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Food Biotechnology
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Probiotics: An emerging food supplement with health benefits

Renu Agrawal a
Department of Food Microbiology, Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore,
Karnataka, India

To cite this Article Agrawal, Renu'Probiotics: An emerging food supplement with health benefits', Food Biotechnology, 19:
3, 227 — 246
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Food Biotechnology, 19:227–246, 2005
Copyright © 2005, Taylor & Francis
ISSN: 0890-5436 print
DOI: 10.1080/08905430500316474

Probiotics: An emerging food

Food Biotechnology,
Biotechnology Vol. 19, No. 03, September 2005: pp. 0–0

supplement with health

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R. Agrawal

Renu Agrawal
Department of Food Microbiology, Central Food Technological Research Institute,
Mysore, Karnataka, India
Probiotics are among the important functional foods. They comprise approximately
65% of the world functional food market. Probiotic products are foods, which improve
intestinal microflora and support good health of the consumer. The live bacteria
present in the probiotic products are lactic acid bacteria, including Lactobacilli, Bifido-
bacteria and Enterococci. Apart from health claims and maintenance of intestinal
microflora, they protect against infections, alleviate lactose intolerance, reduce blood
cholesterol levels and also stimulate the immune system. The interactive research
between physiology, microbiology, food technology and molecular biology followed by
clinical trials may produce a multi-functional probiotic strain for human consumption.
Key Words: Probiotic; lactic acid bacteria; functional food

The world population is becoming more conscious of the relation between
nutrition and good health. This has stimulated increased research of the iden-
tification of food and food components that have special benefits to the con-
sumer. With these efforts, probiotic products have come into the market,
which are identified as functional foods. These include foods containing
phytochemicals, dietary fibre, structural lipids, bioactive peptides, polyunsat-
urated fattyacids, etc. Prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics (Holzapfel and
Schillinger, 2002) are included in this category.
The probiotics are related to beneficial microorganisms. The term probi-
otic has a number of definitions but widely accepted is that of Fuller (1989).
According to him, “probiotics” are live microbial food supplements that benefi-
cially affect the host animal by improving the intestinal microbial balance.

Address correspondence to Renu Agrawal, Department of Food Microbiology, Central

Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, Karnataka, 570 013, India.
228 R. Agrawal

The usefulness of lactic acid bacteria was first proposed by Metchnikoff

(1908), who suggested that longevity was due to their high intake.


Phylogenetic and genetic criteria

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It is early to make generalizations about probiotic performance on a scien-

tific basis, but it is generally assumed that probiotic properties are strain spe-
cific. Hence, the need for strain identification and detection is very important
(Brandt and Alatossava, 2003). Important genera that are employed for probi-
otic purpose are generally Lactobacilli, Bifidobacteria and Enterococci.
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are gram positive, non-sporing, catalase nega-
tive organisms that are devoid of cytochrome C and are non-aerobic, but are
aerotolerant and acid tolerant. LAB can be divided into two physiological
groups: the heterofermentative LAB, which produce CO2, lactic acid, acetic
acid, ethanol and mannitol from hexoses, and the homofermentative LAB,
which produce primarily lactic acid from hexose (Kandler, 1983). Tradition-
ally, LAB has been classified on the basis of phenotypic properties such as
mode of glucose fermentation, growth at different temperatures, configuration
of lactic acid produced (L/D)and fermentation of carbohydrates.
Holzapfel et al. (1997) and Klein et al. (1998) have dealt in detail about the
taxonomy and physiology of probiotic lactic acid bacteria. According to interna-
tional standards, the probiotic cultures used in food should be well defined and
correctly named according to valid taxonomic systems. The selection criteria for
probiotic microorganisms have been reviewed by Holzapfel et al. (2001). Phylo-
genetic analysis was found not sufficient for a better characterization up to the
strain level. Here genetic methods play a very important role for further charac-
terization. Holzapfel (1997) has dealt in detail with systematic identification of
probiotic lactic acid bacteria with reference to phenotypic and genomic methods.
These genomic methods have been applied with a good amount of success.
In genetic analysis, plasmid profiling was formerly preferred, but it was
found that extra chromosomal DNA was unstable. Therefore, methods based
on chromosomal DNA were developed. These include restriction enzyme analy-
sis (Ferrero et al., 1996), ribotyping (Rodtong, 1993), Randomly amplified poly-
morphic DNA analysis (Duplessis, et al., 1995; Klijn et al., 1995; Collins et al.,
1991; Erlandson and Bhatt, 1997) and gradient gel electrophoresis (Alatossava,
2000; Walters et al., 2000). These workers have shown the efficacy of the geno-
typic methods in strain identification. Pot et al. (1997) have studied taxonomy
of microorganisms used as probiotics with the help of the above methods for
species of Enterococci, Lactococci and Lactobacilli.
Charteris et al. (1997) and Simpson et al. (2001) demonstrated the selec-
tive details, enumeration and identification of potential probiotic lactic acid
Probiotics 229

