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Do you believe that use of ethical behaviour

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Ethical behaviour is acting in ways that are consistent with one' personal values and
the commonly held values of the organization and society (Naran 1992). The
Baldridge organization, which evaluates an organization's overall quality, presents an
even more detailed definition of ethical behaviour.
Unethical behaviour by employees can affect individuals, work teams, and even the
organization (Andrews, 1989). Organizations thus depend on individuals to act
ethically. One company recognized for its comprehensive efforts to encourage
ethical behaviour is General Dynamics. Several years ago, the company launched a
program to integrate its ethical standards into every day business conduct (Wagel,
1987). It developed a booklet of ethical standards, distributed it to all employees,
and undertook a massive training effort to express to all employees the importance of
ethical behaviour. Faith Regional Hospital, located in Norfolk, Nebraska, is also
devoted to ethical behaviour. They have created a code of ethical behaviour, which
they share with their employees.

Today's high-intensity business environment makes it more important than ever to

have a strong ethics program in place. In a survey of more than 4,000 employees
conducted by the Washington, D.C.-based Ethics Resource Centre, one-third of the
employees said that they had witnessed ethical misconduct in the past year (Flynn,
The ethical issues that individuals face at work are complex. A review of articles
appearing in the Wall Street Journal during just one week revealed more than sixty
articles dealing with ethical issues in business (Cherrington & Cherrington, 1992).
However, the perception of what constitutes ethical versus unethical behaviour in
organizations varies among individuals.
Definitely ethical behaviour in the business environment will certainly pay off in the
long run because it involves society where ethics do carrier some values. Ethical
behaviour is what all career people should aim to have. Not just the ethical attributes

but exceptional behaviour with this regard. This is because to build a career, you
must be governed by rules of ethics to safeguard you and others. Ethics purely centre
on personal conduct. It involves personal choices that can make or break you in your
work place or business. The major importance of having good conduct is to maintain
a high level of respect not just for people but for the profession in which you hail
There are many things that you can gain from having good behavioural ethics in the
Ethical behaviour in your career will do you so much good. The first thing is that it
can grow a business to great heights. This is because doing what you should do will
develop a discipline which will propel your work practices to a high level and set a
high standard.
It has been seen to promote teamwork among workers. This is because there is great
respect placed in fundamental issues in the work place. It also builds confidence
which will translate to trust among workers. Trust in your career is one invaluable
trait that is able to pave way to progress and great success.
There are some goals we can use for sustainable development. These goals include:
working without fatal accidents
eliminating occupational diseases
increasing diversity in the workplace
increasing the benefits of mining for local communities
increasing energy efficiency
By working towards these goals, we hope to gain a competitive advantage. By
demonstrating a more caring and sustainable approach, the company is able to
differentiate itself from rival mining companies. It makes us more likely to be the
partner of choice for many governments and communities in the developing world.
It also helps with its position on the stock market. Most long-term investors, such as
pension funds that run investments for millions of ordinary people in the UK, believe

that it is important for a company to consider social and ethical issues and not just
the financial bottom line if a business is to be sustainable. This puts the company in a
stronger position. All stakeholders benefit - shareholders, employees, governments,
local communities and suppliers.
Ethical behaviour will help businesses to attain better height and is because it does
what business should actually do and helps them in developing discipline, which will
push, business work practise to a high level and set a high standard. It actually
promotes teamwork among worker. And this is because there is great respect place in
elementary issues in the work place. Ethical behaviour also build confidence that will
translate to trust among worker and they are more motivated towards theirs tasks.
So being an ethical person not only helps us to be a nice human being but also gives a
healthy and successful carrier.
Question 2.
Leaders are obligated to set a moral example for organizational members and to
determine those organizational activities which may be detrimental to the values of
society in general (Aronson, 2001). Leaders exhibit ethical behaviours when they are
doing what is morally right, just, and good, and when they help to elevate followers'
moral awareness and moral self-actualization. Indeed, ethical leadership
encompasses more than the fostering of ethical behaviours. For example, Butcher
(1997) pointed out that, "ethical business leadership requires not only investing in
the small trees and experimental hybrids that won't yield a thing that in this quarter
or the next, but also caring for the soil that allows us to produce such a harvest in the
first place" (pp. 5-6). Thus, ethical leaders must create the right conditions and
organizational culture (i.e., an "organizational soil") to foster the development of
ethical behaviour in associates in ancient China, Confucius pointed out that
"gentlemen can convince the world only with their noble ethics."

