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One of the powers of the magician is invisibility. This brief essay will give you four exercises
to play with. Like any skill you may really need at some point, learning by doing is a good

I suspect you know the obvious dress in muted tones, look like everyone else (or at least
like a stereotype), speak quietly , dont make eye contact etc. Here are a few things that can


Make sure you see everyone before they see you. As you shop, walk down the
street, enter a pub learn to see everyone first. You make the decision what face to
show them. This has three great side benefits. Firstly it gives you grace because
you suddenly find that you can avoid tie-ups and crowds acting stupid. Secondly it
shuts off the internal dialogue so you have the chance of being brilliant. (You may
have noticed this before that when you are involved in movement you suddenly
have near ecstatic flashes of brilliance). Thirdly it helps with that important
alchemy of changing character amour into character awareness.


If you are venturing into dangerous territory, know your routes. No one sees
people that know their way to the elevator, back door etc. The ability to
disappear from a dull party can be part of your mystique.


Learn a neutral visualization. One of the problems I had as I was learning magic
years ago is that I set off vagrant insane people. These sad souls who have no
buffers between them and other psyches sort of dribble glasses of Self. I would
walk by and they would want to talk to me, or tell that I was an Angel etc. This
was both gratifying to the worst part of my occultists ego, and scary to my
rational self Now I think of a cinder block wall, and they go gaga over the local
witch, who can then boast of her power.


Finally here is a MBM formula. Try it out. Dont believe it. As you go to sleep
say the following in your head a few times. The formula doesnt have to be wordfor-word. As my ba flies forth to interact with the bas of the sleeping men and
women of my city, it casts invisibility in the eyes of those who would hinder me.
After you have had a few solid looking results for example your car is overlooked by a meter maid that nailed everyone else, try taking the practice up a notch
and say , As my ba flies forth form my body tonight to interact with the sleeping
men and women of my city, it draws to itself those who will give it happiness,
prosperity and mystery.

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