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Factors That Influence Teenagers to Become a

Assalamualaikum and good morning to my beloved lecturer and the
fellow audience. First, let me introduce myself with a simple poem. Usha
and Kaysnea is a female, my name is Muhammad Azmeel. Today, I want
to talk something about factors that influence teenagers to become a
gangster. Actually there are many factors that influence teenagers to
become a gangster especially students. So today I would like to share a
few factors.
Firstly, peer influence is the main factor. Young minds can be easily
influenced and local gangs are wise to the fact and attempt to recruit new
members while they are in school. Fortunately, not all those approached
succumbed to their overtures. For example what is happen at one school
in Petaling Jaya. One of the student, Raj , said he had been asked to join a
gang numerous times since he was in form 2 by young gang members,
but he refused their offers every time. Raj said, because of his physical
size, gang members told him he would be an asset to the gangs. He
refused to join because he want concentrate in studies. However, many of
his friends join the gang members have a bad result in examination.
Second point is social media. Nowadays, many action movies that have
a violent action or genre. Refer to the first point, teenagers can be easily
influenced although it from a small things like watching movie. Indeed our
intent is to have fun with friends or family. But at the end, we will
constrained to follow the style of the movie. I like to give an example. KL
GANGSTER is one of the action movie that influence many people
especially teenagers to become a gangster. My brother also follow the
dialogue in the movie that have bad meaning. Through the bad word then
it will become act . So this is dangerous for us if we not containment this.
Last point is lack of religious guide. Every religion teach only the good
things. But now we can see many teenagers cannot do the good things
that their religion teach because nowadays they do not refer to their holy
scriptures. Islam we have Al Quran. In Al Quran have all about life guide
but do we refer to Al Quran? Please do a reflection about ourself. Hinduism
and Buddhism also have their holy book.
In conclusion, I want to remind all of my audience to be a good person.
Remember, this world is not the place to be a gangster but this world is
place that we can find a new member and make friends as many as you

can. I want to end my presentation with another poem. Yesterday I met

John Carter, please dont be a gangster.

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