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Auto-regulation – 3 Sample Workouts

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Original Post from
Be Like Water

Bruce Lee’s Strength Training

Bruce Lee’s physique and his dedication to strength training has long
been documented. In fact when he traveled, he had his training
equipment shipped to him so he could train on location. (3)

Bruce built his legendary strength (holding a 100lb barbell at arms

length for several seconds, thumb push-ups, 1″ power punch, just to
name of few) and power with a combination of martial arts, isometrics,
weight training, calisthenics, cardio fitness and stretching, hand
grippers and hill running. (1) He knew that if he engaged in a variety
of modalities it would give him the most “functional” strength. It would
not be gained by just weight training alone.

Auto-regulation – 3 Sample Workouts

Copyright 2010 Diesel Crew, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
“If you’re talking about combat — as it is — well then, baby
you’d better train every part of your body!” — Bruce Lee (from
the video, Bruce Lee: The Lost Interview)

He trained every day in some form or the other.

But, he also knew the importance of periodizing intensity. He knew

you couldn’t go day in and day out with a high intensity for your

“Since weight training involves repetitions, a great deal of

energy must be exerted. Therefore, weight training should be
practiced only every other day.” – Bruce Lee

Training as “the art of expressing the human body.” – Bruce


It is an ongoing process that must be monitored and assessed


This is of great importance when discussing strength training for

fitness enthusiasts and athletic preparation.

Be Like Water

Auto-regulation – 3 Sample Workouts

Copyright 2010 Diesel Crew, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
“Be Like Water” Bruce was famous for saying when talking about
fighting and moving when facing an opponent.

“Empty your mind, be formless.

Shapeless, like water.”
For the application of strength training, I could liken this statement to
two things.

1. Flow or mobility – as we have talked about previously, flow and

mobility is essential for long term health, feeling and moving
better AND getting the most out of your workouts
2. Real-time adjustments in your workout dependent upon your
current state of recovery

For the purposes of this article, we will “be like water” in how we
approach and execute our workout.

The Shit Workout

We’ve all had them. You walk in, the weights feel heavy, we never get
warmed up and we just go through the motions to finish the workout. I

Auto-regulation – 3 Sample Workouts

Copyright 2010 Diesel Crew, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
hate these workouts, you hate these workouts and they pretty much

Let’s break down the actual workout, here is an example:

Bench Press, 4×15

DB Clean and Press, 3×12

Pull-ups, 4×8

Face Pulls, 3×20


So, you start with the first set of bench press and it is just a grinder.
Each rep feels bad. Shoulders aren’t feeling great, your lower back is
tightening up from bracing and you can’t find the bar path you want.

In a normal workout, you’ll just go to the second set of 15 reps and



Because it is written down on your sheet. You have to do it to

“complete” the workout.

Let me offer an alternative.

That is the old way of doing things.

Auto-regulation and You

You hit a wall and smash into it right? Or do you absorb the impact
and “flow” around it? Auto-regulation means making “real-time”
adjustments in your workout to make each one the most productive it
can be.

Like we talked about, each time you go into the gym you must account
for the sleep you got the last couple of nights, how intense your last
workout was, how your nutrition has been and just basically how you
are feeling right now.

Auto-regulation – 3 Sample Workouts

Copyright 2010 Diesel Crew, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
You can’t just go into the gym and hit 4 sets of 15 just because that is
what you wrote down. It doesn’t have to be that way and it can’t be
that way.

So how does it work?

Let’s say you go into the gym and hit your warm-up and your first set
feels horrible. Think about what the goal of the workout is? Upper
body and strength or lower body conditioning or whatever… Try to
reach that goal a different way OR try to set yourself up to reach your
goals for the next workout.

Step away from that exercise and / or workout and find an


If you were hitting bench press, switch to ring push-ups…

If you were hitting high rep squats, switch to sled dragging…

If you were hitting 85% + of 1RM, switch to 50-70% of 1RM and

increase the reps slightly…

Advanced Techniques

If you were hitting high reps of any exercises, lower the reps for each
exercise and add in mobility or foam rolling BETWEEN EXERCISES.

Get away from straight sets of one particular exercise and add in a
variety of DIFFERENT modalities per set.

Regardless of the techniques you use, the purpose of this article is to

show you that 4×15 does not mean 4×15.

Adjust, adapt and improve.

Jim Smith, CSCS


Auto-regulation – 3 Sample Workouts

Copyright 2010 Diesel Crew, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
The goal of these replacement auto-regulatory workouts is to not only
activate, deload and prepare your body for the next workout, but also get a
good training session in even after your workout started so bad in the first
place. Use this when you go into the gym and the workout that you had
written down feels horrible.

Notice we didn’t perform 3-4 sets of one exercise in a row. We perform a

strength movement, followed by a stretching or activation movement and
then finished with either a conditioning movement or another activation /
SMR movement. Strength training is not always about straight sets.

