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Junior High Fine Arts Exam

Comprehensive Test

Matching—25 Points
1. Be able to correctly identify and use the following terminology:
Balance Shape
Emphasis Space
Euryhthmy Texture
Harmony Color
Horror Vacui Hue
Limitation Value
Pattern Intensity
Proportion Tint
Rhythm Shade
Tension Principles of Design & Art
Unity Elements
Short Answer
1. Color Scheme Identification:
Primary Colors
Secondary Colors
Tertiary Colors
Analogous Color
Monochromatic Color

2. Drawing Media, what did we use? Name 5!

3. Draw 4 shapes and their 3-Dimensional forms.

4. Draw 10 different types of lines.

Thin, medium, thick, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, dashed, broken, angled,

5. Painting Media, what did we use? Name 3!

6. Identify and define the 3 printmaking styles that we studied and produced in class.

7. Identify the following periods from a slideshow:

Greek, Art Nouveau, Renaissance, Impressionism, Cubism, Expressionism, Pop Art,
Post-Impressionism, African (Modern), Realism, Modernism

Written Essay—Comprehensive and Cognitive Portion:

1. Write 3 paragraphs about your favorite, or least favorite, projects that include the following
information—Time Frame of the project, favorite artists from the time frame that we are
studying, Art Period, Project Activity—did we paint, draw, print, or sculpt the project?

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