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16th July 2009, Tan Sri MuhyiddinYassin, Malaysias Deputy Prime Minister announced

that PengajarandanPembelajaranSainsdanMatematikdalamBahasaInggeris

(PPSMI) or the

Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics in English will be abolished. Starting 2012,
schools are given an obligatory order to teach form 1 and form 4 students science and
mathematics in Bahasa Malaysia. The government's decision to abolish the Learning of Science
and Mathematics in English (PPSMI) was made after identifying that students are still having
difficulties to communicate in the language since the program was introduced eleven years ago.
They do not realize that this action will affect the students 8 years from now. Science and
Mathematics in schools should be taught in English in order to ensure smoother transitions of
students into university and better jobs opportunity.
They argue and it is true that learning science and mathematics in native language is
easier for students. A research had been carried out and it is proven that native language is the
most effective language for children to learn (Romaine, 2002). Specifically for learning science,
students can understand the scientific concept in the language that they are familiar to. This can
be seen in the rural areas as not all students have the proficiency in using English. Nevertheless,
there is no actual proof that learning in Malay will increase schools cgpa. To illustrate, in 2008,
the percentage of mathematics achievement in PMR stays strong at 84.1% and science at 90%.
The overall performance of 2008s PMR is the highest since the last three years. (Nilam, 2008).
On the whole, the achievement of PMR candidates in 2011 in the 17 subjects was the best in four
years based on the National Average Grade (GPN) of 2.71 points. All this, while still using
English as a medium of teaching for Science and Mathematics. Based on the statistics, we can
say that language have not impacted the GPN in a significant way. The ministry should look at
this issue from another angle and not blame language for the difficulties faced by few people. In
conclusion, students can still achieve good grades even if English is used as a medium for
teaching and learning Science and Mathematics.
Another reason why Science and Mathematics should be in English is to ease the
transition from secondary school into University. The majority of science syllabus in universities
is in English. This is because English is the official language for Science. The government
cannot expect students to switch to English (in international fields) effortlessly after learning

mathematics and science in Bahasa Malaysia for so long. (Fai, 2013) Some of the scientific
terms maybe similar in Bahasa Malaysia but to master the language transition in a short period of
time is impossible. It is widely known that Science and Mathematics form the basis in the
progress and development of a country. Various innovations and discoveries in these two fields
happen rapidly and information access is mostly in English. English is also the main language
spoken internationally and mastery in this language will allow easy access to information. (A.
Karim, 2013). Which mean, in order to succeed in both Science and Mathematics, students need
to master them in English. Not to mention, competition for Universities entries gets tougher
every year. Mastering English in Mathematics and Science can become a key factor to be
accepted into universities. We have to be realistic. Bahasa Malaysia is still not the official
language for Science and Mathematics. I am a Malay and I love the Malay language. But I also
want the Malays to be educated. I beg that the subjects be taught in English again," Tun Dr.
Mahathir said at the International Conference on Teacher Education in the Muslim World in
Petaling Jaya today.(Darwis, 2013). Tun Dr. Mahathir knows the benefits of learning Science and
Mathematics in English for the Malays because the Malays are still academically and
economically behind compared to other race. He also knows that English can open opportunity
for young students to compete and express ideas in an international level. In short, learning
Science and Mathematics in Bahasa Malaysia in secondary schools might cause the students
future into universities.
Plus, the students know that English can open up career opportunity for them. Even the
students know the future benefit of mastering English so why exactly that the ministry want to
change the teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics into Bahasa Malaysia? Majority of
the students felt that English language is very important for their future careers (Nordin, 2005).
By learning Science and Mathematics in English, it can give them an advantage in jobs
applications in those fields. In addition, they can enhance their English proficiency while
learning Science and Mathematics. Teaching mathematics and science in English provides a rich
context for genuine language use and as such serves as a focal point around which oral language
and literacy in English can develop (Kesseler& Quinn, 1987). When they learn Science and
Mathematics in English, they are forced to understand Science, Mathematics and English at the
same time thus strengthening their language mastery. The octogenarian Tun Dr. Mahathir is using

his popular blog to canvass opinion. Within hours of putting up his online poll, 40,000 people
had responded with a resounding 84% opposed to the changes. (Lotbinire, 2009) The
government should consider these people opinion when they abolish PPSMI. Quite simply,
learning Science and Mathematics in English has an added value to it.
To conclude it all, many people agree that students at school should learn Science and
Mathematics in English because it will ease their transition into university and brings better jobs
opportunity for the students. The government cannot assume that English will falters the grades
of students in schools and erode their values as Malaysians. Seeing that English is not
Malaysians first language it might be difficult for some to adapt themselves to this learning
environment at an early age but with patience and perseverance, it will come in handy in the

Works Cited


POLICY: Crash dive is no 'soft landing'. Retrieved March 3, 2014, from New Straits

Darwis, F. (2013, November 12). Dr Mahathir calls for Science and Maths to be taught in









Fai, L. C. (2013, October 8). Teach science, maths in English. Retrieved March 3, 2014, from
The Sun Daily:
Kessler, C., & Quinn, M. E. (1982). Cognitive development in bilingual environments. In B.
Hartford, A. Valdman & C. R. Foster (Eds.), Issues in international bilingual education.
New York: Plenum Press.
Lotbinire, M. (2009, July 10). Malaysia drops English language teaching. Retrieved March 3,
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Nordin, A. (2005). Students Perception On Teaching And Learning Mathematics In English .
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Romaine, S. (2002). The Impact of Language Policy on Endangered Languages. International
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