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Fig. 1: Uta, symbol of a development. In the age of 3 years (a) of disfiguring

physiognomy, standing and going only with support, the child doesn't recognize the
parents. At this time, she/it, after-ripening-treatment" of Haubold, begins. 4 experts
negate each therapeutic possibility in a procedure, that goes until before the federalsocial-court. With 14 years (b), Uta visits the 4. Class of a grade school, reads, writes and
reckons in the pay-area with mistakes until 100. With 21 years, Uta is active in a hospital
as station-help, drives with the bus in the city to the work daily and is even sociallyinsured with exception of the treatment-costs for her/its/their reason-ailment.



Brachymelie Brachycarpi. e Akromikrie Brachydaktylie Brachymikrocephalie

Hypognathie of the upper jaw high, flat, wide face Hypertelorismus of one-sunk noseroot (saddle-nose) button-nose slanted lid-axis-position (from temporal above,
proceeding after nasally below) grope tongue open mouth ("carp-mouth"); , Fig. 3 a, b,
down-drawn mouth-corners
Fig. 3: , Carp-mouth", Resultante of ZungenvergrBerung, Tonsillenhyperplasie,
Hypognathie of the upper jaw, enough-in-Aesir.

Fig. 4: Cheilosis: vertical pleats and Schrunden of the lips.

Fig. 5: Shaggy, wiry hair.

Fig. 6: , Four-finger-furrow" in the palm.

Four-finger-furrow (40 percent), A bb. 6, absence of the
distalen of horizontal finger-furrow of the 5. Finger (20

Fig. 7: , Sandal-furrow"; further distance between 1. and

2. Toe.
Scrutinize ID III hand, 54 84%)
Main lines horizontal, deep furrow between I. and II.
Toe, Sandal-furrow (fig.) 7)

Fig. 8: Anomalies of the milk-denture;

unregelmBige position, more-pronged edge-teeth.

Fig. 9: Mongoloidenbecken; unloading basin-shovels,

"elephant-ears", flattened out pan-roof, Coxa valga

Fig. 10: Brachydaktylie, Akromikric, Klinodaktylie.

Fig. 11: Syndaktylie
between 4. and 5. Toe.

Fig. 12: Physiognomy of an unbehandelten of mongoloid

infant with characteristic features and the already visible

Fig. 13: Physiognomy of an unbehandelten of

mongoloid infant with characteristic features.

Fig. 14: Unbehandelter hypodynamer type of the

mongolism of syndrome; mimische inexpressiveness.

Fig. 15: Hypodynamer type of the mongolism of

syndrome with Mikrocephalie, Hypognathie of the upper
jaw and prominent tongue.



Fig. 16 a, b: Hypodynamer type of the mongolism of syndrome with mimischer stiffness

and strong pigmentation of the face-skin.
Fig. 17: Physiognomonische study of the hyperdynamen
type of the mongolism of syndrome.

Fig. 18: Phases of a mongoloid boy's mimischen distortion of the hyperdynamen type,
that doesn't have any real contact to the surroundings. The Aufn. the fig. a c was prepared
in the distance of some seconds.

Fig. 19: Cheilosis of the lips with low radiren furrows.

Fig. 20: Cheilosis of the lips.

Fig. 21: Nail-dystrophy; Nail-bed Hyperkeratose.

Fig. 22: Hyperkeratose and acne in the puberty.

Fig. 23: Open mouth, as permanence with Makroglossie

and adenoidal vegetations.

Fig. 24: Chronic Rhinitis, most frequent symptom of

the infection-defense-weakness of the small-childhood.

Fig. 25: Hypoplasie of the penis.

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