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Problem 1 A salesman sold twice as much

pears in the afternoon than in the morning.

If he sold 360 kilograms of pears that day,
how many kilograms did he sell in the
morning and how many in the afternoon?
Let x be the number of kilograms he sold in
the morning.Then in the afternoon he
sold 2xkilograms. So, the total is x+2x=3x.

If each of 6 tractors ploughed 120 hectares

This must be equal to 360.

54x=20x hectares, which equals the area


of the whole field, 2880 hectares.


So, we get 20x=2880


x=288020=144. Hence, each of the four

Therefore, the salesman sold 120 kg in the

tractors would plough 144 hectares a day.

Problem 5
A student chose a number, multiplied it
by 2, then subtracted 138 from the result

morning and 2120=240 kg in the afternoon.

Problem 2 Mary, Peter, and Lucy were
picking chestnuts. Mary picked twice as
much chestnuts than Peter. Boris picked 2
kg more than Peter. Together the three of
them picked 26 kg of chestnuts. How many
kilograms did each of them pick?
Let x be the amount Peter picked. Then
Mary and Lucy picked 2x and x+2,
respectively. So
Therefore, Peter, Mary, and Lucy
picked 6, 12, and 8 kg, respectively.
Problem 3
Sophia finished 23 of a book. She calculated
that she finished 90 more pages than she
has yet to read. How long is her book?
Let x be the total number of pages in the
book, then she finished 23x pages.
Then she has x23x=13x pages left.
So the book is 270 pages long.
Problem 4
A farming field can be ploughed
by 6 tractors in 4 days. When 6 tractors
work together, each of them
ploughs 120 hectares a day. If two of the
tractors were moved to another field, then
the remaining 4 tractors could plough the
same field in 5 days. How many hectares a
day would one tractor plough then?

a day and they finished the work in 4 days,

then the whole field
is: 12064=7204=2880 hectares. Let's
suppose that each of the four tractors
ploughed x hectares a day. Therefore
in 5 days they ploughed

and got 102. What was the number he

Let x be the number he chose, then
Problem 6
I chose a number and divide it by 5. Then I
subtracted 154 from the result and got 6.
What was the number I chose?
Let x be the number I chose, then
Problem 7
The distance between two towns is 380 km.
At the same moment, a passenger car and
a truck start moving towards each other
from different towns. They meet 4 hours
later. If the car drives 5 km/hr faster than
the truck, what are their speeds?
The main idea used in this kind of problems
is that the distance equals speed multiplied
by time S=Vt
V (km/hr)
t (hr)
S (km)
4(x +5)

Therefore the truck's speed is 45 km/hr,
and the car's speed is 50 km/hr.
Problem 8
One side of a rectangle is 3 cm shorter than
the other side. If we increase the length of
each side by 1 cm, then the area of the
rectangle will increase by 18 cm2. Find the
lengths of all sides.
Let x be the length of the longer side x>3,
then the other side's length is x3 cm.
Then the area is S1 = x(x - 3) cm2. After we
increase the lengths of the sides they will
become (x+1) and (x3+1)=(x2) cm long.
Hence the area of the new rectangle will
be A2=(x+1)(x2)cm2, which is 18
cm2 more than the first area. Therefore
x=10. So, the sides of the rectangle
are 10 cm and (103)=7 cm long.
Problem 9
The first year, two cows
produced 8100 litres of milk. The second
year their production increased
by 15% and 10% respectively, and the total
amount of milk increased to 9100 litres a
year. How many litres were milked from
each cow each year?
Let x be the amount of milk the first cow
produced during the first year. Then the
second cow produced (8100x) litres of milk
that year. The second year, each cow
produced the same amount of milk as they
did the first year plus the increase
of 15% or 10%.
So 8100+15100x+10100(8100x)=9100
Therefore 8100+320x+110(8100x)=9100
Therefore, the cows produced 3800 and
4300 litres of milk the first year,
and 4370 and 4730 litres of milk the second
year, respectively.
Problem 10
The distance between stations A and B

