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PowerPoint – OpenOffice

The final presentation will be in PDF format, so nobody can alter your work.

In groups, you’ll make PowerPoints about British culture in English. You must
add your voice (explanation); you may add sounds or background music.

Together, give structure to the idea you want to present. Speak it out; explain it
aloud so ideas are clear.

 Images. Photos.
You shouldn't insert them as you have them because they are very
heavy -it'll take a looooonnnng time to upload your ppt. Resize them
when necessary:
o Fastone 1by 1
o Prsetup in group (for example)

¼ of a screen needs 480x330 pixels approximately

A whole screen needs 800x600 pixels approximately

 Images. Video.
Videos in PowerPoint need to be MPEG format. You can do that with
Studio directly from camera to computer. Or you can upload your video to
Youtube (or similar page), download it with Elltube changing the format
into MPEG. Then you can insert it. The problem is the video will
disappear from PowerPoint when you upload your pp into Myplick or
Slideshare, etc.

So an easier solution is uploading your video in Youtube (or similar page)

and embed it in your PowerPoint.

 Sound.
Sound in PowerPoint must be WAV format to avoid problems if you don't
upload it in the internet.

You can use the programme Audacity to create the sound file to upload
to PowerPoint. This programme has 3 tracks, which allows you to have
background music, background sound effects and your voice.

o Music. Use free music. You can find it in web pages like
“” and
o Sound effects. You can find them in
“” and

How to upload a PowerPoint in the internet.

 First, sign up in

Once validated, check your email and confirm
Go back to

Then upload your PowerPoint and your sound file. MP3 format is not as heavy
as WAV format, so it is quicker to upload.

Remember, if you upload your PowerPoint in pdf format, nobody will be able to
use it under their name, or alter it.
Wait while it is in progress. If your Powerpoint is heavy, it may take some time.

Before seeing your ppt, skip the next step.

You will be able to see the embed codes of your powepoint. But we are
interested in fixing the sound to it. Fill in the following pages and save the
And there it is, your PowerPoint. On the right you can see “Sync audio”. Click
on it and you will be able to syncronize your audio to the ppt.

In the next image, you can see how to do it.

1.- Explanation of how to do it
6.- That's the time line. You will see the slides being put as you click
2.- If you click play, the audio will hear the audio
7.- You can click on the arrow to make a slide show when you consider
the right moment. The slide will move from 7 to 6
4.- Syncronizes automatically with the same space of time for each slide
5.- Clear all. It erases what you have done, so you can start again
Where can you download the programmes mentioned from?

 You can ask your teacher to pass them on to you on a pen drive
 You can find Audacity in Softcatalà and Softònic, and also in Xtec. You
must have the “Lame” file (llibreria) to be able to export into MP3 (the
version in Xtec has it)
 Prsetup. Look for “graphic software – High Qualitiy Photo Resizer” in
 Fastone. You can find “Fastone Capture 6.3 or Fastone Photo Resizer
2.8” in
 Elltube. Try finding it with google. (free programme GNU)

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