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Assignment 1

Due Date 11 March 2013

1. Differentiate between function and procedure of visual Basic with suitable

2. Write the utility of the following in visual Basic:


ii. Project Explorer Window

iii. Immediate window
iv. Object Browser.


3. Differentiate between the following:


Combo Box and List Box

ii. Picture Box and Image Box

iii. Pop Up and Dynamic Menu
iv. Check Box and option Button.

4. What is the difference between a flexigrid and a datagrid?


5. Write a program that accept a phrase, convert it to upper case and display its ASCII code

6. What is a Combo box? When to use a Combo Box instead of a List Box? What are the
Style Properties of Combo Box?
7. Explain at least five features of Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of
Visual Basic.

8. Write a program to prompt the user to enter names in an input box for a total of 6 times
and the names should be displayed into a list box.
9. Write a program to calculate the body mass index, or BMI of a person based on the body
weight in kilogram and the body height in meter. BMI can be calculated using the formula
weight / (height) ^2, where weight is measured in kg and height in meter.
10. Write a program that accept a phrase or a sentence and return its length.
11. Write a program that accept examination mark and classify:


0 to 49
50 to 59
60 to 69
70 to 84
85 to 100
invalid entry

Need to work harder

Above Average
Wrong entry, please re-enter the mark

Use the SELECT CASE statement.


12. Design the form below and write a program to calculate the total price of the selected
items. Discount is 5% and VAT is 2%. Include a label to display current date and time.(5)

13. Write a VB program that stores 10 employee records in an array. Display data fields in
text box and provide command buttons to move to desired record.

14. Write a VB program to check whether the given year is leap or not.


15. Create a menu with the following menu options:

(a) Style (which includes bold, italic and underline)
(b) Colour (which includes blue, green and red)
(c) Change case (which includes uppercase, lowercase).


Assignment 2

Due Date 24 March 2013

16. Write a program that allow a user to select a shape to be drawn on the form. Include the
Line - should allow the user to enter parameter values.
Rectangle DashStyle or DashDotDot - should allow the user to enter parameter
Ellipse - should allow the user to enter parameter values.
Text should allow the user to enter text and select to bold, underline or italic the
Polygon and
Also include the option to fill the drawn shape with a color chosen from a dropdown
list. Five 5 colors of your choice are sufficient.

17. Design a form with Menus, Toolbars, List View and Image list. Include data of your own
18. Analyse the evolution of visual basic from its beginning till date.
19. Write a program to perform the following in VB:
(a) Reverse a string
(b) Determine whether the given string is palindrome
(c) Change the case of a string to upper or lower.



Assignment 3

Due Date 22 April 2013

20. Write a VB program to create a product table and to perform the following database
operation :
Insert the records
Delete the records
Update the records
Search a record.
21. Write a program with a good interface in visual Basic to print first 20 Fibonacci numbers.
22. Design an application for a bank system. On entering the customer name and account
number, it should show all the details of transaction. It should give options to withdraw or
deposit after the operation is done it should print the slip of the transaction and should
also update the database.

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