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Over the years, the conservation of animals has become increasingly important as their
presence have aided in the well being of the food chain and the ecosystem in general.The
red panda species, the main focus of this project are the only members of the family
Ailuridae, which makes them the last descendents. These red pandas are poached and
highly sought after for their furry tails. With their slow reproductive rates, they are also at
risk of extinction and hence need to be conserved in due time such that the continuity of
their kind is ensured.Due to their solitary nature, they also need to be placed in an
environment very similar and fine tuned to their natural habitats such that it does not cause
stress to them and allows them to reproduce to ensure continuity of their kind.
Aim of project
The aim of our project is to help increase the population of the red pandas by providing a
space specialized to cater to the needs of these animals and model the sanctuary to be as
identical as possible to their natural habitats such that they are able to procreate with
We conducted an interview with Ms Jane Tan by sending our proposal through email. This
is to identify the loopholes in out project proposal and make appropriate amendments to it.
Our sanctuary, Eden of Red Panda (E.R.P) was also assessed using the S.W.O.T tool.

The proposed sanctuary, Eden of Red Panda (E.R.P) has different sections that provides
the Red Pandas a healthy and conducive environment. This Eden has dense natural
vegetation and water pools providing them food ready available to consume. Observatory
towers are located in the central of the forest to keep track of the red pandas specific

location. In addition, we have a clinical centre to provide medical care and equipments to
the red pandas whenever they are sick and injured. Also, the purpose of the project is to
maintain the survival of the red panda, thus artificial caves is located around the dense
forest to encourage mating. This artificial cave will give them a suitable environment for
mating. The breeding centre is when the mating is successful, the cubs will be nurtured
there. With this breeding centre, it will provide them a better chance of survival as
professional caretakers will be present. There are night vision cameras and steel fences
with inertia sensors. Hence, poachers will not be able to poach the red pandas. This
sanctuary is designed to be a safe haven for them and to keep them in good physical and
mental condition.

Review of Proposal
Based on feedbacks received by the interviewees, the following modifications and facilities
were added:

1) Modern Surveillance technology: Drones were added to monitor the Red pandas and
prevent aerial attacks

2) Cryopreservation: change our Artificial Insemination to more up-to-date facilities to

breed more Red Panda. Breed more Red Panda in a shorter time and the breeding
process will be more safer than the previous idea on Laparoscopic Oviductal Insemination.

3) Helicopter to control Red Panda population in Red Panda Oasis: Long run, the
population of the red pandas are going to rise resulting in overpopulation. Helicopter is
used to bring the more mature red pandas back into the wild.

S.W.O.T Analysis was used to evaluate feasibility of project:

To conserve the food chain
Good tracking system i.e. using drones, RFID tags
Advanced technology breeding ( artificial insemination )
windmills as electrical source

The sanctuary is not easily accessible as it is tucked away in a remote area in the

Insufficient manpower
Unstable inflow of financial resources ( long run sustainability affected )

Global influence whereby people are more aware of the importance of conservation of

red pandas and deters poaching.

The population of red pandas grows
Attracts investors to the project
Allows new technology to be used
More job opportunities for nepalese people, leading to higher standards of living

Poachers may experiment other unexpected methods to poach red pandas

May be of harm to the red panda guardians as they need to work in areas prone to

natural disasters such as avalanches.

Uses large amount of electricity , may lead to pollution.

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