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Cheat Mode
Windows Vista - find the "wolf.cfg" file in the "\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\id
Software\WolfSP\base" folder and make a copy of it named "autoexec.cfg". Use a text editor to
edit the "autoexec.cfg" file and add the following lines. seta g_cheatsAreOn "1" Windows XP -
Right click the exe for the game and click properties, once there add +set com_allowconsole 1 to
the end of the target text, then click apply and launch the game Target field should read
something along these lines "C:\Program Files\Activision\Wolfenstein\SP\Wolf2.exe" +set
com_allowconsole . Once in gane press Right ALT + Left ALT + ~ to show the console then type
the following codes for desired results
Code Effect

giveallintel All Intel

givepowers Give All Veil Powers
giveallpowerupgrades Gives All Power Upgrades
givegold<number> Gives desired amount of money
god God Mode
notarget Ignored by enemies
momoney Sets total Money to $31,337
giveachievements Unlocks Achievements
giveobjectives Unlocks Objectives

Contributed By: AsheerX.

Spawning enemies and NPCs

In the console, type spawn X (where X is the corresponding character type) to spawn that
character. For example, to spawn an Elite Guard, type "spawn enemies_elite_guard" (without the
quotation marks). Note that, unlike in Doom 3 or Quake 4, specific enemies can only be spawned
into the current level if they already appear somewhere in the level. For example, in Downtown,
you can spawn all basic infantry types, as well as Scribes, Sniffers, Elite Guards, Despoiled,
Heavy Troopers, and Rocket Troopers, but not Flame Troopers, Assassins, or Altered.
Code Effect
spawn enemies_elite_guard Spawns a blonde Elite Guard armed with a dagger.
spawn enemies_elite_guard_02 Spawns a brunette Elite Guard armed with a whip.
spawn enemies_ak_flame_trooper Spawns a Flamethrower Trooper.
spawn allies_kreisau_soldier_01Spawns a friendly Kreisau soldier armed with an MP40 smg.
Valid characters are 01 to 05.
spawn enemies_despoiled_green Spawns a green Despoiled (flaming skeleton).
spawn enemies_ak_heavy_trooper Spawns a Heavy Trooper.
spawn enemies_despoiled_red Spawns a red Despoiled (flaming skeleton).
spawn enemies_ak_rocket_trooper Spawns a Rocket Trooper with a jetpack.
spawn enemies_scribe Spawns a Scribe (magic user).
spawn enemies_sniffer Spawns a Sniffer (mutant).
spawn enemies_wehrmacht_officer Spawns a Wehrmacht officer armed with an MP40 smg.
spawn enemies_wehrmacht_sniper Spawns a Wehrmacht sniper armed with a sniper rifle.
spawn enemies_wehrmacht_infantry Spawns a Wehrmacht soldier armed with a Kar98 rifle
(may cause map to crash if this enemy type is not already present in the level).
spawn enemies_wehrmacht_infantry_mp40 Spawns a Wehrmacht soldier armed with an
MP40 smg.
spawn enemies_altered Spawns an Altered (giant, invincible mutant)
spawn enemies_ak_assassin Spawns an Assassin.
spawn enemies_SS_officer Spawns an SS officer armed with an MP43 assault rifle.
spawn enemies_SS_sentry Spawns an SS soldier armed with an MP43 assault rifle.
spawn allies_kreisau_erik Spawns friendly Erik Engle armed with an MP40 smg. Has more
health than a basic Kreisau soldier.

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