bacteria, Bifidobacterium bifidum and other species. For a correct identifica-

tion of lactic acid bacterial strain, it is essential to employ both phenotypic
and genetypic methods. Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus paracasei and
Lactobacillus rhamnosus are mainly used as probiotics, whereas strains of
Enterococci are mainly used in nutrition. For phenotypic based criteria,
important functions for consideration are carbohydrate fermentation pattern,
resistance to different NaCl concentrations, growth on different nutrient
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media, growth at different temperatures and resistance against antibiotics.

Recently, molecular-based identification has been done by ribotyping
(Zhong et al., 1998). In modern taxonomic phenotypic methods analysis of cell
wall composition (peptidoglycan) and fermentation pathways of pentoses and
hexoses are undertaken.
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium constitute a significant proportion of pro-
biotic cultures used in developed countries. Although these two species have
been isolated from different parts of the GI tract, the terminal ileum and colon
appear to be the preferred sites. Species of Bifidobacterium are generally char-
acterized as gram positive, non-spore forming, non-motile, catalase negative
and anaerobes. The enzyme fructose-6-phosphate phospho- ketolase, the key
enzyme of the glycolytic pathway, serves as a taxonomic character in identifying
genera but does not enable inter-specific differentiation. At present, 29 species
of Bifidobacteria genera are recognized, of which 10 are of human origin.
Differential detection and enumeration can be performed in a number of
ways. Different plating media are employed which permit separate cultivation
of each genus. In another method, a single plating medium is used that sup-
ports the growth of designated genera. Final characterization consists of
sugar tolerance, nutritional requirement and antibiotic susceptibility. More
details are given by Charteris et al (1997), including a number of probes that
have been designed for Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species.
Klein et al. (1998) have used both phenotypic and genotypic methods for
detailed analysis of various probiotic bacteria. In order to see that probiotics
should not have any negative effect on the host, careful selection of the strain
is very important. They show the importance of proper identification with the
help of phenotypic and genotypic methods of application to differentiate vari-
ous probiotic species.

In vitro studies
The site of action of lactic acid bacteria and Bifidobacteria is the gas-
trointestinal tract. Before the organism reaches the gut, it has to pass through
the stomach having approximately 2.5 litres of gastric juice (pH 2.0) secretion
per day (Charteris et al., 1998). This usually causes destruction of most of the
microorganisms ingested. Therefore, the acid resistance property of probiotic
bacteria is of utmost importance and consideration. At the same time, the
230 R. Agrawal

organism has to resist bile acids in the intestine and should adhere to the
intestinal walls for its effectiveness. In order to achieve probiotic lactic acid
bacteria with all these properties scientists are developing a keen interest in
inducing these properties in lactic acid bacteria.
Towards this, Jacobson et al. (1999) studied 47 strains of Lactobacilli, observing
that 29 of them could survive a low pH (pH 2.5) for four hours and 16 strains grew
well with bile salts and oxgall. Only four strains were found to have strong adhesion
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to Caco-2 cells, whereas the rest exhibited mild adherence. The ability of each bacte-
rium was found to be different and was strain specific (Kimoto et al., 1999).
Hamilton- Miller (2004) and Vinderola et al. (2003) made a comparative
study on probiotic characteristics and biological barrier resistance in yogurt.
Bernet et al. (1994) studied the mechanism involved in the adherence of
microorganism to intestinal epithelial cells. Gerriste et al. (1990) studied the
properties by oral administration of TNP-Lactobacillus conjugates in mice and
evaluated mucosal and systemic immune responses and memory formation.
Greene and Klaenhammer (1994) studied the factors involved in the adher-
ence of Lactobacilli to human Caco-2 cells.

