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Write two paragraphs one about your most recent trip and one about your

next trip. In the first paragraph, describe the transportation you took and write
about any problems you had. In the second paragraph, write about the
transportation you plan to take. Use be going to.
The last year, I went to Paraguay for a talk about literature. I bought a roundtrip ticket from Buenos Aires to Asuncin.
The first flight was very good. However, when I went to the check-in desk to go
back home, an agent said the flights was canceled until the next day because
the truck drivers were on strike in Argentina.
So I had to take a flight from Asuncin to Montevideo. Then, I took a ferri from
Montevideo to Buenos Aires. The travel was interesting, but I got seasick and I
missed the bus to Rosario.
(Cmo era la expression ms espontnea para decir: For these reasons?) I get
home ten hours later.

This year, Im going to travel to Rio de Janeiro. I love this city and Im going to
stay there for five days to celebrate New Year.
Im going to bay a round-trip ticket from Rosario to Rio de Janeiro. It doesnt
matter if I get a direct flight. I prefer this one from Rosario before a non-stop
flight from Buenos Aires.
My friend Joanne is going to pick me up to the airport and were going to spend
the first night in her home. The second day, I m going to Denises and were
going to celebrate New Year Eve along the sea. The rest of the days, were
going to the beach and spend time together.
To go back, Im going to take a bus to the airport.

A - Write a description of the place where you live.

B - Write a description of the place you would love to live in.
Para ambos topics pueden usar esta gua como ayuda:
Where is it? How big is it?
What's the weather like?
What's it famous for (people, places, festivals, buildings, activities, etc)?
Whats the best thing about it?
Give reasons for why people like living there.
* No tienen que responder todas las preguntas de la gua, pueden incluir
algo distingo a lo sugerido o no.
Abajo les mando un ejemplo, (tiene el doble de palabras de lo que se
espera que ustedes escriban, traten de hacer como mnimo 100 no se
pasen de las 160) Se los mando porque hay lindas expresiones y
Si les queda corto pueden agregar comentarios personales como la
tercera oracin: It's a beautiful city, and it's great for walking around..
Si les queda largo, revisen si estn dando info innecesaria como lo es
esa oracin.
I would love to live in Porto, which is a city on the coast in the north of
Portugal. It's the second biggest city in Portugal. It's a beautiful city, and
it's great for walking around. There are lots of narrow streets, and it's
full of churches, museums, and markets. There's an area called Foz
where there is a lot of outdoor bars and restaurants - people go there at
the weekend to sit in the sun, drink coffee, and watch the Atlantic.
The weather here is very different from the south of Portugal. The winter
can be very wet, and it sometimes rain for days. The summer is
wonderful and it's great for going to the mountains or the beach.
The biggest attraction in Porto is probably the river - there are some
beautiful bridges, including one designed by Eiffel, and lots of tourists go
on boat trips. There's a festival in June called Sdo Joao, with a lot of
fireworks and people in the streets, and everybody spends most of the
evening hitting each other with plastic hammers!
But I think the best things about Porto are the people and the
atmosphere. It's quite small and it's very safe and friendly. It's a working
city and it has a real sense of history and that's the main reason why I
would love to live there so much.
*** Other possible ending:

The best things about Porto are the people and the atmosphere, this is
also what I love it so much. It's quite small but the people are really
polite and honest.

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