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A user is anyone who uses a computer. In this case, we are describing the names which represent those users.
It may be Mary or Bill, and they may use the names Dragonlady or Pirate in place of their real name. All that
matters is that the computer has a name for each account it creates, and it is this name by which a person
gains access to use the computer. Some system services also run using restricted or privileged user accounts.
Managing users is done for the purpose of security by limiting access in certain specific ways. The superuser
(root) has complete access to the operating system and its configuration; it is intended for administrative use
only. Unprivileged users can use the su and sudo programs for controlled privilege escalation.
Any individual may have more than one account, as long as they use a different name for each account they
create. Further, there are some reserved names which may not be used such as "root".
Users may be grouped together into a "group", and users may be added to an existing group to utilize the
privileged access it grants.
Note: The beginner should use these tools carefully and stay away from having anything to do with any
other existing user account, other than their own.

Permissions and ownership

From In UNIX Everything is a File:
The UNIX operating system crystallizes a couple of unifying ideas and concepts that shaped its
design, user interface, culture and evolution. One of the most important of these is probably the
mantra: "everything is a file," widely regarded as one of the defining points of UNIX.
This key design principle consists of providing a unified paradigm for accessing a wide range of
input/output resources: documents, directories, hard-drives, CD-ROMs, modems, keyboards, printers,
monitors, terminals and even some inter-process and network communications. The trick is to provide
a common abstraction for all of these resources, each of which the UNIX fathers called a "file." Since
every "file" is exposed through the same API, you can use the same set of basic commands to
read/write to a disk, keyboard, document or network device.
From Extending UNIX File Abstraction for General-Purpose Networking:
A fundamental and very powerful, consistent abstraction provided in UNIX and compatible operating
systems is the file abstraction. Many OS services and device interfaces are implemented to provide a
file or file system metaphor to applications. This enables new uses for, and greatly increases the
power of, existing applications simple tools designed with specific uses in mind can, with UNIX file
abstractions, be used in novel ways. A simple tool, such as cat, designed to read one or more files and
output the contents to standard output, can be used to read from I/O devices through special device
files, typically found under the /dev directory. On many systems, audio recording and playback can
be done simply with the commands, " cat /dev/audio > myfile" and " cat myfile >

/dev/audio," respectively.
Every file on a GNU/Linux system is owned by a user and a group. In addition, there are three
types of access permissions: read, write, and execute. Different access permissions can be
applied to a file's owning user, owning group, and others (those without ownership). One can
determine a file's owners and permissions by viewing the long listing format of the ls command:

$ ls -l /boot/
total 13740
drwxr-xr-x 2
-rw-r--r-- 1
-rw-r--r-- 1
-rw-r--r-- 1
-rw-r--r-- 1

root root
4096 Jan 12 00:33 grub
root root 8570335 Jan 12 00:33 initramfs-linuxroot root 1821573 Jan 12 00:31 initramfs-linux.img
root root 1457315 Jan 8 08:19 System.map26
root root 2209920 Jan 8 08:19 vmlinuz-linux

The first column displays the file's permissions (for example, the file initramfs-

linux.img has permissions -rw-r--r-- ). The third and fourth columns display the file's
owning user and group, respectively. In this example, all files are owned by the root user and
the root group.

$ ls -l /media/
total 16
drwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 16384 Jan 29 11:02 sf_Shared
In this example, the sf_Shared directory is owned by the root user and the vboxsf group. It is
also possible to determine a file's owners and permissions using the stat command:
Owning user:

$ stat -c %U /media/sf_Shared/
Owning group:

$ stat -c %G /media/sf_Shared/
Access rights:

$ stat -c %A /media/sf_Shared/
drwxrwx--Access permissions are displayed in three groups of characters, representing the permissions of
the owning user, owning group, and others, respectively. For example, the characters -rw-r--

r-- indicate that the file's owner has read and write permission, but not execute ( rw-), whilst
users belonging to the owning group and other users have only read permission ( r-- and r-- ).

