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The Third Secret of Fatima Revealed . . .

"Save Yourselves from this Perverse Generation"(Acts 2:40)

On Ash Wednesday, February 28, 1990, a full-page advertisement

appeared in the New York Times calling for "reform and renewal" in the
Catholic Church. Paid for by a consortium of radical activist groups, that
self-styled "Pastoral Letter" proposed revolutionary changes that strike
at the very heart of the Catholic Faith and practice. While generally
couched in vague and ambiguous language, various proposals in that ad
(including the openly heretical request for the priestly ordination of
women) clearly constitute a sweeping rejection of the Roman Catholic
Faith and practices, which have been consistently held by the faithful
for the last 2000 years.

When we read between the lines, it's clear that, if adopted, those "reforms" in
that ad would result in a church unrecognizable and alien to most Catholics.
Neither Roman nor Catholic that "renewed" church would more resemble a
social action league or political committee than the House of the Living God and
Mystical Body of Christ. And in fact, the church proposed in that ad bears an

eerie likeness to the highly-politicized "Peoples Churches" set up by the Marxist

regimes in China and Nicaragua.
At a time when the Church is already losing millions of its members (nearly
10,000 a day in Latin America alone!), there can be little doubt that the
enactment of those changes would produce incalculable discord and division
among the faithful, leading inevitably to even more disunity, schism and even
Those extreme and radical proposals do not represent the will of Jesus Christ or
the desires of the vast majority of Catholics who remain steadfast and loyal to
Sacred Scripture, Catholic Tradition and the teachings of Christ's Church. We
know that in order to be saved we must believe in our heart and confess openly
our Catholic Faith. To the extent we are able, we must publicly defend the Faith
against those who attack it.
In this "Open Letter", we seek to reaffirm all our cherished traditions and values
which are inspired by the Gospel. We publicly proclaim our unfailing allegiance
to Our Lord Jesus Christ and therefore to the Catholic Faith as it has been
handed down to us from the Apostles.
Here is our statement:
1. "Stand Fast And Hold The Traditions Which You Have Learned,
Whether By Word, Or By Our Epistle." (2 Thessalonians 2:14)
The 25 years following the 2nd Vatican Council have seen a monumental
upheaval in the Catholic Church. In North America, many of our most beloved
traditions and customs have been virtually eradicated by misguided zealots who
have made a mockery out of the carefully considered documents approved by
the Council Fathers. In the name of "reform" and "renewal", every kind of abuse
has been sanctioned, from "clown Masses" to the teaching of outright heresy in
our schools.
The result has been a mounting crisis that has shaken the faith of countless
Catholics. Millions have fled the Church in disgust and confusion while others
barely manage to hold on to their faith at all. When we look at the falling rates
in Mass attendance, Confessions, vocations, parochial school enrollments, etc.,
it's clear that the Church is today in the midst of a decline that's unprecedented
in its history!
There is a way out of this crisis. A way rooted in Holy Scripture and Sacred
Tradition and which has been expressed in the lives of our own parents and

By restoring "all things in Christ" and turning away, as Our Lord bids us, from
worldly models, we can truly renew our Church and secure our salvation by
living and practicing our Catholic Faith according to the example and teaching of
Our Lord, Our Lady and countless saints and holy persons.
We believe that the Divine Deposit of Catholic Faith and our holy
traditions, values and practices must be protected and preserved
(including a male, celibate priesthood). We reject any demands for socalled "reforms" that have as their object the abandonment of the
traditions and customs that have kept us strong and united as Christ's
faithful for nearly 2,000 years.
We believe that, above all, our Sacred Liturgy must be protected and
even restored as the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council intended
and that further irresponsible liturgical experimentation must stop.
We affirm that every Catholic should have the right and opportunity at
his or her own parish to attend the Holy Mass given to the faithful "for
all time" by Pope Saint Pius V and the Council of Trent (the "Tridentine"
2. "Thou Art Peter; And Upon This Rock I Will Build My Church, And The
Gates Of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against It." (Matthew 16:18)
Like the Protestant reformers of the 16th century, many of those seeking
"reforms" in the Church today reserve their worst criticism for the Pope and
hierarchy, seeking to subvert their legitimate authority to teach, rule and
sanctify the faithful in God's Name. These unjust and low attacks have only one
purpose: To undermine loyalty to the Holy Father and to weaken the faith of
Concerning this tendency, Father Kenneth Baker, S.J., editor of the Homiletic
and Pastoral Review, wrote: "We are witnessing the rejection of the hierarchical
Church founded by Jesus Christ to be replaced by a Protestant American Church
separated from Rome."
We prayerfully support and encourage our Holy Father, Pope John Paul
II in the exercise of his sacred magisterium and in all his apostolic
efforts to preserve and protect our sacred Catholic Faith.
We call for bishops and clergy to be true shepherds to the faithful,
according to the mind of Christ, and not according to the world,
steadfastly remaining loyal as Our Lord commands, defending our holy
Faith, the Church and the Pope. We urge all Catholics to pray for God's
Grace for the clergy to keep ever more faithful to Jesus, Mary and the

3. "Be You Therefore Perfect, As Also Your Heavenly Father Is Perfect."

