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FM Cheats

FM 2011
FM 2012
FM 2012
FM 2012
FM 2012
FM 2012

Best Players

FM 2012 Clubs Tips and Tricks


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FM 2012 Wonderkids List

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List of Football Manager 2012 Wonderkids based from the various lists found
around the Internet,if you want to add some more leave a comment,
David de Gea - Manchester United
Thibaout Courtois - Atltico de Madrid
Wojciech Szczesny - Arsenal
Bernd Leno - Leverkusen
Marc-Andre ter Stegen -Borussia Monchegladbach
Kevin Trapp - Kaiserslautern
Rafael -Santos
Neto -Fiorentina
Renan -Corinthians
Maxym Koval- Dinamo de Kiev
Matej Delac-Chelsea
Pierrick Cros- Sochaux
Jason Steele-Middlesbrough
Colin Coosemans - Club Brugge
Alex Smithies- Huddersfield
Thomas Kaminski-Anderlecht
Alphonse Areola-Paris Saint Germain
Vlado Giljen - Nacional da Madeira
Hobie Verhulst- AZ Alkmaar
Centre Backs
Phil Jones - Manchester United
Sebastian Coates - Liverpool
Mateo Musacchio-Villareal
Mamadou Sakho - Paris Saint Germain
Kyriakos Papadopoulos-Shalke 04
Stefan Savic - Manchester City
Joel Matip - Shalke 04
Raphael Varane-Real Madrid
Breno - Bayern de Munique
Chris Smalling - Manchester United
Nicolas Nkoulou - Olympique Marselha
Jordi Amat - Espanyol
Ezequiel Muoz - Palermo
Dedryck Boyata-Manchester City
Grant Hanley - Blackburn Rovers
Claran Clark - Aston Villa
Martin Kelly - Liverpool
Jon Aurtenetxe - Atlethic Bilbau
Danny Wilson - Liverpool
Sergiy Kryvtsov - Shaktar Donetsk
Jonathan Mensah - Evian
Yaroslav Rakitskyi-Shaktar Donetsk
Omer Toprak - Leverkusen
Kyle Bartley-Arsenal
Craig Dawson - WBA
Nathaniel Chalobah-Chelsea
Andreu Fontas -Barcelona
Gael Andonian-Marselha
Michele Camporese-Fiorentina
Willy Boly-Auxerre

Tomas Kalas-Chelsea
Sergi Gomez-Barcelona
Shane Duffy-Everton
Rafael Toloi-Gois
Leonel Galeano-Independiente
Matija Nastasic-Fiorentina
Sebastian Toro-Colo-Colo
Monty Gimpel-Leeds United
Ignasi Miguel-Arsenal
Ryan Bennett-Peterborough
Left Backs
Fabio-Manchester United
Jose Angel-Roma
Kieran Gibbs-Arsenal
Ryan Bertrand-Chelsea
Alex Sandro-FC Porto
Arman Traore-Queens Park Rangers
Diego Contento-Bayern de Munique
Gabriel Silva-Palmeiras
Darvin Chavez-Monterrey
Jack Robinson-Liverpool
Gabriel Araujo-Cruzeiro
Kevin Theophile-Catherine-Stade Rennais
Raphael Guerreiro-Caen
Heracles-Atltico Paranaense
Timothee Kolodziejczak-Lyon
Benjamin Mendy-Le Havre
Massadio Haidara-Nancy Lorraine
Lucas Digne-Lille
Atila Turan-Beira-Mar
Enric Saborit-Athletic Bilbau
Gilian Wijnaldum-AZ Alkmaar
Marco Capuano-Pescara
Jerome Roussillon-Sochaux
Maxime Poundje-Nimes
Right Backs
Rafael-Manchester United
Davide Santon-Newcastle
Cesar Azpilicueta-Marselha
Mario Fernandes-Grmio
Kyle Walker-Tottenham
Martin Montoya-Barcelona
Timothy Chandler-Nurnberg
Dennis Diekmeier-HSV
Diego Renan-Cruzeiro
John Flanagan-Liverpool
Sebastien Corchia-Sochaux
Dennis Appiah-Monaco
Tony Jantschke-Borussia Monchengladbach
Julian Koch-Borussia Dortmund
Serge Aurier-Lens