Meanwhile, the characters drwxrwx--- indicate that the file's owner and users belonging to the
owning group all have read, write, and execute permissions ( rwx and rwx), whilst other users
are denied access ( ---). The first character represents the file's type.
List files owned by a user or group with the find utility:

# find / -group [group]

# find / -user [user]
A file's owning user and group can be changed with the chown (change owner) command. A file's
access permissions can be changed with the chmod (change mode) command.
See man chown, man chmod, and Linux file permissions for additional detail.

File list
Warning: Do not edit these files by hand. There are utilities that properly handle locking and
avoid invalidating the format of the database. See #User management and #Group
management for an overview.




Secure user account information


User account information


Contains the shadowed information for group accounts


Defines the groups to which users belong


List of who can run what by sudo


Home directories

User management
To list users currently logged on the system, the who command can be used.
To add a new user, use the useradd command:

# useradd -m -g [initial_group] -G [additional_groups] -s

[login_shell] [username]

-m creates the user home directory as /home/username . Within their home directory, a
non-root user can write files, delete them, install programs, and so on.

-g defines the group name or number of the user's initial login group. If specified, the group
name must exist; if a group number is provided, it must refer to an already existing group. If
not specified, the behaviour of useradd will depend on the USERGROUPS_ENAB variable
contained in /etc/login.defs. The default behaviour ( USERGROUPS_ENAB yes) is to
create a group with the same name as the username, with GID equal to UID .

-G introduces a list of supplementary groups which the user is also a member of. Each
group is separated from the next by a comma, with no intervening spaces. The default is for
the user to belong only to the initial group.

-s defines the path and file name of the user's default login shell. After the boot process is
complete, the default login shell is the one specified here. Ensure the chosen shell package
is installed if choosing something other than Bash.

Warning: In order to be able to log in, the login shell must be one of those listed
in /etc/shells , otherwise the pam_shell module will deny the login request. In particular,
do not use the /usr/bin/bash path instead of /bin/bash , unless it is properly configured
in /etc/shells .
Note: The password for the newly created user must then be defined, using passwd as
explained below.
When the login shell is intended to be non-functional, for example when the user account is
created for a specific service, /usr/bin/nologin may be specified in place of a regular shell
to politely refuse a login (see nologin(8)).

Example adding a user

On a typical desktop system, use the following command to add a new user named archie ,
specify Bash as their login shell and add them to the wheel group (see the entry in #User
groups for details):

# useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash archie

Tip: Bash is the default value for the shell (as indicated by useradd -D ), so you can omit the -

s option except if you want to use something else.

This command will also automatically create a group called archie with the same GID as the
UID of the user archie and makes this the default group for archie on login. Making each
user have their own group (with group name same as user name and GID same as UID) is the
preferred way to add users.

You could also make the default group something else, e.g. users:

# useradd -m -g users -G wheel archie

However, using a single default group ( users in the example above) is not recommended for
multi-user systems. The reason is that typically, the method for facilitating shared write access for
specific groups of users is setting user umask value to 002 , which means that the default group
will by default always have write access to any file you create. See also User Private Groups.
In the recommended scenario, where the default group has the same name as the user name, all
files are by default writeable only for the user who created them. To allow write access to a
specific group, shared files/folders can be made writeable by default for everyone in this group
and the owning group can be automatically fixed to the group which owns the parent directory by
setting the group sticky bit on this directory:

# chmod g+s our_shared_directory

Otherwise the file creator's default group (usually the same as the user name) is used.

Other examples of user management

To add a user to other groups use ( additional_groups is a comma-separated list):

# usermod -aG additional_groups username

Alternatively, gpasswd may be used. Though the username can only be added (or removed) from
one group at a time.

