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1. Pueblos are made of what?

Stone and adobe (sun-dried bricks of clay and straw)

2. Meaning of the word Anasazi? The ancient ones
3. After whom did Martin Waldeseemuller name America? Amerigo Vespucci
4. 1st English settlement in the New World? Spanish settlement St. Augustine in Florida
5. Rope of sand full quote: The main problem with the Confederation was that the states
were united by a rope of sand and that what was needed was greater degree of unity
George Washington
6. Fist English colony in the new World? Jamestown, Virginia (1607)
7. Who wrote The Federalist papers? James Madison and Alexander Hamilton
8. What led to Spanish-English war? Destruction of American battle ship Maine in Havana
9. Woodrow Wilson greatest hope for peace? League of Nations
10. Franklin Delano Roosevelt- terms of office? 4
11. Truman doctrine? Rebuilding of Europe on American money and containment of
communism, 12 billion dollars before 1951 and establishment of NATO- North Atlantic
Treaty Organization to provide for common defense.
12. Who succeeded in passing Civil rights act? Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964
13. Only court mentioned in the Constitution? US Supreme Court
14. The vote of Florida was important for George Bush to win the elections? True
15. Term checks and balances? Each of tree branches of government can limit power of the
others. This way, neither branch can become too powerful. Each branch checks the
power of the others to make sure that the power is balanced.
16. Inalienable rights of every man? Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness
17. When are the elections traditionally held? On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in
November, in years divisible evenly by 4.
18. How did George Bush win the elections? He was elected in 2000 after close and
controversial election, becoming the fourth president to be elected while receiving fewer
popular votes nationwide than his opponent. The outcome depended on the Florida vote,
won by Bush, by a margin (538) of more than half a million votes overall. There were a
number of misplaced votes and missing ballot boxes, African Americans being denied the
right to vote by officials overseeing the elections, etc. On top of everything else, the
Governor of Florida was Jeb Bush, Georges brother.
19. What are diversity cases? Federal law also authorizes federal courts to hear cases
where the opposing parties are citizens of different states. This is known as diversity
jurisdiction, because the plaintiff and the defendant have different (=diverse),state
citizenships. Diversity jurisdiction enables a federal court to hear cases where there is
not a federal question. In diversity cases, the federal court provides a fair forum where
citizens of different states can have their cases heard.
20. Which 2 states have courts of last resort? Oklahoma and Texas
21. Watergate scandal? Arose out of an attempted burglary of the Democratic Party offices,
revealed that Nixon was surrounded by corrupted people. The shame of the scandal

ruined the president and sent his cabinet official to jail. Nixon himself had to be pardoned
by his successor Gerald Ford in order to avoid being impeached by the Congress.
22. Why was Kennedy reluctant? He worries that a strong civil rights stand might drive
southern white voters away from the Democratic Party.
23. What does it mean dumbing down the curriculum? Giving students easier material so
all of them could get a diploma.
24. What is the purpose of Jim Crow laws? Enforcing racial segregation in public institutions
25. GI bill? 1944 provided financial aid for WWII veterans, for college
26. Columbia- part of Ivy League? True
27. Which company bankrupted 2001? Enron corporation
28. Newspaper with the biggest circulation in the USA? The Wall street journal
29. Truman ended WWII? By dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on
August 6th and 9th, following, Japan capitulated
30. Who are baby boomers? Baby boomers are people who were born in the post WWII
period. They were a massive young population during the 1960s who supported social
change at the time. They were young, making their way through colleges and universities,
often embracing counter-cultural lifestyles and radical politics, and supporting social
groups that had previously been subordinated.
31. End of the war between Native Americans and the settlers? The surrendering of the
Apache leader Geronimo in 1886.
32. European philosophers? Montesquieu and Locke
33. President suggest the judges, and the Supreme Court? Watches over other 2 branches and
determines whether or not their laws are in accordance with the Constitution
34. The Gulf war? The Gulf war was waged by a U.N authorized Coalition force from 34
nations led by the United States, against Iraq in response to Iraqs invasion and
annexation of Kuwait in 1990. A US led coalition liberated Kuwait and launched a
massive invasion of Iraq by armored and infantry forces. The campaign lasted only 100
hours due to superior speed, mobility and firepower of the allied forces. The Gulf war
victory was hollow, however, because the UN resolution only called for the expulsion of
Iraq from Kuwait, allowing Saddam Hussein to remain in power.
35. Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal? Clintons second term of office was marked by
the Monica Lewinsky scandal. When it was discovered that the president had carried on
an affair with a young White House intern and, even worse, lied under oath, the House of
Representatives began impeaching hearings, focusing of perjury and obstruction of
justice. Hilary Clinton stood by her husband. Clinton was seen at worst as a pleasant
rogue, and he was allowed to complete his second term, having been acquitted of all
charges in 1999.
36. Trial - John Scopes? For violating Tennessee law that forbade teaching of evolution in
public schools
37. Diplomatic mission by whom in 1776? Benjamin Franklin
38. Teheran crisis ruined chances for re-election? Jimmy Carter
39. Right to vote- Afro Americans? Lyndon B. Johnson

