprus

MNE - Montenegro

CZE - Czech Republic

NLD - Netherlands

DEU - Germany

NOR - Norway

DNK - Denmark

POL - Poland

ESP - Spain

PRT - Portugal

EST - Estonia

ROU - Romania

FIN - Finland

RUS - Russian Federation

FRA - France

SMR - San Marino

GBR - United Kingdom

SRB - Serbia

GEO - Georgia

SVK - Slovak Republic

GRC - Greece

SVN - Slovenia

HRV - Croatia

SWE - Sweden

HUN - Hungary

TUR - Turkey

IRL - Ireland

UKR - Ukraine

ISL - Iceland

European Court of Human Rights - Application form


Subject matter of the application

All the information concerning the facts, complaints and compliance with the requirements of exhaustion of domestic remedies and
the six-month time-limit laid down in Article 35 1 of the Convention must be set out in this part of the application form (sections
E., F. and G.) (Rule 47 2 (a)). The applicant may supplement this information by appending further details to the application form.
Such additional explanations must not exceed 20 pages (Rule 47 2 (b)); this page limit does not include copies of accompanying
documents and decisions.

E. Statement of the facts


1. Situaia iniial
La data de 5 martie 2014, soii V., au formulat o cerere de chemare n judecat avnd ca obiect constatarea
caracterului abuziv al unor clauze contractuale din contractul ncheiat ntre acetia i Volksbank Romnia (VBR).
2. Pronunarea sentinei
Dup administrarea probelor i acordarea cuvntului pe fondul problemei deduse judecii, instana de
fond a admis cererea reclamanilor mpotriva bncii. Dup comunicarea motivrii petenta a observat c din
considerentele hotrrii nu se puteau identifica motivele pentru care a fost constatat caracterul abuziv al unei serii
de clauze contractuale (art. 8.1 lit. c i d, art. 2.3, art. 2.4, art. 4.1, art. 4.2, art. 4.3) i de asemenea nu era motivat
soluia de repunere pe cont curent a conveniei declarate scadent anticipat pentru neplata la timp a ratelor de
credit de ctre reclamani.
3. Formularea apelului mpotriva sentinei pronunate de judectoria naional i invocarea nclcrii art. 6.1
CEDO, pronunarea deciziei asupra apelului de ctre tribunalul naional cu nclcarea art. 13 CEDO.
Petenta a formulat apel mpotriva sentinei judectoriei, care este i singura cale de atac ordinar prevzut
de legislaia Romniei pentru litigiile cu asemenea obiect. ns, nici n decizia pronunat de Tribunal, nu au fost
indicate motivele concrete pentru care a fost respins apelul, unica motivare a deciziei din apel fiind urmtoarea:
instana consider n mod unanim c se impune respingerea argumentelor apelantei, soluia fiind fireasc, pe deplin
mprtit de membrii completului, fiind inutil motivarea unei soluii vdite.
Precizm c obiectul litigiului este echivalent sumei de 30.000 de euro.
4. Epuizarea cilor de atac naionale
Avnd n vedere dispoziiile art. 483 alin. 2 din Legea 134/2010 privind Codul de procedur civil al Romniei,
soluia pronunat de tribunalul naional, menionat la punctul 4, nu este supus altei ci de atac, astfel fiind
epuizate toate cile de atac naionale n vederea accesrii jurisdiciei CEDO:
Nu sunt supuse recursului hotararile pronuntate in cererile prevazute la art. 94 pct. 1 lit. a)-j), in cele privind
navigatia civila si activitatea in porturi, conflictele de munca si de asigurari sociale, in materie de expropriere, in
cererile privind repararea prejudiciilor cauzate prin erori judiciare, precum si in alte cereri evaluabile in bani in
valoare de pana la 500.000 lei inclusiv. De asemenea, nu sunt supuse recursului hotararile date de instantele de apel
in cazurile in care legea prevede ca hotararile de prima instanta sunt supuse numai apelului.
Reiretm c jurisprudena consacrat a Curii Europene a Drepturilor Omului a stabilit c prin epuizarea cilor
de atac interne se subnelege utilizarea tuturor recursurilor ordinare alate la dispoziia persoanei n cauz i c
reclamantul nu este inut s uziteze de toate cile prin care poate s obin satisfacerea intereselor sale, ci este
suficient s fi ncercat fr succes o cale de atac eficace. (hot. Cancicovici i altii, hot. Mihai-Iulian Popescu).

Please ensure that the information you enter into this section does not exceed the size limit and review your text accordingly.
If you wish to submit supplementary information see the "Notes for filling in the application form.

European Court of Human Rights - Application form


Statement of the facts (continued)



Please ensure that the information you enter into this section does not exceed the size limit and review your text accordingly.
If you wish to submit supplementary information see the "Notes for filling in the application form.

