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BY :

Faculty Of Law, University Of Brawijaya

Jl. MT. Haryono No. 169 Malang, Jawa Timur Indonesia
Telp. +62 341 553 898, Fax. +62 341 566505, Email.


Bismillahirahmanirahim, Praise be to God Almighty. The Lord of God has given
grace and guidance to Muslims in the world so that Muslims can obtain the happiness in the
world. Actually, Muslims never stop and always got the favor of God Almighty. However,
there are some people who get a perverse way so they are tempted by the God Almighty
created beings made of fire that is the Devils.
The Devils are creatures of God Almighty that arrogant and do not follow the
commands from God with a feel more fabulous creatures of God Almighty that other human
beings. Because its like that then the Devils was punished by God Almighty with the
inclusion into hell. However, in the arrogant nature of the remains on the Devils did not
accept the verdict of the, The Devils filed a petition in order to be able to tempt mankind so
that not only the Devils who inhabit hell, but only those humans who are tempted by the
seduction of the Devils who also inhabit hell.
In carrying out its mission to tease human, The Devils tease of all aspects of human
life that can cause harm to its own or Sin for violating conditions of Allah. One of them is in
the aspect of the wealth in the world. Human made mad by wealth in the world so it's easy to
be misled. One type of human blindness of wealth in the world is Corruption.
Corruption is the Act of taking the rights of others more than what should be the right
of him, deprivation of the rights of others to enrich themselves. Corruption also includes the
forms of crime because harming others. In Islam, a crime of corruption is expressly
forbidden, as contained in the Quran and Hadist explained that eating the treasure one another
in ways that vanity was unlawful. In addition, in the Hadist also stated that bribe giver and
receiver got the curse of God Almighty.


The crimes of corruption are all believers, many of them are Muslim but why they
committed a crime of corruption, isn't it obvious in Islam if committed crimes were
prohibited and the Sin is included crimes of corruption. Events such as giving rise to a wide
range of questions. Among them are as follows:
1. what was the cause of the corruption?
2. What are the sanctions for perpetrators of corruption?
3. How do we avoid corruption?


Islam teaches its people to always do good in all respects, including a living halal, do
not harm anyone, therefore seek the lawful power to get most Almighty God in the form of
the opening of the door of halal sustenance and blessed. Regardless of the assumptions
people in present times are considered halal sustenance was difficult to get, Thus they justify
all means to scratch a little sustenance although everyone knows if such an attitude is the
attitude of the devils who deliberately teasing or affect the human mind to think negatively
about the power of Almighty God in giving wealth to his servants.
Of course everyone knows that such attitude is not good and is not true. When God
almighty ordered for a living the right way and halal, very implausible if God Almighty is not
halal sustenance opens the door for his servant.
Due to a lack of faith, then the man is easy to be seduced by the Devils, so always
afflicted with less flavor with bounties that had been given by God Almighty, less thankful
with circumstances that are better than others, always feel less.
Of course people have the opportunity to do corruption are the ones that have
the Office. Officials are not based on a strong faith, will be easily shaken by the plea
that resulted in the heinous crime they commit. By having the opportunity, then more
than likely officials entangled in persuasion is the Devils. But once again the religious
teachings have been described from Abu Dawood a Hadist which contains a derived
from ' Addiy Ibn ' al-Kindy Umairah as follows "O Muslims, anyone among you who
do the work for us (an officer/employee of the State), and then he hides something
against us even as small as needles, meaning he has been cheated. Then, The cheating
it will bring on the day of resurrection. Who we give the task should result, it conveys
little or a lot. What is given to him from the results that he should have received, and
what is not given shall not be taken. " Another said, "anyone who took his brother's
possessions (without permission) with his right hand (to power), he will go to hell, and
forbidden to enter Heaven." A friend asked, "O Messenger, how about just a little bit? '
The Prophet. replied, "Although as little as nine wood" (narrated by Muslim, an-Nasa'i
and Imam Malik in al-Muwwatha)..i

Penalties for perpetrators of corruption (Corruptor) light is described in the Hadist.

Cheating will be taken until the day of resurrection, does that mean that cheating will
be accounted for on the day of resurrection. The day of resurrection it was the end of
life or civilization in the world, or the day of the destruction of the world. Then after the
Apocalypse, cheating will be accounted for in the afterlife. Explained in the Qur'an and
Hadist that everything done wrong then it will usher mankind to sin that must be
accounted for and his punishment is hell.
Hell is a place of alleviation retorts for any indecency being performed, there was no
happiness there is only misery and torture, no help from anyone.
With a warning that has been given like that, then the perpetrators of corruption
should be afraid and think the result of the acts committed. Because the judge is not a
man, but rather directly from who created the universe, that is God Almighty. Thus a
man with sense his mind was obliged to consider all forms of action that leads towards
the evil there would be retaliation.


As faithful Muslims and devoted, needs we increase our faith and taqwa is to survive
in the world and in the hereafter, because all forms of irregularities, crimes or anything
harm others will certainly get a balanced. With faith and Taqwa as a foundation of our
lives, will save us from whatever tempts us to commit crimes that brought us to the
brink of collapse. Then our lives will be well-ordered up to happiness that lasts.

As a servant of God Almighty, after finding out the things that are discussed in this
paper, we wish to increase our faith and devotion to God Almighty, so our congratulations
and delivered to a place of happy people, people who believe in heaven.


i1Dr. Amir Mahmud, M.Ag., Korupsi dan pandangan Al-quran dan Hadist...(artikel)2Dr.H.M. Nurul Irfan, M.Ag.,
Korupsi dalam Hukum Pidana Islam, 2012, Jakarta Taruna Grafika

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