Probiotic organisms require a vehicle to reach the site of action in an active
form, which is the G.I. tract of the human body. The vehicle is generally a food
product, which contains these live bacteria. Scientific evidence suggests that
probiotic bacteria consumed at a level of 109-1011 cfu/day can decrease the
incidence and severity of some intestinal illnesses (Zubillaga et al., 2001).
The products should have a good shelf life and should have a cell count
higher than 106 cfu/ml till the end. The product should also go through the
harsh conditions of gastric acid and bile salts before it reaches the G.I. tract,
which is the site of action.At present, most of the individual probiotic foods
belong to dairy products like yogurt, fermented milk and cheese (Table 1).
A number of new products based on cereals, fruits, vegetables and meat are
in the development stages. These products have to undergo human trials before

Table 1: Probiotic products available in the market with lactic acid bacteria

Product Bacteria

Yogurt Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus

Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium sp.
Kefir Lactobacillus sp. Lactococcus sp. Leuconostoc sp.
Acidophilus milk Lactobacillus acidophilus
Fermented milk Enterococcus faecium Streptococcus thermophilus
Fermented vegetables Lactobacillus sp.

Adopted from E.R. Farmworth (2000).

Probiotics 231

they are medically accepted. Gilliland et al. (2002) studied the viability of L. casei
and Bifidobacterium in yogurt-like products along with L. casei and B. longum. It
was observed that pH influenced the survival rate in the products when stored at
5° C for 35 days. Similar studies have been done by Schillinger (1999). Vinderola
et al. (2003) studied the behavior of Argentina yogurt and observed that full fat
probiotic yogurt (pH 4.5) was inhibitory when stored at 5° C for 4 weeks. A thor-
ough study has been done by Ostlie et al. (2003) towards the growth and metabo-
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lism of selected strains of probiotic bacteria in milk. In a detailed study of

different probiotic milk products, Hattingh and Viljoen (2001) noticed that the
survival of microbes was dependent on various factors like the strain used, inter-
action between species present in the product and culture conditions.
Among milk products, the main probiotic carriers in foods are yogurt, fer-
mented milk and cheese. A number of reviews are available on the health ben-
efits of the consumption of fermented dairy products (Dave and Shah, 1997;
Kurman and Rasie 1991).
It is generally assumed that consumption of probiotic yogurt should be more
than 100 g/day containing more than 106 Cfu/ml (Rybka and Kailaspathy, 1995). In
recent years, there has been a significant increase in the popularity of yogurt
emphasizing the incorporation of L. casei and B. bifidum. The conventional yogurt
starter bacteria L. bulgaricus and St. thermophilus lack the ability of surviving the
passage through the G.I. tract and consequently do not play a role in the human gut.
Hattingh and Viljoen (2001) reviewed the role of yogurt as a probiotic
carrier food. The consumption of probiotic products is helpful in controlling
intestinal diseases (Mittal and Garg, 1992). Besides yogurt, other probiotic
products are fermented milk (Nighswonger et al., 1996), beverages and probi-
otic cheese (Gomes et al., 1995), Cotton cheese (Blanchette et al., 1995), pow-
dered milk, cookies and ice creams (Hekmat and Mc Mohan, 1992) and dairy
desserts (Laroia and Martin, 1991; Anandan et al., 1999). Cheddar cheese has
been shown to be an effective vehicle for the delivery of some probiotic organ-
isms, especially L. paracasei. Cheese has a higher pH than yogurt and fer-
mented milk and hence can support survival of probiotic bacteria for a longer
duration (Gardiner et al., 1998). Dinaker and Mistry (1994) studied the
growth and viability of Bifidobacterium bifidum in cheddar cheese. According
to them, viability of this organism in products over a long shelf life at refriger-
ation temperature is not satisfactory. The low pH of fermented milk and the
aerobic conditions of packaging are not conducive for their survival. In their
study the organisms were viable during 24 weeks of study.