# gpasswd --add username group

Warning: If the -a option is omitted in the usermod command above, the user is removed from
all groups not listed in additional_groups (i.e. the user will be member only of those groups
listed in additional_groups ).
To enter user information for the GECOS field (e.g. the full user name), type:

# chfn username
(this way chfn runs in interactive mode).
To specify the user's password, type:

# passwd username

To mark a user's password as expired, requiring them to create a new password the first time
they log in, type:

# chage -d 0 username
User accounts may be deleted with the userdel command.

# userdel -r username
The -r option specifies that the user's home directory and mail spool should also be deleted.
Tip: The AUR packages adduserAUR, adduser-defaultsAUR or adduser-debAUR provide
an adduser script that allows carrying out the jobs of useradd, chfn and passwd interactively. See
also FS#32893.

User database
Local user information is stored in the /etc/passwd file. To list all user accounts on the system:

$ cat /etc/passwd
There is one line per account, and each is of the format:


account is the user name

password is the user password

UID is the numerical user ID

GID is the numerical primary group ID for the user

GECOS is an optional field used for informational purposes; usually it contains the full user

directory is the user's $HOME directory

shell is the user command interpreter (defaults to /bin/sh )

Note: Arch Linux uses shadowed passwords. The passwd file is world-readable, so storing
passwords (hashed or otherwise) in this file would be insecure. Instead, the password field will

contain a placeholder character ( x) indicating that the hashed password is saved in the accessrestricted file /etc/shadow.

This article or section needs expansion.

Reason: The tools pwck and pwconv should be mentioned. Brief usage example for
them best also mentions handling .pacnew files generated by filesystem updates.
(Discuss inArchWiki:Requests#User_and_group_pacnew_files)

Group management
/etc/group is the file that defines the groups on the system ( man group for details).
Display group membership with the groups command:

$ groups [user]
If user is omitted, the current user's group names are displayed.
The id command provides additional detail, such as the user's UID and associated GIDs:

$ id [user]
To list all groups on the system:

$ cat /etc/group
Create new groups with the groupadd command:

# groupadd [group]
Add users to a group with the gpasswd command:

# gpasswd -a [user] [group]

Modify an existing group with groupmod ; e.g. to rename old_group group
to new_group whilst preserving gid (all files previously owned by old_group will be owned
by new_group):

# groupmod -n [new_group] [old_group]

To delete existing groups:

# groupdel [group]
To remove users from a group:

# gpasswd -d [user] [group]

If the user is currently logged in, he/she must log out and in again for the change to take effect.

This article or section needs expansion.

Reason: The tools grpck and grpconv should be mentioned. Brief usage example for
them best also mentions handling .pacnew files generated by filesystem updates.
(Discuss inArchWiki:Requests#User_and_group_pacnew_files)

Group list
User groups
Workstation/desktop users often add their non-root user to some of following groups to allow
access to peripherals and other hardware and facilitate system administration:


Affected files




Access to some game software.



Right to control wireless devices power state (used by rfkill).



Standard users group.

/dev/ttyS[0-9], /dev/t Serial and USB devices such as modems, handhelds, RS-232/serial
ts/[0-9], /dev/ttyACM[



Administration group, commonly used to give access to

the sudo and su utilities (neither uses it by default, configurable
in /etc/pam.d/su and /etc/pam.d/su-l). It can also be used


to gain full read access to journal files.

System groups
The following groups are used for system purposes and are not likely to be used by novice Arch



Affected files





used internally by dbus





used by FTP servers like Proftpd

Used by fuse to allow user mounts.



/dev/port, /dev/mem, /dev/kmem





Unprivileged group.


polkit group.

A group authorized to learn processes


information otherwise prohibited

by hidepid= mount option of the proc


filesystem. The group must be explicitly

set with the gid= mount option.


Complete system administration and


control (root, admin).



sendmail group.

Provides access to the complete systemd


logs. Otherwise, only user generated

messages are displayed.

/dev/tty, /dev/vcc, /dev/vc, /dev/ptmx


Eg. to acces /dev/ACMx

Software groups
These groups are used by certain non-essential software. Sometimes they are used just
internally, in these cases you should not add your user into these groups. See the main page for
the software for details.


Affected files


Right to

devices nodes under /dev/

access Android Deb

ugging Bridge.