1. When Columbus discovered New World he believed he had reached India, whereas it
was most likely the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas.
2. The idea of an union of the American colonies was first put forward in the course of
meeting known as the Albany Congress, based on a proposal drafted by Benjamin
3. The religious Society of Friends is otherwise known as Quakers because they trembled
when the Lord spoke to them.
4. No tea was actually drunk in the course of the Boston tea party? True
5. The first political parties in the Western world were Federalists led by Alexander
Hamilton and Republicans led by Thomas Jefferson.
6. Trail of Tears? Indian removal from their territories of North Carolina and Georgia
to Oklahoma.
7. The U.S bought territory of Alaska from Russia for 7 000 000 dollars.
8. The second war of independence was fought in New Orleans 1812-1815
9. President Woodrow Wilson won re-election in 1916. On the strength of the slogan He
kept us out of war
10. In 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt assumed the presidency, introducing a programme
of economic recovery known as New Deal
11. Two different musical styles by Bob Dylan: rock, folk
12. The freedom of the pres in the U.S. is guaranteed by the First Amendment? True
13. Whose radio Adaptation of what well known work of literature caused widespread panic
when it was broadcast on October 13th 1938? Radio adaptation of H.G. Wellss novel
The war of the Worlds, performed by Orson Welles
14. 3 major US papers: USA today, Wall Street Journal, NY Times
15. Muckraking? Digging out the dirt and exposing it to the public
16. The purpose of introducing obligatory literacy test in the Southern states in the 19th
century was to contribute to the education of the black and poor whites. - false
17. Significance of Rosa Parks to the civil rights movement- boycott of buses=bas
segregation ended
18. What do Arthur Clarkes words I remember Babylon imply concerning the future of the
US? The uncertainty of American future
19. Why was USA patriot act criticized for? For weakening protections of civil liberties
20. The existence of a link between Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein was proved after the
defeat of the Iraqi army? False
21. The most notorious anti-communist warrior was Senator Joseph R. McCarthy a
Republican from Wisconsin
22. Bill Clintons campaign rhetoric echoed that of Richard Nixon? False
23. The legislative branch of the US federal government is bicameral, it consist of two
houses The Senate and the House of Representatives.
24. Vice-president becomes president in case of? Incapacitation, death, resignation
25. The number of presidential electors is equal to the number of Senators(100) and
Representatives(538) *+3 - District of Columbia =538
26. Once theyre appointed, Supreme Court justices hold office for life? True