Non-milk probiotic products

Besides milk-based probiotic products, attempts are being made to
develop non-milk probiotic products (Molin, 2001) mainly for the treatment of
232 R. Agrawal

lactose intolerance and control of cholesterol levels which is a drawback in

milk based products.
Arihara and Itoh (2000) have isolated UV induced L. gasseri mutants that
are resistant to NaCl and sodium nitrite. These can be used as starter culture
for the preparation of probiotic meat products. As this organism is dominantly
found in the human intestinal tract it may be an appropriate probiotic starter
culture for meat fermentations.
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Papamanoli et al. (2003) isolated lactic acid bacterial strains from fer-
mented sausages, which can be used as starter cultures for the preparation of
meat fermentations. They found that traditionally prepared sausages with
long ripening time have better sensory qualities than when a UV induced
mutant strain was used. After the fermentation they isolated the culture
strains, and found that 90% belonged to Lactobacillus.

Fermented Milk Products

According to Nighswonger et al. (1996), L. casei and L. acidophilus survive
better in cultured buttermilk than in yogurt. Ostlie et al. (2003) studied the
cell count in milk which was above 8.7–9.18 log cfu/ml after 6–16 h of incuba-
tion. According to Sodini et al. (2002), the addition of casein hydrolysate to a
milk product gave it a good taste and improved the flavor.
Hattingh and Viljoen (2001) made a detailed study of milk products with
probiotics, concluding that the survival of microbes depends on various factors
such as strains used, interaction between species, culture conditions, growth
promoters and inhibitors, etc. When children were fed with probiotic curd, the
increase in body weight was found to be much higher at the end of 90 days as
compared with controls. Also, the incidence of diarrhea was found to be reduced.

Encapsulation is a new technology being applied to increase the storage life of
the probiotic product. Betoret et al. (2003) have developed apple cylinders
impregnated with apple juice containing L. casei. Samples were air dried at
40° C to a water content of 0.037 Kg water/kg product and stored at ambient
temperature for two months. At the end of this period viability of cells in the
product was 106 Cfu/g.
Cruce and Goulet (2001) have also suggested microencapsulation as
affording protection to products containing LAB. Certain protective agents
like sugars, sugar alcohols, milk, starch, maltodextrin and N2 flushing are
known to enhance the ability of microorganisms to survive.
According to Hansen et al. (2002), however, encapsulation was not very
successful as it resulted in off-flavor in some cases. Fito et al. (2001) have tried
to use the methodology for incorporation of active components such as prebiotics,
Probiotics 233

dietary fibres and plant sterols. In their study Cruce and Goulet (2001)
reported that in non-fat dry milk the stability after a shelf life of 4 months at
30° C of microencapsulated P. acidilactici was 69%, while that of a standard
freeze-dried product (probiotic powder) was only 15%. This technology prom-
ises to be of great help in increasing the survival rate of probiotics and should
see much more developments in the coming years.
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This is an area of probiotic therapy that requires detailed attention. If the
studies are carried out systematically, they will prove useful in the treatment
of various clinical disorders such as different types of diarrhea, gastrointesti-
nal disorders and cholesterol levels in the blood. This aspect is different from
the one where probiotics are used for the well being; the latter does not
require a medical prescription. Probiotics are also used for their immunologi-
cal and anti-microbial properties. There are many reports in the literature
regarding clinical trials but most of the studies did not have proper controls
like blindfold studies and therefore could not be taken ahead.
Farmworth (2000), Tamboli et al. (2003), Bengmark (2003), Surawicz
(2003) and Marteau (2003) have reviewed the medical studies carried out
recently with proper controls.