Marc Sirera-Hercules
James Hurst-Blackpool
Loris Nery-Saint Etienne
Kenny Lala-Valenciennes
Sime Vrsaljko-Dinamo Zagreb
Peter Suswam-Vitria de Setbal
Adam Matthews-Celtic Glasgow
Jordan Spence-Bristol City
Lamine Gassama-Lyon
Mattias Johansson-Kalmar
Giulio Donati-Padova
Left Backs
Yann MVila-Stade Rennais
Aleksandar Ignjovski-Werder Bremen
Oriol Romeu-Chelsea
Casemiro-So Paulo
Taras Stepanenko-Shaktar Donnetsk
Dan Gosling-Newcastle
Francis Coquelin-Newcastle
Havard Nordtveit-Arsenal
Romula-Vasco da Gama
Ignacio Camacho-Malaga
Andrea Poli-Inter
George Thorne-WBA
Emmanuel Badu-Udinese
Emmanuel Frimpong-Arsenal
Christoph Moritz-Shalke 04
Luiz Antonio-Flamengo
Amine Linganzi-Blackburn Rovers
Geoffrey Kondogbia-Lens
Filipe Soutto-Atltico Mineiro
Eliaquim Mangala-FC Porto
Lucas Zen-Botafogo
Josuha Guilavogui-Saint Etienne
Allan-Vasco da Gama
Rodrigo Caio-So Paulo
Ze Mario-Internacional
Afriyie Acquah-Palermo
Yannick MBone-Cannes
Nampalys Mendy-Monaco
Christopher Missilou-Auxerre
Kamohelo Mokotjo-Feynoord
Rmi Mulumba-Lorient
Edu Ramos-Villareal
Daniel Kofi Agyei-Fiorentina
Jordan Ferri-Lyon
Rene Krhin-Bolonha
Lorenzo Crisetig-Inter
Romuald Lacazette-Paris Saint Germain
Cheikou Kouyate-Anderlecht
Centre Midfielders
Jordan Henderson-Liverpool
Toni Kroos-Bayern
Andre Ayew-Marselha

Ilkay Gundogan-Borussia Dortmund

Mehmet Ekici-Werder Bremen
Moussa Sissoko-Toulouse
David Alaba-Bayern Munique
Jack Rodwell-Everton
Aaron Ramsey-Arsenal
Ander Herrera-Athletic Bilbau
Leroy Fer-Twente
Koke-Atltico Madrid
Josh McEachran-Chelsea
Fabian Delph-Aston Villa
Necip Uysal-Besiktas
James McCarthy-Wigan
Sebastian Rudy-Hoffenhein
Marco Hoger-Shalke 04
Jonjo Shelvey-Liverpool
Ross Barkley-Everton
Kevin Strootman-PSV Eidhoven
Barry Bannan-Aston Villa
Henri Lansbury-West Ham
Franco Zuculini-Zaragoza
Joel Obi-Inter
Filipe Anderson-Santos
Vitaliy Vitsenets-Illichivets
Mubarak Wakaso-Villareal
Albin Ekdal-Cagliari
Denys Garmash-Dinamo Kiev
Korey Smith-Norwich
Wellington Nem-Figueirense
Paul Pogba-Manchester United
Jordi Clasie-Feynoord
Sanjin Prcic-Sochaux
Tom Cairney-Hull City
Zakaria Labyad-PSV Eidhoven
Raphael Holzhauser-Stuttgard
Jeff Louis-Le Mans
Franck Bambock-Paris Saint Germain
Danilo-Parma AC
Markus Henriksen-Rosenborg
Florent Cuvelier-Stoke City
Mats Rits-Ajax Amesterdam
Aron Gunnarsson-Cardiff
Marco Verratti-Pescara
Ryan Tunnicliffe-Peterborough
Simone Calvano-Gnova
Liam Palmer-Sheffield Wednesday
Left Midfielders
Mario Gotze -Borussia Dortmund
Gareth Bale-Tottenham
Antoine Griezmann-Real Sociedad
Andre Schurrle-Bayer Leverkusen
Konstantin Rausch-Hannover
Gokhan Tore-HSV
Adem Ljajic-Fiorentina
Eugene Konoplyanka-Dniepr