(Matthew 5:48)
Today, it often seems as if our whole society has lost its spiritual and moral
footing. We are surrounded by violence, pornography, ethnic hatred and soaring
rates of drug addiction, alcoholism and divorce. But really, what can we expect
in a society where abortion is legal and school prayer outlawed? Clearly, our
priorities are upside-down and inside-out.
Our salvation rests in keeping God's Commandments and avoiding mortal sin,
but Christ commands His Church and its ministers to do more by calling each of
us to true perfection and sanctity. Through its doctrinal and moral teachings,
the Church encourages us to become the very best person each of us can be.
Its moral code is the foundation of our civilization and the surest safeguard we
can have in a chaotic and uncertain world.
We call upon the clergy and faithful to defend all Catholic doctrines and
the traditional moral teachings of the Church, including the God-given
right to life of the unborn, the inviolability of marriage and the intrinsic
evil of artificial contraception.
We emphatically entreat all Catholics to affirm the Church's ancient and
unchanging condemnation of abortion which the Fathers of Vatican II
called "an unspeakable crime" and which even now engulfs our nation
in the blood of millions of innocents.
4. "Behold The Handmaid Of The Lord, Be It Done Unto Me According To
Thy Word." (Luke 1:38)
The Blessed Virgin Mary is both God's Mother and ours. She is the most ideal
human person and perfect model, a "Second Eve" Whose faith and humility
have made our redemption through Christ possible. It is through Her, that God
gives all graces to men and women alike. And Her role in the Plan of Salvation is
both unique and uniquely powerful. She is truly the "Gate of Heaven" and the
"Cause of our Joy", and it is through Her help, intercession and protection that
we achieve true holiness.
The appearance of Our Lady at Fatima (see box) remains among the most
significant events of the 20th century. And indeed, the Message, prophecies and
miracles She gave us there are perhaps the most splendid confirmation of the
Catholic Faith ever made since the Resurrection. As the Church sinks deeper
into conflict and crisis, Our Lady's Fatima words of hope and warning are more
timely and important than ever.
We acknowledge the supremely important role of Mary, the Mother of
God and Mediatrix of all Graces, Who with the help of St. Joseph, Her

Most Chaste Spouse, has been entrusted by Jesus Christ with

safeguarding the sanctity and unity of the Catholic Church.
We urge the Pope, bishops, clergy and all the faithful to embrace the
solemn requests for prayer, penance and consecration that Our Lady of
Fatima asked for and which are the only wellspring for true renewal in
the Church and lasting peace in the world.
We call upon the Holy Father in union with the world's bishops to very
soon consecrate specifically Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in
the solemn, public manner Our Lady of Fatima commanded, because by
the Fatima prophecies we know it is only by this act of obedience in
time that the otherwise certain annihilation of nations can be avoided.
We respectfully implore the Holy Father to publicly reveal to the world
the full text of the Third part of Our Lady of Fatima's Secret (as She
asked be done in 1960) and to release Sister Lucy of Fatima from the
order of silence under which she alone has suffered for more than 30
5. "Now I Beseech You, Brethren, To Mark Them Who Make Dissentions
And Offenses Contrary To The Doctrine Which You Have Learned, And
Avoid Them." (Romans 16:17)
Today's "reformers" are masters at using popular catchphrases and sugary
clichs to disguise their radical extremist agenda. Unfortunately for them, their
actions speak louder than their vague words. When men like Charles Curran and
Matthew Fox (both of whom have been censured by the Church for their
unorthodox teachings) call for "open dialogue", "Christian unity" and "academic
freedom", all faithful Catholics have good reason to be concerned.
Under whatever pretext, "reforms" that threaten the fundamental unity of the
Church or permit heresy and error to be freely taught are a vicious slap in the
face of the millions who've laid down their lives to defend and protect the
Catholic Faith and uphold the sacredness of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The
great legacy of the Catholic Faith must be protected from those who would
"reform" the Church out of existence!
We call upon the leadership of the Church to defend the integrity and
holiness of the Faith and to resist demands which call for the surrender
of our unique Catholic heritage for the sake of supposed "Christian
unity" or for the sake of ethnic or cultural diversity ("enculturation").
We reject those demands made in the name of "academic freedom"
and, "open dialogue" which attempt to make lawful and encourage the