Ethics is fundamentally concerned with the impact of an individual's action on

others. Franken (1973) outlined two of the major theoretical perspectives in the
ethics field--which are referred to as teleological and deontological theories. The
teleological perspective emphasizes the outcomes or consequences of an action when
evaluating whether the act is moral (Helms & Hutchins, 1992). There are various
teleological theories in the literature, including ethical egoism, act utilitarianism, and
rule utilitarianism.

It is expected that ethical leaders will treat their employees fairly and in an unbiased
and impartial manner, i.e., using both distributive and procedural justice to guide
their leadership behaviours. Followers' perceptions of being treated fairly should
affect both their job attitudes, such as satisfaction and commitment, and
organizational outcomes (Dailey & Kirk, 1992; Koh & Boo, 2001). Tansky, Gallagher
and Wetzel (1997) also indicated that perceptions of justice and equity influence
employees' attitudes about their organizations. For example, a strong set of personal
ethical standards (e.g., the virtues of honesty and fairness) should stimulate a higher
level of trust and loyalty in an organization.
In the case of ethical egoism, we have suggested that an individual considers an act to
be moral or immoral depending on the likelihood that it will achieve personal
objectives. An act is ethical for a person only if the results of the act or behaviour are
more advantageous to that person than those of the alternatives. For the ethical
egoist, the interests of others are only a concern if they help maximize one's own
welfare and interests.
In business we had numerous ethical tights spots which some of them are more
difficult to understand. We do except business to operate in a very structural way
that involve following theirs actives legally ethically and with in certain social
standards. Working with social norms we mean that society is there to observe you
work and mark business if something doesn't support it.
Ethical leadership behaviour is positively associated with employees' organizational
The construct of trust has received considerable attention in the organizational
sciences literature, in part due to the potential consequences it has for organizational
effectiveness and performance. It is proposed that employee trust in leaders will
enhance their compliance with organizational rules and laws, increase their zones of
indifference, and facilitate the implementation of organizational change (Tyler &
Degoey, 1996; Van Zyl & Lazeny, 2002). Employee trust in leaders directly influences
their contributions to the organization in terms of performance, intent to remain,
and civic virtue behaviour (Robinson, 1996).
Jones and George (1998) argued that there are two types of trust, conditional and
unconditional trust. Conditional trust is a state of trust in which both parties are
willing to transact with each other, as long as each behaves appropriately and uses a
similar interpretive scheme to define the situation. Conditional trust usually is

sufficient to facilitate a wide range of social and economic exchanges (Lewicki &
Bunker, 1996). Unconditional trust is characterized with the shared values that
structure the social situation and become the primary vehicle through which whole
individuals experience trust (Jones & George, 1998). Scholarly interest in trust has
recognized the multidimensional nature of the construct. Two core aspects of trust
relevant to our discussion here focus on a leader's (a) behavioural consistency with
his/her words and (b) benevolence toward others. First, most perspectives on trust
acknowledge that a leader's words must accurately predict his/her future actions in
order to create a necessary, though perhaps not sufficient, condition for the
development of trust. Ethical leaders are those who have the moral courage to
transform their moral intentions into behaviours despite pressures to do otherwise
(May, Chan, Hodges, & Avolio, 2003). Such leaders believe in virtues such as honesty
and attempt to practice it on a daily basis in both their personal and work lives. Thus,
we expect the behavioral consistency between such leaders' words and actions will be
relatively high and that they will be subsequently trusted by their associates.
Second, several scholars have focused their definitions of trust on the notion that an
individual believes the person who he/she trusts will behave in a way that is
beneficial to the person (i.e., benevolence). For example, Hosmer (1995) synthesized
the definitions from previous research and proposed that "trust is the reliance ... on a
voluntarily accepted duty on the part of another ... to recognize and protect the rights
and interests of all others engaged in a joint endeavour or economic exchange" (p.
393). Similarly, Robinson (1996) defines trust as "one's expectations of beliefs about
the likelihood that another's future actions will be beneficial, or at least not
detrimental, to one's interest" (p. 576).

The ethical leader is one who does not seek to fulfil his/her own self-interest
(psychological egoism) at the expense of others, but who looks after the group's
interest at a minimum (utilitarianism). Ideally, such a leader bases his/her
behaviours on moral principles that respect the rights of associates and treats them
fairly. Ethical leaders involve their employees in decision-making within their firms
to enhance the procedural justice and autonomy over their work lives the employees'
experience. Furthermore, such involvement facilitates the well-being and potential
growth of the employees.

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