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Members Present: Bonnie Beabien, Don Gorman, Greg Williams, Kevin Barry, Maryann
Clark, Supt. Warburton, Paul Yergeau, Kandy Davitt

1. Call to Order – Ms. Beaubien

Ms. Beaubien called the January 6th Deerfield Community School Board meeting to order at
6:30 pm.

2. Pledge of Allegiance – Ms. Beaubien

Ms. Beaubien led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) – January 6, 2010

A motion was made by Kevin Barry to approve the January 6th, 2010 minutes as written,
seconded by Don Gorman.

All In Favor
Motion Carried
Minutes were accepted as corrected

4. Immediate Business

A. Agenda Review

Ms. Beaubien stated that after Citizens’/Staff Comments the board would go into non-public with
Mr. Nichols the Maintenance Supervisor.

B. Citizens’/Staff Comments

Erika Heilman spoke to the board about adding a gifted/talented program to the DCS program.
She also stated that she noticed that the board would be discussing discipline issues at DCS and
suggested that the board review the school’s behavior management needs.
Ms.Beaubien thanked Ms. Heilman for her input.
A Deerfield resident spoke to the board about the ½ day kindergarten program and it was their
opinion that it was discriminatory not to offer full day to all students. It was also suggested that
the district could be putting the community in jeopardy of a lawsuit.

Non Public Session # 1:

A motion was made by Kevin Barry to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-
A:3II©, at 6:35, seconded by Don Gorman.

Bonnie Beaubien-Yes
Don Gorman-Yes
Maryann Clark-Yes
Kevin Barry-Yes
Greg Williams-Yes

All In Favor
Motion Carried

A motion was made by Kevin Barry, seconded by Gregg Williams to come out of the
Non-Public Session at 6:50 PM.

All in Favor
Motion Carried

Ms. Beaubien stated that no decisions were made in non-public session.

A personnel issue was discussed.

C. School District Deliberative Session Review Updates – Mr. Warburton, Mr. Hutchinson

Supt. Warburton informed the board that high school enrollment numbers have increased
from 239 students to 242. Supt. Warburton suggested that the members of the board discuss
making a motion at the Deliberative session to increase the amount in the high school line to
cover the costs of the additional students.
Greg Williams asked if there were no increase where would the money come from to pay the
tuition for these students. It was stated that monies would come out of the Deerfield
Community School budget to pay for the increase in tuition costs.
Ms. Beaubien stated that the High School Tuition line should be changed at the Deliberative
Session. Mr. Yergeau stated that he was concerned about taking money out of the Deerfield
Community School budget because of the decreases in many of the lines already.
Kevin Barry agreed that the board should bring forward the real number of students currently
attending high school. The board noted that the 09-10, 8th grade graduating class was 7
percent larger than last years class.
Mr. Gorman suggested that the board replace the 9 students that the MBC removed from the
district’s budget.
Supt. Warburton stated that Concord High has agreed to report Deerfield’s enrollment bi-
weekly to allow the district to show a true enrollment history.

A motion was made by Kevin Barry to increase the district’s high school line from the
proposed MBC budget ($ 3,089,481) to ($3,249,144) an increase of $159,633.00, seconded
by Greg Williams.

All In Favor
Motion Carried

The board discussed how the deliberative session would be set up.
Ms. Beaubien would bring the district budget forward, Mr. Gorman, was selected to present
the Teacher Contract, Ms. Beaubien would bring forward the Para-Professional Contract and
Mr. Gorman would discuss the warrant for the proposed paving of the parking lot. The board
discussed the amount of money to bring forward should be up to $60,000. Members also
discussed run-off from storms.

A motion was made by Kevin Barry to amend Article 4 to state up to $60,000, seconded by
Maryann Clark.