27. What are US courts guided by in their daily practice? US courts are guided by the
statutes passed by the Congress and the state laws. Laws cant possibly cover every
conceivable situation, and in such case the courts often look to common law to fill in
the gaps.
28. What does it take to convict the defendant in a criminal case? Determination of guilt
beyond a reasonable doubt.
29. US district court have original jurisdiction in federal civil and criminal cases.
30. Loosing party in a civil case can be imprisoned? False
31. The northwestern ordinance passed in 1787 provided for one square mile of land in
each township to be reserved for public schools.
32. In the US education is a national concern, a state responsibility, and a local function.
33. Electives? Optional courses
34. Depending on the state, elementary school in the US ends after grade 6 or 8? True
35. Three commodities of the triangular trade? Molasses, slaves, rum
36. At the time of the American revolution 95% of the population was engaged in farming,
today less than 2%
37. Why is US referred to as post-industrial? Service industry dominates nowadays
38. In the 1920s farm prices increased sharply? False
39. Two American born writers who were claimed by both BE and AE literature? T.S. Eliot
and Henry James
40. Where did American country and western music originate and when it developed?
England, Scotland and Ireland, in 1920s
1. On September 11th 2001, Al Qaida terrorists hijacked a total of 4 airplanes, 3 of which
hit their targets.
2. In September 2001, George W. Bush delivered an ultimatum to the Taliban regime in
Afghanistan, demanding that they hand over Osama Bin Laden.
3. Purpose of USA patriot act? Expands the authority of law enforcements agencies for
fighting terrorism in the US and abroad.
4. The US dollar has gone up against major international currencies since 2001? True
5. Two prominent figures in African American community at the beginning of the 20th
century? Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois
6. Acronym NAACP? National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
7. How did President Kennedy ensure that James Meredith was enrolled at the university of
Mississippi? Sent the National Guard to enforce the court order (1962)
8. Martin Luther Kings most famous speech? I have a dream August 28 1963, Lincoln
memorial center, Washington
9. Washington post reporters that covered the Watergate scandal? Bob Woodward and
Carl Bernstein
10. First US media giants? Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst
11. Sources of income of American colleges? Student tuition, endowments and
government funding

12. What are land grant colleges? State supported institutions. Their establishment was a
result of the 1862. Congress law that provides states with public lands to be used for
higher education, especially for agricultural and Mechanical-arts College.
13. Accreditation of schools and universities? They have self-governing groups,
associations or boards that accredit- certify them as meeting certain minimum
14. New York University is part of Ivy League? False
15. To win a civil law case, plaintiff has to show preponderance of evidence a
formulation that essentially means more likely than not
16. United States code is itself a law? False
17. Number of representatives for each state is determined decennially on the basis of U.S.
18. Meaning of first past the post election system? the one who gets most votes wins, there
is no proportional accounting
19. Term checks and balances? Each of three branches of government can limit the power
of the others. This way, neither branch becomes too powerful. Each branch checks the
power of the other branches to make sure that the power is balanced between them.
20. To become the President of the USA it is enough to win 270 electoral votes? False
21. Building of the Panama canal began during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt and
finished during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson
22. Who are the baby boomers? People who were born in the post WWII period, massive
young population during the 1960s who supported social change at the time. They were
young, making their way through colleges and universities, often embracing countercultural lifestyles and radical politics and supporting social groups that had previously
been subordinated
23. Why was the World on the brink of the nuclear war in 1962? It was discovered that the
Russian were secretly installing nuclear missiles in Cuba.
24. Bill Clinton avoided the Vietnam War continuing his higher education? True
25. Monroe doctrine? Policy of the United States introduces on December 2. 1823 by
President James Monroe. It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize
land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as act of
aggression, requiring U.S. intervention
26. How did the American government finance the war of independence and with what
result? With Continental paper money that had rapidly become worthless, and the
country was left with burdensome public debt after the War.
27. In 1497. Giovanni Caboto claimed Newfoundland for his sponsor King Henry VII
28. Spain entered the war of independence in 1779. As an American ally? False
29. Two major US news agencies (full name)? AP- Associated Press and UPI- United Press
30. First American to win the Nobel Prize for literature? Sinclair Lewis in 1930.
31. How was Elvis Presley shown in his first television appearance and why? Only from the
waist upwards, he shook his hips while performing and that was considered to be
inappropriate for television