is 148 km. An express train left station A

towards station B with the speed
of 80 km/hr. At the same time, a freight
train left station B towards station A with
the speed of 36 km/hr. They met at station
C at 12 pm, and by that time the express
train stopped at at intermediate station
for 10 min and the freight train stopped
for 5 min. Find:
a) The distance between stations C and B.
b) The time when the freight train left
station B.
a) Let x be the distance between stations B
and C. Then the distance from station C to
station A is (148x) km. By the time of the
meeting at station C, the express train
travelled for 148x80+1060 hours and the
freight train travelled for x36+560 hours.
The trains left at the same time,
so: 148x80+16=x36+112. The common
denominator for 6, 12, 36, 80 is 720. Then
x=48. Therefore the distance between
stations B and C is 48 km.
b) By the time of the meeting at station C
the freight train rode for 4836+560 hours,
i.e. 1 hour and25 min.
Therefore it left station B
at 12(1+2560)=10+3560 hours, i.e. at 10:35
Problem 11
Susan drives from city A to city B. After two
hours of driving she noticed that she
covered 80 km and calculated that, if she
continued driving at the same speed, she
would end up been 15 minutes late. So she
increased her speed by 10 km/hr and she
arrived at city B 36 minutes earlier than she
Find the distance between cities A and B.
Let x be the distance between A and B.
Since Susan covered 80 km in 2 hours, her
speed was V=802=40 km/hr.
If she continued at the same speed she
would be 15 minutes late, i.e. the planned
time on the road is x401560 hr. The rest of
the distance

is (x80) km. V=40+10=50 km/hr.

So, she covered the distance between A
and B in 2+x8050 hr, and it was 36 min
less than planned. Therefore, the planned
time was 2+x8050+3660.
When we equalize the expressions for the
scheduled time, we get the equation:
So, the distance between cities A and B
is 250 km.
Problem 12
To deliver an order on time, a company has
to make 25 parts a day. After
making 25 parts per day for 3 days, the
company started to produce 5 more parts
per day, and by the last day of
work 100more parts than planned were
produced. Find how many parts the
company made and how many days this
Let x be the number of days the company
worked. Then 25x is the number of parts
they planned to make. At the new
production rate they made:
Therefore: 25x=75+30(x3)100
So the company worked 23 days and they
made 2325+100=675 pieces.
Problem 13
There are 24 students in a seventh grade
class. They decided to plant birches and
roses at the school's backyard. While each
girl planted 3 roses, every three boys
planted 1 birch. By the end of the day they
planted 24 plants. How many birches and
roses were planted?
Let x be the number of roses. Then the
number of birches is 24x, and the number
of boys is 3(24x). If each girl planted 3
roses, there are x3 girls in the class.

We know that there are 24 students in the

class. Therefore x3+3(24x)=24
So, students planted 18 roses
and 24x=2418=6 birches.
Problem 14
A car left town A towards town B driving at
a speed of V=32 km/hr. After 3 hours on the
road the driver stopped for 15 min in town
C. Because of a closed road he had to
change his route, making the trip 28 km
longer. He increased his speed
to V=40 km/hr but still he was 30 min late.
a) The distance the car has covered.
b) The time that took it to get from C to B.
From the statement of the problem we
don't know if the 15 min stop in town C was
planned or it was unexpected. So we have
to consider both cases.
1st case. The stop was planned. Let us
consider only the trip from C to B, and
let x be the number of hours the driver
spent on this trip.
Then the distance from C to B is S=40x km.
If the driver could use the initial route, it
would take him x3060=x12 hours to drive
from C to B. The distance from C to B
according to the initially itinerary
was (x12)32 km, and this distance
is 28 km shorter than 40x km. Then we
have the equation
x=128 x=1412=12060=1 hr 20 min.
So, the car covered the distance between C
and B in 1 hour and 20 min.
The distance from A to B is 3.32 + 12/8.40
= 96 + 60 = 156 km.
2nd case. The driver did not plan the stop
at C. Suppose it took x hours for him to get
from C to B. Then the distance
is S=40x km. It
took x30601560=x4560=x34 h to drive
from C to B. The distance from C to B
is 32(x34) km, which is 28 km shorter

than 40x, i.e.

x=12hrx=30min. Then the time of the trip
from C to B was 30 min. The distance
covered equals 332+1240=96+20=116km.
Problem 15
If a farmer wants to plough a farm field on
time, he must plough 120 hectares a day.
For technical reasons he ploughed
only 85 hectares a day, hence he had to
plough 2 more days than he planned and
he still has 40 hectares left. What is the
area of the farm field and how many days
the farmer planned to work initially?
Let x be the number of days in the initial
plan. Therefore, the whole field
is 120x hectares. The farmer had to work
for x+2 days, and he
ploughed 85(x+2) hectares,
leaving 40 hectares unploughed. Then we
have the equation:
So the farmer planned to have the work
done in 6 days, and the area of the farm
field is 1206=720 hectares.
Problem 16
A woodworker normally makes a certain
number of parts in 24 days. But he was able
to increase his productivity by 5 parts per
day, and so he not only finished the job in
only 22 days but also he made 80 extra
parts. How many parts does the
woodworker normally makes per day and
how many pieces does he make in 24 days?
Let x be the number of parts the
woodworker normally makes daily. In 24
days he makes 24xpieces. His new daily
production rate is x+5 pieces and in 22 days
he made 22(x+5) parts. This is 80 more
than 24x. Therefore the equation is:

Normally he makes 15 parts a day and in

24 days he makes 1524=360 parts.
Problem 17
A biker covered half the distance between
two towns in 2 hr 30 min. After that he
increased his speed by 2 km/hr. He covered
the second half of the distance
in 2 hr 20 min. Find the distance between
the two towns and the initial speed of the
Let x km/hr be the initial speed of the
biker, then his speed during the second
part of the trip is x + 2 km/hr. Half the
distance between two cities
equals 23060x km and 22060(x+2) km. From
the equation: 23060x=22060(x+2) we
get x=28 km/hr.
Therefore the distance between the two
towns is equal to 22206028=140 km.
Problem 18
A train covered half of the distance
between stations A and B at the speed
of 48 km/hr, but then it had to stop
for 15 min. To make up for the delay, it
increased its speed by 53 m/sec and it
arrived to station B on time. Find the
distance between the two stations and the
speed of the train after the stop.
First let us determine the speed of the train
after the stop. The speed was increased
by 53 m/sec =5606031000 km/hr = 6 km/hr.
Therefore, the new speed is 48+6=54 km/hr.
If it took x hours to cover the first half of
the distance, then it took x1560=x0.25 hr
to cover the second part.
So the equation is: 48x=54(x0.25)
x=13.5 h. The whole distance
is 24813.5=1296 km.
Problem 19
Elizabeth can get a certain job done
in 15 days, and Tony can finish only 75% of
that job within the same time. Tony worked
alone for several days and then Elizabeth
joined him, so they finished the rest of the
job in 6 days, working together.
For how many days have each of them
worked and what percentage of the job
have each of them completed?
First we will find the daily productivity of
every worker. If we consider the whole job
as unit (1), Elizabeth does 115 of the job per

day and Tony does 75% of 115, i.e.

75100115=120. Suppose that Tony worked
alone for x days. Then he finished x20 of
the total job alone. Working together for 6
days, the two workers
finished 6(115+120)=6760=710 of the job.

whole field?
C) How many days were scheduled initially
for this job?
Hint: See problem 20 and solve by
Answer: A) 120 hectares; B) 7 days;


C) 8 days.
Problem 22
A train travels from station A to station B. If
the train leaves station A and
makes 75 km/hr, it arrives at station


B 48 minutes ahead of scheduled. If it

x=6. Tony worked for 6+6=12 days and

made 50 km/hr, then by the scheduled time

Elizabeth worked for 6 days. The part of job

of arrival it would still have 40 km more to

go to station B. Find:
A) The distance between the two stations;
B) The time it takes the train to travel from
A to B according to the schedule;
C) The speed of the train when it's on
Let x be the scheduled time for the trip
from A to B. Then the distance between A
and B can be found in two ways. On one
hand, this distance equals 75(x4860) km.

The sum of x20 and 710 gives us the whole

job, i.e. 1. So we get the equation:

done is 12120=60100=60% for Tony,

and 6115=40100=40% for Elizabeth.
Problem 20
A farmer planned to plough a field by
doing 120 hectares a day. After two days of
work he increased his daily productivity
by 25% and he finished the job two days
ahead of schedule.
a) What is the area of the field?
b) In how many days did the farmer get the
job done?
c) In how many days did the farmer plan to
get the job done?
First of all we will find the new daily
productivity of the farmer in hectares per
day: 25% of 120hectares
is 25100120=30 hectares,
therefore 120+30=150 hectares is the new
daily productivity. Lets x be the planned
number of days allotted for the job. Then
the farm is 120xhectares. On the other
hand, we get the same area if we
add 1202 hectares to 150(x4)hectares.
Then we get the equation
So, the job was initially supposed to
take 12 days, but actually the field was
ploughed in 12 - 2 =10 days. The field's
area is 12012=1440 hectares.
Problem 21
To mow a grass field a team of mowers
planned to cover 15 hectares a day.
After 4 working days they increased the
daily productivity by 3313%, and finished
the work 1 day earlier than it was planned.
A) What is the area of the grass field?
B) How many days did it take to mow the

On the other hand, it is 50x+40 km. So we

get the equation:
x=4 hr is the scheduled travel time. The
distance between the two stations
is 504+40=240km. Then the speed the train
must keep to be on schedule
is 2404=60 km/hr.
Problem 23
The distance between towns A and B
is 300 km. One train departs from town A
and another train departs from town B,
both leaving at the same moment of time
and heading towards each other. We know
that one of them is 10 km/hr faster than the
other. Find the speeds of both trains
if 2 hours after their departure the distance
between them is 40 km.
Let the speed of the slower train
be x km/hr. Then the speed of the faster
train is (x+10) km/hr. In 2 hours they
cover 2x km and 2(x+10)km, respectively.
Therefore if they didn't meet yet, the whole
distance from A to B
is 2x+2(x+10)+40=4x+60 km. However, if
they already met and continued to move,
the distance would
be 2x+2(x+10)40=4x20km. So we get the

