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Tel. 96 339 1778 Fax 96 369 0800
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Junta Directiva:
Juan Jos Calvete.
Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia
Concha Gil.
Departamento de Microbiologa II.
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Revista de la Sociedad Espaola
de Protemica

Jess V. Jorrn.
Universidad de Crdoba

Nmero 1, Febrero 2008

David Andreu.
Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Barcelona
Juan Pablo Albar.
Centro Nacional de Biotecnologa
U.A.M.-C.S.I.C. Madrid
Fernando J. Corrales.
Universidad de Navarra
ngela Moreno.
Universidad de Crdoba-C.S.I.C.
Jess M. Vzquez.
Centro de Biologa Molecular Severo
Ochoa. U.A.M.-C.S.I.C. Madrid

Juan J. Calvete (IBV-CSIC, Valencia)
Fernando Corrales (CIMA, Pamplona)
Jess V. Jorrn (UCO, Crdoba)
ngela Moreno (CSIC-UCO, Crdoba)
Jess Vzquez (CBMSO, Madrid)
Jess V. Jorrn Novo. Dpto de Bioqumica y Biologa
Molecular, Universidad de Crdoba. Campus de
Rabanales, Ed. Severo Ochoa (C6), 14071 Crdoba.


PROTEMICA. Revista de la Sociedad Espaola de Protemica

Editada por: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Crdoba
Periodicidad: Semestral (2 nmeros por ao: enero-febrero y julio-septiembre).
Contenidos: se publicarn artculos originales, comunicaciones breves, artculos de revisin, artculos de
difusin, opiniones, notas, comentarios sobre cualquier aspecto relacionado con la protemica. Se priorizarn
artculos originales sobre aspectos metodolgicos o de aplicacin al estudio de sistemas biolgicos. Incluye
informacin sobre nuestra Sociedad, personas, grupos e instituciones que la componen.
Idioma: ser el castellano, aunque se admiten contribuciones en otras lenguas, preferentemente ingls.
Distribucin: Espaa y Latinoamrica, aunque pretendemos que tenga un carcter internacional mediante
la distribucin a otros pases. Se enviarn, sin coste alguno, a los socios de la SEProt, Unidades y Servicios,
as como a instituciones y organizaciones pblicas o privadas miembros de la sociedad o con actividad
relevante en el campo de la protemica.
Publicacin: habr una versin impresa, editada por el Servicio de Publicaciones de la UCO, y una versin
on-line que aparecer en la pgina web de la SEProt y de la Universidad de Crdoba.
Jess V. Jorrn (UCO, Crdoba)
Juan J. Calvete (IBV-CSIC, Valencia)
Fernando Corrales (CIMA, Pamplona)
ngela Moreno (CSIC-UCO, Crdoba)
Jess Vzquez (CBMSO, Madrid)
Correspondencia editorial:
Jess V. Jorrn Novo. Dpto de Bioqumica y Biologa Molecular, Universidad de Crdoba. Campus de Rabanales, Ed. Severo Ochoa (C6), 14071 Crdoba. E-mail:
Instrucciones a los autores:
Envo de los manuscritos:
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nome (2). Gene recombinant technologies supply agriculture product with great vitality. But the public perception
of genetically modified crops can not be ignored (3).
The safety of transgenic crops should be thoroughly
evaluated based on substantial equivalence principle.
The relevant strategies including: substantial equivalent
analysis, toxic tests, protein allergenic study, nutritional assessment, etc. With the development of new technologies,
the approaches of genomic, metabolomics, and proteomics
would be applied to detect the unintended effect.
The present study is focused on the evaluation of the
biochemical changes caused by transformation. Transformed and non-transformed plantlets were compared.
Statistical significant changes, were recorded in levels
of malondialdehyde, other aldehydes, chlorophyll (a, b,
total), phenolics (free and cell wall-linked) and proteins.
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and western analysis
has been used to address the in vivo proteomic changes in
transgenic pineapple plants exposed to Finale sublethal
doses harvested after 0, 24, 48, 72 hours and 7 days.
Results indicate that pineapple genetic transformation caused several side effects at the biochemical level
during early stages of plant hardening. These changes
can promote ulterior modifications such as: 1) in the tolerance to stress because levels of malondialdehyde and
other aldehyde were different between transformed and
non-transformed plantlets, 2) in the efficiency of photosynthesis as levels of chlorophyll pigments varied and
3) in the fruit quality as contents of free phenolics were
modified. Proteins, 100g, were resolved by 2-DE, with
IEF in the 5-8 pH linear range and 12% polyacrylamide
SDS-PAGE. Proteins were visualized by Sypro staining.
The subsequent image comparison and statistic analysis
performed showed changes in protein profiles. Furthermore, about 18 diferential spots in transgenic plants were
analized by matrix-assisted laser desortion ionization
time of flight (MALDI-TOF). showed differential levels
of expression between methods, being some of them absent or unique for a given sample preparation protocol.
At present, pineapple transgenic plants are being studied at the Bioplant Centers Field Experimental Station
in order to know if market/public concerns regarding genetically modified organisms are scientifically justified or
not. These findings offer interesting perspectives to study
the effect of the herbicide Finale on transgenic pineapple
plants and for pineapple defense programs.

This work was supported by Cuba Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) and Carolina
Fundation, Spain. We thank SCAI (Crdoba University,
Spain) for proteomic studies and analysis .We also want
to thank to Mrs. Julia Martnez and Mrs. Mayda Arzola
for their excellent technical assistance.


FAOSTAT (2004) Database, http://appsl.fao.



