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The Effect of Centrifugale Force to The Wide Spread of Fish Feed Motor

R.A Faresy Al-Hamidi
SMAN 17 Palembang , grade 11
R.A Mustofa G.A.
Drs. Redi Wijaya, M.Erg

In this globalization era, humans now always want something more qualified, so that technology becomes
the main target in life, with a quality-based technology to facilitate human in doing something. One example
is in cultivating fish. People always spread pellet manually, because of that the researchers will create a tool
that spreads pellets automatically. So our goal is first, to make a pellet spreader and the second to know how
the centrifugale force can affect the effectivity of motor spreader
The method which the researcher will use is experimental. The influence of centrifugale force and literature
review are used in collecting data, and methods of data analysis used analysis of qualitative-quantitative data
which was analyzed by examining the effect of how many voltz are needed to make centrifugale force affect
the dynamo of motor spreader
In this paper is described about the physics centrifugale force theories include: definition, function, formula
and implementation,. In addition, the paper is described about centrifugale force used in motor spreader.
1. The influence of centrifugale force theory in the motor spreader : Fs = m x

x R , where m is the
mass and v is velocity and r is the centrifugal radius truly right, when we add more voltz the
angle velocity increased which as the same as centrifugale force and the spread is wider.
2. When using formula of circle A= r 2 we get the best result at 6 voltz cause of the angle of velocity
increased and causing the centrifugale force increased, formula of centrifugale force f s=m a s

This tool is made by assembling the necessary materials in accordance with the objective to create a
tool that catapult pellets evenly.
Effect of centrifugale force to spread in by motor spreader, it turns out the study of the three
variations of the voltz of the adaptor by using a spreader motors pellets, the pellets were thrown and spread it
in any distances and the maximum voltz to make this tool optimum is 6 voltz because it caused 500 rpm
angle velocity
Centrifugale force, Motor Spreader, Angle Velocity, Pellets.

1. Prinsip Kerja Motor arus Searah. Online. Diakses pada September 2014 di
2. Panjaitan. 2011. Gaya Sentrifugal. Online. Diakses pada September 2014 di

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