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Intramuscular (or IM) injection is the injection of a

substance directly into a muscle. In medicine, it is one of several

alternative methods for the administration of medications. It is used
for particular forms of medication that are administered in small
amounts. Depending on the chemical properties of the drug, the
medication may either be absorbed fairly quickly or more gradually.
Intramuscular injections are often given in the deltoid, vastus lateralis,
ventrogluteal and dorsogluteal muscles.

Intradermal (ID) injection is frequently done as a diagnostic

measure, such as for tuberculin testing (screening test for tuberculosis
referred to as a tine test) and allergy testing (placing very small amounts of
the suspected antigen or allergen in a solution under the skin). The
intradermal injection is made in skin areas of the body that are soft and
yielding, is the injection of a small amount of fluid into the dermal layer of
the skin.
Internal examination
room A,isphysical
a hospital or primary care department that
examination in which
provides initial treatment to the
patients with a broad spectrum
will of illnesses
a procedure in which a radiopaque catheter ishealth
passedcare professional
through an umbilical
and injuries, some of which may
feel be
for life-threatening
lumps or changesand
artery to provide a newborn with parenteral fluid, to obtain blood samples,
immediate attention shape of the transfusion
vagina, cervix, uterus,
or both, or through the umbilical vein for an exchange or the
emergency administration of drugs, fluids,fallopian
or volume tubes, ovaries, and
rectum. The health care
professional will also use a
speculum to open the vagina to
look at the cervix and take samples
for a Pap test. Also called pelvic
Wound care,
a nursing intervention from the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC)
defined as prevention of wound complications and promotion of wound

a statement of recognition of the
license of a health practitioner in
one state by another state. An
endorsement relieves the health
practitioner of the necessity of
The Fetal heart rate is faster that the normal heart rate of an adult.
The younger the fetus the faster the rate. In middle and late pregnancy the
fetal heart beat can be heard almost anywhere over the uterus depending on
the position of the fetus. In the first trimester of pregnancy the fetal heart
may be detected with an ultrasound machine. The sound is asynchronous and
different from the maternal pulse that may be detected and heard in the
nearby arteries (uterine arteries), called uterine souffle.
The normal fetal heart rate ranges from 120 to 160 beats per minute.
Umbilical Cord Care
The umbilical cord is the baby's lifeline to the mother
during pregnancy. However, it is no longer needed once
the baby is born. Within a few minutes after birth, the
cord is clamped and cut close to the navel. The clamp
helps stop bleeding from the three blood vessels in the
umbilical cord - two arteries and one vein. A medication is
applied to the cord as part of a baby's first care. This may
be a purple dye or another type of antiseptic.
Aseptic technique,
By the time the baby goes home from the hospital, the
any health care procedure in which added
precautions, such as use of sterile gloves and
instruments, are used to prevent
contamination of a person, object, or area by
Steps in Priming the IV
1. Remove IV administration set and fluid from packaging
2. Close infusion rate clamp. If your set has two spikes for insertion into the
fluid bag/bottle select the appropriate spike and clamp the tubing leading to
the other spike. Use vented spikes for non-collapsible bottles and non-vented
spikes for collapsible bags.
3. Remove the cover from the selected spike and the cover from the
bottle/bag of fluid.
4. Insert the spike into the bottle or bag aseptically.
5. Hang up the bag/bottle and invert the pump chamber of the
administration set. Open the infusion rate clamp and let the pump chamber
fill with fluid. When it is at least partially full turn it the right way up and let
fluid fill the distal tubing.
6. When fluid drips out of the end of the distal tubing turn off the infusion
rate clamp.
7. Squeeze and release the upper drip chamber until the fluid level reaches
the top of the filter. The set is now ready for use.
Finishing this documentation is noteworthy! The insight
embarked on this didactic endeavor arises from the unending
support and encouragement of the following authorities by
which the contributors want to recognize:
First and foremost to our Father Almighty for giving us the
strength needed towards the pursuit of the said activity.
To the staffs of Western Pangasinan District Hospital for
welcoming us and giving us inspiration and encouragement to
have our clinical duty for the month of February.
To our beloved mentors particularly Mr. Joseph Cornelio, RN
, whose indulgent attitude and expertise on the subject matter
helped the researchers come up with ideas vital to the process.
And finally, to ours peers and families who had always been
inspiring us to aim at all times and strive for our goals and
objectives in life.

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