All In Favor
Motion Carried

D. Principal’s Report – Mr. Yergeau

SPACE NEEDS-Mr. Yergeau passed out to the members a letter from Ed. Mr. Murdough
who is from the NH Dept of Ed. Mr. Murdough noted in his letter that the square footage of
the Deerfield Community School meets the necessary space required for their enrollment but
square footage does not take into account programming needs. The board will continue to
review space needs.
NEASC REPORT_The NEASC forwarded their report to Mr. Yergeau and he will have
copies made available to the members of the board and community this week. It was noted
that a copy should be place at the Philbrick Library.
JACK’S DRIVING SCHOOL-Mr. Yergeau informed the board that Jack
Weidermeyer, from the Driver’s Education program presented him with a check for
$500.00. The board noted that they appreciated having a Driver’s Ed. Program for
the district and asked that a thank you letter be written on their behalf thanking Mr.
Weidermeyer for his contribution.
WAL-MART AWARD-Mr. Yergeau shared with the board information about the recent
award that was given to DCS from Wal-Mart for the 8th grade magnet’s operation of a Swap
Shop at the school. The school was given a check for $1,000.
NECAP-The board was told that NECAP scores are available but the school will not find out
until March of impact of the scores. Individual test scores will be mailed to parents.

5. Old/Unfinished Business

A. H.S. Task Force Update – Ms. Clark

Information will be presented next month

B. Special Ed. Task Force – Ms. Clark

Information will be presented next month

C. Length of School Day Committee – Ms. Beaubien

Plans to set up a committee will be finalized at next month’s meeting

D. Middle School Reorganization Update – Mr. Yergeau

Mr. Yergeau informed the board that he met with twenty staff members and that coming to a
consensus is and will continue to be a grueling task.

E. High School Lottery and Concord Tuition Update – Mr. Warburton

Supt. Warburton confirmed that the increase for Concord High is 8.9 percent. Mr. Aubrey,
state officials and the Concord School District reviewed the costs and confirmed the increase
was correctly calculated.

Supt. Chris Rath and Supt. Peter Warburton discussed and agreed to the request for an
additional student to attend an alternative high school. The board members asked if two
letters of appreciation could be sent to both Supt. Rath and Supt. Warburton for their
diligence in this area.

6. New Business

A. Discipline Discussion – Mr. Gorman

Will be reviewed at next month’s school board meeting.

B. Parent Request – Mr. Warburton

Ms. Beaubien read a letter from a Deerfield resident who recently moved to the area. The
parent requested that her child be allowed to continue her education where she currently
attends. The student is in her senior year.

A motion was made by Kevin Barry to approve the request to allow the student to finish
her senior year at Epping High, seconded by Don Gorman.

All In Favor
Motion Carried

C. Heating-Don Nichols, Mr. Gorman

Mr. Nichols, reviewed with the board the 2nd phase of the heating system. Honeywell has
suggested that the heat throughout the building needs to be controlled from one place.
Currently the school has had four motor failures in the classroom heating units and there is no
heat in the gym.
Mr. Nichols also brought to the boards’ attention that fine sand/grit is causing havoc with the
water fountains and toilets. He suggested to the board that a filter be put on the well at a cost
of $1,500.

A motion was made by Mr. Gorman to appropriate up to $1,500 for a filter to be placed on
Well #1, seconded by Maryann Clark.

All In Favor
Motion Carried

7. Informational Items

A. Citizens’/Staff Comments

Mr. Daley (member of the MBC) thanked Supt. Warburton for reviewing how the high school
tuition process is set-up. He noted that citizens have come to him with their concerns that the
district each year had large amounts of money not used in the high school tuition line and that
they wanted to see the amount left over be less.

B. 2009-10 Budget Projections – Mr. Warburton, Dr. Paludi

C. 2009-10 Special Education Projections – Mr. Warburton, Dr. Paludi

D. 2009-10 Food Service Update – Mr. Warburton, Dr. Paludi

Supt. Warburton stated that the school’s food service is doing well with its’ budget.

E. Other

A motion was made by Kevin Barry to enter into non-public session under RSA
91-A:3II©, at 9:25, seconded by Don Gorman.

Bonnie Beaubien-Yes
Don Gorman-Yes
Maryann Clark-Yes
Kevin Barry-Yes
Greg Williams-Yes

All In Favor
Motion Carried

A motion was made by Kevin Barry, seconded by Don Gorman, to come out of the non-
public session at 10:59 PM.

Ms. Beaubien stated that no decisions were made in non-public session.

The contract with the Concord School District for Deerfield High School students was
The recent lottery for students requesting high school other than Concord for the 2010-11
school year was discussed.

8. Adjournment

A motion was made by Gregg Williams, seconded by Kevin Barry to adjourn the
meeting at 11 PM.

All In Favor
Motion Carried

Next Scheduled Meeting: _____March 3, 2010 _6:30 P.M. Deerfield Community

School Library

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