Auto-regulation – 3 Sample Workouts

Copyright 2010 Diesel Crew, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
“Stop thinking of strength training as finishing or completing a fixed workout
with straight sets and fixed reps. Think of it as achieving a small goal for that
session and there are many ways to achieve a goal.” – Jim Smith

Auto-regulation – 3 Sample Workouts

Copyright 2010 Diesel Crew, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
3 Sample Workouts
Advanced Auto-Regulation

Workout 1 – Upper Body

Mini-Superset 1

1a) DB Bench Press – 12 reps

1b) Posterior Flyes – 12 reps

Auto-regulation – 3 Sample Workouts

Copyright 2010 Diesel Crew, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
1c) Foam Rolling – Upper Back, Lats, Triceps – 3 minutes

Repeat 2-3 times

Mini-Superset 2

1a) Bodyweight Dips – 12 reps

1b) Band Shoulder Stretches – 1-2 minutes each shoulder

1c) Diesel Face Pulls, 20 reps

Repeat 2-3 times

Mini-Superset 3

1a) Two DB Clean & Press – 8-12 reps

1b) Pectoral Wall Stretches – 1 minute each shoulder

1c) Jump Rope - 2 minutes

Repeat 2-3 times


Workout 2 – Lower Body

Mini-Superset 1

1a) Backward Lunges from a Deficit – 8-12 reps each leg

1b) Seated Glute Stretch – 1 minute each leg

1c) Tin Man – 1 minute each leg

Auto-regulation – 3 Sample Workouts
Copyright 2010 Diesel Crew, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
Repeat 2-3 times

Mini-Superset 2

1a) Cossack Squats – 8 reps each leg

1b) Striders – 8 reps each leg

1c) Foam Rolling – Hamstrings, IT Band, Quads – 30 seconds – 1 minute each

muscle group

Repeat 2-3 times

Mini-Superset 3

1a) Back Extensions – 10 reps

1b) Glute Bridging into Shoulder Bridging – 10-12 reps

1c) Treadmill Walking with motor turned off – 2-3 minutes

Repeat 2-3 times


Workout 3 – Full Body

Mini-Superset 1

1a) Deadlifts – 6-8 reps

1b) Pull-ups – 8 reps

1c) Rotator Cuff “Y” – 12 reps

Auto-regulation – 3 Sample Workouts

Copyright 2010 Diesel Crew, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
Repeat 2-3 times

Mini-Superset 2

1a) Barbell RDL’s – 10 reps

1b) Seated Rows (at end of video) – 8 reps

1c) Lat Stretches – 2 minutes

Repeat 2-3 times

Mini-Superset 3

1a) Jump Rope – 2 minutes

1b) Plate Pushes – 30 seconds

1c) Foam Rolling – Full Body – 3-5 minutes

1d) Push-ups from Blocks – AMRP*

For Mini-Superset 3, only do ONCE


*AMRP – As Many Reps as Possible

If you make the assessment that your workout is going to be a grinder for the
day, then build yourself one that will be even better; one that listens and
makes real-time adjustments according to your needs for that day.

How do you build an auto-regulatory workout? Here are some very simple

Tip 1:
Auto-regulation – 3 Sample Workouts
Copyright 2010 Diesel Crew, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
Mix and match any of the following for mini-circuits, your new auto-
regulation workout doesn’t adhere to any rules. Its goal is to help you reach
your goals.

- Strength training

- Conditioning

- SMR (foam rolling)

- Activation

- Stretching

- Bodyweight exercises

- Mobility work

- Core strength

- Elastic resistance training

Tip 2:
Do not over exert yourself. If you are in need of a workout adjustment, then
you are most likely overtrained or in need of some lower intensity training.
Stay light, work on form and weaknesses.

Tip 3:
Have fun!

Jim Smith, CSCS, CFT, USAW is the co-founding member of the Diesel
Crew. Jim is certified through the National Strength and Conditioning
ABOUT JIM SMITH Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
(CSCS), the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) as a
Certified Fitness Training (CFT) and USA Weightlifting (USAW) as a Club
Auto-regulation – 3 Sample Workouts
Copyright 2010 Diesel Crew, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
He dedicates himself to studying, developing and enhancing athletic
performance through the utilization of conventional, non-conventional
strength training protocols. Helping athletes of all skills levels attain
their goals and “Achieve Beyond Potential”, Jim is also a lecturer, author
and member of the EliteFTS Q&A Staff. Jim is an expert contributor for


By Jim Smith, cscs
By Jim Smith, cscs
The manual is the essential core
training reference for all strength
coaches and fitness professionals. Accelerated Muscular Development
Combat Core demonstrates (AMD) is the ONLY complete muscle
advanced torso training strategies building system. AMD provides a step-
for elite athletes and the manual by-step, easy-to-follow protocol that
provides the science and anatomy “teaches” you how to not only build
that the exercises are based upon. slabs of muscle, but also how to
structure your own programs.


By Jim Smith
By Jim Smith and Jedd Johnson
Bridging the gap from typical strength
training means to sporting execution. The Ultimate Sled Dragging
This monster manual is over 670 eManual has provided many new
pages of innovation. Chaos Training and innovative sled dragging
is the essential, all encompassing training ideas to improve
reference for odd-object and non- restoration, bracing efficiency and
conventional training. conditioning levels.

Auto-regulation – 3 Sample Workouts

Copyright 2010 Diesel Crew, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
“Achieving Beyond Potential”

Auto-regulation – 3 Sample Workouts

Copyright 2010 Diesel Crew, LLC, All Rights Reserved.

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