Gaston Ramirez-Bolonha
Andriy Yarmolenko-Dinamo Kiev
Pablo Sarabia-Getafe
Magaye Gueye-Everton
Alan Gatagov-Dinamo Moscovo
Joel Campbell-Arsenal
Marco Fabian-Chivas
Nacer Chadli-Twente
Ezequiel-Btis de Sevilha
Rodrigo Alborno-Inter
Juan Carlos-Zaragoza
Yohan Mollo-Granada
Julian Luque-Racing de Santander
Yassine El Ghanassy-Gent
Carles Gil-Valencia
Maxime Lestienne-Brugge
Martin Zeman-Admira
Iuri Medeiros-Sporting CP
Rodney Sneijder-Utrecht
Right Midfielders
Alex Chamberlain-Arsenal
Marc Albrighton-Aston Villa
Kiko Femenia-Barcelona
David Hoilett-Blackburn Rovers
Gabriel Torje-Udinese
Gerard Deulofeu-Barcelona
Ryad Boudebouz-Sochaux
Vladimir Weiss-Espanyol
Eduardo Salvio-Atltico de Madrid
Dudu-Dinamo de Kiev
Marcel Risse-Mainz
Younes Belhanda-Montpellier
Henri Saivet-Bordeaux
Paul-Georges Ntep-Auxerre
Stephan El Shaarawy-MilanAC/Gnova
Serdar Gurler-Sochaux
Xherda Shaqiri-Basileia
Giorgi Chanturia-Vitesse
Deniz Naki-ST.Pauli
Junior Stanislas-Burnley
Matej Vydra-Brugge
Juan Iturbe-FC Porto
Alvaro Vadillo-Btis
Adnan Januzaj-Manchester United
Offensive Midfielders
Thomas Muller-Bayern Munique
Alan Dzagoev-CSKA Moscovo
Sergio Canales-Valencia
Eden Hazard-Lille
Jack Wilshere-Arsenal
Lewis Holtby-Shalke 04
Julian Draxler-Shalke 04

Tom Cleverley-Manchester United

Roberto Firmino-Hoffenhein
Lucas Moura-So Paulo
Eric Lamela-Roma
Miralem Pjanic-Roma
Jano-Spartak Moscovo
Georginio Wijnaldum-Feynoord
Moritz Leitner-Borussia Dortmund
Gael Kakuta-Chelsea
Douglas Costa-Shakthar Donetsk
Pajtim Kasami-Fulham
Gylfi Sigurdsson-Hoffenheim
Christian Eriksen-Ajax Amesterdam
Alex Teixeira-Shakhtar Donetsk
James Rodrguez-FC Porto
Bernardo-Vasco da Gama
Jan Moravek-Shalke 04
Thorgan Hazard-Lens
Sofiane Feghouli-Valencia
Eugene Shakhov-Deniepr
Levan Kenia-Shalke 04
Haris Vuckic-Newcastle
Filip Djuricic-Heerenveen
Diego Suarez-Dinamo Kiev
Fernando Matos-Dinamo Kiev
Iago Falque-Juventus
Mateo Kovacic-Dinamo Zagreb
Abdallah Yaisien-Paris Saint Germain
Kevin De Bruyne-Genk
Eyal Golasa-Maccabi Haiffa
Kylian Hazard-Lille
Sotiris Ninis-Panathinaikos
John Fleck-Glasgow Rangers
Viktor Fisher-Ajax Amesterdam
Clement Grenier-Lyon
Adam Maher-AZ Alkmaar
Wendel-Atltico Mineiro
Pato-Milan AC
Romelu Lukaku-Chelsea
Stevan Jovetic-Fiorentina
Mario Balotelli-Manchester City
Connor Wickham-Sunderland
Iker Muniain-Athletic Bilbau
Salomon Rondon-Malaga
Son Heung-Min-HSV
Abel Hernandez-Palermo
Tomas Necid-CSKA Moscovo
Daniel Sturridge-Chelsea
Emilio Nsue-Mallorca

Federico Macheda-Manchester United

Alvaro Morata-Real Madrid
Lacina Traore-Kuban
Leandro Damiao-Internacional
Khouma Babacar-Fiorentina
Jordan Ayew-Marselha
Nathan Delfouneso-Aston Villa
Ryo Miyaichi-Arsenal
Luc Castaignos-Inter
Francisco Alccer-Valencia
Chris Wood-WBA
Kleber-FC Porto
Josi Altidore-AZ Alkmaar
Andre-Dinamo Kiev
Nile Ranger-Newcastle
Vincent Aboubakar-Valenciennes
Jay Rodriguez-Burnley
Guido Marilungo-Sampdria
Walter-FC Porto
Kolbeinn Sigrsson-Ajax Amesterdam
William Jose-So Paulo
Ishak Belfodil-Lyon
Vaclav Kadlec-Sparta de Praga
Hervin Ongenda-Paris Saint Germain
Mattia Destro-Inter
Luuk de Jong-Twente
Ji Dong-Won-Sunderland
Lenny Nangis-Caen
Alberto Paloschi-Chievo
Mbaye Niang-Caen
Fode Koita-Montpelier
Cedric Bakambu-Sochaux
Martin Galvn-Cruz Azul
Jose Baxter-Everton
Yannis Tafer-Lyon
Taufic Guarch-Estudiantes
Souleymane Coulibaly-Tottenham
Ronny Rodelin-Lille
Yaya Sanogo-Auxerre
Christian Benteke-Genk
Christophe Aurier-Lens
Marko Livaja-Cesena
Lucas Piazon-So Paulo
Miguel Medina-Udinese
Leigh Griffiths-Wolverhampton