Right to launch
applications with
Bumblebee to utilize

NVIDIA Optimus

Right to


use CDemu drive


Used by Clam


/var/lib/clamav/* , /var/log/clamav/*


X server authorization directory (ServAuthDir)


/usr/bin/locate , /var/lib/locate , /var/lib/mlocate , /v

use updatedb comm


GDM group.

Right to


/var/lib/mpd/* , /var/log/mpd/* , /var/run/mpd/* ,

optionally music directories

MPD group.

Requirement for your

user to connect

with NetworkManage


r. This group is not

included with Arch by
default so it must be
added manually.



NTPd group.

Used by ThinkPad


users for access to

tools such as tpb.


virtual machines' shared folders

Used by VirtualBox.


Right to use


VirtualBox software.

Right to

use VMware software


Right to capture

with Wireshark.

Deprecated or unused groups

Following groups are currently of no use for anyone:




Access to log files in /var/log/ created by syslog-ng.


Sshd can be configured to only allow members of this group to login. This is true for any arbitrary
group; the ssh group is not created by default, hence non-standard.

stb-admin Unused! Right to access system-tools-backends

Adding a user to the kvm group used to be required to allow non-root users to access virtual

machines using KVM. This has been deprecated in favor of using udev rules, and this is done

Pre-systemd groups

This article or section needs expansion.

Reason: Input group introduced with systemd 215 [1] (Discuss in Talk:Users and

These groups used to be needed before arch migrated to systemd. That is no longer the case,
as long as the logind session is not broken (see General troubleshooting#Session
permissions to check it). The groups can even cause some functionality to break.
See SysVinit#Migration to systemd for details.


Affected files


Direct access to
sound hardware, for
all sessions
(requirement is
imposed by

/dev/audio, /dev/snd/*, /dev/rtc0

both ALSA and OS

S). Local sessions
already have the
ability to play sound
and access mixer


Access to Digital


Access to block
devices not affected

/dev/sda[1-9], /dev/sdb[1-9]

by other groups
as optical , flop

py , and storage.

floppy /dev/fd[0-9]


Access to floppy

/etc/cups, /var/log/cups, /var/cache/cups, /var/spool/cups, / Access to printer

hardware; enables


the user to manage

print jobs.

Right to change
network settings


such as when

using NetworkMan

Access to optical
optical /dev/sr[0-9], /dev/sg[0-9]

devices such as CD
and DVD drives.

Right to use Pmutils (suspend,


hibernate...) and
power management



Access to scanner

Access to
removable drives
such as USB hard

drives, flash/jump

drives, MP3
players; enables the
user to mount
storage devices.

Right to administer



printers in CUPS.

/dev/fb/0, /dev/misc/agpgart

Access to video
capture devices,
2D/3D hardware

framebuffer (X can
used without belong
ing to this group).
Local sessions
already have the
ability to use
acceleration and
video capture.

Warning: Make certain that you are not logged in as the user whose name you are about to change! Open a
new tty (Ctrl+Alt +F1) and log in as root or as another user and su to root. usermod should prevent you
from doing this by mistake.

Change A User's Login

This will change only the user's login name.

# usermod -l newname oldname

Change the Real Name

This will change the real name of the username.

# usermod -c "New Real Name" username

Change A User's $HOME

This will only change the home directory of username. You do not need to manually create the new directory.
The move is fully automatic.

# usermod -d /my/new/home username

Change A User's $HOME and Move Contents

This will move the contents of username's home directory to /my/new/home and set the user's home
directory to the new one. Again, this is an automatic move.

# usermod -m -d /my/new/home username

Link A User's former $HOME to new $HOME

This will created a link between username's former home directory to the new one. Doing this will allow
programs to find files that have hardcoded paths.
Warning: Make sure there is no trailing / on /my/old/home

# ln -s /my/new/home/ /my/old/home

Change Group Name

If you want to change the user's group also:

# groupmod -n newname oldname

Note: This will change a group name but not the numerical GID of the group.
For further information see the man pages for usermod and groupmod.

Manually With /etc/passwd

When possible, you should use the above commands to modify usernames and home directories, however for
those of you who want to know the 'guts' of the operations, it can be done manually.