following equations:
x=60 or
Hence the speed of the slower train
is 60 km/hr or 80 km/hr and the speed of
the faster train is 70km/hr or 90 km/hr.
Problem 24
A bus travels from town A to town B. If the
bus's speed is 50 km/hr, it will arrive in
town B 42 min later than scheduled. If the
bus increases its speed by 509 m/sec, it will
arrive in town B 30 min earlier than
scheduled. Find:
A) The distance between the two towns;
B) The bus's scheduled time of arrival in B;
C) The speed of the bus when it's on
First we will determine the speed of the bus
following its increase. The speed is

by 509m/sec =50606091000 km/hr =20 km/hr
. Therefore, the new speed
is V=50+20=70 km/hr. If x is the number of
hours according to the schedule, then at
the speed of 50 km/hr the bus travels from
A to B within (x+4260) hr. When the speed
of the bus is V=70 km/hr, the travel time
is x3060 hr. Then
x=72 hr.
So, the bus is scheduled to make the trip
in 3 hr 30 min.
The distance between the two towns
is 70(7212)=703=210 km and the
scheduled speed is 21072=60 km/hr.

What is a triangle?
A triangle is a three sided polygon.
What are the different types of triangles?
Equilateral Triangle: All Three Sides Are Congruent.
Isosceles Triangle: Two Sides Are Of Equal Length.
Scalene Triangle: No Sides Are Congruent
Right Triangle: One Angle Is A Right Angle.
Acute Triangle: All Angles Are Acute.
Obtuse Triangle: One Angle is An Obtuse Angle.
What is the formula for finding the area of a triangle?
A = 1/2 bh
b = base, h = height
Types Of Triangles

Proportional Sides of Similar Triangles

What are congruent triangles?
Congruent triangles have the same size and shape.
What are similar triangles?
Similar triangles have the same shape but not necessarily the same size.
What are corresponding sides of triangles?
The corresponding sides of triangles are the sides that match.
How do we find a missing of corresponding triangles?
Pattern Method:
Step 1: Find The Corresponding Sides In Both Triangles
Step 2: Set up a ratio of the corresponding sides.
AB & EF = 3/6
BC & FG = 5/? (Missing Side)
AC & EG = 4/8
Step 3: Ask what is the pattern? (What is being done to the sides of the first triangle to get to
the sides of the second?
Answer: Multiplying By 2.
So the missing side of the second triangle is 10m.

Proportion Method:
Step 1: Pick two corresponding sides.
Step 2: Write the corresponding sides as a ratio.
AB/EF = 3/6
Step 3: Set up a proportion to find the missing side.
3/6 = 5/x
Step 4: Cross multiply.
3x = 30
x = 10
So the missing side = 10m.
What is a quadrilateral?
A quadrilateral is a four sided polygon.
What are the different types of quadrilaterals?
Square: Opposite sides are parallel, all sides are congruent, has 4 right angles.
Rectangle: Opposite sides are parallel, opposite sides are congruent, has 4 right angles.
Parallelogram: Opposite sides are parallel and congruent.
Rhombus: All sides are parallel and congruent.
Trapezoid: Only 1 pair of sides are parallel.
What are the formulas for finding the area of quadrilaterals?
A = s2
s = side length
A = lw
l = length, w = width
A = bh
b = base, h = height
A = 1/2h(b1 + b2)
h = height, b1 = length of top base, b2 = length of bottom base
Types Of Quadrilaterals


What is a circle?
A circle consists of all points in a plane that are an equal distance from a given point.
What is a radius?
Any segment from the center point of the circle to a point on the circle. The radius is of
the diameter.
What is a diameter?
Any segment that passes through the center point of the circle and has both endpoints on
the circle. The diameter of a circle is twice as long as the radius.
What is a chord?
A line segment that has both endpoints on the circle.
What is a central angle?
An angle with its vertex at the center of the circle and sides that are radii of the circle.
What is circumference?
Circumference (C) is the distance around the circle.
What is ?
is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It is approximately 3.14 no
matter how large or small the circle is. When working with we do not use 3.14. We ALWAYS
leave our answers in terms of .
What is the formula for finding the circumference of a circle?
C = d or C = 2r
d = diameter
r = radius
The formula you use depends on the information that is given in the problem.
What is the formula for finding the area of a circle?
A = r2
r = radius
What is a sector?
A sector is a region of a circle that is bounded by two radii and an arc of the circle.
What is the formula for finding the area of a sector?
x/360 = r2
x = the measure of the arc of a sector
r = the radius of the circle
Parts Of A Circle

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