European Court of Human Rights - Application form


Statement of the facts (continued)



Please ensure that the information you enter into this section does not exceed the size limit and review your text accordingly.
If you wish to submit supplementary information see the "Notes for filling in the application form.

European Court of Human Rights - Application form


F. Statement of alleged violation(s) of the Convention and/or Protocols and relevant arguments
37. Article invoked


Art. 6 .1 CEDO
Art. 13 CEDO

Prin nemotivarea hotrrii se aduce o atingere inadmisibil dreptului la un proces

Art. 6.1 din CEDO prevede c: Orice persoan are dreptul la judecarea cauzei sale
n mod echitabil, n mod public i n termen rezonabil, de ctre o instan
independent i imparial, instituit de lege, care va hotr fie asupra nclcrii
drepturilor i obligaiilor sale cu caracter civil, fie asupra temeiniciei oricrei acuzaii
n materie penal ndreptate mpotriva sa.
Prin nemotivarea hotrrii, n condiiile n care aceast obligaie este prevzut de
legea naional, se ncalc att caracterul echitabil, public, caracterul independent i
respectiv imparial al hotrrii pronunate, prin simplul fapt c nu pot fi urmrite i
verificate de ctre justiiabil, sau de ctre orice alt persoan interesat,
considerentele pentru care a fost pronunat hotrrea n cauz, ct i se limiteaz
n mod injust dreptul la un recurs efectiv din cauza omisiunii motivrii.
Aceeai situaie tipic s-a produs i n privina motivrii deciziei pronunate n
de atac a apelului, folosit de ctre reclamant.
Dup cum am precizat cu ocazia motivrii nclcrii art. 6.1 CEDO, prin
nemotivarea sentinei primei instane s-au restrns n mod nelegal dreptul
reclamantei de a se folosi de calea de atac prevzut de lege din cauza necunoaterii
considerentelor din reprezentarea judectorului de fond care au dus la pronunarea
De asemenea, prin respingerea apelului formulat, prin meninerea
considerentelor, inexistente de altfel, pentru care s-a pronunat sentina apelat, se
perpetueaz o grav eroare judiciar, prin care se ncalc att art. 6.1 CEDO ct i
art. 13 din CEDO.

European Court of Human Rights - Application form


G. For each complaint, please confirm that you have used the available effective remedies in the country
concerned, including appeals, and also indicate the date when the final decision at domestic level was
delivered and received, to show that you have complied with the six-month time-limit.
38. Complaint

Information about remedies used and the date of the final decision



European Court of Human Rights - Application form

39. Is or was there an appeal or remedy available to you which you have not used?


40. If you answered Yes above, please state which appeal or remedy you have not used and explain why not.


H. Information concerning other international proceedings (if any)

41. Have you raised any of these complaints in another procedure of international investigation
or settlement?


42. If you answered Yes above, please give a concise summary of the procedure (complaints submitted, name of the international body
and date and nature of any decisions given).

43. Do you (the applicant) currently have, or have you previously had, any other applications before
the Court?


44. If you answered Yes above, please write the relevant application number(s) in the box below.


European Court of Human Rights - Application form



List of accompanying documents

You should enclose full and legible copies of all documents.

No documents will be returned to you. It is thus in your interests to submit copies, not originals.
- arrange the documents in order by date and by procedure;
- number the pages consecutively;
- NOT staple, bind or tape the documents.
45. In the box below, please list the documents in chronological order with a concise description.


Sentina nr. 442/2015 din 17.03.2015 din Dosarul 235/124/2014



Apel mpotriva Sentinei nr. 442/2015 din 17.03.2015 din Dosarul 235/124/2014


Decizia nr. 442/2015 din 07.06.2015 din Dosarul 235/124/2014














10. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
11. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
12. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
13. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
14. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
15. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
16. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
17. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
18. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
19. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
20. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
21. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
22. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
23. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
24. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
25. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

European Court of Human Rights - Application form


Any other comments

Do you have any other comments about your application?


Declaration and signature

I hereby declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information I have given in the present application form is correct.
47. Date

e.g. 27/09/2012

The applicant(s) or the applicants representative(s) must sign in the box below.
48. Signature(s)


Representative(s) - tick as appropriate

Confirmation of correspondent
If there is more than one applicant or more than one representative, please give the name and address of the one person with whom
the Court will correspond.
49. Name and address of


Representative - tick as appropriate

Grozavu Mircea
jud. Suceava, mun. Suceava, str. Mihai Eminescu nr. 10, sc. A, cab. 8.

The completed application form should be

signed and sent by post to:
The Registrar
European Court of Human Rights
Council of Europe

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