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Why Do GooD ThinGs

happen To BaD people?

We live in a time in which we can witness every catastrophe, every calamity, every
cataclysm, every disaster, and every tragedy through the media. We recently heard thousands of
people dying in Haiti from an earthquake and now in Chile. We are constantly hearing
catastrophes from around the world through the media. And through the media we experience the
pain and sorrow and suffering and death that those who the calamity actually happened too.

But is there an increase in disasters, wars, calamities and things as such, as we all
suppose of the last days? The answer is, No. There have always been natural catastrophes,
calamities, disasters, and tragedy that strike. I don’t believe there has been an increase of
earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, etc. I believe through the media it takes on a sort of illusion
because we can now feel or experience the world what it experiences at a large scale. One or two
hundred years ago we would only hear about tragic events in our local area. Now, we hear about
tragic events that happen around the world.

However, there is a built-in judgment through these calamities. In the same way if you
want to be an Alcoholic there is a built-in judgment called sclerosis of the liver that will kill you.
If you want to live in a life of crime there is a built-in judgment that you could die in shoot out. If
you want to live immoral there are built-in judgments in which leads to death such as diseases,
etc. Calamities are all built-in judgments from God because of man’s sin. Calamities are not
God’s way to single out evil people.

“No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” (Luke 13:3, 5) Are
the words spoken by Jesus answering Jews from a question of why Pontius Pilate killed Gentiles
who at the same time were trying to worship God through offering blood sacrifices?

The Jews theology during this time believed that because a disaster, a calamity or some
kind of massacre as such happened. This was a reaction of God’s judgment upon a certain group
or individual because they must of sinned. They believed that because it didn’t happen to them
they must have been better or more righteous then the one that suddenly died through the

But Jesus answered to them saying, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse
sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; but unless
you repent, you will all likewise perish.”

Mar. 1, 2010 By Jay Gheen

Now, the big question that many people ask is why does God allow these things to
happen? And why do bad things happen to good people? These are the questions that echo across
the world simply because they do not know how they stand before a Holy and good God.

In the book of Job the Bible tells the story of how Job lost all his children and they were
massacred while worshiping God. So the question again arises; why do bad things happen to
good people?

But the problem is the question that people ask. The real question needs to be asked is,
why do good things happen to bad people? What kind of God allows anyone to live? For all have
sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) The truth is we all deserve judgment.
We all deserve wrath and eternal Hell. All have sinned and are under God’s judgment.

Again, Jesus spoke his own words saying, “No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will
all likewise perish.” Christ is simply telling us, “Look, you need to settle your case with God
before you get to judgment. Because when you get before God at the judgment, it is too late. You
will be turned over to eternal punishment.”

We all know God is Holy and righteous and we know the wages of sin is death, and we
all deserve to die. And indeed we all will die (physically). But God lets us live, love, laugh, and
enjoy all the blessings of life in the full richness. God is patience and leads us to repentance.
“No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” God desires for us to repent.
The kindness of God, the compassion of God, the mercies of God all is God’s desire to lead you
to repent. God is saying it is time to repent. Now is your opportunity, before judgment strikes on

Repentance is that you need to change your mind about your sinfulness. Most people
think they’re good people that make mistakes. They think that their good outweighs the bad. This
attitude is damning. You need to acknowledge that you are in complete ruins before God. You
have no escape of just one sin in your life. You done, finished, you will go to Hell, if you can’t
acknowledge who you are before a Holy and good God.

Repentance is simply agreeing with God of your wretchedness and understanding that
you can do absolutely nothing about it, you are condemned, and you are lost. And you need to
cast yourself on somebody who can do something for you in your helpless worthless condition.
And there is only one Savior and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Mar. 1, 2010 By Jay Gheen

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