1. Infantile diarrhea
The most common cause of diarrhea in children is rotavirus infection.
Savedra et al. (1994) randomized 55 children in the age group of two years
treated with B. bifidum and St. thermophilus in milk fermentations. The over-
all rate of diarrhea was reduced in the treated group. Other workers have also
confirmed the usefulness of probiotics in infantile diarrhea (Isolauri et al.,
1991; Oberhelman et al., 1999).

2. Studies with traveler’s diarrhea

These studies have not been equivocal (Hilton et al., 1997; Black et al.,
1989). It is not possible to compare the results of one strain to another, as
mechanisms underlying clinical effects are not clearly understood.

3. Antibiotic associated diarrhea (AAD)

Siitonen et al. (1990) reviewed the use of probiotics like Lactobacillus
rhamnosus G.G and the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii in antibiotic-associated
234 R. Agrawal

diarrhea. Both microorganisms were found effective. It is felt that more

controlled studies and safety trials are required before this treatment is
accepted. Mc Farland et al. (1995) and Tankanow et al. (1990) found positive
results in patients suffering with AAD, although Barlett et al. (1980) did not
notice any encouraging results. It is therefore felt that much more work has to
be done with travelers’ and antibiotic associated diarrhea except infantile
diarrhea, which is caused by rotavirus.
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Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Tamboli (2003) and Martin (2005) reviewed the effect of probiotics in IBD.
The pathogenesis of IBD is not clearly understood. Intestinal microorganisms
as mediator of this inflammation are receiving increasing attention. Studies of
host-microbe interactions have provided support for probiotic therapy in IBD.
Many workers (Kruis et al., 1997) have studied the effect of mesalamine
and compared it with an E. coli strain. After 12 weeks of therapy about 11–16%
patients had relapse in both groups. In a randomized trial, non-pathogenic
E. coli treatment was compared with mesalamine therapy for treating ulceritis
colitis. Remission in both the groups was around 70% (Rembaekan et al., 1999).
The numbers of trials conducted over a period do not give a clear-cut
picture about the utility of probiotics in ulceritis colitis treatment. Reid et al.
(1995, 1998) have observed the prevention of urinary tract microbial infec-
tions when Lactobacilli strains were instilled.

Critically ill patients

Probiotics and prebiotics have been shown to reduce the rate of infection
in sick and postoperative patients. Compounds such as antibiotics and phar-
macological agents have detrimental effects on mucosal flora and immune sys-
tems. Recent studies in patients with severe and acute pancreatitis abdominal
surgery and liver transplant patients have shown some beneficial effects with
the use of probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum 299V along with oral fibre as a
prebiotic (Olah et al., 2002). In another study of abdominal surgery patients,
when L. plantarum 299V was fed with oat fibre, no significant differences
were found as compared with the control possibly due to the low level of lactic
acid bacteria and oat fibre employed in the study.Bengmark (2003) and Edgar
(2005) has reviewed the use of probiotics in many other surgical cases.

Immune Systems
Recently, Gill et al. (2000) have shown that probiotics enhance natural
immune functions by dietary consumption of L. lactis. According to Schiffrin
et al. (1995), it appears that the cultured strain may adhere transiently and
colonize the GI tract, ultimately increasing the IgA levels. Isolauri et al.
Probiotics 235

(2001) proposed that many probiotic effects are modulated through immune
regulation of pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Similarly probiotic inges-
tion is reported to stimulate cytokine production in blood cells.

Antimicrobial Properties
With the emergence of antibiotic resistant microorganisms, the concept of
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probiotic therapy is gaining ground. The lowering of pH by acids like lactic

acid and acetic acid has bacteriocidal and bacteriostatic effects. In addition,
they also produce H2O2 and bacteriocins. Kasper (1998) demonstrated antimu-
tagenic properties by acids produced against a number of mutagenic com-
pounds. Guarner (2003) and Tuohy et al. (2003) have shown that LAB
ingestion reduced the activity of enzymes like β-glucoronidase, nitro reductase
and azoreductase which transform precarcinogen into active form. Lactic acid
bacteria are useful in the promotion of human health.
According to medical experts correct identification of the strains with
medical evidence along with clinical trials will allow the authorities to recom-
mend them for therapeutic purposes.


