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Time Is More Important Than Money

Name :
Aulya Ramadhanti P. K
Kholilul Rahman S
M. Rohullah Fajar
Rizka Fakhira
Windri Suci
Class :

Have you ever heard the

phrase time is money?
Yes, this popular phrase
by Benjamin
Franklin in Advice to a
Young Tradesman.
According to Cambridge
dictionary time is money
means that you should not
waste time, because you
could be using it to earn
understanding is usually
used by businessmen.
In another source, Google.
says time is money means
resource, therefore it is better to do things as quickly as
possible. Or in short, time is precious so dont waste it on
things that are worthless.
So both time and money had many similarities. Both are
saved. Both are spent. Both are in demand. And it seems
that both are always in short supply. But which is more
So today were going talk about which is more important the
time or the money?
Time is a treasurethe time you set aside not to be wasted,
not to be given away. The time you set aside to be invested
in something that brings value to the marketplace with the
hope of making a profit, thats capital time.
How valuable is time? Time properly invested is worth a
fortune; time wasted can be devastation.

Quoted from the successful

entrepreneur Jim Rohn- Time is
more valuable than money.
You can get more money, but
you cannot get more time.
We will explain our opinion
based by this quote. We
definitely believe that we can
not turn back time, but about
money, Money comes and goes.
Anything lost can be found
again, except for time wasted.
Money has a readily exchangeable market, is highly liquid
and fungible, and can be saved. A dollar is a dollar no matter
the transaction type and so what comes to mind as the next
best use for money remains fairly constant across situations.
In contrast, time is not as readily exchangeable and is
perishable and cannot effectively be inventoried for use at a
later time, despite some ability for postponement.

Next, were going to show you 5 reasons why time is more

important than money.
1. We only have a limited time on this planet so make
it count
There are various theories that with the advances in science
and medicine many of us will live past the age of 200, and
possibly a lot longer than that. Age reversal, stem cell
technology and the curing of various diseases are just some
of the ways this will be possible, but so far all of this is still in
the development stage.

We cant expect to solely rely on the idea that we will always

be here. Most of us see death as a taboo subject and we
naively believe that we will be around forever, but we should
be living our lives as if there is a time limit.
That timer is counting down and we have no idea when it
reaches zero, so why are we wasting most of our time doing
the things we dont want?
2. When you look back on your life, you never wish for
a bigger bank balance
Think of your life like a book that is being written and will be
published when your time is up. Im fairly sure that you cant
fill up a book with your bank balance so what else is there?
Each chapter of this book should be focused on a different
aspect of your life and to enable this to happen, your life
should be as varied and eventful as possible. Spending
countless hours every week for years on end working
yourself into the ground will not make a very good book, not
unless you are making a difference with your job and/or
When people look back on their lives they never wish they
could have spent more time in the office so take note of this
now and do something about it.
3. There is no point having money if you have no time
to spend it
There are many people out there who just love to hoard
money away in the hope that one day they will eventually

have enough to retire. These hoarders actually have a

scarcity mind-set and are afraid of losing their hard earned
cash. The truth is, no amount of money will ever be enough
for them and they see their increasing bank balance as a
barometer of their success.
It would be unfair to call these people tight as a refusal to
spend money can also be attributed to a lack of hobbies or
social life. Its certainly easier to spend 70 hours a week in
the office if you feel like you have nothing fun to do outside
of work.
The solution to this is quite obvious. The more we have going
on in our private lives, the less time we will allow work to
take from us.
4. Those who have time want money, and those who
have money want time
You know the funny thing is that most people want what they
cant have and this is usually true across both ends of the
time/money spectrum. Those who are unemployed or have
low incomes will strive for more hours or a better paid job
while those who are on six figure salaries often moan that
they have no time to spend with their friends and family.
Neither of these is desirable and both will ultimately cause
unhappiness in your life so the trick is to find a happy
medium which leads me to my next point.
5. A healthier balance leads to a healthier life
Its almost like a cruel paradox. You can have all this free

time but no actual money to do anything worthwhile or you

can have all this money but no free time to do the things you
want. The trick is to find a balance and earn enough money
without sacrificing all of your free time.
Easier said than done I admit but if you find yourself out of
sync with your work and amount of free time then you
should try to find ways of addressing this imbalance in your
Remember we only work 8-10 hours a week because that is
the amount that society arbitrarily places upon us all. This
amount isnt set in stone and it is up to us to decide what we
do with our lives.
If you are in a position where you have little choice but to
work a lot of overtime or you dont have the resources to
free up a lot of your life, just take the opportunity to have
some you time. Keep your weekends free or have one or
two evenings a week where you have the chance to do
whatever you want.
On the other hand, those willing to spend a little extra time
can often save or earn a great deal of money. When
shopping, those that take the time to compare prices among
stores or clip coupons can save significant sums. Those that
work overtime or devote time to researching sound financial
investments can also turn their time into additional money.
So the point is, if we use the time with things that are useful,
then we can also produce and save money. So, there are a
relation between time and money.
So, we believe that without money you can't enjoy your free
time and without free time you can't spend your money. The
balance between money and time is that what is important.

if there is money and no time, then this money is of no use.

We won't be able to use this money. But, even if money is
not there and we still have time, we can earn money.

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