/etc/passwd File Format

Each line of the file follows a specific format. There are seven fields, each delimited by (":") a colon.

<login name>:<password>:<numerical UID>:<numerical GID>:<Real

name/comments>:<home directory>:<user command interpreter>
Warning: It is unsafe to set the <password> field in /etc/passwd. Passwords should be changed (by root)
with the passwd command!

<login name> This field can not be blank. Standard *NIX naming rules apply.
<password> would be an encrypted password, however it should be marked with a lowercase "x"
(without quotes) to signify the password is located in /etc/shadow .
Each user and group name has a corresponding numerical UID and GID (User ID and Group ID). In
Arch, the first login name (after root) is UID 1000 by default. Subsequent UID/GID entries for users should
be greater than 1000. GID should match the primary group for the particular user. Numeric values for GIDs
are listed in /etc/group .

<Real name/comments> is used by services such as finger. This field is optional and may be left

<home directory> is used by the login command to set the $HOME environment variable. Several
services with their own users use "/" which is safe for services, but not recommended for normal users.

<user command interpreter> is the path to the user's default shell. This is normally Bash, but there are

several other command line interpreters available. The default setting is "/bin/bash" (without quotes) for
users. If you use another CLI, set the path to it here. This field is optional.
Example (user):

jack:x:1001:100:Jack Smith,some comment here,,:/home/jack:/bin/bash

Broken down, this means: user jack (whose password is in /etc/shadow) is UID 1001 and his primary group
is 100 (users). Jack Smith is his full name and there is a comment associated to his account. His home
directory is /home/jack and he is using Bash.

Viewing permissions
In order to use chmod to change permissions of a file or directory, you will first need to know what the current
mode of access is. You can view the contents of a directory in the terminal by "cd" to that directory and then

$ ls -l
The -l switch is important because using ls without it will only display the names of files or folders in the
Below is an example of using ls -l on my home directory:

$ ls -l
total 128



832 Jul 6 17:22 #chmodwiki#
users 4096 Jul 5 21:03 Desktop
users 4096 Jul 5 17:37 Documents
users 4096 Jul 5 13:45 Downloads
users 4096 Jun 24 03:36 Movies
users 4096 Jun 24 03:38 Music
users 57047 Jun 24 13:57 Namoroka_wallpaper.png
users 4096 Jun 26 00:09 Pictures
users 4096 Jun 24 05:03 R
354 Jul 6 17:15 chmodwiki
users 5120 Jun 27 08:28 data
users 3339 Jun 27 08:28 datadesign
users 2048 Jul 6 12:56 dustprac
users 1568 Jun 27 14:11 dustpracdesign
users 1532 Jun 27 14:07 dustpracdesign~
229 Jun 27 14:01 ireland.R
570 Jun 27 17:02 noattach.R

-rw-r--r-- 1 ben users

588 Jun

5 15:35 noattach.R~

What the columns mean

The first column is the type of each file:

- denotes a normal file.

d denotes a directory, i.e. a folder containing other files or folders.

p denotes a named pipe (aka FIFO).

l denotes a symbolic link.

The letters after that are the permissions, this first column is what we will be most interested in. The second
one is how many links there are in a file, we can safely ignore it. The third column has two values/names: The
first one (in my example 'ben') is the name of the user that owns the file. The second value ('users' in the
example) is the group that the owner belongs to (Read more about groups).
The next column is the size of the file or directory in bytes and information after that are the dates and times the
file or directory was last modified, and of course the name of the file or directory.

What the permissions mean

The first three letters, after the first - or d, are the permissions the owner has. The next three letters are
permissions that apply to the group. The final three letters are the permissions that apply to everyone else.
Each set of three letters is made up of r w and x. r is always in the first position, w is always in the second
position, and x is always in the third position. r is the read permission, w is the write permission, and x is the
execute permission. If there is a hyphen (-) in the place of one of these letters it means the permission is not
granted, and if the letter is present then it is granted.