Most probiotics are marketed as ingredients of foodstuff or drugs, while others
are sold in the live form as freeze dried powders, tablets or capsules. Hence,
consideration of safety of these microorganisms or products is of utmost
importance, as they are being used for human consumption. According to
Gasser (1994) many lactic acid bacterial strains have been isolated from
bloodstream infections and local infections. Aguirre and Collins (1993)
reported lactic acid bacteria from infection sites; these reports ensure the
safety of lactic acid bacteria as probiotics.
Adams and Marteau (1995) have tested the safety of lactic acid bacteria by
in vitro methods, animal studies and human clinical studies.

Factors involved in safety considerations

Strains of LAB found in the intestinal microflora are preferentially used
as probiotics. Knowledge of their reactions in the intestinal microbial associa-
tion has to be increased (Darla et al., 2005). It is necessary to understand the
ecological performance of these probiotic strains.

A prebiotic is defined as non-digestable food ingredient that beneficially
affects the host by selectively stimulating the growth and activity of a number
of bacteria in the colon, improving the host’s health. Commercially available
236 R. Agrawal

prebiotics are fructooligosaccharides (FOS), insulin, lactulose and galactooli-

gosaccharides. Prebiotics mainly help the individuals with low levels of Bifido-
bacteria in the elderly (Tuohy, 2001). He observed the beneficial effects in the
modulation of gut microflora. The prebiotic effect has been studied in human
clinical trials by feeding biscuits containing partially hydrolysed guar gum
and fructooligosaccharides. Although there is no recommended daily dose of
prebiotics, a report by Roberfroid et al. (1988) suggests a daily dose of 4g/day
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of insulin or FOS to increase gut Bifidobacteria.

Rastall and Gibson (2002) have shown the natural presence of prebiotics in
breast milk and vegetables such as Jerusalem artichokes and onions. Hamilton
(2004) has written a review of clinical trials for benefits from prebiotics and pro-
biotics to elderly populations helpful in malnutrition, lactose intolerance, cal-
cium absorption and constipation. Pool-zobel et al. (2002) found that insulin and
FOS reduced the number and size of precancerous lesions as well as tumor inci-
dence in carcinogen-treated rats. Roberfroid (2000) linked prebiotics to an
enhancement of mineral absorption in the large bowel.
A synbiotic approach (a mixture of probiotics and prebiotics) has shown
beneficial results. Kiebling et al. (2002) have shown that long-term (7 weeks)
consumption of synbiotic yogurt (L. acidophilus 145, B. longum 193 + FOS)
led to significant effects in LDL/HDL cholesterol ratios in 29 healthy women.
Despite the numerous studies and human clinical trials, there is still a gap in
our knowledge of the metabolic pathways taken by prebiotics and probiotics.
Safety is also required for prebiotics, which are frequently used with probiot-
ics. If the prebiotic is a traditional food or a food component, there is no con-
cern. Hammes and Hertel (2002) have given some details about the safety
aspects of LAB used as probiotics. According to them, the intestinal microflora
may exhibit properties in foods that are not revealed in the intestinal tract. It
is possible that LAB may have pathogenic potential, as reports in the litera-
ture indicates for their involvement in human infection. According to Link
et al. (1994), changes in intestinal flora with intake of fermented milk have
been reported. It is recorded that strains of Enterococci are involved in human
infections. Because of these observations, doubts have been raised as to
whether Enterococci can be classified as safe probiotics (Aguirre and Collins,
1993). Ishibashi and Yamaguchi (2001) have written an excellent review on
probiotics and safety, in which they covered various aspects such as absence of
pathogenicity and infectivity as a requisite for probiotic safety and enzymatic
activity associated with production of harmful substances.