teaching of heresy, un-Catholic doctrines and immoral sex education in

our schools, seminaries and universities.
The Catholic Church today faces the most serious threat to its unity in history.
Confusion and crisis are widespread and growing. Years of abuses in the name
of "reform" have led millions to lose their faith. Many people complain that they
no longer know what to believe anymore. For 25 years, radical extremists have
forced one disastrous change after another on the Church. Their voices have
always been the loudest while millions of good Catholics have kept quiet out of
a mistaken sense of obedience and loyalty.
The Second Vatican Council made it clear that every Catholic has the right to be
heard by the Holy Father and hierarchy (Constitution on the Church, par. 37;
Code of Canon Law 212). It's time for us faithful, believing Catholics to
stand up and be counted! It's time to say "NO!" to depleted treasuries and
parish closings. "NO!" to profane liturgies and half-baked theologies. "NO!" to
"reforms" that expose our sacraments to grave sacrilege and "NO!" to reforms
that reject our Catholic Tradition and moral code. We can return to the great
Catholic traditions of penance, prayer and sacrifice. We can have dignified
liturgies and beautiful Masses again. We can celebrate as a community,
worshipping and praying together under the guidance of holy priests and
bishops. We can stand for what is noblest, purest and best. We can, as Our Lord
commands us, transform the world, bringing peace and justice to all.

What You Can Do To Defend Your Faith

This "Open Letter" appears in major newspapers across North America through
the prayers and sacrifices of 10,144 people (Names sent upon request). Rich
and poor, young and old, each believes that defending our holy Catholic Faith is
among the most important duties any of us has in these days of conflict and
crisis in the Church.
Every Catholic has a stake in the outcome of this great struggle to preserve and
protect our Holy Catholic Faith, our Sacred Traditions and our Divine Liturgy.
And each one of us can make a tremendous difference! Your prayers and efforts
to bring this "Open Letter" to the attention of your family, friends and neighbors
can begin the process of healing and unifying the Church in Christ. By fulfilling
exactly Our Lady of Fatima's requests, all faithful Catholics will be comforted,
encouraged and supported as they uphold and advance Our Holy Catholic Faith
and all those outside the Church will be drawn and converted to the true Church
of Jesus Christ.

Our Lady Of Fatima

And the Third Secret

On May 13, 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to 3 children in the
Portuguese village of Fatima. She brought them a heavenly message of hope
and warning for a sinful and war-torn world. Over the next 6 months, Our Lady
returned to give the children further messages, asking for prayer, reparation
and consecration and forewarning of dire world events if Her requests were not
granted. She insisted that we pray the Rosary every day.
Before She departed, Our Lady told the children at Fatima: "Only I can help
you." On October 13, 1917, Heaven itself confirmed Our Lady's Message with
the great "Miracle of the Sun" witnessed by 70,000 people. In the years
following, five successive Popes have approved Our Lady of Fatima's Message.
Pope John Paul II on May 13, 1982, went to Fatima, Portugal, to thank Our Lady
of Fatima for saving his life from the assassination attempt exactly one year
before and said that the "Message of Fatima is addressed to every human
being" and "is more relevant and urgent" than ever.
On July 13th, Our Lady revealed to the child seers what has become known as
the "Secret" of Fatima. Given in three parts, the first was a terrifying vision of
Hell. The second part was the startling prediction of the rise of Communist
Russia, the spread of its errors and its continuing drive for world domination.
The third part of the Secret, which was meant to be revealed in 1960, has not
yet been officially released by the Papacy to whom it was entrusted.

Over the years however, many scholars and investigators have been able to
piece together the basic substance of the Virgin's secret Message. Their findings
are now contained in a brilliant new book by Brother Michael of the Holy Trinity.
In this 900-page work, Brother Michael demonstrates conclusively that Our
Lady's Third Secret is nothing less than an explicit prediction of the terrible
crisis taking place in the Church today.
In this most timely book for your eternal salvation, Brother Michael shows how
the loss of faith and defection of millions from the Church is the direct result of
disobedience to God and Our Lady and the rejection of our holy Catholic
Tradition in the name of modern "reform." Cardinal Ratzinger (one of the few
who has read the Secret) has confirmed that it "concerns dangers to the Faith
and therefore to the life of the Christian and therefore to the world."
The Third part of the Fatima Secret is meant for you. It tells you how to save
your soul by guarding against today's false doctrines, false practices and the
wolves in sheep's clothing now in our midst.

Father Nicholas Gruner

Ordained a Catholic priest in 1976, Father Gruner is the founder and director of
the International Fatima Rosary Crusade, a grass-roots Apostolate dedicated to
bringing Our Lady's full Fatima Message of hope and warning to all Catholics and
others of good will. Widely recognized as one of the world's leading authorities
on Fatima, Father Gruner is the author/editor of several books, the publisher
of The Fatima Crusader magazine (with over 1,000,000 readers per issue) and
host of his nationwide daily radio and weekly television programs on Fatima.

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