In case of folders the mode bits can be interpreted as follows:

r (read) stands for the ability to read the table of contents of the given directory,

w (write) stands for the ability to write the table of contents of the given directory (create new files,
folders; rename, delete existing files, folders) if and only if execute bit is set. Otherwise this permission is

x (execute) stands for the ability to enter the given directory with command cd and access files,
folders in that directory.

Let's see some examples to clarify, taking one directory from above:

# Ben has full access to the Documents directory.

# He can list, create files and rename, delete any file in Documents,

# regardless of file permissions.

# His ability to access a file depends on the file's permission.
drwx------ 6 ben users 4096 Jul 5 17:37 Documents
# Ben has full access except he can not create, rename, delete
# any file.
# He can list the files and (if file's permission empowers)
# may access an existing file in Documents.
dr-x------ 6 ben users 4096 Jul 5 17:37 Documents
# Ben can not do 'ls' in Documents but if he knows
# the name of an existing file then he may list, rename, delete or
# (if file's permission empowers him) access it.
# Also, he is able to create new files.
d-wx------ 6 ben users 4096 Jul 5 17:37 Documents
# Ben is only capable of (if file's permission empowers him)
# access those files in Documents which he knows of.
# He can not list already existing files or create, rename,
# delete any of them.
d--x------ 6 ben users 4096 Jul 5 17:37 Documents
You should keep in mind that we elaborate on directory permissions and it has nothing to do with the individual
file permissions. When you create new file it is the directory what changes, that is why you need write
permission to the directory.
Note: To keep out graphical file managers, you ought to remove r, not x.

Let's look at another example, this time of a file, not a directory:

-rw-r--r-- 1 ben users

5120 Jun 27 08:28 data

- rw- r-- r-- 1 ben users 5120 Jun 27 08:28 data (Split the permissions
coloumn again for easier interpretation)
Here we can see the first letter is not d but -. So we know it is a file, not a directory. Next the owners
permissions are rw- so the owner has the ability to read and write but not execute. This may seem odd that the
owner does not have all three permissions, but the x permission is not needed as it is a text/data file, to be read
by a text editor such as Gedit, EMACS, or software like R, and not an executable in it's own right (if it contained
something like python programming code then it very well could be). The group's permssions are set to r--, so
the group has the ability to read the file but not write/edit it in any way - it is essentially like setting something to
Read-Only. We can see that the same permissions apply to everyone else as well.

Changing permissions using the chmod command

chmod is a command in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. It allows you to change the permissions
(or access mode) of a file or directory.

Text method
To change the permissions-or access mode-of a file, we use the chmod command in a terminal. Below is the
command's general structure:

chmod who=permissions filename

Where Who is any from a range of letters, and each signifies who you are going to give the permission to. They
are as follows:



user that own the file.

group the file belongs to.
other users i.e. everyone else.
of the above - use this instead of having to type ugo.

The permissions are the same as already discussed (r, w, and x).
Let's have a look at some examples now using this command. Suppose we became very protective of the
Documents directory and wanted to deny everybody but ourselves, permissions to read, write, and execute (or
in this case search/look) in it:

Before: drwxr-xr-x 6 ben users 4096 Jul 5 17:37 Documents

Command 1: chmod g= Documents
Command 2: chmod o= Documents
After: drwx------ 6 ben users 4096 Jul 6 17:32 Documents
Here, because we want to deny permissions, we do not put any letter after the = where permissions would be
entered. Now you can see that only the owner's permissions are rwx and all other permissions are -'s.
This can be reverted with:

Before: drwx------ 6 ben users 4096 Jul 6 17:32 Documents

Command 1: chmod g=rx Documents
Command 2: chmod o=rx Documents
After: drwxr-xr-x 6 ben users 4096 Jul 6 17:32 Documents
In the next example, we want to grant read and execute permissions to the group, and other users, so we put
the letters for the permissions (r and x) after the =, with no spaces.
You can simplify this to put more than one who letter in the same command e.g:

chmod go=rx Documents

Note: It does not matter which order you put the who letters or the permission letters in a chmod command:
you could have chmod go=rx File or chmod og=xr File. It is all the same.
Now let's consider a second example, say we want to change our data file so that we have read and write
permissions, and fellow users in our group users who may be colleagues working with us ondata, can also
read and write to it, but other users can only read it:

Before: -rw-r--r-- 1 ben users 5120 Jun 27 08:28 data

Command1: chmod g=rw data
After: -rw-rw-r-- 1 ben users 5120 Jun 27 08:28 data
This is exactly like the first example, but with a data file, not a directory, and we grant a write permission (just
so as to give an example of granting every permission).

Text method shortcuts

The chmod command lets us add and subtract permissions from an existing set using + or - instead of =. This
is different to the above commands, which essentially re-write the permissions (i.e. to change a permission
from r-- to rw-, you still need to include r as well as w after the = in the chmod command. If you missed out r, it
would take away the r permission as they are being re-written with the =. Using + and - avoid this by adding or
taking away from the current set of permissions).
Let's try this + and - method with the previous example of adding write permissions to the group:

Before: -rw-r--r-- 1 ben users 5120 Jun 27 08:28 data

Command: chmod g+w data
After: -rw-rw-r-- 1 ben users

5120 Jun 27 08:28 data

Another example, denying write permissions to all (a):

Before: -rw-rw-r-- 1 ben users

Command: chmod a-w data
After: -r--r--r-- 1 ben users

5120 Jun 27 08:28 data

5120 Jun 27 08:28 data

Copying permissions
It is possible to tell chmod to copy the permissions from one class, say the owner, and give those same
permissions to group or even all. To do this, instead of putting r, w, or x after the =, we put another who letter.

Before: -rw-r--r-- 1 ben users 5120 Jun 27 08:28 data

Command: chmod g=u data
After: -rw-rw-r-- 1 ben users 5120 Jun 27 08:28 data

This command essentially translates to "change the permissions of group (g=), to be the same as the owning
user (=u). Note that you cannot copy a set of permissions as well as grant new ones e.g.:

chmod g=wu data

In that case, chmod will have a small fit and throw you an error.

Numeric method
chmod can also set permissions using numbers.
Using numbers is another method which allows you to edit the permissions for all three owner, group, and
others at the same time. This basic structure of the code is this:

chmod xxx file/directory

Where xxx is a 3 digit number where each digit can be anything from 1 to 7. The first digit applies to
permissions for owner, the second digit applies to permissions for group, and the third digit applies to
permissions for all others.
In this number notation, the values r, w, and x have their own number value:

To come up with a three digit number you need to consider what permissions you want owner, group, and user
to have, and then total their values up. For example, say I wanted to grant the owner of a directory read write
and execution permissions, and I wanted group and everyone else to have just read and execute permissions. I
would come up with the numerical values like so:

Owner: rwx = 4+2+1=7

Group: r-x = 4+0+1=5 (or just 4+1=5)
Other: r-x = 4+0+1=5 (or just 4+1=5)
Final number = 755
Command: chmod 755 filename
This is the equivalent of using the following:

chmod u=rwx filename

chmod go=rx filename
Most folders/directories are set to 755 to allow reading and writing and execution to the owner, but deny writing
to everyone else, and files are normally 644 to allow reading and writing for the owner but just reading for

everyone else, refer to the last note on the lack of x permissions with non executable files - its the same deal
To see this in action with examples consider the previous example I've been using but with this numerical
method applied instead:

Before: -rw-r--r-- 1 ben users 5120 Jun 27 08:28 data

Command: chmod 664 data
After: -rw-rw-r-- 1 ben users 5120 Jun 27 08:28 data
If this were an executable the number would be 774 if I wanted to grant executable permission to the owner
and group. Alternatively if I wanted everyone to only have read permission the number would be 444.
Treating r as 4, w as 2, and x as 1 is probably the easiest way to work out the numerical values for
using chmod xxx filename, but there is also a binary method, where each permission has a binary number,
and then that is in turn converted to a number. It is a bit more convoluted, but I include it for completeness.
Consider this permission set:
- rwx r-x r-If you put a 1 under each permission granted, and a 0 for every one not granted, the result would be something
like this:

- rwx rwx r-x

111 111 101

You can then convert these binary numbers:



The value of the above would therefore be 775.