Like acceptance of any product in the market, it should be realized that
increased consumption is dependent on many factors. As more and more
people are becoming health conscious, the sales of probiotics is increasing.
Probiotics 237

Manufacturers are aware of this and are trying to get newer products into the
market. Since these are edible products, the foremost requirement is that the
probiotic product should be sensorily acceptable and liked by people.
The concept of probiotics for improving the health status of an individual
was developed in Japan in the 1980s. In the last ten years the probiotic prod-
ucts mainly being dairy products have established themselves in Europe and
in the USA. There is not much literature on probiotic consumption in develop-
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ing countries.
The problem with probiotic preparations is that in many products
although the addition of lactic acid bacteria is mentioned, the particular
strain used is not mentioned. According to Klein (1999), it is very important to
know whether all the strains of LAB or bifidobacteria are useful as probiotics.


Japan: A product “Yakult” consisting of bifidobacterial strains, whey, miner-
als and dietary fibre had sales of more than 11 trillion yen. In addition, fer-
mented milk drinks are in great demand (Arunachalam, 1999). According to
the literature, the market in Japan for probiotics and other functional foods is
approximately $ 3.5 billion.
Europe: In Europe (1997), 65% of functional food market consists of probi-
otic products of $890 million. The yogurt market is worth $600 million. Yogurt
with live lactic acid bacteria is on the forefront with its acceptable taste and
Consumers are mostly concerned with health problems such as osteoporo-
sis, cholesterol level in serum, heart diseases and general well being. Hence,
products should be available for treating them. A survey in Europe (1997)
indicated that more than 97% of consumers look for healthier food.
U.S.A.: The labeling requirement of probiotic food products is less as com-
pared with Japan and Europe. However, strong medical claims are not
allowed without strong clinical data. “Acidophilus yogurt” is on the forefront
among probiotic products.
Overall, enough evidence is available to indicate beneficial effects of probi-
otic products on good health. The increase in sales in this direction shows the
growing health consciousness of people. More data are necessary to determine
the medical benefits and claims for better health.
It is expected that in the first decade of the twenty-first century the global
market for probiotic foods will be around $17 billion. Stanton et al. (2001) dis-
cussed about the various probiotic products and the different companies deal-
ing with it. Currently, most of the products are milk products; new products
are being investigated with base as fruit juices or fermented whey (Calvo
et al., 2002). Arihara and Itoh (2000) studied the importance of probiotics in
meat products to be utilized for large-scale preparation.
238 R. Agrawal


In veterinary and human medicine, probiotic therapy is becoming very impor-
tant, and many probiotic products are available commercially. Although probi-
otics are mainly food supplements they are not regulated for efficacy and
quality control. In a survey examining the labels of 44 probiotic products,
Weese (2003) observed that labeling on 44% of the products was improper, as
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most of them did not contain the stated number of organisms (Weese, 2002).
According to Weese (2003), a probiotic label should state the organism upto
strain level, correctly spelled, and also state the number of live organism until
the expiry of the shelf life. To date, none of the products in the market fulfill
all these criteria. Also, the product should be scrutinized by the veterinary
practitioners like any other pharmaceutical products. There is much scope for
research and development in this line, as proper labeling will help in the
prevention and treatment of many diseases in a natural way.


Probiotics have shown their potential in the prevention of certain diseases and
also promoting specific aspects of health. They are helpful in improving prob-
lems of malnutrition, lactose intolerance, calcium absorption and constipation
(Hamilton-Miller, 2004; Groote et al., 2005). The gut microbiota plays an
important role in human health and disease by preventing the colonization of
pathogenic microorganisms (Tuohy et al., 2003). A range of probiotic strains
have been evaluated for their antidiarrheal capabilities (Isolauri, 1991), pre-
vention of colorectal cancer (CRC) and chronic mucosal inflammation (IBD) by
a non-pathogenic strain of E. coli (Rembacken et al., 1999). Many probiotics
have shown to lower the activity of β-glucuronidase, β-glycosidase, azoreduc-
tase and nitroreductase, which are known to convert precarcinogens to carcin-
ogens (Burns and Rowland, 2000). Probiotics have also been shown to liberate
low molecular weight peptides in G.I tract and trigger the immune system
(Isolauri et al., 2001). There is currently a concerted effort in Europe to study
the gaps in knowledge concerning the medical efficacy and mechanistic princi-
ples of microbiota using probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics (Mattila-Sandholm
et al., 2003). All these studies have enhanced the general health of human
beings and reduced the onset of diseases.