FM 2012 - Norway- Best Players



China - Best Players

Wales- Best Players
Mexico - Best Players
Bulgaria - Best Players
Scotland- Best Players

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Xtrunfe 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand

Explain why Rooney and Messi are Wonderkids for the future?
1 month ago

manu_fan 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand

1 month ago
1 Like

Fmfreak 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand

Guys,great list you have there.
Check these names as well,some of them are on there but others arent

Best Football Manager 2012 Young Goalkeepers

Thibaut Courtois (19 years old). Value: 9 Million Euros. Club: Chelsea. Wage:
23,500 per week
Marc-Andre ter Stegen (19 yo). Value: 2.6 Million E. Club: Gladbach. Wage:
9,500 per week
Maxym Koval (18 yo). Value: 1.6 M. Club: Dinamo Kyiv. Wage: 3,200
David De Gea (20 yo). V: 19.75M. Club: Man Utd. Wage: 58,000
Laurentiu Branescu (17 yo). V: 650k. Club: Juventus. Wage: 1,400
Best Football Manager 2012 Young Central Defenders
Sam Magri (17 years old). Value: 1.1 Million Euros. Club: Portsmouth. Wage:
925 pw
Nathaniel Chalobaj (16 yo). Value: 2.7 M. Club: Chelsea. Wage: 65 euros/week
Nathan Ake (16 yo). Value: 275k. Club: Chelsea. Wage: 65
Giuseppe Prestia (17 yo). Value: 675k. Club: Palermo. Wage: 55
Daniele Rugani (17 yo). Value: 1.2 M. Club: Empoli. Wage: 220
Best Football Manager 2012 Young Fullbacks
Romario (17 yo). Value: 850k. Club: Vitoria. Wage: 675 (DR)
Jack Robinson (17 yo). Value: 2.2 M Club: Liverpool. Wage: 575 (DL)
Nika Kvekveskiri (19 yo). Value: 700k. Club: Dinamo Tbilisi. Wage: 500 (DR)
Best Football Manager 2012 Young Central Midfielders (+DMCs)
Marco Veratti (18 yo). Value: 925k. Club: Pescara. Wage: 900
Paul Pogba (18 yo). Value: 3.1 M. Club: Man Utd. Wage: 1.200
Aron Gunnarson (21 yo). Value: 1.1 M. Club: Cardiff. Wage: 8,000
Kevin Strootman (21 yo). Value: 3.3 M. Club: PSV. Wage: 10.250
Casemiro (19 yo). Value: 5.5 M. Club: Sao Paolo. Wage: 6,750
Emre Can (17 yo). Value: 1.5 M. Club: FC Bayern. Wage: 2,800
Josh McEachran (18 yo). Value: 4.6M. Club: Chelsea. Wage: 11,500
Aaron Ramsey (20 yo). Value: 6M. Club: Arsenal. Wage: 44,500
Robbie Cotton (16 yo). Value: 1.1. Club: Blackburn. Wage: 65
Tomas Podstawski (16 yo). Value: 450k. Club: FCP. Wage: 50
Amato Ciciretti (17 yo). Value: 775k. Roma. Wage: 250
Felipe Anderson (18 yo). Value: 4.3 M. Club: Santos. Wage: 1,300
Zakaria Labyad (18 yo). Value: 1.6 M. Club: PSV. Wage: 4,000
Best Football Manager 2012 Young Attacking Midfielders (Central)
Jack Wilshere (19 yo). Value: 9.25M. Club: Arsenal. Wage: 52,000
Ryan Mason (20 yo). Value: 1.3M. Club: Tottenham. Wage: 850
Eden Hazard (20 yo). Value: 8.25M. Club: Lille. Wage: 46,000
Muhammed Demirci (16 yo). Value: 900K. Club: Besiktas. Wages: 55
Mateo Kovavic (17 yo). Value: 1.2 M. Club: Dinamo. Wages: 1.900
Thiago Alcantara (20 yo). Value: 9.5 M. Club: Barcelona. Wages: 15,000
Lewis Holtby (20 yo). Value: 6.25 M. Club: Schalke. Wage: 29.000
James Rodriguez (20 yo). Value: 2.8 M. Club: FCP. Wage: 18.000
Roberto Firmino (19 yo). Value: 4.8 M. Club: Hoffenhein. Wage: 9.500
Tony Trindade de Vilhena (16 yo). Value: 725k. Club: Feyenoord. Wage: 170
Adryan (16 yo), Value: 850k. Flamengo. Wage: 220
Lorenzo Tassi (16 yo). Value: 1.3 M. Club: Inter and Brescia. Wage: 250
Bryan Rabello (17 yo). Value: 850k. Club: Colo Colo. Wage: 350
Erick Torres (18 yo). Value: 1 M. Club: Chivas. Wage: 5,500
Jano (18 yo). Value: 3.2 M. Club: Spartak. Wage: 2,500
Christian Eriksen (19 yo) Value: 3.9 M. Club: Ajax. Wage: 2,900