32. When did Bob Dylan turn electric? What was the original reaction? In the mid 1960s, he
was booed by the folk purists for using an electric guitar
33. How did white performers make rhythm and blues acceptable to a mainstream audience?
Songs with the beat toned down and the lyrics cleaned up
34. Levi Strauss sold his first pair of jeans to gold miner during the California gold rush?
35. What is indentured servitude? Indentured servitude is a contractual relationship by which
an immigrant from Europe agreed to work for an American master for several years in
order to pay off the cost of the passage. During the indenture period the servants were not
paid wages, but were provided with food, accommodation, clothing and training. Though
the prospect of eventual liberty made this a different issue from that of slavery, the
conditions of transportation and work were often little better than those of slaves.
36. At its all time peak in the period immediately following WWII, America produced 50%
of the gross world product.
37. American economy today is dominated by service industries which is why America is
often described as a postindustrial society.
38. Microsofts business policies have been found to amount the monopolization? True
39. What is a bill in US legal terminology? A proposal considered by Congress
40. How is the lawmaking power of Congress regulated? By the system of checks and
1. The pueblos left by the Anasazi tribe were made of stone and adobe.
2. Name the first permanent European settlement in North America: St. Augustine in
3. The first mention of the name America dates back to a map printed in 1507 by the
German mapmaker named Martin Waldseemuller.
4. The French and Indian War ended when Peace of Paris was concluded in 1763.
5. The Boston Tea Party happened in 1773 when a group of citizens disguised as Indians
boarded three British ships.
6. In order to provide legal basis to the westward expansion, the Confederation Congress
passed the Northwest Ordinance.
7. How many states needed to ratify the Constitution in order for it to come into effect? 9
8. In his speech campaign running for a place in the Senate, Abraham Lincoln described
America as a house divided against itself.
9. Woodrow Wilson hoped to join ______________ in order to assure world peace in the
future. The Congress a) rejected b) ratified his plea.
10. Americas joining in the World War Two was marked by the date ____________ known
as the ____-day.
11. What does NATO stand for?
12. During the Korean War, the United States formed a coalition under the flag of
__________, and under command of ___________________.

13. Richard Nixon had to resign because of the Watergate scandal.

14. Women gained right to vote when the ____________ was passed in __________.
15. The delegates of the Constitutional Convention decided that a slave is counted as
_________ of a free man.
16. The rule when passing laws is the President __________, the Congress _________.
17. Presidential elections are held on _______________ of the month of _____________.
18. A proposed law being considered by the Congress is called __________.
19. The Congress isnt allowed to pass ex post facto laws. True or false?
20. The number of deaths in the American Civil War exceeds the number of deaths in both
World Wars combined. True or false?
21. The party initiating the lawsuit is called a __________, and the party being sued is the
22. The US has no national educational system. True or false?
23. According to the _____________________, all children whose first language is not
English, must be taught in their mother tongue.
24. As a consequence of the GI Bill, higher education ____________________________.
25. What is a liberal arts college?
26. After the Civil War, in many southern states, the majority of governors, representatives
and senators were Northerners, called ______________.
27. Members of the congress are bound by a party program. True or false?
28. Supreme Court justices are chosen by THE PRESIDENT and approved by THE
29. All states provide children with a minimum of 11 years of education.
30. Infractions and felonies, which one is a more serious crime? FELONY
31. Who signed all 4 documents? Roger Sherman
32. What does Anasazi mean? -Navajo word for ancient.
33. Who was Nixons assistant? Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State.
34. Provisions of peace in Paris in 1763.
35. How did Thanksgiving come about? The Pilgrims of Plymouth, 1621, 1st harvest.
36. Which state introduced free schooling first? Massachusetts.
37. Who were the two men who were involved in the making of the constitution?
38. If the students were illiterate, what would they do? Take REMEDIAL courses:
writing, reading, arithmetic.
39. Purpose of doctrine of precedent. -Form of reasoning and decision making formed by
case law.
40. Purpose of intermediate appellate court. To relieve work load of the states higher
41. In the year 2000, there were more men with a diploma. FALSE
42. Supreme Court has original jurisdiction. TRUE
43. What was the cause of the economic crisis in the 70s? Oil crisis, steel crisis, stock
market crash.

44. Which president ordered the bombing of Japan? Harry Truman

45. __________ indirectly discriminated black people.
46. When was the first continental congress? Philadelphia, 1774
47. The number of all the electors from each state equals to? At least 3
48. How many senators did each state have? 2
49. How long did their mandate last for? 10 years
50. After 6 years of elementary school, for how long does junior high last? 5
51. The first Europeans and traces of their settlement. The Norse
52. Besides the constitution and the statute, what else is there? Common law
53. How are the 20s named and when did they finish? -Roaring Twenties
54. If the president vetoes the law, 2/3 of voters need to say yes in order for it to become law.
55. Which were the two parties? Democratic and Republican

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