If probiotics are to represent a real and effective alternative to antibiotics and
chemotherapeutics, much more work is required to select LAB strains with
strong probiotic effects, and methods should be developed to ensure maximum
efficacy of probiotic at the time of consumption. Food companies will continue
Probiotics 239

to research new functional food products with health claims. Product launches
in areas like probiotic food products, fortified foods and drinks see a lot of
future. Of course, the market growth will depend on scientific substantiation.
The rate of increase in resistance to antibiotics is a major public health
problem all over the world (Neu, 1994; Bengmark, 1998). Hence, natural alter-
natives are becoming more attractive. In fact, the World Health Organization
recommends a global programme to reduce the use of antibiotics.
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The clinical use of probiotics showed suppression of pathogens, giving

evidence for their consumption in inhibiting the growth of enteropathogens
(Gousalez et al., 1993, Drago et al., 1997; Hudault et al., 1997). In addition, the
data collected suggest the potential use of probiotics in preventing urino genital
tract microbial infections (Reid et al., 1995, 1998).There is a need to work out
the use of probiotics as alternatives to antibiotics in animals and poultry.
With the advances in sequencing and bioinformatics technology, genome-
sequencing projects will be looked into in the near future for probiotic micro-
organisms. According to Tamboli (2003), the development of probiotics capable
of effectively delivering cytokinin therapy is a major advancement in biological
therapy to IBD. The use of genetically modified organisms in humans may
take some time for their application. Bengmark (2003) has emphasized the use
of a probiotic consortium. It is expected that strong clinical efficiency can be
achieved in the future by the use of probiotic LAB consortiums with several
bioactive properties.
According to Surawiz (2003), the population of high risk AAD should be
identified before widespread use of probiotics is undertaken. Also, there is
need for well-controlled trials of efficacy with adequate safety studies.
In spite of numerous feeding studies showing positive effects on health,
there is limited understanding concerning the mechanism of probiotic activity
in vivo. Modern high-resolution molecular techniques based on the phyloge-
netic information encoded by 16S rRNA gene are being applied to characterize
the gut microflora within different disease strains. This is likely to bypass the
inherent limitations of lack of selective growth media and uncontrollable bac-
teria. Recently, in Europe, a number of European Union projects have been
funded to identify the mechanisms through which pro-, pre- and synbiotics
can improve host health.
According to Steidler (2003), it is possible through genetic engineering to
improve the existing strains and also to create completely new probiotics. This
is possible with thorough knowledge of metabolic reactions in various probiot-
ics. The metabolism of microorganisms can be modified through the integra-
tion of foreign enzymes. Paton et al. (2001) have already constructed an E. coli
strain that could answer the need for therapeutics to counteract intestinal
infection with Shigella toxin producing bacteria.
It must be realized that for current genetically modified (GM) probiotics,
biological safety has to be assured. Also, the uninhibited spread of GM
240 R. Agrawal

microorganisms in the environment is highly undesirable. Thus, biosafety of

the strains produced has to be thoroughly investigated. Steilder (2003) in his
review has given details of application of GM probiotics under various clinical

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Since there is substantial demand for natural treatments with respect to vari-
ous diseases, probiotics are gaining importance. Moreover, improved func-
tional characteristics of milk products could be potentially achieved by
altering the aminoacid sequence. Targets for modification include α-lactoalbumin,
β-interferon, γ- interferon, factor IX, protein C, serum albumin superoxidase,
lactoferrin, lyzozyme and immunoglobulins (Mathur et al., 2003). To capitalize
on this emerging knowledge better molecular and metabolic studies of bacte-
ria from infection sites and the ones used for probiotics are essential (Saxelin
et al., 1996). Further understanding the expression of novel disease-protective
proteins in probiotic systems could be an attractive solution for disease
management through the diet.

I express my gratitude to Dr. V. Prakash, Director, CFTRI. I thank
Dr. S. Umesh, HOD, Food Microbiology for encouragement. I thank
Dr. M.V. Patwardhan for discussions and Shobha Rani. P for assistance.

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