Alan Szagoev (21 yo). Value: 6.85M. Club: CSKA. Wage: 23.500
Best Football Manager 2012 Young Wingers
Kyle Bennet (20 yo). Value: 45k. Club: Doncaster. Wage: 3,500
Mario Gotze (19 yo). Value: 12M. Club: Dortmund. Wage: 26,500
Xherdan Shaqiri (19 yo). Value: 2.8 M. Club: Basel. Wage: 7,750
Nathan Redmond (17 yo). Value: 2 M. Club: Birmingham. Wage: 1,200
Ryo Miyaichi (18). Value: 3.7M. Club: Arsenal. Wage: 5,750
Raheem Sterling (16). Value: 2.1M. Club: Liverpool. Wage: 65
Ricardo Kishna (16). Value: 750k. Club: Ajax. Wage: 170
Bruma (16). Value: 750k. Club: Sporting. Wage: 50
Joel Valencia (16). Value: 875k. Club: Zaragoza. Wage: 65
Pablo Sarabia (19). Value: 4.2M. Club: Getafe. Wage: 7,000
Best Football Manager 2012 Young Strikers
Neymar (19). Value: 25M. Club: Santos. Wage: 15,000
Souleymane Coulibaby (16). Value: 1.7 M. Club: Tottenham. Wage: 65
Hervin Ongenda (16). Value: 1.4M. Club: PSG. Wage: 70
Romelu Lukaku (18). Value: 12.25M. Club: Chelsea. Wage: 46,000
Mbae Niang (16). Value: 2.2 Million. Club: Stade Malherbe. Wage: 2,600
Jean Marie Dongou (16). Value: 275k. Club: Barcelona. Wage: 65
Vitinho (17). Value: 300k. Club: Botafogo. Wage: 975
Anass Achahbar (17). Value: 925k. Club: Feyenoord. Wage: 55
Carlos Fierro (16). Value: 800k. Club: Chivas. Wage: 10 E/week
Fabian Himcinshi (17) Value: 1.2 M. Club: Empoli. Wage: 55
Lenny Nangis (17). Value: 1.2M. Club: Stade Malherbe. Wage: 575
Connor Wickham (17). Value: 9.25M. Club: Sunderland. Wage: 40,500
Luc Castaignos (18). Value: 3.7M. Club: Inter. Wage: 13,500
Iker Muniain (18) Value: 9M. Club: Arhletic. Wage: 6,000
Juanmi (18). Value: 1.6M. Club: Malaga. Wage: 4,600
Vaclav Kadlec (19). Value: 1,4M. Club: Sparta Prague. Wage: 1,500
Jordan Ayew (19). Value: 4.8M. Club: OM. Wage: 11,500
Nelson Oliveira (19) Value: 2.5 M. Club: SLB. Wage: 4,500
Son Heung-Min (19). Value: 5.75M. Club: HSV. Wage: 17,250
This is where i took them from http://www.footballmanagerfrea...
2 weeks ago
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LeoMessiElMagico 1 comment collapsed CollapseExpand

Leo Messi,lo Mejor jugador FM 2011

1 month ago
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