Espinosa P, Lorenzo JC, Iglesias A, Yabor L,

Menndez E, Borroto J, Hernndez L & Arencibia A (2002). Plant Cell Rep. 21: 136-140.


Schubert D (2005). Nat. Biotech. 23: 785-787.

74. Modifications of Arabidopsis thaliana

nuclear proteome in response to
environmental cues
Ribeiro-Pedro, M.1, Ruiz, M. T. 1, Valverde, F. 2, Romero,
J.M. 1

Molecular Biology of Starch Metabolism Group, Institute for Plant Biochemistry and Photosynthesis, University of Seville and Spanish Research Council, Seville,
Spain. 2 Plant Development Group, Institute for Plant
Biochemistry and Photosynthesis, Spanish Research
Council and University of Seville, Seville, Spain.
Plant proteomics is far from reaching the standards of
yeast or mammalian systems. Therefore, any new information about plant sub-proteomes has the added value conferred by the scarce knowledge we have and the technical
difficulties involved in data acquisition (Chen and Harmon,
2006). Because plants are sessile organisms, rather than
moving away from changing external conditions like animals do, they respond by modifying their physicochemical
characteristics. This ability confers them a very plastic
physiological behaviour (Casal et al., 2004). For this reason, plant nuclei are packed with molecules that bind to
nucleic acids or are involved in the transfer of incoming and
outgoing signals, making plant nuclear proteome a complex
system to work with (Bae et al., 2003).
In our laboratory we are interested in the signals that
modify gene expression in response to changes in environmental conditions, particularly those dealing with alterations in sugar availability. We have developed a robust
and reproducible protocol to isolate nuclei, extract the
proteome and enrich it in proteins that bind nucleic acids.
It involves chromatographic purification steps, 2DGE and
MS identification of tryptic digests. Using this protocol
on nuclei extract from plants with or without sucrose
addition, we have identified several transcription factors
and other nuclear proteins involved in sugar binding and
signalling that validate our approach. These proteins will
then be analyzed applying other molecular biology and
biochemical tools in an attempt to situate them in the
hierarchical pathway of sugar signalling.

Chen, S y Harmon, AC (2007) Advances in plant proteomics. Proteomics 6, 5504-5516.
Casal, JJ, Fankhauser, C, Coupland, G and Blzquez,
MA (2004) Signalling for developmental plasticity. TRENDS in Plant Science 9, 309-314.



Bae, MS, Cho, EJ, Choi, E-Y and Park, OK (2003)

Analysis of the Arabidopsis nuclear proteome
and its response to cold stress. Plant Journal
36, 652-663.

75. Proteomics analysis of in vitro culture

pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.)
Prez, A.1, Hernndez, M.1, Castillejo, M. A.2, Natalucci,
C.3, Jorrn, J.2*

shoots cultured in vitro. The highest specific protease

activity was recorded in shoots cultured in temporary immersion bioreactors (TIB). Multiplication phase in vitro
did not cause a remarkable protease production in shoots.
Proteome of shoots cultured in different in vitro phase
were compared by 2D- electrophoresis. Molecular mass
of some protein spots were between 21 500- 31 000 Da.
This parameter was similar to those indicated for cysteine
proteases from Bromeliaceae. A protease was detected in
TIB culture media. Retention time in RP-HPLC and molecular mass of the major protein detected in TIB culture
media showed high similarity to stem bromelain.

Laboratorio de Ingeniera Metablica. Centro de Bioplantas. Universidad de Ciego de vila, Ciego de vila,
CP 69450, Cuba. TEL: 053-332 224016, Fax: 053-33
266340. 2 Departamento de Bioqumica y Biologa Molecular. Universidad de Crdoba. Crdoba. Campus de
Rabanales, Edificio Severo Ochoa (C6), 14071 Crdoba,
Espaa. 3 LIPROVE, Departamento de Ciencias Biolgicas, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional
de la Plata. La Plata. Argentina. * Corresponding author
(Phone +34957218574; FAX +34957218439; E-mail:


Bromeliaceae family plants usually contain high concentration of thiol proteases. Pineapple plants (Ananas
comosus) contain several cysteine proteinases (1). In the
literature, these enzymes are called bromelains. Stem
bromelain, in particular, exhibits therapeutic effects: antiinflammatory, digestive, anti-metastasis and anti-tumoral
activities (2, 3). In recent years, it is including in the
drug group modifiers of the biological answer (4). Plant
tissue culture techniques have provided many solutions to
basics questions and practical problems in plant biology.
Therefore, considerable attention has been focused on the
possibility of applying efficient plant tissue culture methods to physiologically active enzymes isolation. In the
present study, we found proteolytic activity in pineapple


This work was supported by Cuba Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) and Iberoamerican Program of Science and Technology for Development (CYTED), Project IV.22 Aplicacin industrial
de Enzimas Proteolticas de Vegetales Superiores, coordined by Dr. Nstor Oscar Caffini. We thank SCAI
(Crdoba University, Spain) for proteomic studies and
analysis. The authors are grateful to Mrs. Carol Carvajal,
Mrs Anabel Pozo and Mrs. Mayeln Mora for their excellent technical assistance.


Rowan, A., Butlle, D. (1994). Methods in Enzimology 244: 555-568.


Tysnes, B., Maurer, H., Porwol, T., Probst, B.,

Bjerkvig, R., Hoover, F. (2001). Neoplasia 3(6):


Engwerda, C., Andrew, D., Ladhams, A.,

Mynott, T. (2001). Cellular Immunology 210
(1): 66-75.


Hale, L., Greer, P., Trinh, C., James, C. (2005).

International Immunopharmacology 5: 783-793.

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