Consider we wanted to remove the writable permission from group:

- rwz r-x r-x

111 101 101
The value would therefore be 755 and you would use chmod 755 filename to remove the writable permission.
You will notice you get the same three digit number no matter which method you use. Whether you use text or
numbers will depend on personal preference and typing speed. When you want to restore a directory or file to
default permissions i.e. read and write (and execute) permission to the owner but deny write permission to
everyone else, it may be faster to use chmod 755/644 directory/filename. But if you are changing the

permissions to something out of the norm, it may be simpler and quicker to use the text method as opposed to
trying to convert it to numbers, which may lead to a mistake. It could be argued that there isn't any real
significant difference in the speed of either method for a user that only needs to use chmod on occasion.

Bulk chmod
Generally directories and files should not have the same permissions. If it is necessary to bulk modify a
directory tree, use find to selectively modify one or the other.
To chmod only directories to 755:

$ find directory -type d -exec chmod 755 {} +

To chmod only files to 644:

$ find directory -type f -exec chmod 644 {} +

Changing ownership using the chown command

Whilst this is an article dedicated to chmod, chown deserves mention as well. Where chmod changes the
access mode of a file or directory, chown changes the owner of a file or directory, which is quicker and easier
than altering the permissions in some cases, but do be careful when you do so.
Consider the following example, making a new partition with GParted for backup data. Gparted does this all as
root so everything belongs to root. This is all well and good but when it came to writing data to the mounted
partition, permission was denied.

brw-rw---- 1 root disk

drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Jul

9 Jul 6 16:02 sda9

6 16:01 Backup

As you can see the device in /dev is owned by root, as is where it is mounted (/media/Backup). To change the
owner of where it is mounted one can do the following:

Before: drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Jul 6 16:01 Backup

Command: chown ben Backup (cd'd to /media first)
After drwxr-xr-x 5 ben root 4096 Jul 6 16:01 Backup
Now the partition can have backup data written to it as instead of altering the permissions, as the owner
already has rwx permissions, the owner has been altered to the user ben. Alternatives would be to alter the
permissions for everyone else (undesirable as it's a backup permission) or adding the user to the group root.

Access Control Lists

Access Control Lists provides an additional, more flexible permission mechanism for file systems by allowing
to set permissions for any user or group to any file.
The presence of ACLs can be identified by a plus ( +) sign in the output of ls command.

File attributes
Apart from the file mode bits that control user and group read, write and execute permissions, several file
systems support file attributes that enable further customization of allowable file operations. This section
describes some of these attributes and how to work with them.
Warning: By default, file attributes are not preserved by cp, rsync, and probably others.

chattr and lsattr

For ext2 and ext3 file systems, the e2fsprogs package contains the programs lsattr and chattr that list and
change a file's attributes, respectively. Though some are not honored by all file systems, the available attributes

a : append only

c : compressed

d : no dump

e : extent format

i : immutable

j : data journalling

s : secure deletion

t : no tail-merging

u : undeletable

A : no atime updates

C : no copy on write

D : synchronous directory updates

S : synchronous updates

T : top of directory hierarchy

For example, if you want to set the immutable bit on some file, use the following command:

# chattr +i /path/to/file
To remove an attribute on a file just change + to -.

Extended attributes
From attr(5): "Extended attributes are name:value pairs associated permanently with files and directories".
There are four extended attribute classes: security, system, trusted and user.
Warning: By default, extended attributes are not preserved by cp, rsync, and probably others.

User extended attributes

User extended attributes can be used to store arbitrary information about a file. To create one:

$ setfattr -n user.checksum -v "3baf9ebce4c664ca8d9e5f6314fb47fb"

Use getfattr to display extended attributes:

$ getfattr -d
# file:

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